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Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:25 am
by laZardo*
Rashid's hands had found the pills, but the faint sound of them rattling in their bottle was a sign that paranoia had returned to replace whatever gap the fleeting sense of security had left behind.

"Mind your step, we could be armed!" Mia shouted. As far as Rashid knew, that was actually true. On the other hand that didn't necessarily mean that whoever was outside wasn't better armed. Unfortunately, he then found out that they were better at playing psychological warfare (with him anyway).

Every knock on the window echoed through the hall, doubly so within his fear-addled mind, causing his heart to ricochet about his chest. And then, just to top that all off, the figure waved at him. From his perspective, with all the blood rushing to his head, it seemed that the world started getting a little brighter, just as he noticed that it was none other than class goody-two-shoes Logan in the window. The first stage of whiting out apparently involved physiologically tipping over the edge into the relaxation of a body shutting down.

Rashid's line of sight followed that of the person outside, turning to face the general direction of whoever the intruder had brought along. Then the sound of another voice outside. This one didn't seem to surprise Rashid as much, that person would have had bring backup.

"They look friendly enough, come on up..." The shout was more audible within Rashid's earshot, which allowed him to grasp its entire meaning.

Logan was toying with him.. That had to be it. This was SOTF. People changed. People that used to be 'good' now acted friendly just so someone could let them in to slaughter others without a second thought. And the fun part was that they didn't realize it until it was too late. Hell, what if everyone in the mansion was planning to have him for that evening's multi-course meal? As irony went, the only one Rashid could even consider trusting right now was the only person in the vicinity that he knew had a lethal weapon.

"What the hell is going on? What's wrong?" And that person was probably almost as scared as he was right now. Rashid felt a sliver of relief as Harun came back in, looking like he would have been curled on the floor and crying if he hadn't been alerted to what was going on.

Amidst all the fear, it seemed to click in Rashid that this was one of those moments where someone had to do something stupidly courageous. Not that he realized what eventually came of that stupid courage, particularly when he was now occupied with trying to be the person that exhibited that trait.

Rashid withdrew his hands from the duffel bag and grabbed one of the chairs by the backrests, aiming to use it by swinging it at the enemy. Heavy as they were, he couldn't quite lift it, as he found out when his body jerked and recoiled when the baroque old thing fell back onto the floor. But he was able to tilt it like he at least meant to swing it about like a bat.

"You want a piece of us, huh?" he muttered in a voice more of his own unnerved than the unnerving tone of moments before. Whoever was outside probably wouldn't be able to hear it. But they would be able to see his face contorted into anger AND that he was at least trying to show some courage, however stupid that would eventually turn out.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:25 am
by Solomir*
((Peter Siu continued from White Knight Nightmare))

The walk to what used to be a large mansion was relatively short, but conducted in silence. Aside from their footsteps carving a messy trail through the grass, making loud rustling sounds with every step, Peter and Eiko made no sounds. Every couple of steps, Peter would look back to make sure Eiko was keeping up with his pace. A girl like her was probably not very used to having to walk through tall grass. He could only imagine how much harder it would be for her when they decided to go into the forest.

The reigning silence broke as the pair neared the mansion. There were clearly people inside, and they didn't seem all happy and welcoming. Things could get ugly if he did or said something stupid. Just my luck.

At least all the commotion didn't seem to be about him. If he was careful, he could sneak in and out without attracting any attention. All he needed was a place to unpack some of his heavy clothes, after all. But getting two people inside quietly might be a tad more difficult. Peter couldn't just leave Eiko outside while he snuck into the mansion.
Why not? It's not like I can keep an eye on her every waking moment on the island anyway. In and out, real quick.
He stopped their advance about ten feet from the mansion's front door. He shrugged the backpack off his shoulders and unstrapped the sword from its side. He didn't expect to need to use it, but looking unarmed and helpless was not a sure way of staying safe. Hefting the pack back up, he said to Eiko, "we're gonna try to get in quietly and head upstairs for a bedroom. I just need to store a few heavy things from my bag, so we won't stay long. Stay close to me and keep an eye out. If things look bad, then find a safe place to hide inside."
Gotta admit, having an extra pair of eyes is useful.
Peter resumed his advance to the building with a lighter step. The less noise he made, the less likely he'd be noticed, and he hoped Eiko would catch on to the idea. Most of their steps were now drowned out by the rustling of the grass in the light morning breeze. When he got to the door, he lightly pushed it open, keeping the sword at ready in its sheath. He couldn't see anybody through the doorway, so he took a step in.

