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Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:21 pm
by riserugu*
The fifteenth year anniversary of the deadly game now as Survival of the Fittest was only a mere two days away, and making it out almost like a reunion of sorts for those souls lucky enough to survive that before mentioned ordeal so many years ago. They had made some sort of TV spot, getting all they could together for it… For him, it almost seemed like yesterday when he had been rescued from that island and returned home to his parents.

Which soon after lead to their move back to Germany, where he spent the rest of his teenage years before joining the military a year later, and joining the Air Force for his country. Which soon lead to war against Danya and his people when Germany (along with many other countries) allied themselves with America in their hopes of stopping the mad man.

During his time was promoted to the status of Major and had received a number of awards for fighting on the German side in his time as a fighter pilot, and even earning an Ace title by the time the war ended not to long after. Dressed in simple clothes of jeans and a black shirt, his aviator jacket (a real one this time, not like the one he had long since gone out of from his youth) decorated in the medals he had earned during his years in the military. Though now at the current rank of Colonel in the military, Edward Rommel was one of the many trainers for incoming pilots for the Luftwaffe.

"Ich reiste dieses weit, für dieses?" He found himself questioning outloud to himself as he looked up at the side of the rather large, and rather nice hotel he found out he wound be staying out in these days. He couldn’t complain, this place was a lot better than anything the military had usually set him up in, a lot better in fact. So with a shrug, Edward made his way through the door leading into the marbled lobby crowded with even more people than it was outside. Running a hand through his somewhat clean-cut black hair, he kept a tight grip on his duffel bag and pushed forward into the sea of people.

Having to sidestep in order to miss a young woman who seemed to be having trouble with her luggage as she sat down against it near the door he pushing forward none the less. Blinking every so often at the familiar faces about the area, though personally not wanting to speak with anyone after that long of a flight passed up saying a word to them and continued toward the front desk.

The area around there was no better either, he sighing again as he swung his duffel bag over his shoulder and moved to stand in one of the lines. A lot more people than he figured had shown up here, Edward at the moment unable to tell how many where actual members of the SOTF act and how many where fans and the reporters and the sort. Armed with their notepads and cameras hoping for any type of story to pop up while they where here, in the few months after the act itself he had gotten somewhat used to the sight and phone calls from reporters.

Yeah true he hadn’t been one of the popular ones of the act compared to others, but he had gotten rather used to it in Germany. Being the only German citizen to take part in it, the German media had been very much interested in the act in every detail they could work out of the boy.

He found his attention going from his thoughts back to the lobby, as a small up-roar of gasps and questioning tones reached him, causing him to turn where he stood and glance to where everyone seemed focused on. There standing along the center of the room, was a male in a straight jacket, seeming to be doing something to one of the people who had a hold on him, that from where he stood looked almost as if he had ripped part of the other man’s ear off.

Edward flinching at the sight as the men gave the order and he seemed to be injected with something that calmed him down to a degree before he was dragged up toward the area where the it would lead up toward the rooms. Screaming about something as they went along, Edward simply unable to do anything but blink at the sight.

Turning forward again once things seemed to have calmed down, he awaited his turn in line, it coming up a lot quicker than one would have thought. Once he had noticed that a majority of the people there weren’t really in the line itself, but more or less just moving through the lines in order to get somewhere else. Which only made Edward a bit mad, though instead of bickering simply dug through his jacket’s pocket, and removed the small bag of brightly colored candies and taking a few into his hand, downed a couple. If anything had stuck with the boy, it was his jellybean fetish… always a way to calm him down when need be, or whenever he had a craving for some.

Reaching the desk he almost let a sigh of relief out, but instead once again ran a hand through his hair and mused a small smile at the woman behind the counter. “Name please, sir.”

“Rommel… Edward Rommel.”

Typing a moment, the young woman smiled as she placed room keys down on the counter, placing another small piece of paper next to him. “Please sign at the bottom, Mr. Rommel.”

Doing as he was told, he carefully signed his name as neatly as possible before standing upright and taking his keys with a small nod in thanks before turning and moving out of the line, heading toward the elevator.


Fredrik Hughes had to admit he was rather surprised they’d let anyone of that nature out of a nut house such as Cody Jenson. The bastard had been one of the reasons a lot of people’s time on the island had been a living hell, though he personally had never met the boy, he could have figured what could have happened in the end of such a meeting. But luckily he hadn’t, and the worst that had happened to him had been the bullet wound he had gotten in his stomach at the clinic. That had knocked him out of both soccer and hockey in his junior year of high school, but in his senior year had made a decent comeback to both, enough so to be noticed by a number of football scouters around.

In the fifteen years since SOTF had ended, he had played on a number of teams, though currently found himself signed onto a team he had always wanted to be a part of, Manchester United. The sheer thought of he was going to play with his favorite team ever sky rocketed Fred’s life and Survival of the Fittest had been all but pushed into his mind.

This along with two marriages, both of which ended in divorce had helped his life to a degree really… divorce wasn’t anything to truly be happy about, but hey… he couldn’t be the only person to have had it happen to in these year, right?

