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Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by Outfoxd
Had Ray been a little bit more inquisitive and analytical, he might've sensed something was being withheld from him, but as it stood, he nodded and went on, satisfied with the answer.

"S'a long time to not be doing it, I guess." He said. He couldn't imagine taking that much of a break off of anything, and he hadn't before. He looked back up to the rings, then to the vault. "What are you working on right now? You mind if I watch a little?" Ray was genuinely interested, his curiosity piqued by catching the tail-end of Sable's ring routine.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by AnimeDutchess*
Sable glanced over at the equipment when he asked her that. "Well, no, nothing in particular...but you can watch, if you like..." She placed a hand on her chin, looking at all the different types of equipment. She could go for the balance beam, or the parallel bars...or she could just go back to vaulting over the horse. Anything would do.

But you know, I could make this fun...

She turned back to Raymond. "Do you have a request? Anything you'd like to see?" She gestured to the the equipment.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by Outfoxd
Ray seemed a little surprised by Sable's taking of requests. He wasn't sure how a lot of this stuff was supposed to look, so damned if he knew what he liked.

He looked over at the balance beam. He did remember flipping through channels once and catching part of a gymnastics competition on ESPN. He remembered it catching his eye, and being interested in how the gymnasts could perform all these flips and cartwheels on such a narrow space, all while still managing to look graceful and make the routine look easy.

His mind set, Ray pointed over at the balance beam. "That one looks interesting."

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:44 am
by AnimeDutchess*
Sable's eyes followed the direction his finger was pointing in, and found herself looking at the balance beam. Huh...what a simple request.

"Okay, then," She said, walking over to the beam and stretching her arms. Now, the question was, what to do on the beam...she was fairly strong in her techniques on this one. Once she reached it, she climbed up top, and placed her arms at her sides, her feet shifting every once in a while to gain a sense of balance.

Then, she brought her arms up, and she started to walk along the balance beam. She let a couple of her steps dip gracefully over each side before bending over and placing her fingertips on the beam. She took a deep breath, and went for it.

She did a somersault first. She was lucky; her body stayed in line with the beam, which took a lot of skill. She immediately pushed herself up into a handstand, as if in one fluid motion. The blotches on her face seemed to blend in with the red of her skin as the blood started to rush to her head, but she didn't let it get to her. She kept her legs together for a few seconds before making them into a v-shape, then into the form of someone doing an upside-down split. She wanted to do more, but went against it.

You've already done too much, anyway. Don't want to show off...

Slowly, she leaned backwards, and let her feet his the beam. As she righted herself, she took deep breaths. Oh, God, I'm so out of shape. She quickly walked the rest of the beam and dismounted, posing briefly. Her parents had taught her to always pose at the end of a routine; it was like the last icing rose on a fancy cake.

She was panting, though, and her face felt hot; it was probably still red. This was could she be so out-of-practice? It was embarassing. Her green-grey eyes glanced over at Raymond, wondering what his reaction would be.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:45 am
by Outfoxd
Ray had to mentally check himself to keep his mouth from slacking up a little as he watched Sable do her routine. Even if it wasn't a whole lot of stuff, that somersault was something else. Watching something in 1080p and watching it right in front of you was quite a bit different. He liked the dismount, too, and the way Sable's face flushed as she posed made her seem like some kind of hand-crafted doll for a second.

He could tell she was tired, though; she had the same kind of look he had whenever he would happen to gas out in the middle of a match. Not knowing what else he should do, Ray gave Sable a round of light applause. "You gotta be built real well to be able to do that stuff, right?" She didn't look all that muscular, but Ray knew guys smaller than him that could flip him like a quarter.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:45 am
by AnimeDutchess*
She let herself smirk at the applause. It did feel nice, to be appreciated. She quickly dropped the pose and leaned over, resting her hands on her knees and taking slow breaths.

"Ah...well..." She stood back up, watching as the world spun for a second or two. "You definitely need upper-body strength...and lower...body strength..." Hell, your whole body needed to have a good level of strength. She was lucky she still had it.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:45 am
by Outfoxd
Ray found himself chuckling in spite of himself, but he still moved in closer to see if she was alright. She stood back up after a little rest, so he assumed she was alright.

"Yeah. Looked like a hell of a workout." He looked up at the balance beam and shook his head. Maybe he should take up gymnastics, just to give himself a little edge. Looked like it gave the girl some damn good cardio.

"You do any other sports?" He asked, and then a beat later, half-joking "You ever think about wrestling? Looks like some of the conditioning transfer over pretty well."

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:45 am
by AnimeDutchess*
"It's...somewhat of a workout..." She muttered to herself, rubbing the back of her neck. It never used to be...

She looked at him oddly when he mentioned other sports. He said it with a joking tone, so she shouldn't retort too harshly...

