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Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:23 pm
by ViolentMedic
Lily had spent their time together trying to figure out how anyone could be like Isabel was. How that sort of person could even exist, and do the things she did while grinning all the while. Lily had never understood it.

But now? Watching Isabel die slowly and painfully?

Suddenly, Lily understood. Because watching Isabel sob and gurgle and plead with her for help...

That felt satisfying. Lily had never felt better.

Lily didn't move. She didn't even try to help Isabel in the same way she'd tried to help Lizzie. Isabel deserved to die as slow and painfully as possible. Lily stood in the doorway, lowered her sword, and she watched Isabel plead with a wide, gleeful smile that was unfamiliar and made her cheeks hurt.

And then Isabel was dead, and rather abruptly Lily had two regrets.

The first was that it hadn't lasted longer.

The second was that she hadn't done anything to bring this about. And that second regret flooded over her as abruptly as a tidal wave. What had all this been for? She'd meant to avenge Tina. She'd meant to be the one to do this, so that she had a reason for all this. And she'd done nothing.

The smile had left her face, and Lily had gone very pale. She didn't move. She just watched the blood leak from Isabel, and nevermind the bodies. Or the living, armed people that remained.

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:24 pm
by Riki
It might've been the gunshot. It might've been something wholly in her head. But all of a sudden Fiyori heard a crack, saw a blinding white, and thought she was not Fiyori anymore. It must have happened when Isabel kicked her. From that point forward, Fiyori was just there. She saw the blood on her skin trickling down on the floor. She saw herself fighting back and stabbing Isabel once more.

She saw Isabel dying. Laying down on the floor, pleading, and trying her best to provoke the party's pity.

None of that seemed real. It was as if someone picked Fiyori up, and threw her on the center stage of a hyper-realistic theater production. All of it, all the pain and hatred, seemed very convincing. And yet, it was also obvious that it was not real?

Fiyori found herself stalking towards Isabel, squatting down above her and placing her hands on Isabel's temples. For three seconds and a tiny bit, Fiyori tried to squash her head in. Tried to increase pressure, push it together hard enough that Isabel's head would just collapse into herself.

Then she stopped trying. Then she touched Isabel's forehead with her own. Then her own fingers began to comb through Isabel's hair instead. She breathed shallow and high-cadenced, Isabel did not breath at all.

The pain in her face returned - or really, just become apparent - with a burning sensation across the slash. Fiyori rose from her position, and while looking at Scout and whatshername, she adjusted her gla-

"Oh fuck. Not again. Alright, do me the favor guys and try not to step on my glasses."

Fiyori turned around, taking a step forward. She had intended to get to her own bag, and patch herself up. When she noticed Lily, she stopped immediately.

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:24 pm
by Melusine
''I won't step on them, don't worry. That'd be like... really rude.''

She told the girl who just caressed Iz's body. Maybe she was her friend before her death and she was trying to stop her. Probably danced together along Asha. She had a nasty cut on her face and Dot saw her bright blue eyes constracting with her dark skin.

Oh, it was Fiyori. She was just weird, that's all.

Dot lowered herself on Iz's level, literally and figuratively. She reached out for the KABAR combat knife. As if she was about to touch something burning, her fingers coiled back to defend themselves. She wondered is Asha would be okay with this, taking the weapon that caused her death. She wondered if Asha was okay with Dot killing Iz.

She shallowed hard and jabbed the knife away. It was back in her possession, she would keep it as long as she lived. Maybe as a reminder of her killing Iz or as another memento of Asha or maybe just as a weapon, but she would keep it safe and sound.

Then her attention diverted toward the body of Iz. She was messed up. Missing fingers, holes in her chest, soaked with blood. Bitch had it coming but it still looked very painful. The kind of death Dot wouldn't wish on her worse enemies but Iz deserved it.

Was she really dead? It seemed like she was just sleeping, or faking to be, and covered in fake blood and muck. It looked like she could just open up her eyes and twitch back to life and kill more. Dot bit her lips. Even she repeated herself continuously Iz was dead, she still felt like she was alive.

Dot laid her sword beside the monster's body. Her hands meticulously wrapped around her mouth and forced it open. If she was faking, she was a great actress. She slowly raised her hand wielding the knife and stared in the abyss that was Iz's mouth. Then she started stabbing.

She felt the teeth collide with the blade. Tink, tink, tink. It was like to blade hitting each other, as if Dot was knocking ustensils together. She started slowly. Carefully hitting the back of the throat. Again and again and again. She started seeing red and her movements started to become more erratic, swinging wildly at the girl.