Right on a creaky floorboard. So much for stealth.

With perfect timing, a tall and nervous beauty shuffled into view from a side corridor. Peter recognized her; it would be insane to not recognize class bombshell Hermione Miller, although the way she was holding herself up now was quite the unfamiliar sight. Peter held the sheathed sword in a defensive posture in front of him as he took another step into the building. He just needed to keep her quiet so as to not alert everyone else in the building where he was.
Best way to silence someone is their throat.
"Hermione," Peter said quietly, concern coloring his voice, "why's everyone shouting?" He looked into her eyes, hopefully to convey that he meant no harm. "Who else is here? What's going on?"
Here we go with the white knight act again....

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:25 am
by Solitair*
((Eiko Haraguchi continued from White Knight Nightmare))

Since she was a small child, Masaru Haraguchi taught his daughter about the value of duty. Whenever young Eiko expressed reticence towards her schoolwork or the household chores she was assigned, he took her aside and gave her a few words of wisdom.

"Life isn't always going to happen the way you want it to," he explained. "We all have a desire to let things go and relax, but we can't indulge in it all the time. We all have things we have to do, and the better we do them, the better life gets, not just for you, but for everyone. The harder you work to achieve the things you want in life, the easier they'll come to you."

She hadn't understood him completely then, but over time she noticed that principle taking effect. The slackers at school, those degenerates who bleached their hair and slathered spray-tan on their skin and hung out at malls, they became whores and construction workers. By contrast, those who attended cram school and took notes and made friends with the faculty went on to Todai, Kyodai, Hitotsubachi and other prestigious universities, and then to great careers that opened the world to them like a lotus blossom. When she saw the difference between them, her path was set forever.

Even now, when the path to Todai had been demolished with more finality than any natural disaster could deliver, she retained the dignity she used to wear like a second skin as best she could. Hiking through the grass on the way to the mansion annoyed her; it tickled the sliver of exposed skin between her socks and the hem of her pants, and she was retreading ground, going back to the mansion she originally left not five minutes ago. But the thing that annoyed her most was the way Peter constantly looked back at her, as though he couldn't trust her to follow him. Did she really convey the impression that she was a delicate flower who would panic at the slightest blemish? Couldn't he hear her not three feet behind him?

She told herself it didn't matter. Concealing her annoyance was a skill she'd honed over the years. Even before her doomed relocation to America, there were plenty of things that annoyed her, especially the affront to fashion and good taste known as Visual Kei. Thus she soldiered on until they left the grass behind them, reaching the front door of the mansion and stepping inside. Peter entered as quietly as he could, so Eiko followed suit, thanking the heavens that she'd left her favorite pair of high-heeled shoes at home.

From what she could tell, not much had changed. The occupants she'd heard earlier were still audible, perhaps a bit louder, though it was hard to tell exactly. The creak that Peter made after entering seemed louder to her, though that could have been nervousness at making a sound. Fortunately, their encounter with Miller appeared to be a coincidence; she was probably heading in their direction anyway.

Miller had always been pleasure to look at, but not much else. Eiko didn't know whether it was a natural deficiency on her part or a misplaced sense of priorities, but Miller had always seemed to be far better at making friends and looking good than exercising her mind. It wasn't as though Eiko didn't make an effort to pretty herself up, but she always spent far more time on books and tests, whereas Miller seemed like the type to spend all of her disposable income on cosmetic surgery.

