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Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:22 am
by Grim Wolf
"You read my fucking mind, Hunter," she hissed, resisting every urge she had to go at him.

The last time she'd fought Garrett...

"Where the hell have you been?" she asked, tapping her foot and leaning against the wall. She didn't want to start their conversation this way, not really; she didn't want to start it with a fight.

Before all this--before he'd seen that stupid movie, whatever the hell it was called--they'd just shared an interest in fighting. They'd talked about it, once or twice--how much they hated the idiotic anti-violence sermons the school insisted on giving them. She liked him; he was brutish and unusual, and her mother hated him. That was all there was to it.

Recently, though...

She took another drag of her cigarette. She didn't like to smoke, per se, but it was something to do and anyways it felt nice to get away from her sense of clean-cut obedience (it would also constrict her lungs, if she did it too often, so she restricted herself).

Where had he been? What did he have to say for himself?

Brief memories, memories she didn't want to think about; Hunter was spoiling for the fight.

"Sorry, Machete," she said. "You can stick him together after I take him apart."

He would strike first. She was absolutely sure of it.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:22 am
by KingKamor*
Garrett looked like he would start frothing at the mouth in anger. He was at least acting nice a second ago! What the hell happened between these two? She looked from Mirabelle to Garrett, still panicking inwardly with an aloof look on her face. Garrett really wanted to fight something, that much was dead obvious, but if he started to go wild in such a big group, then things would get messy.

"Why the fuck should I calm down? Why should we stay together? We're ALL gonna be fucking DEAD in the next few weeks. I'd say right now is the perfect time to pick a fight. Especially with this fucking bitch."

Well, no fucking shit we're gonna die sooner or later! Jackie wanted to say, but for the first time since she arrived on the island she couldn't put on the tough act. All of the acting in the world probably wouldn't have been able to stop Garrett at that point. He looked damn near ready to tear Mirabelle apart. Mirabelle, too, looked like she wanted to fight him something fierce. Was the only option to let them fight and see who survives?

"Sorry, Machete," she said. "You can stick him together after I take him apart."

Jackie was in awe of how unnecessary their fighting each other was. "FUCK! You people are so fucking stupid!" Jackie threw her arms towards the ground in frustration and walked off to the side. Just as she was adjusting her bag so that she could sit down and watch the shit storm, she remembered something. Stopped in her tracks between sitting and standing, she caught herself with an arm to the ground and stood back up. She unzipped her bag and began fussing around with something inside so that nobody else could see. The bullets fit into the cylinders just like they did on set. A chill rattled her insides as she pushed them into place behind the barrel.


"I'm tired of your bullshit, you two!" she said as she leveled a small shining revolver towards him. The look on her face was one of sheer anger that she never could have acted out on purpose. "Drop this whole thing about fighting with each other! Now!" She, too, was lost in emotion. All she wanted to do was keep her peers from killing each other. But she wasn't sure whether or not some sacrifices had to be made for the good of the many. I don't want to kill anyone I don't want to kill anyone I don't want to kill anyone I don't want to kill anyone I DON'T WANT TO KILL ANYONE!!!

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:22 am
by xylophonefairy*
"I don't really do sticking..." Maddy, or 'Machete' as she was secretly elated to now be known as, said quietly. She glanced away, as Jackie added her two cents to the matter, and ambled off to one side. Maddy crouched down and retrieved one of the water bottles from her bag and gulped a mouthful, only now realising how thirsty she was, and the dull headache that drummed against the inside of her forehead as a result. Lowering the bottle she looked up, to see Jackie hurriedly loading a gun, and pointing it straight at them.

Well, to be specific, she was pointing it more at Belle and Garrett, rather than her and Daniel who were standing a short ways off. But that didn't stop her heart from hammering. Not me, not now! I haven't even done anything wrong! I've been a good Catholic, mostly, please don't kill me! Carefully, and being sure not to touch the handle of the machete that she had put on the ground next to her, she lowered the bottle and screwed the lid back on, putting that on the floor in front of her too and raising her hands above her head.

"Whoa," she said, standing up, keeping her arms in a surrendering position, even though she was fairly sure she wasn't the target of the potential shooting. "Hey, don't do anything you'll regret," she said, a serious tone to her voice, having to force herself not to bring up a religious reference.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:22 am
by chibinanashi*
"Belle...Garrett..." Daniel's voice shook as he moved just slightly closer to Maddy, seeing the fright in her stance. His eyes then turned to Jackie and he looked ready to piss himself. "Stop it. There's no need for anyone to be killing anyone here today!"