Hell he hadn’t spoken to anyone in forever, Lyndi and his brother included. Though he was well aware of his twin’s successful marriage to some professional violinist in California, and the four-year old niece he had running around as well. Though with all the travel he had been doing, keeping in touch with even the family had been hard. But here he stood, in the mists of them all, having placed himself against one of the back walls when the thing with Cody had started. Fred finding himself rubbing an area of his shaved head, having shaved his once curly hair off when he had begun playing professional football.

Kicking at his suitcase pressed against the wall, he sighed some pressing off the wall as he glanced about through his sunglasses. There where a number of familiar faces, a lot he could name but knowing him… there was no doubt a number of them probably wouldn’t remember him unless they played attention to English Football, even more doubtful on that part even more than the first.

Glancing back again, he blinked taking note of the woman resting atop her luggage near the entrance, no doubt pregnant and somewhat familiar. Rubbing his head once more, he sighed a bit and moved toward where she rested. “Excuse me, miss? Need any help there?"


Hawley had to admit, his attention was all but taken off Callum when the commotion started about the lobby where they where located at the moment. He glancing off, and he finding his eyes glued on the sight of the man being dragged in by two others, tied up in a straitjacket and all…

Cody Jenson, a name he had come to loathe even hearing about more than anything else that had been involved in that damn game fifteen years ago. He had been the cause of some much internal and outer torment on people in that game that by the time they had been found and rescued by the American government he had been the only person he knew of that had been taken into custody.

A number of people on that island had become a murderer in the end, including both himself and Adam, yet they simply shrugged their acts off as nothing of their fault. Cody on the other hand, he had heard had quickly been sent off to the nearest mental asylum for all he had done… Madelaine’s rape included in it. The time in which it had happened, he had begun getting rather sick from the infections of his untreated wounds, as he had found himself far to concerned for the lives around his than his own.

Everything from then till a day or two after the rescue hadn’t been much more than a blur for him, but when he had finally came to his senses he quickly took note at how different everything was for the people he had come to call friends around him.

It had been Amanda who had told him what had happened, and at that point he couldn’t remember the last time he had felt such hate for a single person more than he had Cody. This had been one of the main reasons, besides his intense shyness it had taken him so long to admit to the other girl how he felt about her, he just wasn’t sure if she could look at men the same way after what Cody had done to her.

And then longer to ask her to marry him, he knew she’d never forget or fully ever move on, but still… he wanted to do whatever could do to help his wife out now. These two days and the conference itself had suddenly gotten much harder on not only them, but probably a lot more people as well.

Hearing Amanda speak, Hawley nodded a bit frowning somewhat. “They’re probably doing it for the shock value...” He muttered back softly, glancing toward where Madelaine had backed away too, smiling softly as reached up, taking one of her hands that she had been covering her mouth with and squeezing lightly.

“Amanda’s right, why don’t we go put our stuff away. Then we can go do something together, catch up on what we’ve missed since we all last saw one another?”

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:21 pm
by Swoosh*
Allowing himself a smile, Callum nodded at Madelaine. See, this is not so bad. I don't have to feel on guard here... these people understand.

Visibly relaxing, he removed his hands from his pockets and ruffled his hair. He was about to say something back when a familiar voice reached his ears.

"...Thibodeaux. Lyndi Thibodeaux."

His head snapping around, he saw her. The girl who had haunted his dreams for the past 15 years. Lyndi. Looking her up and down, he had no doubt. It had to be her. She hadn't really changed that much.


Transfixed, he watched as she walked across the room and got in the elevator. His mouth hanging slightly open, his head cocked to one side, the steady murmur of voices all around him had little impact on him.

As the elevator doors came to a close, he was jolted out of his reverie. He had to see her, he had to check she was OK. Leaving the trio behind without so much of a goodbye- much like old times- he sprinted towards the lift doors and pressed the button repeatedly. After what seemed forever, the doors slowly came apart. Leaping inside, Callum once again jabbed at the buttons.


((yay for editing! Sorry Riser :())

Still a little out of breath, Mallory remained seated on the suitcase. She was getting some odd looks (and perhaps the odd look of sympathy every now and again) but no one had offered to help.

She made to stand up once more and was half stood up when the commotion from the hotel desk area took any further thoughts she had of moving straight out of her head.

Surely, it could not have been the boy she had run into back on the island...nonetheless, he seemed somewhat unstable. Sinking back down onto her suitcase, Mallory glanced around nervously.

It was then that she noticed the man standing nearby. She had briefly scanned over him whilst looking around- his face looked somewhat familiar, but she had ignored it. Now that he was close, however, there was something about his face that looked drastically familar. Squinting as she held out her hand for him to help her up, she tilted her head to one side, scrutinizing him thoroughly.


Although the curly hair she had known was gone, the face still looked the same. Was it really him? Why hadn't he said anything?

"Sure, thanks..." she said tentatively.

Although she certainly didn't have any of the feelings for him that she had on the island now, it was still somewhat embarrassing for her to run into him again. Brushing her hair back from her face, she smiled at him.