Peter took the lead in asking her the questions, so Eiko remained silent for now, wearing her apprehension on her face. The others inside the mansion were unknowns, with any variety of possible intentions, dispositions and weapons. She'd have to be on her guard here.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:25 am
by chitoryu12*
((Christopher Carlson continued from D-Day))

After picking his way through a small forest, Chris came upon one of the biggest houses he had ever stood outside of. What had once been a majestic structure, however, was now overgrown with weeds and moss. It was about three stories -- not including the roof -- with two separate wings. It was as wide as six of his houses side by side, painted a nice cream with a dark blue roof that had a large chunk taken out of it, as if some giant had decided it looked like a nice snack.

Chris stopped and shrugged the bag off his shoulders into a patch of weeds, sitting down and digging his map out of his pack. Apparently, the mansion and beach were in the far southeast corner of the island. Looking off in the distance, he could just make out the peak of a mountain over the trees.

He looked back at the paper. Apparently there was a town far to the north. He guessed that he could find some shelter there, and also maybe he could find one of his friends there. If he was lucky, he could get a gun off of somebody. Unfortunately, he may have to fight someone for it.

Was he really ready to do that? Chris was an excellent fighter, simply because he was willing to do anything to win a fight. Gouging eyes, twisting balls, biting, pulling ears. If it meant that he got out with as little damage as possible, he did it. But he needed to be REALLY pissed at someone to do that. If someone he knew and liked suddenly came at him, would he be able to bring himself to break their fingers, or stab them in the heart?

He pushed those thoughts out of his mind and took a swig from a water bottle. It was warm and a bit salty, but tasted like heaven to his parched throat. He put the cap back on and tossed it in his pack, then slung it back on his shoulder and began creeping up to the front door of the mansion. He wanted to rest for a bit in the shade and look at his map more closely, maybe have some crackers. His duffel bag was hanging off his shoulder loosely, so he could quickly drop it if he needed to.

He heard talking inside and froze. He crouched next to the door, half-hidden behind an overgrown shrub. He didn't want to walk in and scare someone enough to get a sword in the gut. Instead, he shrugged his pack off his shoulder, the sound unfortunately making a bit louder of a thump than he planned, and stayed statue-like behind the NEXT plant he was hiding behind.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:25 am
by Chib*
((Well it's been ten days since Geno's last post, I figure it's fine to breach post order so as to keep Logan active.))

"Who's there?"

Up close, Logan could finally hear what the people inside were saying. It didn't sound particularly welcoming. In fairness, to them he must simply be a tall boy, silhouetted by sunshine that left his features difficult to make out, armed with what looked like a weird kinda pickaxe. Hardly the most terrifying thing Logan could imagine, but it was up there, especially given the setting. Daisuke seemed to agree.

"Dude, they sound scared shitless in there."

Logan turned, nodding in agreement. It probably wasn't the best time to be barging in well armed, if there ever was a good time for it.

"I really don't think we're very welcome in there man. Be careful."

Taking care wasn't the problem, clearly. The problem was that the room's inhabitants were going to take some persuading to not see him and his companion as threats - if not outright enemies. And from the sound of it, more people were arriving from the front entrance. With the right provocation, the large gathering could easily turn into a deadly crossfire. Best not to be there if it did, then. Logan let Daisuke know "This is starting to look like a bad idea. Sounds like they're not the only ones inside, and most of them will be armed." He paused, shaking his head. "It could get ugly, I say we leave it."

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:25 am
by selphie_trabia*
Hermione gave a little gasp, more in surprise than anything as the doors in front of her opened to reveal Peter Siu and his companion. She gave them a glance over.

Peter Siu, male. More or less good-natured. Canadian. Quiet. Pretty nice guy. HARMLESS.

Eiko Haraguchi. Female. Polite. Friendly. Pretty nice girl. HARMLESS.