He tried to keep his voice level, but it was hard for him to control his anger and fright. These people were making life difficult for them on this island! "Whatever's in the past. We can put that behind us and concentrate on staying alive. It'll be dark soon, we all need our sleep, right?"

Sleep was a good idea. They needed it right? Then they'd hear the first announcement and pray to God no one died.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:22 am
by Hollyquin*
There was a gun pointing at him. Garrett was aware of that much.

What surprised him was how little he cared.

There was a gun pointing at him. So fucking what. He was going to die in the next few weeks, that much was absolutely certain. So what if that was right now? His only regret would be not getting a chance to beat the shit out of Mirabelle Nesa. He was being given that opportunity right now and he wouldn't pass it by for anything. Not for machete-bitch and gunboy trying to talk them down and certainly not for some clingy puppy girl, even if she was pointing a gun at them.

Besides, I could kick Belle's ass with a bullet or two in me.

I know I could.

He didn't bother with his words. He had nothing left to say. It was time to move.

Garrett dashed across the space that still separated him and Mirabelle, readying himself to make the first strike when he realized-

Shit. I still don't know how to use this fucking thing.

He had nearly forgotten about his shinai. He'd been carrying it mainly because, in a world of guns and swords and crap, he figured it would be better to have a fucking wooden sword than nothing at all. At least it was a weapon. But now, starting a fight, he was just realizing that he had no clue how to fight with it. He considered dropping it, but by the time he came to that realization, it was time to strike.

Garrett was a bit too late. Running on instinct, he swung the shinai, aiming for her neck, though he realized midswing that he'd aimed too low.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:23 am
by Grim Wolf
There was a gun pointed at them. For a moment, Belle was absolutely sure that would be the end of it--much as she wanted to hurt Garrett, much as she wanted to strike at him and be sure, absolutely sure, that all her training and practicing had been for something, she didn't believe he would act under the circumstances.

She was wrong.

He was charging towards her, and for a moment she froze, because for a moment he looked just as he had after she'd hit him and he'd been angry, so angry, before the blows, and where had he gotten a shinai, anyways? How had she failed to see that he was armed, and she couldn't take him normally how could she-

All of this blew through her mind in a fraction of a second, but it was enough to distract her. Her dodge was a hair too slow; the blow crashed into her arm, sending numbing pain shooting through it. She gritted her teeth to stop from yelling, jerked her arm away, and then struck, palm open, towards his side.

Pain hurt, but it did have a wonderfully cleansing effect. Now there was neither fear of Garrett nor of the gun; only a need to hurt him.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:23 am
by KingKamor*
(Sorry for inactivity. Rough week.)

One thing was certain at that point: Jackie needed to work on her bluffs. Or rather, she needed to figure out what kinds of people her bluffs would have usually worked on, because Garrett was clearly not one of them. Mirabelle looked like she was about to back off, but Garrett swung his sword around and hit Mirabelle in the arm, almost hitting Jackie in transit. Jackie pulled back in shock, almost dropping the revolver before taking a few solid steps back.

"What the hell...?" Whatever understanding of the situation she once had was gone along with Garrett's self control. I realize that they're angry at each other for stuff that I don't know about, but... why do they have to lower ourselves to the level that they want us to?

She wanted to stop them so badly. They were being stupid! Was bringing out the gun a stupid idea, too? Everyone knew about it at that point, so her efforts to keep hostilities down by having everyone think her to be harmless had completely failed.

To avoid getting involved in the battle between them, Jackie stepped back-- her eyes never leaving them-- and stood there in confusion. "This is just so... so unnecessary..."

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:23 am
by xylophonefairy*
Maddy started back again, standing up as what had been a gun pointed at her descended in to a full blown fight between Belle and Garrett. She put the bottle back in to her bag and stood up. And now he was running towards her with some kind of wooden sword that she didn't know the name of. Feeling less bothered now that she wasn't directly involved, she moved cautiously out of the area that the fight was spreading in to. Her damp clothes from her trips through the muddy water were making her feel cold, which in turn made her feel irritable; she hated feeling cold. Opening the bag, careful to avoid brushing her hand on her machete, she rooted around for a cardigan, eventually finding a warm fleece jumper which she put on over her wet clothes. That wasn't the way to do it, but she wasn't getting changed until they found somewhere more private than the middle of a swamp.

