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Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:14 am
by Limisios*
"Good job, getting him out. I don't know if he was as much trouble as mine, but... It's a good feeling, actually managing to save someone."

Josée blushed slightly at the compliment, it was the first time that anyone had verbally approved of what she had done to help Cisco and it was good to receive it.

"I had a good friend."

Once again, Josée silently began to listen to Raidon, she didn't know if it was the fear that he could kill her in a second if he wanted to or that she hadn't really had anyone to have a proper conversation with anyone in days, but either way she listened to what Raidon had to say.

"My best. Kept me sane, back in school. I...I told him we should our separate ways. I didn't want to have to take care of him. I didn't want to fail him, by letting him die; and I didn't want to get myself killed trying to save him. But when I met up with some new people, I just... I saved someone, too."

Josée didn't know why she was ever so slightly surprised to hear that even someone who had killed so many people could be so easy to talk to. She had almost completely forgotten that they were still students, like her and they still had emotions and thoughts.

"That was really good of you. Saving someone. Just...not everyone would have. Really good."

Through the dim torchlight, Josée could see that Raidon was trying to smile kindly at her, she couldn't help but do the same. "Thank you." she said softly back.

"I'm going to make a radical proposal, I'm going to suggest we be friends. Not "I'll die-for-you" friends. Just friends. Two people without any hostility. How's that sound?"

Josée thought about this as she watched Raidon move to one of the cabinets on one of the walls and begin to take out some white sheets. It certainly sounded better than wandering around the island alone, even if she hadn't found a teammate, she'd at least found... someone. "Well I didn't really have anything else planned..." She responded jokingly "That sounds good, I'd be glad if we could keep each other company for a while." She paused for a second, letting the awkward lull in the conversation seep into the room.

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:14 am
by Grim Wolf
"Good," Raidon said. he stopped busying himself and took a moment to smile at Josee. "It's been a very long time since I was able to just talk with someone." His eyes flickered towards Charlie. "A very long time," he repeated.

Hughes again.

"I think my biggest sin," he mused. "Was abandoning my friend. I never did it again." Soryu Julian Charlie. "You couldn't even abandon a kid you barely knew. It speaks well of you." He pulled one of the sheets from the small pile he'd pulled out and tossed it over Fiona, allowing it to settle over the contours of her long-cold body, obscuring the brutal violence that had ended her life from sight. "Our dear Mr. Hughes not only killed on a whim, but he left his friend to die." He was now packing up his goods--first aid kits, food, water. (Two bottles and one loaf of bread...).

I'm going to win this game. And Mr. Hughes...

He crossed the room to Josee and offered her his hand. "Josee," he said. "It was an absolute pleasure."

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:14 am
by Limisios*
"It's been a very long time since I was able to just talk with someone."

Josée knew that feeling and it good to finally meet someone to share it with.

"I think my biggest sin was abandoning my friend. I never did it again. You couldn't even abandon a kid you barely knew. It speaks well of you."

Josée watched as he covered the body of the girl who Josée had met a matter of minutes ago. "Thank you." She smiled quietly. Josée would never have thought of doing something so heroic if she hadn't come to the island. She never thought that she could've actually made a difference to someone's life. No-one would've believed her if she were to tell them that such a horrible place had actually brought out the best in her.

"Our dear Mr. Hughes not only killed on a whim, but he left his friend to die."

Josée noticed Raidon picking up bits of supplies that the boy had dropped in his escape. Josée had just realised how hungry she was. She hadn't eaten since she lost her bag days ago. The realisation alone sent a maasive rumbling through her stomach that visibly shook her entire body for a split second.

"Josée, it was an absolute pleasure."

He held out his hand for her to shake it, Josée happily obliged. "Oh... I guess you'll be on your way then." Josée didn't want to sound desperate to have someone around but it felt such a shame to see Raidon go so soon. "I won't hold you up, it's just that... That bread you found, seeing it has made me remember how long I've gone without eating. I don't suppose you could give me some of it?"

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:14 am
by Ciel*
(Ooc: Sorry that this took so long guys.)

(Zach Jamis continued from No One Here Gets Out Alive)

Zach Jamis had no clue where he was.

It's been like this for the past day. Ever since he left Sam under a shelf in a pool of her own blood. Lost, without a single care to how much time he was wasting just walking. Gave him enough time to think. He didn't like that.

He was holding onto Sam's gun, but he emptied the chambers and put all the bullets into his pocket. He had the urge to put the bullets back in. He didn't. What was the point? It wasn't like he was going to use it. No one would. So he promised himself to forget about it, though he was never one for promises.

It was the keeping them that was the hardest.

Ginger was right. He was a coward. And a liar. Like that boy that cried, sooner or later the wolf would come along and devour him.

He didn't expect the wolf to be asian. More like a pasty faced boy dragged in black and red, crossdressing in little girl outfits and giggling like a moron.

... wait.