Hermione liked Eiko. She was nice, attended a few of Hermione's parties actually and unlike other guests, was polite enough never to leave a mess. She appreciated girls like that and as an added bonus, Eiko had once even brought her a present once.

She waved in greeting, giving the pair a big, friendly smile. "Oh hello, Peter. Nice to see you and Eiko too! I was just looking for a place to put on my shoes."

She listened to the pair for a moment then nodded.

"They are yelling at the boy with the pickaxe outside who is trying to break into the dining room window, I think. Rashid is there, he has iodine pills. Harun and Mia are there too, I don't know what sort of weapons they have, but Harun has extra soup, which you shouldn't ask from him because they're gluten free." she said cheerfully, "I was going to leave before any fighting happened."

She looked at the pair then moved aside to let them into the mansion, "You're welcome to come in, if you'd like. Try not to slam the door on your way in or everyone else will hear you. I was just about to put on my shoes, actually."

That having been said, she put her bags down, unzipped them and pulled out a pair of shoes. Hermione didn't normally wear flats, but the occasion called for them now. She deposited herself carefully in a fragile-looking stool and began to pull the silvery boots on.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:25 am
by Gwbiii*
Although Mia was sure, had it been heard, that her appeal to armament scepticism ruse would have been as convincing as it was cunning, she would have much prefered to actually be armed. Her eyes darted across the table looking for something deadlier than a plunger.

To be or not to be armed...

...That was terrible.

She furrowed her brow. The acute absence of sharp, pointy dining-ware left her feeling decidedly rebuked. Rashid and the recently returned Harun, those valiant moors, were speeding into action and here was she armed with nothing but a plunger and a loaf of bread...

She glanced from them, to the people attempting to gain entry, to her loaf of bread, back to Rashid and Harun and finally back to the loaf of bread. Best to put this away.

She rewrapped the bread and secreted it away in the bag from whence it came. With it safely protected from the elements, she fingered the plunger it had been placed beside. A most brilliant idea came to her. Dampened by the fact it didn't quite fit this particular situation, but brilliant nonetheless.

Unfortunately, with two jumpy, gunwielding types in the vicinity sudden movement seemed a foolish option. She'd just have to sit and wait. Maintain her composure. Yes.

"Well, this is exciting!" She said, unsure whether she was trying to break the mood or just add her ever-worthwhile comment. Either way, she wasn't too happy about hearing the slightly nervous cadence behind her own words. Very uncharacteristic.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:25 am
by General Goose
Harun stood, frozen on the spot, breathing heavily, his sword gun clumsily aimed at the window behind which the intruders (potentially dangerous psychos who have already decided to play Danya's game, however they could have been some of Harun's best friends, which would have made for an awkward situation) were hiding behind, Harun waited. He was shaking somewhat, his heavy breathing quivering, but he tried his best to keep a brave face. He'd kept relatively calm and orderly so far, he wasn't going to have a mental breakdown get to him now.

While Rashid tried to sound brave, muttering ineffectuak threats at the newcomers that probably only Rashid and Mia would be able to hear, and Mia made a most valuable contribution to the defence of the room by treating its occupants to a sample of her sarcastic wit while she wrapped her bread back up, Harun began to slowly step towards the French window, each cautious step accompanied by an irritating creak from the floorboards. "Right, guys," he whispered to his fellow room occupants, "I'm gonna open it. We'll need to open it anyway, or else we're just gonna sit here until they break in or someone else finds us or Danya blows us up for shits and giggles."

Shouting so the guys outside could hear him, he continued, trying his hardest to sound authoritarive and strong "People outside! We are opening the door! No funny business, we are armed and willing to fight!" The last bit was a bit of an exaggeration, but it wasn't exactly a lie. The doors looked like they hadn't been touched in a long time: they were dusty and scratched and the paint was mostly gone, and the handles had gone rusty. Harun reached for the handle, grabbed it, and pulled. No movement. He began to push. It looked like that was the way the doors did open, but they appeared to have been untouched for so long, they needed a bit of a push to open. Letting out a string of quiet obscenities in both Turkish and German, Harun rested the sword revolver against the other door and continued to push.