((Megami, I had no idea if you wanted Lyndi to run into Callum so whether or not he manages to find you is completely up to you ;)))

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:21 pm
by LadyMakaze*
As Amanda and Hawley, along with several other people scattered throughout and about the lobby looked towards the bound form of Cody Jensen, Madelaine found herself unable to look in the same direction. Even at the sound of the commotion, consisting of frustrated shouts and maniacal hisses, Madelaine just couldn't bring herself to face the one who had been the source of the pain she had been dealing with since she was raped on the island fifteen years ago. Rather, she found herself drawing closer to Hawley, keeping her eyes averted.

She could still hear Cody from where she was, though he was merely mumbling, albeit bursting out in incoherent snarls at irregular intervals. It was enough to send a chill through Madelaine's spine, as she suddenly recalled vivid images in her mind of fifteen years ago, the time when she had suffered at the hands of this monster. Automatically, her other hand found her throat, and paling fingertips traced the scar at the side of her neck.

Already she was beginning to re-experience the moment when her assailant had given her this mark, having lodged his teeth into her neck during the assault, nearly killing her. Trembling slightly, she bit her lip, struggling to block out the sickening feeling in her mind. But aside from the feeling of physical pain, there was also the fear, anguish, and shame that she had felt during the event and several years afterwards.

"I don't understand..." Madelaine whispered with a trembling voice as she remained close to Amanda and Hawley. "What do they think they're playing at, letting him come here? I don't understand. They don't care at all how we feel, do they?"

For all that she had endured during the nightmarish game of SOTF, Madelaine was one of the rescured ones who had been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder for the first month after her return. She had been warned of this beforehand at the time she had been rescued and treated at the nearest hospital, yet that didn't comfort her in the least.

Even in the safety of her home Madelaine kept experiencing flashbacks and nightmares related to the event. In some ways, she wasn't the only one who had to endure such. Practically everyone who had survived the game were mentally scarred in some way, but on the other hand, they didn't experience first-handedly the pain Madelaine had been forced to endure when she was raped by Cody Jensen.

For months, and even years after the event, Madelaine had confided in her closest friends, namely Hawley, Amanda, and Adam, all of whom turned out to be those she had actually first met and befriended during the six-day game. Though there was nothing that could be done to reverse what had already been done, Madelaine found comfort just being with them.

Amanda, for one, had always been there whenever Madelaine needed a listening ear, and the petty of matters of time and place didn't seem to have any relevency at all when it came to this. Even if it wasn't the most comfortable topic for Madelaine to talk about, the complete opposite of it in fact, just talking with Amanda was enough to help Madelaine recover somewhat from the mental trauma of the event.

Adam had been there for her too, seeing as he had been the one who had kept all of them alive and together for the duration of the game, though it seemed that he was already preoccupied with something, no doubt relating to the events of SOTF. Soon enough, he suddenly disappeared without warning. Not long after that, Amanda left as well to immerse herself in her newfound career as a musician.

And then there was Hawley, the one who had stayed with her for all of fifteen years. Madelaine knew that being with him had helped her to finally put the traumatic event behind her, and move on with her life. The very fact that she was raped was undoubtedly the reason why Madelaine was more reluctant than ever to associate with others, aside from those she completely trusted. Understandably, this included men in particular, other than Hawley and Adam of course. And even then Madelaine still felt somewhat uncomfortable. But as it turned out, Madelaine was able to move on, and acknowledge her feelings for the first man she had ever felt anything special for. Their marriage seemed to confirm that, and even though being with him couldn't completely erase her wounds, at least the very fact that he was there to help her was what healed them.

Just like now, as Madelaine found his hand meeting hers, and squeezing it gently. Drawing comfort from it, and relaxing her nerves a bit, Madelaine smiled back at her husband and grasped his hand tightly. She looked towards Amanda, nodding a bit in agreement, trying to forget about everything: the horrible event of fifteen years ago and the fact that they were about to resurface again for the next few days, espeically now that Cody Jensen was present.

"Yeah..." she murmured quietly, still trying to keep smiling. She picked up her suitcase where she had dropped it on the foor and, still holding on tightly to Hawley's hand, began making her way over to the elevators, doing her best to avoid meeting the eyes of Cody Jensen. "We have a lot to catch up on...we should have dinner together tonight."

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:21 pm
by riserugu*
Fred watched the woman a moment or two as she stared back at him, he cocking a brow from behind his sunglasses before reaching out and taking her hand into his own. Gripping down on it, as he pulled some in order to help her up from her sitting position a top her luggage. He frowned somewhat, it must be rather hard for her, being that pregnant and having no one to help. He figured that at least her husband, or boyfriend or whatever would be here…

Smiling a smile that was common place for him, and had stuck with him since his youth, toward the woman. “Not a problem.” He mused, blinking again as he found her somewhat staring, he rather unsure as too why. Unless she was like him moments before, trying to figure out whom and where he knew her from, though a small piece of memory from the island clicked in play as he blinked remembering the clinic where he had gotten the wound in his stomach. Nodding just bit, with an another grin.

“I remember you now, we did meet back on the island – you where at the clinic that one time. I highly doubt you remember me though, but I was there with my brother,” Fred said, rubbing his head again. “Fredrik Hughes ring any bells?” He finished, laughing a bit.

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:22 pm
by Swoosh*
"...oh!" Most unexpectedly, Mallory found herself laughing as she wobbled on her feet precariously. "You're Fred!"