Zach had no idea how he wound up there. One moment he was surrounded by trees, the next he was with two other kids. The asian looked familiar, fuck all about the name though. He couldn't recall many names. He was terrible at them. It was why he gave people nicknames. Zach had never seen the other kid before.

Everything was silent. Or maybe he was blocking everything out. He really wasn't sure.

Zach felt it necessary to say something.

"Uhh. Hey."

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:14 am
by Grim Wolf
Raidon stopped and looked over the girl--a little wide-eyed, her kindness tinged with desperation, the simple honesty of her words forcing a lump into his throat. As a result of his scavenging he had yet to go hungry (it helped, perhaps, that this was not his first experience with hunger). He had been uncomfortable, true (Well, I was stabbed) but...

"Of course," he said. He dug through his bag considered his remaining supplies, then pulled out some of the food--about a third of what he had. "Here." He had righted the table in order to sort his supplies; now he led Josee there and watched her eat, leaving a bottle of water on the corner of the table. He himself took small sips from his last bottle, frowned as he considered how to proceed. Some of the houses had water, he could make his way back, see what he could find...

"Uhh," came a hesitant voice. "Hey."

Raidon turned. Paused. Considered the other boy and then smiled.

"Zach," he said. He could remember the names of the people he'd met in total darkness days ago; he was not likely to forget Zach, who'd helped him save Soryu in the first place. "Josee, meet Zach, he helped me save-"

He paused. Studied Zach a little more intently. The boy looked a little shaken, a little pale. Raidon swallowed. "Are...are you alright, Zach?"

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:14 am
by Limisios*
"Of course."

Those words alone were enough to make Josée feel immediately more hungry as she watched Raidon dig some food out of his bag and pass it to her. The bread was dry and crumbly, but Josée dug her teeth into it just as eagerly as she would if she were handed a freshly baked french baguette filled with butter, ham and cheese. To Josée, it felt like heaven. "Thank you Raidon," she said simply after the last bite, hoping that, in the patchy illumination of the dark room, Raidon couldn't see that she seemed to be blushing ever so slightly.

Looking at the table nearby she noticed a full bottle of water sitting there in the middle of the room. Had Raidon given her that too? Josée didn't think it was possible for anyone left on the island to be this generous. "That water," she started to say. "Is that for me too?"

But before she could get an answer she could hear a fresh voice from the doorway.

"Uhh, hey."

Josée hoped that another battle wasn't about to begin, knowing that she wouldn't be much help to Raidon with just her blackjack club. She also knew that Raidon wasn't going to go out of his way to protect her, so she would have to find her own defences, should the worst come to the worst.


Raidon seemed to know the boy, that seemed like a good sign. Josée wanted to get a good look at him, so she bent down and pushed the torch into his general direction, lighting up the figure of a timid looking boy. Raidon seemed to notice this too as he began to ask what was wrong. Josée felt relieved that there wouldn't be any hostility kicking off any time soon, before seeing that the boy could have been in trouble earlier.

"Perhaps we should sit him down somewhere," was the best suggestion that Josée could think of. She quickly reached for the bottle of water on the table. Again, she was clutching at straws in terms of ways that she could be useful but if this boy was thirsty, then Josée would have that covered; so that was something.

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:14 am
by ThoDuSt
((Ericka Bradley continued from Through and Through))

The Infirmary. Hm... Sure, why not? It wasn't like there were many places left to go. Ericka was starting to rethink the whole 'stay away from the town' thing, but she had time before the next announcement so she figured she should still check somewhere before heading back. And the infirmary was a good enough place to start.

It also smelled like death. Not really a surprise, since the whole island did at this point. Ericka never really acclimated to that nauseating smell, she had managed to avoid the areas that had all the ripe corpses until she had ended up at the mirror house. The fly population seemed to have shot up as well, and that thought may have been worse then the smell.

She could hear voices. Too many. Can't just rush in. Need to be subtle.


Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:14 am
by Limisios*

Josée recognised that voice. It was the girl who she had talked to a while ago in the swamp. "Hello." Josée called back excitedly as she angled the torch at the door, confirming the girl's presence as she noticed her figure standing in the doorway. "It's me, we talked for a bit in the woods. You can come in here if you want, it's all safe." She smiled excitedly to Raidon and Zach, feeling certain that things were finally looking up.

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:14 am
by ThoDuSt
A familiar face for once... not that a familiar face was necessarily a good thing, but maybe she could use this.

Ericka slowly stepped into the building and approached the others. 1, 2, 3... and Ericka made 4.... Depending on how many died since the announcement- it was entirely possible that a fourth of the people on the island could be standing in this room.

"So, uh..." Ericka began as she tried awkwardly to inject herself into the conversation, "How have you been holding up, c-comparatively."

She cursed herself in her thoughts, it was just like the good-old-days again. How was it that she had more trouble striking up a conversation then trying to kill someone. She didn't even have this problem if she was trying, or wanted, to kill the person she was talking to. Oh no, it was only a problem when the person was gonna live long enough for the conversation to matter. And it wasn't a problem the last time they talked either, did she just not care then?

