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Re: White noise and Titration
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:28 am
by banthesun*
Will was refilling the burette when Sarah popped up next to him offering to help. So she wanted to do the titration now? Of course she couldn't have not wanted to do the fun bit. Why had she refused before though? Perhaps she could only take so much maths at one time, or she could've been shy enough to want everyone else to take their turn first.
"Sure," he replied, twisting the burette tap open, "You right with that?"
To Will, Sarah seemed somewhat less than perfectly comfortable with the burette, but he couldn't be sure. He wasn't sure if he should say anything; he definitely didn't want to sound patronising. Indecision getting the better of him, Will said nothing and stepped back.
Ms Heys's announcement caught Will by surprise; he'd thought he had a lot more time this period. In a hurry, immediately started looking for things to tidy up, but he didn't have to do much before Marion took charge. It seemed she was doing the tidying up, leaving Will and Sarah to finish the experiment. Now not having something specific to work on, Will sat down and watched the beaker, fiddling with their pipette while he waited.
Re: White noise and Titration
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:28 am
by selphie_trabia*
Now that she was in closer proximity to William, Sarah's shyness began to kick in, especially after he turned to look at her more directly. She nodded to him, her mouth sewn shut by embarrassment, then watched as he took a step back.
Almost instantly, she was right in front of the burette, one hand on the tap, the other spinning the conical flask quickly enough that the liquid inside formed a small whirlpool of colour. Sarah kept her eye on the liquid level, turning tap shut as the level reached 19.
She hissed as the liquid stopped pouring into the flask altogether and carefully nudged the tap open. Now the liquid was streaming into the flask again. Sarah grumbled to herself, trying to get it to drip into the flask rather than pour. She nudged the tap shut again, more irate than before as she noticed a slight change of colour in the centre of the flask. A quick turn of the wrist sent the liquid spinning and changed the colour back again.
Sarah looked at William with the blank and calm expression that she tended to put on when she was perplexed or upset. Her shoulders were tensed and her manner seemed to be bristling somewhat, betraying her irritation.
Marion's cleaning distracted her from her irritation for a moment or two. She nodded at her partner, then stuck her tongue out a little as she very, very carefully gave the tap another nudge open.
Ever so painfully slowly, a drop of liquid formed at the end of the burette, becoming plumper and fuller as Sarah waited. It dripped from the tap to the flask. Sarah spun the liquid.
She hated tap burettes for her inability to control their flow more directly. To her, the taps seemed clinical, missing that organic feel she often got from the old-fashioned clip burettes. They either poured all their contents out in a quick stream or dripped so slowly that she could have a sandwich in the time it took a drop to form. She had reserved the same sort of hatred for plastic pipette fillers as well, preferring the rubbery feel of the red ones that worked by vacuum.
Still no change. She sighed and waited for the next drop... and the next...
Finally, the liquid changed colour completely. Sarah read the number.
"Twenty point two." she said to Marion, "Guess this means we won't need a third."
Re: White noise and Titration
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:28 am
by Arscapi*
Marion carefully set the beakers on the counter in the back of the room. The last thing she needed today was to be responsible for replacing lab equipment. She made her way back, avoiding other students with the same intention, her eyes focused on her partners who seemed to be getting along famously. I missed something here I know it. Somehow I've been sucked into an alternate reality. Deciding not to curse a good thing se put a wide smile on her face and rejoined them at the lab station.
"Twenty point two." she said to Marion, "Guess this means we won't need a third."
It took Marion a second to process what was going on, then she glanced at the flask that had once again begun to change colors. She nodded and reclaimed her notebook, jotting down the information again.
"Well, that's good since we don't have much time before the end of the period," she commented. "You guys okay to clean up the rest of the equipment," she asked, flipping her notebook closed and sliding it into her backpack.
Re: White noise and Titration
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:28 am
by banthesun*
Will already had their pipette in his hands, so picking what to rinse first wasn't very hard. Holding it under the tap and hoping the water would wash through it mightn't have been the most thorough method of cleaning it, but it was quick and effective enough for him. Will deposited the pipette in the tray at the front and returned to the desk, throwing his goggles in the box on his way. The chemicals were weak enough to be poured down the drain, which meant Will could have a bit more fun with the experiment. It was always fun to watch the chemicals mix in the sink. The larger quantities meant that they could form some interesting patterns.