Night was slowly, but surely, beginning to fall, and she agreed with Daniel; the thing to do now was to get out of the way and find somewhere safe to hole up for a rest. And she wanted to find somewhere that was safe, like a house. From her cursory glance at the map she knew that there were various buildings scattered around the place which seemed like a good option. They could lock the doors and keep watch in shifts all night, whoever was on duty could have Daniel's gun, perhaps.

"You're right," she said to Daniel, nodding at him. "We should go and find somewhere nice and warm and safe to sleep." She didn't feel tired at all, but a task of sorts would give them something to do and take their minds off their... predicament. Maddy shivered again, unable to get herself warm. Moving would help though. She took some initiative and moved off the little island, shuddering as she waded through the muddy water that came up to her knees, and ascended the bank on the other side. She turned back to the rest of the group.

"Anyone coming with?" she called back to the group, not entirely caring if either Belle or Garrett came with them. She liked Daniel, though, despite him pulling a gun on her (she'd have to watch him) and Jackie seemed okay, except she had a bit of a penchant for pulling guns on people. Really, Maddy reflected, she couldn't have possibly have wandered in to a better armed group, yet they were entirely dysfunctional, and already appeared to have gone a little crazy. She sighed, still trying to distract her mind.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:23 am
by chibinanashi*
"Would you two just stop it!?"

Daniel reached forward to grab Garrett. He couldn't care less how he did it, whether it be under the arms or just by the collar. He just needed to seperate him from Belle and fast! "We're all here on this fucking game show together!! The last thing we need is conflict on the first day!! Either we work together or one of you gets the hell out of this group and right now!!"

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:23 am
by Hollyquin*
[[All godmoding here approved by Grim Wolf.]]

He'd laughed in her face.

That was the start of it, that was the beginning of that once-upon-a-time fight. It meant nothing to him.

It meant everything to her.

Once upon a time, in a childhood far apart, a boy and a girl were friends. He admired her discipline, she admired his strength. They was the wrong word, as they never fought alongside each other. She didn't like unnecessary battles. So unlike him, even from the very beginning.

One day another friend recommended a movie. He was bored. He watched it.

His world turned in a new direction.

Her world continued to turn the same way.

"What, you think you can fucking go PRO with this? YOU? Have you looked in the fuckin' mirror lately, bitch? Little girl like you's gonna get nowhere. They'd kill you."

He'd laughed in her face.

"Yeah, bet your daddy would be disappointed-"

Perhaps he had expected it. Perhaps he was trying to start a fight.

The details were lost to time.

Besides, history's written by the victors.


Garrett gritted his teeth as Belle hit him in the side. He'd seen his hit with the shinai connect with her arm- did he do any real damage? probably not, he figured, this thing is seriously fucking lame- but his inexpert attack combined with Belle's attack had knocked him off balance. What the FUCK, Garrett. Man the fuck up. She beats you here and there's no fucking way you can face the rest of Fight Club. Here or in hell.

An unintended, happy (for him) consequence of his quick stumble was he fell out of Daniel's grasp as the other boy tried to grab him. He vaguely heard the other boy speak- "We're all here on this fucking game show together!! The last thing we need is conflict on the first day!! Either we work together or one of you gets the hell out of this group and right now!!"- and it was all he could do to resist swinging his shinai straight at the boy's face. Gotta focus right now. No letting other annoying little fuckwits mess with my concentration. Besides, I've pissed off enough people with guns today.

Garrett swung wildly at Belle, still off-balance, and as a result missed entirely, his shinai soaring right over her head-

Shit...not good...

-leaving himself open to another strike by Belle, which hit him square in the chest. He stumbled backwards-! I can't lose here...

Can't lose to her...

Can't lose to a girl. Ever.

No fucking way.

-but recovered. With a roar of pure rage he lashed out again, not aiming for any part of Belle in particular. Just aiming for her, the thing he needed to get rid of. The girl who just needed to die.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:23 am
by Grim Wolf
[All godmodding with approval from Hollyquin]

How did the fight start? She could hardly remember; she'd greeted him angrily, even though she didn't want to start a fight, even though she just wanted to talk. She liked him still, was that so wrong? She liked that he understood, that he didn't judge her for wanting to fight, that he thought she could do it?