Her cheeks were cut, her lips looked like the sides of a steak, her tongue was teared apart and her teeth were barely hanging. But Dot continued, hitting again and again the girl's mouth her blade. Cutting her face below the nose until she saw the muscles then the nerves then bones.

She threw the knife to the side and sat on the chest of Iz. She stared at her work. She grabbed the upper part of her face and pushed. Her head, above her chin, came off. It wasn't connected to the body anymore. She couldn't be alive.

Dot sighed happily and smiled. She was hypnotised by her work. She felt glee seeing that Iz was finally dead and she couldn't hurt anybody.

''Don't look at me like that, staring is rude.''

She said to the vacant eyes of Iz as she hold her by her black hair.

''You are lucky that people found you first. I would have make you beg for death.''

She took her knife and wiped the blade on Iz's forehead. She put it in her bag secured under her arm, resting in-between the porno and her escrima sticks. She grabbed her sword with her right hand and stood up. The deed was done.

She looked at the girl with a gun. The girl who almost shot her to kill Iz. Next time she would see her, she would probably shoot her first and take her gun. She could have died right there and she wouldn't have seen the girl's death.

''What are you looking at?''

She smiled and stepped over a blond boy's body.

((Dot's interlude was over.))

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:24 pm
by Ciel
Alvaro Vacanti. Alessio Rigano. Nancy Kyle. Isabel Ramirez. Kimiko Kao. Brandon Harte. Jeremiah Fury.

Nancy fell to Kimiko Kao. That was curious. Was Kao defending herself? Had she been defending herself this whole time? Didn't matter. She was a threat, that mattered. She had no idea who Jeremiah Fury was. Maybe she'd recognize his face if and when they ran into one another. Scout imagined him with the face of a rat. That's all he was to her, that's what all of them were to her.

Alessio Rigano. Kimiko Kao. Brandon Harte. Jeremiah Fury.

Thinking about the list distracted Scout from the pain in the side of her abdomen and the burning in her fingers. The wound was not bleeding as much as it had been before. Scout did not know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing. People say that your whole body goes cold when you bleed out so maybe it was a good thing. Small wonders.

Scout straightened herself up. Her shoulder was propped up against the wall, one hand clutching her side, the other holding the M-10 in a vice-like grip. Fool her once, shame on you; there is no fooling Scout twice. She pressed off of the wall, wobbling on her feet before straightening herself. The bloodloss was not substantial. That was obvious from the fact she could still walk on her two feet. But she wasn't prepared to risk it. She kept her hand on her wound as she slowly made her way over to Noah's prone body.

Her approach was a struggle insomuch that each step seemed to stretch out the stab wound. It was hard to explain. Like Scout was moving a muscle she never knew existed before. It was surreal. It was scary. And Scout would have to get used to it.

She bumped something with the end of her boot. Scout looked down. She lowered herself, reached out the arm that was holding the gun, and clutched the hinge of her companion's glasses between her middle and ring fingers. (The senior, that is, not the weirdo who was looking at her funny.)  A dabble of blood stained the lenses but, hey, at least they weren't cracked.

"Are these yours?"

She stood up straight again and turned slowly, holding the glasses out awkwardly in her hand. Then Scout saw Lily Caldwell. Immediately she did not consider the fact that Isabel was screaming out for 'Lily' to help her, to save her. Instead she gasped and furrowed her brows.

"Did all of you people get off the same goddamned bus?" She said, off-the-cuff.

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:24 pm
by ViolentMedic
Lily watched Dot mangle Isabel's head until it separated entirely from her body. The pale, regretful feeling didn't leave, but it did simmer down some as she watched.

It didn't do much for her, though. At this stage Isabel was basically a bag of meat. If she couldn't scream, then what was the point?

Dot left and took what remained of the head with her. Stepping over Noah like he wasn't there at all.

...Okay, then.

But now there were the remaining two. Fiyori and Scout. Neither girl was particularly close to her. She had talked to Fiyori in a store once? And Scout was in her grade but wasn't all that social.

The important thing was that they had weapons, and had shown a clear willingness to use them.

Lily slowly crouched and put the sword down, then raised her hands.

"I, uh..."

The two girls both looked pretty bloody.

"I got more first aid than I would ever be able to use in here, sooo..."

Not as if Isabel was here to take her supplies back, after all.

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:25 pm
by Riki
Fiyori was, to put it both blunt and brief, very overwhelmed.