As he rinsed out the beakers Will considered his lab partners. Marion was a bit uptight, but she was probably getting better grades than he was. Or maybe she wasn't; it was always possible that she could need to put that much effort in because she wasn't very smart. That'd probably help explain why she was so grumpy and all, what with stress and things. Will paused his train of thought; that was a tad elitist. He didn't know anything about how smart she was. It wasn't like he was in much of a position to judge either, as far as grades were concerned.
Sarah, on the other hand seemed to be a bit crazier, which was a good thing in Will's opinion. Well, Marion could be considered crazy too, but in a different way. Maybe crazy wasn't the best way to describe it. Sarah was crazy in a more unusual manner. Was there an anime cliche that applied here? Will was sure there was, but couldn't for the life of him place a name on it. He tried a few words in his head but they all sounded horribly racist. Clearing his mind, he shook some water from the beakers before returning them to their cupboard. The experiment finished, be began pulling his lunch out of his bag again. He'd probably be able to fit in a sandwich before his next class.
Re: White noise and Titration
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:28 am
by selphie_trabia*
"You guys okay to clean up the rest of the equipment?" Marion asked.
Sarah nodded dumbly at her partner, the overwhelming presence of William making her a little more than tongue-tied. It was a complete change from her comfortable (albeit slightly shy) demeanor toward him at the beginning of class. Silently, she took the pipette from the tray Will deposited it in and held it under the tap, rewashing it. Then, she pulled it into a horizontal position and spun it, swirling the water inside the bulb to give it a thorough clean. When that was done, she let the liquid pour out into the sink. She didn't want to mess up the same experiment for those that might come in the period after.
Sarah's ADD-addled brain could only ever hold one series of tasks inside it at a time, usually something she deemed fairly important. Her familiarity toward William was bounded by her need to help Hayley and to do the experiment. Now that she no longer had a pressing need to interact with him, she realized that she'd been acting too familiar with William and now he was going to think she was crazy. She kept silent, not out of unfriendliness, but more due to her sudden realization that she'd hardly interacted with William and didn't know what he thought about her.
Struck by insecurity about her behavior, Sarah spent the next few moments quietly and thoroughly cleaning the burette and its spout. She made sure to twirl and turn the water inside, fascinated by the way it lapped about and clung to the sides of the glass tubing.
She was so absorbed by her cleaning, that she hardly noticed the bell ring for time.
Re: White noise and Titration
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:28 am
by Arscapi*
Marion watched as her partners began to move efficiently. Will seemed content to play with the acids and bases in the experiment. Well, I stopped him from getting in trouble, this time he's on his own. She sighed and continued to pack her stuff up. She was just pulling her backpack over her shoulder when the bell rang. Sliding back onto her lab stool, she waited patiently for the teacher to dismiss them.
Ms. Heys looked over the lab stations to make sure they were clean as she required. She then dismissed them reminding them that their lab write ups were do the next day. She waved a hand towards her partners and took off to her next class.
((Marion Summers continued elsewhere.))
Re: White noise and Titration
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:28 am
by banthesun*
When the bell rung for the end of class Will sat for a couple of moments as he finished retrieving his sandwich. He didn't mind waiting a little for some of the more eager students to leave first; it wasn't like they could all get out the door at the same time.
As Marion left the class Will raised his hand in a little wave before swinging his bag over his shoulder. Turning to Sarah, he gave another wave.
"Eh, see ya!" he said, a little awkwardly, before heading towards the door. As he left the room, Will inserted a whole half of his sandwich into his mouth, and made his way to his next class.
((William Sears continued elsewhere))
Re: White noise and Titration
Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:28 am
by selphie_trabia*
Sarah sat stock still, watching the water slosh about inside the burette as she cleaned it. Will and Marion had already left. She had waved at them.
Suddenly remembering herself, she put the burette on the drainage rack, packed her things and exited the class. She hesitated as she picked up the spare set of notes she had written up for Hayley.
She was supposed to do something with this... but she couldn't remember what. Why'd she written two sets of notes anyway? She stood there, in the empty lab for a moment, trying to remember exactly who she'd written them for again. Vague recollections filled her mind.
"Crumbs. I forgot to give these to Hayley's partner!" Sarah said.
Sarah looked out of the classroom door, but Will had long since disappeared into the crowds of students milling about in the hall. She sighed and folded the paper, putting it into her bag.
Resolving to deliver the paper later, she headed out for her next class.
((Sarah Tan continued in
Cook Until Done))