How did she do it?

"Like you could ever beat me," Belle snarled. "I'm gonna go pro."

"What, you think you can fucking go PRO with this? YOU?" Garret laughed, his eyes wild, his tone abrasive. "Have you looked in the fuckin' mirror lately, bitch? Little girl like you's gonna get nowhere. They'd kill you."

And there it was, out in the open. He was stronger than she was; she could, she thought, accept that. But to have him mock her like that? For him to say her dreams meant nothing.

"That's not true!" she shouted, as anger and despair in equal parts swam up from her. "Tha...that's not-!"

"Yeah, bet your daddy would be disappointed-" he laughed, harsh as ever, and when Mirabelle snapped she wasn't thinking of her father, she was thinking of her mother--seeing that slight, calm woman, sighing sadly as she looked at a pile of typewriter pages and then placed them back in the box...!

"YOU SONOFABITCH!" she screamed, and snapped a kick into his stomach.

Her blow sent Garrett stumbling to one side, an expression of disbelief on his face. Belle heard Maddy say something--about getting out of here, she thought--and called, "Give me just a sec, machete." She was proud of herself--how much of a badass she sounded, how calm and collected--and then her focus was back on the fight and Garret was swinging the shinai and she could feel his kicks in her again, bruising her sides, making her moan with pain...

She ducked, almost without thinking, and thrust with her palm into his chest. He stumbled backwards again, and she smirked a little as he started to fall.

It was easy. It was so easy now. And something hot and pure and righteous was filling her head, making her feel invincible. This was where she should be, with this bastard in front of her. She wasn't weak anymore--she hadn't learned Baguazhang for nothing. She could do this.

He roared, pure fury, and swung again. The blow was coming too fast, and Belle reached instinctively, throwing up her left arm. As the blow hit, she went with it, sweeping around to Garrett's right.

One swift kick, to his side. As he stumbled, a second kick, her left leg to his stomach.

A little bit of arrogance, a little bit of heart-pounding, mind-numbing excitement. She kicked out with all her strength, hammered a solid hit with her right leg into his side, and watched him go crashing into a tree.

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:23 am
by KingKamor*
Jackie stared in awe at the two people fighting in front of her. At that moment, she believed them to be the two biggest idiots on the island. She wanted to stop it, but she failed to see the point anymore. With a few steps back, she turned to see who else was there with her. One guy was trying in vain to stop the two combatants, a girl who seemed indifferent to the two idiots, and some others.

"We should go and find somewhere nice and warm and safe to sleep," the girl said.

Her knees went week at the thought of sleep. "Yeah, that sounds good... Like, really really good." Before, she had followed Garrett around because she thought that he was smart enough to stay together with someone, and that he might have been able to protect her if the need arose. As it turned out, he was just a fighting junky, and an idiot to boot. Mirabelle did not seem as stupid as him, but she was still actively fighting against him.

"I want to go. These two can beat each other into the ground for all I care..."

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:23 am
by xylophonefairy*
Half relieved, half nervous that Jackie agreed with her, Maddy hitched her bag up on her shoulder, adjusting it so that the machete was less obvious when she put it in her bag. It was a close call between making it obvious that they were armed and hoping that people would leave them alone in some kind of fear (as if they thought the Catholic girl would kill them anyway), or putting the weapons away and hoping that people would leave them alone as they wouldn't seem much of a threat and would probably end up dead soon anyway. The risk with the second one was that they were more likely to be seen as a target by someone who had gone psycho already. The plus side was that she hopefully wouldn't attract anyone pathetic drawn by the strength of her weapon.

She felt a little bit sick that her mind was working in this way already.

I'm sorry, she prayed internally, knowing that He could hear her. I don't know what it is, the pressure, the strain... God give me strength, help me get through this, please let me live. The prayer was turning to pleading. I promise, I'll be a better Catholic for knowing that you are with me through this time. I promise I'll come to Church, even on Saturdays. I won't laugh at Eve for being so strict. Externally she spoke.