"Not really. My parents started me in gymnastics, so...I never thought of any alternatives." She leaned back slightly, until she was being supported by the balance beam. "And I'm sorry, but I wouldn't know a thing about wrestling."

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:45 am
by Outfoxd
Raymond shrugged. "That's my thing. Probably like you, I started when I was little. I like having both feet be on the ground. S'why you'd never catch me up there, I guess." He said gesturing toward the balance beam. "Y'never know though, maybe I could be good at it, right? You could be good at my game, too."

He stepped closer to the beam and rested his hand on it, feeling the leather. Just like the rings, this particular apparatus was intimidating to him. How the hell were you supposed to keep your footing when there was almost no footing to keep?

He turned around and rested his back on the beam, mirroring Sable's posture. He should've been in the weight room by now, but he didn't really feel like it. The rationalizations came easily. He'd already lifted this week. One day without it wasn't going to make him wither up. And so on and so forth. Of course the real reason was that he was talking to somebody for once, and that was a rare occurrence.

"What's your best event?" He asked.

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:45 am
by AnimeDutchess*
"Yes, you could be good at it." But it depends if you like doing it. "Me? Well, what do you do? Do you wrestle?" She was just guessing based on what he'd said before. She watched as he, too, leaned back on the balance beam. When he asked her about events, she seriously had to think about it.

"Best event..." She leaned her head back, too. "'s probably the beam. It's always been the beam." That's because it's easy. Any beginner can start on the beam. She could remember the beam being the only thing she had done decent in that one tornament...back in middle school...

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:45 am
by Outfoxd
Ray nodded. "Yeah, been wrestling for awhile. It's more or less one of the only things I like doing." He smiled. "You can imagine I was glad this school had a wrestling team when we moved here, or I'd be good and bored." That was an understatement. If he didn't have wresting, Ray would have spent the better amount of his time sitting at home collecting dust like a forgotten knicknack.

"It's a fun sport. I'm not much for anything with a team, so it fits me pretty good."

"I'm not the best judge of the sport obviously," Ray said as he patted the beam with his hand. "but you do look really good at this. You looked confident. Why'd you have that big break off, if you don't mind me asking?"

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:45 am
by AnimeDutchess*
Salbe nodded, and made an affirmative sound when he talked about moving. Fleetingly, she wondered where he had moved from, but decided not to ask. She didn't feel like prying.

As he went on, her mind wandered a bit. Wrestling, huh? She'd seen the wrestlers around in letterman jackets, palling around like it was nothing. It must have been nice, to have a little community of friends like that.

Ray's last question, however, snapped her back to reality. She felt her body tense up slightly, as if it was ready to run. Her break wasn't something...she brought up to everybody. It was embarassing, and somewhat her, anyway.

...Well, the very least she could do was give him a watered-down version.

"I...well, in middle school...I was in a gymnastics competition...and despite all my practice, I did...horribly." She looked down at the floor. The fake, lacquered wood of the gym shined back up at her. "I felt terrible about it, and just...stopped for a while. Then, we moved here,'s my last year...I figured it wouldn't be bad if I went back to it."

She didn't give him a reason. Why would she, when that reason was created by a small, emotional girl in eighth grade, who'd had spitballs shot right at her face by her teammates for an entire class period, and the teacher did nothing to stop it?

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:45 am
by Outfoxd
Though he wasn't sure what, Ray got the distinct feeling something was missing from Sable's story. He didn't plan to press it; it probably wasn't any of his business and he didn't want to be a prying asshole. He did feel like he needed to be a little encouraging.

"Hey, you didn't have to feel bad about it. Nerves can wind you up, make you feel stiff, make you forget everything you know." Ray could say this from personal experience. At least one of the meets he'd been to when he was younger he'd been so nervous he couldn't remember the difference between a double leg and a double cheeseburger, and it took all his willpower just to get his legs to move.

"You got over it now, though, right? Older and wiser?"

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:45 am
by AnimeDutchess*
Sable looked up at Ray as he talked, a little surprised inside. As he went on, she smiled...but only slightly. He's pretty nice, for a guy I've never spoken to before. At least he was relating to her in some way, and she could appreciate that. When she'd explained this to others, they'd just stared at her blankly, said 'Oh', and moved on to another topic.

Her smile twitched at the 'older-and-wiser' comment. Definitely older...I can only hope I'm wiser.

"I guess you could say that, yeah."

Re: Vaulting

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 12:45 am
by Outfoxd
Ray noticed the smile, and was happy for it. For a minute, he was worried he was just blathering on. It was easy for him to take any kind of extended conversation on his part as little more than rambling. After he spoke, he slid his cell phone slightly out of his pocket and checked the time. He probably wouldn't have the time to lift; he was 19 but his parents still had to put some kind of check on him. It was alright. The weight room would be there tomorrow.

"Anyways, you're over it now, right? I mean, you're back in here..." He flipped a thumb to the beam, "back up there. All that's left is to kick some ass in the next comp?"