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Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:44 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Craig was sweating profusely as he bounded through the library doors. He was aware he didn't have a lot of time left and, with the way the halls had been crammed all day, he feared there was a chance he may have run late. Panting loudly with each breath, one of his exhales was transformed into a sigh of relief upon seeing the voting box was still there.

"Oh... man..." Craig said with whatever air was in his lungs, plodding to the box. The pen was a bit flimsy looking, but it would have to do the job. Not wasting any time, Craig grasped at the writing utensil and scratched out two names, somewhat mispelt. ((Which, for the sake of convenience, is corrected in this post))

Prom King: Aaron Boismier
Prom Queen: Bounce

Satisfied with that, Craig dropped his vote into the ballot box... and got sidetracked by a few manga books on display, making sure to check one out before leaving.

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:44 am
by nope*
"I'm really sorry, it's just mine broke and I've had so many assignments lately-"

"That doesn't change the fact that this is two months late. That's unacceptable."

"Listen, I'm sorr-"

"You do realize that you won't receive your diploma until all of your library items are returned, right?"

"Well, it's a good thing I got it in then, yeah?"

Jeanie was not famous for her patience, and the bloated hag before her was just short of taking a large flamethrower to her already short fuse. Despite Jeanie's knack for feigning civility, Mrs. Collins (or, as Jeanie referred to her in her own thoughts, the fat whore) had never seemed to take a liking to her. Many disputes were had over the girl's tenancy to keep school property for slightly past their due dates, occasionally returning them a little worse for the wear than before they had experienced the horrors of her bedroom. And so, the librarian's nearly cat-like squinty scrutinizing of the girl was hardly a new experience for her, but still no less infuriating. As Jeanie slid the blue little USB in its manila envelope over to the fuming woman, she briefly thought she looked a bit like a toad in her malice. An angry, bitter cat-toad.

Eager to avoid confrontation, Jeanie broke the silence with a chipper tone.

"So, where-"

"There are coffee stains all over this envelope."

"...where's the prom ballot?"

Mrs. Collins did not look up from her scanning of the coffee-coated container, but instead absently pointed in the box's general direction. After a few seconds of searching, Jeanie finally managed to spot it.

"Thank you."

"And, excuse me.."

Jeanie had barely managed to take a step before the horrible woman's voice rang out from behind her awful little desk again.

"But bags are not allowed in the library."

Glancing at the various bags strewn under tables and next to chairs, Jeanie began to open her mouth in protest, but then thought better of it. She just needed to get in & get out with as little trouble as possible. She'd let the toad have her way, and take comfort in knowing that she was the better person.

She whirled on her heels and flashed at the librarian the most sickening smile she could muster. With a "Sorry!" (cunt) and a shrug, she opened one of the library's double doors and loudly deposited her heavy bag outside of it, and then let the door swing heavily closed as she quickly strode away from it. She could feel cat-toad's hot glare on her back as she made her way towards the box. It wasn't quite justice, but it was satisfying enough.

Upon reaching the fabled ballot box, an object so desperately out of her reach just moments ago, Jeanie nearly ripped a ballot from atop the stack and angrily whipped out a blue pen from her khaki pocket. The dork was so not worth this aggravation. He owed her for having to brave the dreaded angry cat-toad-whore. She made a mental note to coerce him into buying her Taco Bell sometime later in the week.

But she had to admit, her friend would make an adorable prom king. He looked damn good in a tux. Not to mention, she'd always had a thing for underdogs. She'd already convinced some of their friends to throw in some votes, and apparently he had quite a following. Jeanie was praying for him to win just for the look on his face when the announcement came. That would be the ideal send off for their senior year, for both of them.

He would probably make a better queen, though. Suddenly and quite without her consent, the image of him in a slinky red dress, holding a bouquet and donning a tiara and swooning into a throne filled her head. The subsequent attempt to suppress a snort of laughter garnered the glares of a nearby table of sophomores. She tried to pass it off as a cough, then finished her scribbling on the slip.

Prom Queen: Aaron Boismier

Upon noticing her mistake, she just barely managed to avoid bursting into laughter again. This was an obvious sign that she would be needing more coffee very shortly. Or maybe sleep. But at this point in the year, the coffee was more likely.

She picked up the slip, paused for a moment, slipped it into the box, and retrieved a fresh one.

Prom King: Aaron Boismier

The deed being finally accomplished, Jeanie strode as quickly as she could towards the exit, avoiding the gaze of Madame Cat-Toad, Guardian of the Ballot Box as she passed.

"Have a nice day."

"You too."

Re: Decisions, Decisions

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:44 am
by SOTF_Help
(OOC: Prom Voting is now closed! Thank you to everyone for your participation, and we'll count the votes shortly and let you know the results. See everybody at Prom!)