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Re: Minnesota Mallrats

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:19 am
by Killer_Moth*
As Geoffrey made a quick excuse and walked away, Jen retreated into her cubicle. How could he just snub her like that? Didn't he want her? All the boys wanted her. What was she doing wrong? She had tried flirty, friendly, slutty. After her last disaster, all she wanted was to feel wanted again. She couldn't wait to see Highpockets again.

She looked again at the top that Geoffrey had brought for her. The guy had a good eye. This would look really good on her. Damn, this guy maybe had something going for her beyond a quick screw and access to the credit cards. At least for a little while.

She wanted to speak to Morgan about all of this. Was Geoffrey worth going after? If so, could she count on him for a prom date? Time was running out, and she didn't want to be stuck with the dregs of the year. Maybe Morgan himself would take her. She knew he would if she asked him to, but that seemed a bit unfair, especially as she had promised to set him up with somebody. That would all come tomorrow, though.

She made up her mind. If Geoffrey wasn't back in 5 minutes, she was leaving, top or no. Still, in the meantime, she would be as well to try it on.

Re: Minnesota Mallrats

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:19 am
by Ciel*
(Damn it. Sorry guys. I didn't even know Killer_Moth had posted.)

A conflict inside herself was brewing. Was she really doing this to help Geoffrey, or was she just doing this for herself? She hated Jen like nothing else and anything she could do to hurt her would make Jessica happy. As Geoffrey walked closer, Jessica felt like turning around and running away. She stood her ground though, if only to give this whole adventure a point.

Finally Geoffrey rounded the bend from the dressing rooms and asked her what the matter was. She didn't know how to put what she wanted to say at first, but soon words began to form in her mind. She had to be clear and to the point.

Jessica looked at Geoffrey bluntly. "Geoffrey. You do know that Jen is just trying to use you right?" He let out a deep breath. Now the hard part was over. "Jen's done it to a bunch of boys in the past. Believe me, I've seen this first-hand. I know we're not friends Geoffrey, we barely know each other outside of school but you need to believe me on this. She just wants to tease you into doing what she wants. She's extremely shallow too..."

She stopped for a moment, running out of what to say exactly. Jessica forced herself to finish. "Just... make sure she isn't using you. Please?"

Re: Minnesota Mallrats

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:20 am
by DAv*
Geoffrey waited until Jessica finished before holding out his hands and giving a very slow, sarcastic golf clap "Bravo." He said sardonically before stopping "You think I am unaware of Jennifer's less than stellar reputation? Of course I know what she's generally after. And to be honest, I'm after a little of it myself." Geofrrey sighed before giving Jessica a smile "I thank you for your concern but don't worry, I'm a big boy, I can deal with this myself."

Geoffrey turned before nodding at Jessica "Find yourself something nice, my treat. We'll see you outshine Jen before we get out of her. Nothing wrong in outdoing her is there?" He gave Jessica a playful wink before heading off back to the changing rooms. He made it to Jen's and wrapped his knuckles on the side "I'm back. Jessica just worked up some nerves, needed a steady shoulder for a moment. How's the top?"

Re: Minnesota Mallrats

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:20 am
by Killer_Moth*
((I Honestly don't know if I'm breaking post order here or not just now. Sorry if I am))

As Geoffrey snuck his way inside the cramped changing room, Jen felt as though the weight of the world had lifted off of her shoulders. She still had it. She could make boys come at her beck and call. She had the power, she had the attention. Once again, it was game on.

She turned to him, making sure that her chest was prominently displayed. "Thanks, Geoff. This is gorgeous." She leaned over and kissed him gently on the cheek. "An you're sure you're ok paying for this?" She did a twirl, allowing him to see both the top and her figure.

"I really don't know how I can thank you for this. Unless you have any ideas?" Her voice was suggestive, as she moved towards him. An idea struck her. If she was going to date him for a little while, why not get the most out of it while she could. "Say, do you have a prom date yet? I'm still available, if you're looking."

Re: Minnesota Mallrats

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:20 am
by Ciel*
(It's all fair play Killer_Moth. Don't worry.)

"You think I am unaware of Jennifer's less than stellar reputation? Of course I know what she's generally after. And to be honest, I'm after a little of it myself."

Jessica became flustered. "Wait..." Sex? Was that all he was looking for? No, that wasn't what she was worried about. "D-Damn it, that's not what I meant at-"

"I thank you for your concern but don't worry, I'm a big boy, I can deal with this myself."

And then Geoffrey walked off, just like that. Jessica couldn't believe it, nor did she know how to react. He had just walked off.

But... she was just trying to help him? And he didn't care enough to just stand there and let her finish? Sure, she could understand. She was trying to drive him away from the girl he clearly wanted to fuck. Men. God damn it, men, they're all the same. Monsters, every one of them.

Ugh. Her head felt like it was spinning, surging back and forth. She felt nauseous. At first she was confused, but then she grew mad. Had he really... NO. He didn't understand! Jessica was trying to help him and he just shoved her aside I can't stand them. I can't stand any of them. They're... they're all the same. Jessica was mad now, quite unlike her. Actually that wasn't true - she was usually mad, a small anger that she just kept buried behind her other emotions. She never was angry enough that she would visibly show it! Her hands were trembling like mad! I have to leave. I can't stay here or I'll explode.

