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Re: Coulda Been a Contender

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:31 am
by Killer_Moth*
Quincy blushed a little as she described the time spent with his as orgasmic. Fun, certainly, but that seemed a bit much. Given that this was their first date, if it could even be called that, she seemed to be moving awfully fast. OK Quince. Adapt, roll, and carry on.

"Yeah, a movie sounds cool. I could go for that. If you need to run, go. I'll have to take a shower here before I get changed and head off. But I can meet you at the Sunset. Say about Seven Thirty. I don't know what's playing, but…"

He found himself cut short by ‘Licia grabbing his waist. "I need to feel that again and make sure it's real." Damn. She had felt his boner earlier. Wait, she was talking about kissing him again. That was better. He could handle that. "Well, if you're not sure, I'm happy to let you have as many goes as you need to make certain." He lifted his head to hers again, and opened his mouth slightly.

Re: Coulda Been a Contender

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:31 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Felicia had to touch her forehead to Quincy's shoulder after that one. Finally... he seems like a really secure guy and all on the outside, and ya spend ten minutes with the guy and what do you know, he gets all insecure on the inside and such. I kinda like it, actually, since it shows he's a big softy and all.... huh, I wonder...

The imminent cut to her apiary imaginary friends was halted when her eyes watched Quincy's mouth open. Right, they were about to kiss! The revelation that such a big and presumably clunky guy like Quince could have such dexterity with his lips was a good one, and if it could make Felicia feel sensations that she honestly hadn't felt before (all her previous relationships were online, but nobody had to know that), well... that was alright with her. She leaned in and up to kiss Quincy back once more, relishing the moment for as long as she could.

By the time the kiss was done, Felicia actually had no idea how long it lasted. It couldn't have been more than a minute by any realistic standard, but it was nice to have some teenage fantasy about it lasting a year or so. She eventually pulled back, grinning. "Well, I'll see you later on tonight, then! Don't be late, alright?" She turned and jogged for the door, waving back at Quincy. Facing the wrong way nearly caused her to slam right into the doorframe, but Felicia caught her error just quick enough to guide herself clumsily through the door and, with a final playful look, the door shut and she was gone

((Felicia Carmichael, continued elsewhere))

Re: Coulda Been a Contender

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 1:31 am
by Killer_Moth*
He was happy. Felicia's stumbling on her way out caused him to laugh slightly, not in a cruel way. She could kiss, she clearly liked him, and she was his. Things were exactly where he wanted them to be.

Quince took a few minutes to clear up the last of the equipment he'd been using, humming quietly to himself as he did so. Once he was satisfied that the gym was in a suitable condition for whoever came in next, he moved to the shower. He knew that he'd have to go and see Mister Costelli soon, let him know the good news. That was in the future though. Now, he had a date to prepare for.

He had no idea what films were showing, but he did know that it wouldn't matter. As long as he was there with ‘Licia, he would have a good time.

((Quincy Jones continued in Let's Do The Time Warp Again))