"Have- have you heard anything, about your brother's killer I mean."

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:15 am
by Limisios*
"Have- have you heard anything, about your brother's killer I mean."

"Not really. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if he was already dead... Or was it a she... I've actually forgotten the name. I mean, what happened to Remy was awful and he really shouldn't have ran off like that, but I don't even know what the killer looks like, and I hardly remember the name." Josée smiled at the girl and gestured for her to come in. "Don't worry, I'm sure that these guys won't kill you if you don't do anything." She turned to introduce them. "This is Raidon and Zach, and this is..." She pointed to the girl but was suddenly struck by a sudden realisation. "I'm sorry, I just realised I don't even know your name," Josée said, smiling further at the realisation that she didn't even know the girl's name.

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:15 am
by Ciel*
(Sorry for the delay!)

... they wanted to help him. They asked him if he was alright.

He could tell them about...

No. No. He wasn't going to talk about it. He didn't want to think about it. It was in the past. Don't fucking patronize him. Assholes.

"I'm just fine. Just tired. Haven't had much sleep."

Which was utter bullshit. Zach had been sleeping perfectly fine, probably better than anyone else in the room. He certainly wasn't getting any sleep this day in particular but it was a lie nonetheless. No, it all chalked up to how he was zoning out completely every five seconds, losing complete focus over what was happening.

Zach's reaction to Josee was much slower. He zoned out again.

"I said I'm fine."

He noticed the other voice. Shit. Zach didn't even notice the other person. He was off his game. He didn't look in her direction. He hit the side of his head.

Zach growled under his breath as he straightened his back. Slumping, he was slumping. He normally stood up straight. He was out of it. He felt dizzy. He pressed his hand against his temple. Get a hold of yourself Zach. Just... get a hold of yourself.

"... I'm Zach." He repeated, to Josee. "Don't bother telling me your name, I'll forget it anyway."

That's when he actually looked at the other girl.


He paused.

"Don't I... know you from somewhere?"

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:15 am
by Grim Wolf
(For the record, just keep going. I'll post when I need to leave; I don't want to break the flow)

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:15 am
by ThoDuSt
Remy... That name sounded familiar... There was that one guy, but he offed himself through idiocy, and then there was the other one who was killed by.......

"I'm sorry, I just realised I don't even know your name."

Ericka went white from fear. With this many people she was sure to get injured or killed if things went south, even if everyone sided with her against Josée, and that wasn't gonna happen.

One of the guys started talking. He seemed to recognize her.

"...You seem familiar to me too," She began impatiently.

The realization hit quickly... damn, does everyone in this room have a reason to kill her? She needed to even the odds before the bullets started flying... and preferably before she found what convoluted plot twist would make the other boy want to kill her.

"Wait, I remember now. You accused me of a murder I didn't commit, then you tried to take my weapon and leave me for dead."

She sighed, "Look, I doubt any of us want this to turn into a shootout," yet, "So how about this: Everyone with Y-chromosome will leave, and we girls will have a pleasant conversation that doesn't involve murder." it would be preemptive self-defense instead, totally different, but still homicide.

"Go on, shoo!"

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:15 am
by Limisios*
"Wait, I remember now. You accused me of a murder I didn't commit, then you tried to take my weapon and leave me for dead."

"Look, I doubt any of us want this to turn into a shootout. So how about this: Everyone with Y-chromosome will leave, and we girls will have a pleasant conversation that doesn't involve murder."

Ok, so there appeared to be some friction between Zach and the girl. Josée didn't know exactly why the girl wanted her alone, but she complied. "Don't worry," she said to Raidon and Zach. "I'll be fine." Josée didn't know why her hand had started shaking but she tried to ignore it.

Re: Failing to Reappear

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 5:15 am
by Grim Wolf
Raidon stayed quiet. Zach was clearly suffering, but he did not want their help. Raidon owed him, but...well, it wasn't his place to interfere. After all, he wouldn't have wanted anyone interfering with his own personal issues.

Someone hailed them. Came in. Raidon resisted the urge to grab Fiona's axe; he'd already killed inadvertently, and anyways he was exhausted. Still, this girl set him on edge; she stirred, twitched, boiled like a stormcloud. He knew the feel of this violence, acrid like lightning in the back of his mouth, but...

Just friends.

"Right," grunted Raidon. He grabbed the axe and slung it over his right shoulder, pulling his bag back into place as well. One loaf of bread. One bottle of water. Eight murders.

He stepped forwards and offered his hand. "Josee," he said. "Be safe, yeah? You deserve to live."

They shook. Raidon stepped away.

"Zach," he said. "Let's leave her to it."

He took an extra moment before departing, however; grabbed the sheets he'd set on the table. Turned back to Charlie. "I'm sorry," he muttered under his breath. "You deserved..."

He closed his eyes, tossed the sheet, and before it had fully settled over her had turned and stepped away.

Now you see'em...

(Naoko Raidon continued in Dead-End Scenario)