Jessica didn't waste any more time. She rushed out of the store and turned the corner towards the steps. She fumed, fumbling for her cell phone. Jessica would have to call her parents to take her home. Way to go Jessica. Last time she would ever go out of her way. In truth, she didn't hate Geoffrey. She hated how he would be so closed-minded but maybe she was jealous. His rejection made her feel embarrassed AND THIS was why she was mad.

She hated people. Why couldn't they see it her way, for once?

(Jessica continued in People Watching)

Re: Minnesota Mallrats

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:20 am
by KingKamor*
((Sorry that I haven't been posting. Midterms were hell this semester.))

Just as Eva was about to move on to a rack of jeans, she noticed Geoffrey talking to the Jessica. The low rumble of the mall was too much for her to hear what they were saying, but when they were done, Geoff simply walked away. Interested, she began to walk towards where Jessica was, but the girl ended up bolting out of the store.

Aw, hell, what happened? Eva thought to herself as she walked back towards the rack she was sifting through earlier. Had Geoff insulted her? Nah, he was acting like a knight in shining freaking armor, so Eva doubted that he meant any harm. Either way, Jessica looked pissed off at something or someone, and the most likely candidate for that was Jen, though she hated to say it. Eva knew very well the effect Jen had on most other girls. Without having to think about it twice, Eva pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and began texting.

"jessica lookd pissd off. might wanna b careful." She chose "Jen" from her contacts list and pressed "Send."

Re: Minnesota Mallrats

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:20 am
by DAv*
Geoffrey found himself choked a little at the ample chest peeking through the shirt before him. He had some measure of doubt as to whether or not Jen was willing to take it as far as he thought she might but the sight before him expelled all doubts and left him more than a little hot under the collar. A blush snapped across his face at the kiss before he managed to regain control of himself with a cough "S-Superb." He started before starting again "Superb Jennifer. And don't worry about payment, consider it a treat from a friend."

The sudden offer of a prom date through him slightly for a loop though he recovered quickly. Nodding maybe a bit too eagerly, Geoffrey answered "That sounds splendid! We'd make quite the pair at Prom I imagine." He checked out Jen's figure before nodding "If you want, we can look into getting you a dress now. Something red and flowing perhaps?"

Re: Minnesota Mallrats

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:20 am
by Killer_Moth*
The poor boy was nervous and blushing. Yep, Jen was in total control here. Geoffrey was obviously willing to do almost anything for her, the way he was offering to buy her more things, and the way that his eyes seem glued to her chest. It was sweet in a way. He was completely enamoured of her. As she was about to change back into her own top, she heard her message tone go off from her cell in her bag.

"Just a sec honey." She rummaged quickly until she located the phone, and saw that a message had arrived from Eva. Must be something important. Wonder if she hit it off with Jake. Glancing at the message, she felt warm inside. Clearly her victory was total. Geoffrey was now hers, and Jessica was pissed off that she had lost. Sorry, sister. That's how the game is played. And you just didn't have it in you to win. She dashed out a quick reply. "Some people are sore losers. Thanks 4 the heads up. G now taking me 2 Prom. Feel free to escape if u want 2. J. X."

"Sorry about that, Geoffy baby. Nothing important." She slipped the new top over her head, standing in front of him, only her bra preventing him from getting a proper eyeful. "So, you like the thought of me in red, eh? Let's go see what's in store." She passed him the top he had already promised to her, as she grabbed her own from the bench and put it on.

Re: Minnesota Mallrats

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:20 am
by KingKamor*
Once Eva received her friend's reply, she had to fight the urge to groan. Jen and her games were beginning to wear a little thin in her mind. Why go through so much trouble for such a fleeting experience as a one (or maybe two) night stand? It wasn't that Eva did not have similar urges herself, but she just did not get how someone could be so crazy about it.

"I give up," She said under her breath as she held a pair of dark blue jeans up to her waist before a mirror.

Re: Minnesota Mallrats

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:21 am
by DAv*
Managing to get a hold of himself, Geoffrey no longer stammered at seeing Jen without a top but still kept a close eye on her as she slipped her clothe back on. He nodded a little quietly at Jen's question before following her out into the store, keeping an eye out for dresses "I'll probably go for a white tux myself." He added, folding the top in his hands carefully "Nothing too unique. Do you have any preferences at all?" He looked over to the section with dresses, imagining Jen with them on... and a few moments of her without.

Re: Minnesota Mallrats

Posted: Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:21 am
by Killer_Moth*
Jen smiled at the assistant as Geoffrey led her out of the changing room, and received a scowl in reply. Not that anything would come of it. After all, she hadn't really been up to anything naughty. As Geoffrey started leading her towards the dress section, she scanned the area, trying to see if Eva was still around.

In the dress section, she found herself spoiled for choice. Oh so many things that would do, but just as many that wouldn't. "Oh, I'm thinking simple, elegant, and low cut. Something slimming. Maybe in a darker shade, a red or a green. And nothing too flouncy. I wanna be able to dance. You see anything, you let me know, okay?"