So this wasn't Glenn after all, instead his brother. They had indeed had a brief encounter back on the island, but she had been preoccupied at the time and had no real lasting memory of him. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she continued to smile.

"The name strikes me as somewhat familar, but... in all honesty, I don't really remember much of you, sorry!" she said, fiddling with her hands in an apologetic manner. "I was more... I got to know your brother. I thought you were him, guess that's kind of a common mistake, huh?"

She turned around and bent over to pick up her bag, only to fall back down onto the suitcase.

Oh, great. Really great, Mal...

Turning around to face Fred, she shrugged apologetically.

"I'm just as clumsy now as I was on the island... heh. Having a baby's really not all what it's cracked up to be, you know?"


Watching the pregnant woman with somewhat distain, it didn't even occur to Elise that perhaps she needed some help.

It's her own fault for getting pregnant...

Shaking her head, she forced such thoughts out of her mind. She promised herself she'd stop judging others when she got rescued, and here she was, back like old times, passing judgement on someone she'd barely met.

Grabbing her keys, she strode across the lobby, ignoring everyone she passed as she got into the lift.

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:22 pm
by Megami*
In the moments that had elapsed after Lyndi had stepped off the elevator, she had done nothing but stand in the center of the hallway, effectively blocking much passage into the elevator, and gaze at the area around her, trying to gain her bearings somewhat in the large and elaborate hotel. Once again, the elevator bell echoed out, signaling that yet another person had reached floor number eight. Absent-mindedly, she pushed her suitcase up against a wall and stepped out of the way for whoever had just arrived to get through.

Figuring that whoever was exiting the elevator was another one of the survivors, she shrugged it off lightly. What Lyndi had not expected to see was the spiky-haired man who stepped out of the elevator doors. He was one of the four people she had spent the majority of her time with, and even now, she could never forget that face. Practically gawking at the man as she looked him over, a coy smile played across her lips.


The words escaped Lyndi’s lips in almost a whisper. He had not changed much at all. Something seemed a lot more distant about him, however. The smile broke into a grin, and without expectation, Lyndi embraced him in a hug. It had been fifteen years since she had seen Callum Hadley, and in reality, she never really knew whether or not he had been saved with all the other students. Releasing the man after a moment, Lyndi stepped back, looking him over once again.

"My... fifteen years, and you haven't changed a bit," she mumbled quietly.

Then again, she was one to talk. At thirty years old, she did not look a day over 25. Then again, that's what cosmetics and plastic surgery do for you. Smiling faintly, she toyed with a strand of hair that hung down past her shoulder. Casting yet another warm smile at Callum, she finally spoke.

"How are you? Where've you been? My God, it's been ages!"


"Hi, Greg? Yeah, I made it. I'm walking in the door now."

Jill Gatling, age thirty-one, pushed her way through the front door of the lobby, suitcase in tow. Things for Jill had really been an up-and-down battle since her stint on Survival of the Fittest. When she came back home, of course, she had suffered from a case of temporary amnesia. After a while, things started to come back, and for a bit, she actually had to attend counseling.

"You should see this place, Greg. It's absolutely amazing. I... wish you could've come."

After her counseling sessions had ended, however, things finally began going right for Jill. Following graduation, she had attended police academy, and had followed in her father's footsteps as a police officer. After completely the police academy, Jill moved to Nevada. There, things turned uphill, for good this time.

"I know, I know. I miss you too. Goodbye. I love you."

In Nevada, Jill joined the Las Vegas police force. Soon enough, she met fellow officer Greg White, who had, like all the others, heard about her terrible ordeal in Survival of the Fittest. Unlike the others, though, Greg was understanding, sympathetic, and compassionate about the whole ordeal. One thing led to another and now she and Greg were engaged to be wed in December.

As Jill finally hung up the cell phone, she cast half a glance around the room before heading to the reception desk. Sighing somewhat, Jill let her duffle bag slide to the floor and reached up, tighting the short ponytail her dark brown hair had been pulled up into. Casting a smile at the receptionist, she quickly did a once over of herself. She certainly had not overdressed for the occassion, instead opting to wear a simple blue halter-top and a black skirt.

"I'm here for the conference," she spoke to the receptionist. "My name's Jill Gatling."

The receptionist nodded and typed away at her computer, handing her the keys to her room after a moment and holding up a clipboard for her to sign. Jill signed her name and took the keys. Sighing a bit, she cast a glance over at the lobby that was filled to the brim with people. As social as she had been in high school, somehow, the whole conference made her nervous. She had wanted Greg to come, just to have a shoulder to cry on pending what happened here. Unfortunately, the LVPD had no desire to lose two of their top officers at the same time. Shaking her head, Jill edged away from the desk a bit, debating on whether to go talk with the others or simply go upstairs.

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:22 pm
by OnceForgotten*
No sooner had the door slammed on the raving form of Cody Jenson than another grand entrance occured. A white strech limo pulled up to the door of the hotel, sending the paparatzi who were scattered around into a picture taking frenzy. Several of the SOTF contestants had gone on to become quite successful, and whispers began perforating through the crowd that had gathered, speculating on who might step out of the limo. As the driver opened the door to the rear of the vehicle, loud blaring rock music could be heard coming from the inside, and a white snakeskin boot struck the pavement with a 'clack'.