"Excellent," hands clapping together and rubbing her palms bracingly. Overly cheerful, compensating. Maddy had no idea how obvious it might be to the external world. Give me strength. Help me to look after them as you look after me. She rarely led people. But for some reason it seemed to be up to her to make the move, to turn and actually leave the area. The swamp was a horrible place to stay. They wanted, as she'd said, somewhere warm.

The fight between Belle and Garrett meant nothing to her. Now that none of the violence was directed at her, she felt strangely indifferent. People were being hurt, they could kill each other, and yet she didn't care.
"I'm going to go.... this way," she pointed with both hands, turning her upper body strangely comically. "Anyone who want to come is welcome." Turning on her hell she walked off, slowing a little to give people time to wade through the mini river that now seperated her from them.

((Maddy Stone continued in instinct•algorithm))

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:23 am
by Hollyquin*
Garrett Hunter did not lose fights.

Actually, that was patently untrue. Garrett had lost plenty of fights, though he always thought of an excuse or three as to why he'd lost those fights. The Fight Club boys accepted those excuses without question, brainwashed as they were, and everyone else just continued thinking of Garrett as a pathetic poseur. Not that Garrett gave a flying fuck about anyone outside of Fight Club.

It was understandable, though, that the boy didn't always win, despite a formidable reputation and his unwillingness to ever give up. He was pretty strong, but he was in no way big, often a severe disadvantage in fights against some of Bayview's larger residents. And not counting a couple of weeks of instruction as a kid, Garrett had never had any real training. In a way that was an advantage- he was unpredictable- but he could occasionally have trouble keeping up with some of the martial art experts of the neighborhood.

One thing Garrett could say proudly, though, was that he'd never lost a fight to a girl.

Unfortunately for him, that was about to change.

He grinned presumptuously as his rage-filled blow hit Belle dead in the-

Fuck! She blocked it, when did she get so fucking FAST?-

The grin was knocked off his face by the force of the kick at his side, throwing him off balance yet again, he gritting his teeth against the pain-

Garrett, get fucking BALANCED, get fucking ready, she's not gonna-

Another kick, harder than the first, to the stomach, he still wasn't ready, the wind was knocked out of him and for a moment it was hard to breathe-

How the fuck is this happening?! I can beat her, I know I can beat her, I've done before-

He tried, he really did. He couldn't regain his balance, but he tried regardless, swinging towards Belle, and missing completely. The third kick hit him again in the side, he grunted from the pain, and-


He barely saw the tree before it rushed up to meet him.

A hollow thunk followed by a muted one- Garrett's head hitting the tree, and his body hitting the ground.

He blacked out before he had time to register his loss.

[[Garrett Hunter continued in Project Mayhem]]

Re: Take, Eat

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:24 am
by Grim Wolf
She spent a few eternal moments with her eyes fixed on his prone form. A handful of seconds, the way a watch counts (a watch such as the one she wore on her wrist). But in her mind there was only a blind, wonderful sense of triumph.

I won.

I won.

I won!

Her left arm was hurting now (oh, god, it was hurting), but the pain did not dampen her good spirits. On the contrary, it exaggerated them, threw her victory into sharp relief. She hadn't won perfectly, she hadn't been fighting a mewling, retarded incompetent. She'd taken on someone who had every ability to hurt her, to stop her. And in spite of that fact she had struck back; in spite of that fact she had knocked him down, sent him rolling taken him out.

The hot and righteous feeling that had seized her and enthralled her did not depart, but it did change. It mingled with her feeling of accomplishment, with the heavy sensation of being good, of being beyond reproach. There was no room for self-doubt, no room for any thought of what she might not be; there was only a clear and present sense of being left standing. As her adrenaline drained, leaving a tinny aftertaste in her mouth and her body weakened, her feelings remained clear.

Garrett Hunter was at her beat. Garrett Hunter, who'd done all he could to hurt her, was beaten and unconscious. And Mirabelle Nesa could fight.

She could kill him, if she wanted.

This thought did not shock her out of her joyous, victorious mood. She only pondered his prone form. Yes, she could kill him; he was entirely at her mercy. Had their roles been reversed, perhaps he would have done the same.

She dismissed it at once. He was an asshole. She hated him. But he was no murderer.

"MACHETE!" she cried, turning around. "WAIT UP!"

And without a doubt, without caution, went chasing after the departing girl.

(Mirabelle Nesa continued in instinct•algorithm)