After a few seconds of pushing (which must have made him look like a right twat to everyone who witnessed it), the door swung open with a loud noise, releasing a lot of dust. Stumbling, Harun grabbed onto the side of the wall and cringed at the painful sight of the sun in the sky. His eyes had been adjusted to darkness for quite a while, and thanks to the sun, he squinted his eyes, covering them with his left hand and picked up his sword again, holding it in what he hoped was a way that showed Harun as not aggressive yet dangerous if crossed. Still unable to see exactly who the two boys were, aside from their gender, skin colour and size, due to the long time it was taking for his eyes to adjust, he asked "W-Who's that? Friend or f-foe?"

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:26 am
by Lawther*
Daisuke continued to watch the front entrance from his position as two new silhouettes entered the mansion through the front door, like civilized people. Daisuke facepalmed. Seriously? People were willing to just walk right in to what could possibly be a deathtrap? Caution apparently wasn't the number one priority on people's minds today. He sighed in contempt of some of his fellow students for their apparent recklessness. At least Logan had tried to scout out the house before entering.

Once again, movement near the front door caught Daisuke's eye. A new shadow had begun creeping up towards the front door of the mansion. At least this one has enough sense to not just walk on in. Dai thought to himself. This place was quickly starting to become a madhouse, something that Logan had finally started to perceive.

"This is starting to look like a bad idea. Sounds like they're not the only ones inside, and most of them will be armed." He paused, shaking his head. "It could get ugly, I say we leave it."

Daisuke withdrew from his position and turned towards Logan, nodding his head in agreement. "I agree. This is starting to look rough. Two more people just went in the front door, one more..." was all Dai was able to say before someone began to address the pair from within the house.

"People outside! We are opening the door! No funny business, we are armed and willing to fight!"

Awww fuck.

Logan might as well have suggested they played kickball with a bees nest rather than come try to go into the mansion; the bees probably wouldn't be half as agitated as recently kidnapped high-schoolers with weapons. Daisuke's gut told him it was probably a better idea to try and talk the people inside down rather than try to make a break for it. What if they had guns too? Then running probably wouldn't do them much good anyway. Ultimately, Dai decided he would rather face danger head on than be caught getting stabbed in the back. He stood his ground, keeping his pistol ready in his hands.

"Shit." Daisuke whispered tersely at his compatriot as the sound of someone thumping against the door began. "Let's not run just yet. We should make sure we're not about to get steamrolled first. If they try to start something, be ready." He kept his eyes focused on the dining room door, watching it shake as whoever was inside tried to get out.

A few more pushes was all that it took for the door to finally give. It slammed open, and out walked a fairly tall Arabian looking boy with some sort of sword. "W-Who's that? Friend or f-foe?" the boy asked as he blocked the sun in his eyes with his free hand. He looked hesitant, but willing to use his weapon if things turned sour. Daisuke imagined he probably had backup inside too if he was willing to step out and confront the perceived invaders.

"We're friends." Daisuke said coolly as he cautiously lowered his weapon. He reached his left hand out as a sign of wariness of the boy while his right hand tersely gripped the pistol at his side. "We don't want any trouble, dude. We can leave if you guys want us to. It's cool."

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:26 am
by laZardo*
((it's okay geno ilu <3 ))

"Right, guys, I'm gonna open it. We'll need to open it anyway, or else we're just gonna sit here until they break in or someone else finds us or Danya blows us up for shits and giggles."
"Wait up, I'll help..." Rashid stuttered as he took a deep breath. At least going with Harun meant he'd stand less chance of dying quickly, let alone first, if the person that opened the door was more cunning than he suspected Mia to be right now. Either way, it was better - or at least he considered it better - to go out and face his fear rather than wait for it to claim him unsuspecting.

"People outside! We are opening the door! No funny business, we are armed and willing to fight!"
Yeah...we look real tough. At least we can go down fighting.