Flanked by two security men, Donny 'The Director' Hammoran stepped out of the car, his long hair blowing in the wind. He wore a large boisterous white fur coat and hat, and had several glittering rings on each hand. A fine cuban cigar burned red from the corner of his mouth, letting up a small trail of smoke as he walked.

Donny had not been a student on the island. In fact, he had not even known anything like SOTF was even going on until after, when the press heavily covered the students return to saftey. He was here in place of one who died. One who gave up his life to the filth that ran the sick program. Donny removed the cigar and flicked it to the ground, ignoring the condecending look given to him by a valet standing nearby. He burst through the door with authority, approaching the reception desk with a flair only gained from years in the spotlight.

"My name is Donny Hammoran, and I'm here in place of Garrett Langston."

After SOTF, Langston's band Red Flame Rising abruptly broke up. Without their lead singer and songwriter, the remainder of the band knew it would never be the same. This left the remainder to fend for themselves, and this did not bide well with the backup guitarist, a young longhaired beach bum everyone lovingly called Dondon, or the Director. Dondon found a nice little friend called Heroin, and they enjoyed a stable relationship for nearly 8 years. During that time, Red Flame Rising became a cult favorite, and Garrett was exalted as no one had been since Kurt Cobain and Hendrix. It became the staple of dorm room CD collections, the favorites of many a college student. Generation-Y had found their martyr.

The other members of the band, including Dondon, all of a sudden found themselves with more money than they knew what to do with, and Dondon begin to find it easier to feed the monster that was begining to put a strain on his financial capabilities. He enjoyed 3 years of nonstop partying, and then he woke up.

One day Donny Hammoran woke up in his beachside condo, sober for the first time in many months. He realized it was not because he had made a conscious decision, but because he was out of heroin, and out of alchohol, and out of money. He kicked all the hanger-ons that were still lying around his house out, and promptly checked himself into a rehab clinic.

After six months of weaning himself off his steady diet of scotch and heroin, he sold his condo and moved into a nice suburban home in east LA. Another year went by, and he began to reteach himself how to play the guitar.

One year and six months after moving in to the small, unnasuming house, he recieved a call. It was from one of his old bandmates. The drummer, Kurt Jennesee. People had been howling for a reunion concert, and it was to be at the end of the year. Kurt wanted to know if Donny was interested. Donny politely declined, then called Kurt back and accepted the invitation.

This began what would become known as the Red Flame Rising revival tour, which was so popular that the stadiums seemed to sell out the second the tickets went on sale. It lasted for a year in the states, and right before he went on the european tour, Donny heard about the SOTF reunion.

"Terry, it would be good PR"

Donny stood pleading with his manager, a stout man in his mid forties with an ulcer and no time for excuses.

"Donny, you didn't end up on that island. You have no reason to be there. Its out of the question"

Donnys resolve would not budge. "I'm not doing it for them, I'm doing it for Garrett."

Two days later, Donny paid for a private jet out of his own pocket. He was rich again, due to the revenue and publicity of the tour. He flew to the hotel, where he planned to...He didn't really know why he had come yet, but he knew that there was something he was going to have to do while he was there, something that Garrett would have done if he had had the opportunity.

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:22 pm
by riserugu*
Fred gave a small ‘Oh.’ Sound when she came to note her mistake, on which twin was which, he figuring this would continue till both where dead. Though of course if it hadn’t been for his haircut, it would have probably continued within their close circle of family and friends. Though shrugging lightly he watched as she went about trying to retrieve her luggage, only for it to fail somewhat miserably, Fred smiling none the less at the sight as she turned muttered to him.

“Actually, no I wouldn’t know thing about children. I might have been married twice, I got no screamers running around. There is Alix, but I only see her from time to time. And she’s Glenn’s kid, so she’s a lot like both her parents, clam… though she’s got herself a wild side.” He mused with a laugh.

Moving over to where Mallory had left her luggage, he bent down taking both the bag and the suitcase into one hand. “Here.” He mused, holding the bag out. “You just hold onto this, I’ll help you out. I got to check in myself anyway.” He said, moving away from her a minute in order to get his own suitcase and return.

“tTruth be told though, the only reasoned I asked you if we met is because you’re still a bit the same in the face. I can’t remember your name for the life of me, but we didn’t meet during the best of times, though if you got to know my brother he’d probably be happy to see you – speaking of which I wonder if the little prat is here?”

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:22 pm
by Swoosh*
He had managed to catch up to her in time. His face breaking out into the first true smile since before his island adventure, he embraced her back.

Oh... Lyndi. Thank God you got out OK.

As they pulled apart, he grinned almost sheepishly as he scratched his ear. Had he not changed? She hadn't changed at all. She was as beautiful as ever.

"Yeah," he finally spoke; his voice hadn't changed much either. "Fifteen years, but what's that these days?"

What have I been up to? What should I tell you? That I've been shipped around from institute to institute because people are convinced I'm insane? That they think you and Beth were a figment of my imagination? That the fact that I never gave up looking for you...

Shrugging lightly, he smiled.

