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Re: Bunsen's Spark

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:49 pm
by laZardo*
The "limey" straightened out, eyes almost bugging as if prodded with a Tazer when the teacher suddenly interrupted his despair by calling his name with a distinctly raised voice. Inside he noticed that his little charade was finally starting to wear thin, so it was time to wrap up the experiment before nothing constructive (to Cisco, anyway) was produced.

"Y....yes sir..." Cisco nodded, wiping away (the residue of what was supposed to be) a tear with his arm, "It won't happen again...I swear..." The experiment was almost over for Cisco, and it was time to clean up and put away his own things before he left. He also made a mental note to reassure his other victim/subject/guinea pig that he didn't really mean anything he said/did over the past hour or so.

Re: Bunsen's Spark

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:49 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
"... Got it..." Brook mumbled. Tons of lingering worry mixed with the opening floodgates of relief was always a weird emotion to have; it was like slowing down at the end of a roller-coaster, where the rider was still rather nervous about the ordeal but understood that the trial was over. He never actually constructed this particular metaphor, but Brook's gut certainly worked out the feeling as he watched the teacher walk to his desk and begin to fiddle around with various articles on it- the universal sign of 'that is all'.

Knees wobbling and creaking in protest, the gardener stood up from his stool and hoisted a black and dusty bookbag over one shoulder. He took a step or two, realized that this position was uncomfortable on his shoulder, and brought the other strap on as well before continuing his progress out of the room.

Fresh air... I could really use some fresh air right now. What the hell was he thinking...

He never even had a clue about any other 'experiment' going on in the room. Then again, this was perfect for Cisco; what sort of scientific process could ever be considered airtight if the subject knew the details of the process to begin with?

Re: Bunsen's Spark

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:49 pm
by laZardo*
With the ordeal now over, Cisco leaned back a little bit on his lab stool, looked up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. When he turned to face Brook, his expression was predictably and ironically happier than it was while the teacher was there.

"Whew!" he said, "Glad that one's over. They would have eaten us alive in detention...and," he lowered his voice a bit... "That's before they get you up the behind..."

He picked up his book bag with a bit of a huff, as putting on a charade this spontaneously complex did take a little toll. That aside, his experiment was now over, and its findings quickly stashed in a back corner of his mind for later exploitation the next time they met again. As he started toward the door after the clearly unsettled Brook though, he sighed at not being able to do much more with Brook-Squared's slightly-vampiric ex-lab partner...though the regret was short lived. This was a school full of opportunity, even after three-and-a-half years of study here.

'Fanny' pranced in front of Brook and twirled around in place with a cheery smile before offering his goodbyes. "So, until next week!" he chirped with all the vigor of an anime shojo, "Later, Brookie!" before heading out the door toward his next good time.

((Cisco continued elsewhere))

Re: Bunsen's Spark

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:50 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
"Later, Brookie!"

"I can't wait..." came Brook's dull and simple reply. He walked in the same direction 'Fanny' was traveling in, albeit at a much slower pace. The slower he walked, the quicker Cisco was allowed to get in front of him until he was out of sight. That whole class had been a nightmare, and Brook still couldn't decide whether or not the limey kid was intentional antagonizing him. The only other possible option in his mind was that the kid just had no idea of how to interact with other people.

"Nobody's THAT bad..." he muttered to himself, struggling to believe that was simply how Cisco acted, yet not wanting to believe that it was an attempt of antagonization (simply because he couldn't handle that thought right now). "Can't believe I'm saying this, but the kid was actually kind of funny. Maybe it won't be me next time when he makes somebody's life hell so I can laugh with him."

Flicking himself in the ear for the michevious thought and giggling simply to push away some anxiety, Brook headed off for the outdoors. Anywhere to rest was a good place.

((Brook Brooks continued in Roses Without Thorns))