Rashid slowly dragged the chair with him as he made his way to the opposite side of the door from Harun. The chair made a sort of low, vibrating hum up Rashid's arms as the rubber padding on the tips of the legs rubbed against the floor, but it was no more conspicuous than the complete sight of a guy dragging a heavy chair to be ostensibly used as a weapon. He let the chair rest against the doorway as he aided Harun in pushing...which probably only hastened the door's sudden opening.

Still, it seemed that all this nervousness had managed to keep him quite sensitive to these kind of things, as he quickly recoiled and hid back around the doorway as soon as the gigantic wooden panels suddenly lurched open in a cloud of dust. He didn't realize his chair had been in the doorway until he noticed that in the course of his impromptu getaway he ended up sitting on it, at which point he stood up, gave it a shove out of the way before hiding behind the doorway in its spot.

Rashid could feel sweat beading down his forehead as he tried to catch his breath. As much as he didn't want to leave Harun out there alone, he figured it was better than bringing a chair to a gunfight.

"W-Who's that? Friend or f-foe?" Harun asked. It didn't take long for a reply.
"We're friends. We don't want any trouble, dude. We can leave if you guys want us to. It's cool."

Of course, that still didn't rule out the temptation to take a peek at who was outside, having recognized that voice as belonging to Daisuke the recluse. His curly bangs were probably more visible than his face as he peered out and sized up the intruder, summing up his evaluation in five words.

Oh shit that's a gun.

This time it was Rashid's turn to freeze in place. He didn't know what would be going through Daisuke's mind, as much as he did with Mia.

"What do we do, man..." he muttered softly to Harun. Hopefully it would have been out of earshot of the people outside.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:26 am
by Solomir*
Hermione's response to Peter and Eiko's intrusion was... unsettling. Peter would have expected her to be frightened and on edge, possibly on the verge of tears. She had definitely been moving slowly and carefully before she had caught sight of the two, so why was she acting all cheerful now?
Because she's thinking about how she's going to kill me. Gotta be proactive.
At least Hermione had been helpful enough to tell him that there was something else happening in the other room. Sounds like something I don't want to get involved in. He turned slightly so he could see Eiko's form out the corner of his eye. "Eiko, can you go upstairs and look for an empty room?" He threw a look back at Hermione, who was now calmly sitting down and putting on a pair of boots. Slowly, he unsheathed the slightly curved sword and leaned the sheath against the nearby wall. He didn't raise the blade up in a threatening gesture. If Hermione was dangerous, it would be best to not push her too far. "I'll keep watch here to make sure nothing gets out of hand."
Being proactive can save many lives. It's a small price to pay.
Peter angled his body so that he could keep an eye on both Hermione and the corridor, as well as the front door. There was no telling if the group outside wouldn't try another entryway or the people in the dining room decided to get a little violent. Best to be prepared.

The sword in his hand felt a lot heavier than when he had been carrying it on his back.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:26 am
by Solitair*
Eiko nodded in response to Peter and started to look around for the stairs. She hugged the wall and moved slowly, deliberately, trying to stay as far away from the commotion she heard coming in with Peter. As she moved, she tried to place the people Miller had named to faces. It took her a while, but she eventually identified them. Kemal and Hassan were an alright sort, she supposed. Both Muslims, or at least one of them was. It wasn't a religion that Eiko understood well; she heard it was related to Christianity, and yet opposed to Christianity? Oh well. She could study the differences between them in her spare-

She remembered that she may never have spare time again. She came to a complete stop, her slumping form causing another creak in the floorboards. Not that it mattered; the group outside was distracting the group inside to such a degree that a stray creak would be a drop in the bucket at this point in time. It didn't take long for her to regain her composure, though. It wasn't long before she regained her composure though.