"I haven't been up to much, really. Just... trying to get my life back together. I haven't been doing to well so far," he laughed sadly. Looking down at the floor, he shrugged again, slightly embarrassed at the awkwardness that he felt.

"How about you?" he said, eventually looking up. "What have you been up to?"


"Thanks," Mallory said, relieved, as she received her bag from Fred. She held it by her side and brushed her hair out of her face with her free hand.

"I'm Mallory Me- I mean, Mallory DeLuca. Or I was. Not anymore," she said, nodding towards her swollen stomach. "I've got to sign in as well, shall we go?"

At the mention of Glenn, Mallory found herself smiling wider. "I haven't seen him around, but then again, I haven't looked very hard..." she glanced around to see if she could spot out Fred's twin brother. "Has he changed much?"

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:22 pm
by riserugu*
((Told you guys I’m bored, and I'm reviving. XD))

Fred blinked a bit, looking thoughtful at the question about his brother. “Personally, Glenn hasn’t changed a whole lot from how he was back then. Probably more prone to panic attacks, but I guess you get that when you become a parent. But really instead and I quote ‘Because I have tainted my little niece into a stage of hyperness and sheer torment at times to handle.’” He mused, smiling somewhat at the woman. “Wonder if he’s got here yet…” Fred said, eyeing the crowd of heads though seeing nothing sighed a little.

Working the luggage in his hands around a bit, he pushed a now free hand into the pocket of his jeans and removing his cellphone, flipped it open as he began to go through the contacts before pressing the call button and moving the phone to his ear. Waiting a moment before he heard a rather drowsy sounding voice on the other end, and a smirk found his lips. “Oi, prat you at the hotel yet?”

Fred kept his spot, nodding a bit at the words his brother was saying on the other line.

“Well come downstairs then, I’ve one your friends down here.” He voiced back, a curious look crossing his face after another moment. “Hm. Oh, a woman named Mallory said you two spent some time allied together back on the island.”

He stood still another moment more, laughing somewhat. “Oright, then. See you in a minute then.”

Closing his cellphone and placing it back in his pocket, he glanced toward Mallory somewhat. “If you don’t mind waiting a bit, Glenn should be down in a bit.”


Closing the door behind him to his room, Glenn shoved his hands into his pockets moving back down the hall, down to where the elevators where. Smiling just a bit to himself at the thought of being able to his friend, he hadn’t spoken to Mallory since they had graduated and he had moved out to California. He rather regretted it at times, never calling or writing or something, but she probably had a lot better things to worry about than an old friend.

Reaching the elevators he stood off to the side some, pressing the down button and waiting for the elevator to come to his current floor. Glancing off lightly to the two people standing off to his side somewhat, talking between each other. The other man he had no earthy clue to be, but the young looking blonde did click on a light bulb in his head trying to remember where he had seen her before. She looked like a model or something – and probably was, they as the SOTF kids weren’t the only ones that where going to be here, no doubt more fashionable people would be staying here to.

Sighing a little, and facing forward again at the elevator doors.


Hawley visibly relaxed a bit when it seemed Madelaine had calmed down to some degree, muttering in agreement to the three of them having dinner to catch up on what they had missed these past few years they had last seen one another. He silently following along as Madelaine started toward the elevators, he still keeping a comforting grip against her hand, as two-toned eyes went about scanning the crowd somewhat.

Cody seemed to be gone for now – and probably stayed locked up until probably the day of the interview with them all present which found happen in just a few days now, but turning back to look toward his wife, he couldn’t help but sigh a little in some concern. “Feeling any better now?” He muttered lightly, knowing full well what the answer to his question probably was. But maybe getting out and doing something with Amanda would help her now, even though he knew she’d have to face the same thing again in a few days time…

Glancing off again, he sighed once more – he felt somewhat horribly worthless at this moment.

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:23 pm
by Megami*
As Lyndi began to answer Callum's question regarding her well-being, a figure happened to appear out of the corner of her eye, heading toward the elevator. Fifteen years, but even now, she faintly recognized the face. Or at least, she thought she did. It could only be one of two people, not like there were many sets of twins who attended Barry Coleson High School and were involved in Survival of the Fittest. And this twin, well, he had just brushed by her like he did not even recognize her, as if she were no one at all.


She blurted the word out almost playfully as the figure walked past herself and Callum Hadley. She had probably surprised the man with her sudden outburst, in fact, she hoped she had. Brushing a chunk of hair that had fallen into her face away, she turned to look at the man who had simply brushed by her without uttering a word. Placing her hands on her hips, she cast him a glare, a smile faintly playing on her lips.

"You know, Glenn Hughes, the least you could do is say hi. I was at your house every day for two years, after all. I mean, I DID go to senior prom with your brother. And now you're giving me this look like you don't even recognize me. How rude."

Lyndi managed to keep a straight face for roughly half a second before bursting into hysterical laughter. Do I really look THAT different? It was a thought that barely crossed her mind as she laughed, the expression on Glenn's face was priceless. Still, under other circumstances, she probably would have been offended at the Hughes brother not recognizing her. After the fiasco that became of their end-of-the-year trip, Fred and Lyndi had remained together throughout the remainder of their high school years.

College was what had finally torn them apart; Lyndi going in one direction, Fred in another. She had not seen either of the Hughes brothers since then, and it had certain been a long time, but Glenn had not changed much. Finally able to stifle her laughter, she shook her head and hugged Glenn. The entire ordeal had been quite amusing, but it really was great to see him again.

"How on earth have you been? It's been years!"

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:23 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Madelaine hung close to her husband's shoulder as she made her way towards the elevators with him, turning to look over her shoulder at Amanda, struggling to smile, even a little bit. But even that much was hard enough as it was at the moment, now that a shadow of her past had resurfaced to haunt her yet again. Still, she tried to sound cheerful as she told Amanda, "We'll meet you up with you later, alright? Take care."

Returning her eyes to the tiled floor of the lobby, Madelaine stood quietly in front of the two-leaf elevator doors with Hawley at one side, her suitcase at the other. Somehow her spirits had sunk as quickly as they had risen the moment she was reunited with her friend Amanda, and the pursed lips on her withering expression was a reflection of the underlying tension that had settled in the back of her mind. It was an elusive, subconcious thing, but Madelaine was well aware of it, and somehow found herself unable to shake it off.

For some, fifteen years was more than enough time to move on with a thing of the past, and look towards the future. For Madelaine, she had struggled for all of those fifteen years just to heal her unseen wounds, only to find herself facing a shadow of the past once again. What would happen to her this time, now that she would have to deal with it again for the next few days?

Having withdrawn into the world of her own thoughts, she almost didn't catch Hawley's concerned remark, and blinked slightly for a moment, refocusing on the real world. Looking up towards him (though she vaguely remembered being taller than him once in another lifetime), Madelaine tried to smile, but it came out weak and awkward. Struggling to sound cheerful, she said, "I-I'm fine, just a bit tired from travelling so much is all..."

She glanced away momentarily, wincing at the obviousness of her lie. Needless to say, Madelaine could hardly consider herself fine at the moment, having almost come face to face with the one who had been the cause of her wounds in the first place. Still, though she appreciated Hawley's concern, Madelaine thought it better not to make him worry about her, especially since Hawley himself probably had things of his own to worry about.

As the two-leaf doors parted, Madelaine stepped through with her husband, carrying her luggage, and having a sudden inspiration to lighten the mood a bit. It was the least she could do for Hawley, who had helped her heal all this time.

"Um," she started, trying to smile cheerfully. "Aren't you glad to see Amanda again? I was worried that she wouldn't come. And David's here too...maybe we'll even see Adam again. I wonder how he's doing sometimes...none of us have heard from him in a while..."

She sighed abit, feeling herself relax at last. Madelaine looked towards her husband, feeling the elevator ascend past a number of floors.

"How are you holding up? You seem kind of worried about something..."

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:23 pm
by riserugu*
The first sound that came from Glenn’s mouth as the familiar looking woman spoke out to him was a rather, confused-sounding. “Huh?” The look on his face showing about as much confusion as the sound he had made. As he turned away from the elevator to look back at the blond haired woman as she spoke of his apparent rudeness and the fact she had spent everyday for two years at his house pretty much. This getting an eyebrow wise from the man as the blinking began.

Going through his memory he tried to remember anyone who fit her description at all, though kept drawing blanks until she happened to mention his brother. And the fact they had went to senior prom together, this turning on a light bulb something as his eyes widened a bit, almost stepping back. “Ly – Lyndi?”

Now everything was a lot clearer, this had been the girl that Fred had dated for those two years after their time on the island, and with all the recent ex-girlfriends (and ex-wives as well) he couldn’t help but remember that she had probably been happiest with her. But after graduating was what split them up, with Fred’s decision to go back to England and attempt to make it as a pro-football player, which had worked out for him in the end, and Lyndi doing her own thing.

He was still a bit startled, but hugged her back when he found himself wrapped up in one, smiling some as she pulled away. Questioning him on his years since they had all last saw one another, “I’ve been good – I’m a musician out in California actually, I live out there with my wife and daughter.” The ting sound from the elevator signaling that it had reached the floor, caused him to eye it lightly. “Actually, I was heading downstairs to meet up with Fred, he managed to find one of my friends, um, why don’t you come down with me? I’m sure Fred will be happy to see you again.”


Hawley frowned visibly at the answer that Madelaine had given him, but decided against questioning in further onto the subject as it was clear she probably didn’t feel like talking about. And though he personally wasn’t fond of just letting her surrender herself over to her thoughts of that person downstairs that had done so much harm – but knowing that pressing the subject wouldn’t help any.

But nodding none the less at the answer given from his wife, he allowed his form to relax against the back wall of the elevator with a light sigh of sorts, eyeing the floor a bit before returning his attention back on Madelaine as she began speaking. A smile crossing his features somewhat as he listened, pursing his lips thoughtfully. “Yeah, I am happy to see everyone again – it’ll be a surprise if Adam comes that for sure, we hadn’t even been a back for a week before he up and dissapered… Who knows, maybe he will show up. That’ll be nice I suppose…” He said, looking thoughtful once more but let it drop as he found himself being questioned again.