She looked around. Peter and Miller were out of her sight now, and no one else had come within sight. As she resumed her search for the stairs, she remembered the last person Miller mentioned, Mia Kuiper. What she knew of Mia... Eiko knew that she had a bad habit of assigning negative qualities to people, but Kuiper made a worse impression on her than most of the people. She was notoriously bad at keeping a relationship, and she came off as a rather spiteful girl, known for the occasional victimization. Much like Jarocki, she was exactly the sort of person that Eiko did not want to meet on the island, for there was always the chance that verbal abuse would turn physical in this environment.

Finally she found the stairs. She did her best to climb it quietly, but the number of creaks began to skyrocket. If someone in the mansion was keeping a lookout and could block the sounds of the conflict up front out of their mind, they could hear her with little difficulty.

It seemed the only thing Eiko could hear was her heightened pulse, the blood throbbing through the arteries in her head.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:26 am
by selphie_trabia*
"Oh, there's lots of rooms upstairs." Hermione said cheerfully, her voice still barely above a whisper, "But you should be careful because the floor is a little rotten."

By now, Hermione had decided what she was going to do about her situation.

She was going behave as if everything was normal because nothing was wrong. They were on a camping trip and they were going to have fun like normal teenagers who were not about to die and did not have to kill their friends or anything.

Little by little, Hermione had been folding up all her thoughts on the situation and putting them aside. She was far from finished with this process – some small part of her still recognised that she was in some sort of danger.

Even as she smiled cheerfully at others, Hermione's eyes betrayed how frightened she actually was. To an extent, of course. She pulled on the other boot, tugging on the zipper upwards. She ignored Peter's sword. It wasn't there.

"Hey, have you guys been to the campsite yet?" she asked, her hand on the doorknob, "Do you know where it is? I think I was dropped off here by mistake."

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:26 am
by chitoryu12*
(Apologizes for the super-short post. Got an inactivity warning and wanted to move quick)

Chris stayed frozen to his spot behind the bush for a good three minutes. He heard muffled conversation and footsteps on the other side of the wall he was pressed against, but nothing substantial. When the noise stopped, he turned and jogged out just past the walls, then decided to go around the house. He didn't feel like getting involved with whatever colorful, heavily-armed characters were in there. His self-preservation instinct kicked in and sent him on his way.

Chris kept walking, taking in the rest of the mansion and the groundskeeper's hut, which he skirted around. He kept going until he was in the forest.

((Christopher Carlson continued in Woods of Paranoia))

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:26 am
by General Goose
((Posting to keep Harun active, breaking post order approved by Geno.))

As Harun's eyes adjusted to the sun he moved his left hand from his eyes and began sizing up the boy who was in front of him. Some kid called Desuke or Dasuke or something, Harun had never really gotten the opportunity to talk to him or learn his name properly. Harun recognised the kid as a recluse who had moved to Bayview from somewhere or other, and he also recognised the fact he had a gun. A proper gun, not some clumsy gimmicky sword-gun thingy with only 6 bullets. No, this was a gun that was actually useful and practical in such a clusterfuck like this. And truth be told, it scared him shitless. That kid could probably kill himself, Rashid and Mia in just a few pulls of the trigger. Sure, he was saying he was a friend and all, but it could just be an evil ploy to lure the dining room inhabitants into a false sense of security.

Rashid seemed to have the same fears as well, and Harun turned to him and whispered as quietly as he could without being inaudible to Rashid "we keep an eye on the gun kid. Ask him what's he doing, what his plans are, wait a bit, and then we grab our bags and get the hell out of here. I don't like this mansion, seems to be attracting attention." It wasn't the most complex or most foolproof of plans, but it was still a plan.

Turning again to face gun-kid, his gun-sword-thing still in his right hand, he tried putting his most confident and friendly voice on (unaware it sounded rather scared, untrusting and unsure of himself) and asked, "So, erm, sorry I forgot your name, but....uh, what are you up to on this island? Like, anyone you looking for, any plans you've got?" Harun leaned against the doorframe, blocking the door, partially to support his legs, partially to politely signal to Mr. Gun and any friends he had that that they were not welcomed inside.