“Worried?” He repeated, blinking toward his wife a bit before lightly shrugging some, smiling a bit. “I’m a little bit worried about a lot of different things. All this that’s coming up with the interview, if it was good to come here in the end for the both of us, though mostly I’m worrying about you – and I know that’s probably one of the last things you want, but I can’t help it really.

I hate seeing you like that… It reminds me of when we all got off that place, but…” He started, pushing himself off the wall and moving back to stand along side her.

“We’ll get through it again, won’t we? Just like before…”

That said, he bent down somewhat (he clearly remembering a time when he wouldn’t have been able to due this due to the lack of any height on his part) placing a quick kiss along her forehead. “Just remember, I do love you.” He said as he felt the elevator come to a stop. The doors parting open as he moved out a bit smiling some, though as he glanced about, the smile faded and was replaced by a lost look on his face as he turned back to look at Madelaine, blinking a little. “What was our room number again?” He asked lightly, looking up and down the hall once more.

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:23 pm
by LadyMakaze*
Gradually feeling more and more at ease with herself, Madelaine had settled herself at the centre of the elevator box, gazing warmly towards her husband leaning against the wall and casting occasional glances towards the floor ticker at the top of the elevator doors. Listening to Hawley now, her thoughtful expression seemed to match his as she looked at him quietly with a slight smile.

"Yeah..." she said softly, nodding in agreement. "To be honest, I wasn't too thrilled with the idea of having to go through all of that again, not after you and I tried to push it all away and move on. All those interviews and conferences, I didn't really care about all that, and I knew you wouldn't either. But I always thought that being able to see Amanda and the others again, and just the possibility of seeing Adam again after so many years would be worth all of that. And having seen Amanda and David..."
She looked warmly towards him. "I the end, it'll be worth it after all."

A smile crossed her lips as Hawley stepped over to place himself by her side. She drew a bit closer, drawing comfort from his presence. "You're right...we'll pull through this if we have to. It might be the hardest thing, having to relive the past...but we're strong. We'll make it." It was then that she looked up towards him with a bright smile before adding, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Because I'm with you."

Speaking these words, Madelaine felt as though she were speaking more truth than what was actually being conveyed. After all, for as long as she could remember since she had first met Hawley, he had been the one tending to her when she had fallen ill, or injured, during her time on the island. No matter how much trouble it seemed to be at the time, he was always looking after her, as well as the rest of their group. And even after the ordeal, they had remained together while so many others had gone their seperate ways. And Madelaine knew, that was mainly because he was always there with her that she was able to heal, and move on.

Madelaine had a fleeting feeling as Hawley leaned over to place a light kiss upon her forehead, blushing slightly while still smiling brightly at him. "I know...I love you too." Playfully, she lightly leaned her form against his shoulder for the duration of the elevator trip, which was all but disappointingly short. As the two leaf doors parted, Madelaine followed Hawley onto the floor, careful not to jam her suitcase against the doorway.

As though on cue to Hawley's question, she quickly shuffled through her overcoat pockets.

"Um....ah, here they are," Madelaine pulled out a pair of card keys, each with a row of holes punched through them. "That would be room 822, I believe. Here you go." She handed Hawley his card key before turning towards the corridor. "Hmmm...I think it's this way..."
Moving through the hallway of doors, Madelaine cast glances at each of the number plates as she moved past, a row of 800's on one side of the hallway, and the 860's on the other side.

"So many rooms..." she murmured, by now feeling quite burdened with the weight of her suitcase, nearly bumping into someone with the uniform of a pizza delivery person.

"Sorry," Madelaine muttered lightly as she moved aside to get past the delivery person. Suddenly catching sight of a numberplate that read 822, she sighed with relief, happy to let go of the suitcase at last. Looking towards Hawley as she stood aside the door, she rubbed the back of her head, looking a bit embarrassed.

"Umm, you do it, okay?" she asked him. "You know I'm no good with these type of keys."

Re: What do you plan on doing in fifteen years?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:23 pm
by Megami*
Nodding without hesistation at Glenn's suggestion, Lyndi could not help but smile inwardly to herself. She had been hesistant about coming to this reunion of sorts at first, unsure of what it would hold. However, in the short time she had been at the hotel, she had already managed to meet up with some old friends. Perhaps this would not be so bad after all. Besides, she had not seen Fred in ages. Not in person, anyway.

Of course, she had kept up with the soccer games, how could she not have? He seemed to have led quite the scandelous life, virtually every time the press nabbed a picture of him, a new girl was on his arm. It was almost the polar opposite of the life that Lyndi had experienced, though she refused to admit it. Regardless, although seeing him again would certainly be a blast from the past, Lyndi was rather looking forward to it.

Glancing back toward the man who had previously been in her company, one, Callum Hadley, she cast him a grin and a small nod, before bidding him farewell.

"It was great to see you again, Callum," she stated excitedly, "I'll have to catch up with you later, swing by my room sometime, we've got a lot to catch up on!"

That being said, she found herself practically pushing Glenn to the elevator. After pressing the button signalling for the elevator, it took a few moments, and Lyndi watched in anticipation as the lights showing the floor number the elevator was currently at flashed. Finally, with a ding, the doors opened, and Lyndi ushered Glenn inside.