At her feet, three corpses littered the ground. The new girl, some junior girl who came out of nowhere earlier, went town on Isabel's ass. Or like, went town on her head. Fiyori turned to watch it for a seconds, mouth agape. She chose, partly for the sake of her sanity, not to watch any further. Then, there was Noah. She liked him, and to see him dead was kinda sad - in an abstract way. There was also Alan, and she had fuck idea where he came from. Alan... she wasn't close to him. He stuck his dick in her once, but aside from that there was no shared ground. Still...

There was the sickle to take care off. There was the fact that she had to find her glasses - again - and there was still the need for medical treatment. Fiyori knew she'd better get her wound patched up quickly, short life expectancy be damned.

Then there was, of course, Lily.

It was all a bit much, all a bit much to reach to and a bit much to feel about.

Fiyori was done with feelings for that day.

"Ah, thanks." She said, when Scout approached and gave her the glasses. Got that one taken care off fairly easily after all. The glasses were smeared by someone's blood, but they seemed otherwise fine.

"Alright Lily. I got a fuck-ton of questions. Stay put while I get my bag and then... I'll take you up on that offer."

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:25 pm
by Ciel
Scout barely registered that one girl making off with Isabel's head. A corpse is a corpse, and she had better things to worry about such as the gaping wound in her side and Lily Caldwell. The sight of a girl tearing somebody's head off might have grossed Scout out but, well, Scout was kind of zoning out. In hindsight she had been stupid to zone out like that but whatever. Focus on the present.

She narrowed her eyes at Lily, leaning the weight of her body on the soles of her feet. Isabel screamed her name before dying, and Lily just so happened to be close to where Isabel died. And quite fucking frankly, she was pretty sure there was only one Lily on this rock of an island.

Lily's name was not on Scout's list, but that sure as hell did not exonerate her either.

She glanced at the senior. Clearly the two of them were on the same chapter but two different pages. Scout was tired though, and at least there was someone who was full of questions too.

So instead of questioning Lily, Scout turned her back to her which was an incredibly stupid thing to do in hindsight. She gave a passive nod to Lily, or the senior, or no one in particular, before going straight to Noah's prone corpse. She got down on her knees, made sure she wasn't sitting in the boy's blood.

Scout did not know Noah all that well. Hell, she only met the guy a few days ago. But she still learned plenty about him in that short amount of time, not in terms of hobbies and shared interests and that kind of shit but of character. Noah struck her as an upstanding dude, the sort of person who always had a joke to lighten the mood. He was, as Scout's Nana would say, a kind soul. A kind soul who Scout would have written off as some jokester if they met anywhere other than this shithole. That was the part that burned Scout the most; circumstances made it easier for her to connect with some guy she barely knew.

Part of her wished she met him back home.

Every other part burned with indignant rage. Because those same circumstances brought Noah and Isabel together. And Isabel killed Noah. Noah screamed while she was killing him. Scout was glad that she was lucky enough not to see what Isabel did to him.

... There's an Irish prayer that Scout's Nana always quoted.

" [font=autumn]Death is nothing at all. It does not count. You have only slipped away into the next room.[/font]
[font=autumn]Everything remains as it was. Nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before.[/font]
[font=autumn] How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting, when we meet again. [/font]"

Something like that.

Scout did not believe in a god. She used to, when she was a stupid kid. Still, it made her feel better, the burning in her side notwithstanding.

She was preparing to stand up when she turned her head and caught sight of the sawblade slinger. Of course she did not remember that name. All she knew was that  he called it Sawlaska Thunderfuck. She hesitated, gauging whether it would be wise to let go of her wound. Well, Lily was offering to patch her up. And Scout had a gun so...

Fuck it. She shrugged her bag off of her shoulder, took Sawlaska and shoved it, him, her, she wasn't sure, into her bag. She'd figure it all out later when her torso wasn't swelling like a sonofabitch.

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:25 pm
by ViolentMedic
"I can't wait," Lily muttered under her breath to Fiyori. She wasn't exactly looking forward to explaining herself. There was no real explanation she could give. And the only reason she had to explain herself to Fiyori at all was because Fiyori could murder her.

Lily opened the door a little more, watching the other two. Scout stopped and picked up that big saw thing Noah had. She stopped a while at Noah. Probably knew him.

Then again, it was likely everyone who'd entered this corridor—dead or alive—had known someone Isabel killed. But that's what she got for rampaging around like the moron she was.

Lily looked at Isabel's body, and a quick smile tugged at the corners of her lips again before she forced her face back into a neutral expression. She turned and headed into the room she and Isabel had been in before Noah interrupted them.

She didn't say anything once she was in there. She just grabbed the strap of Isabel's ridiculously full bag, and dragged it a couple of steps before letting go, sitting in plain sight so that the others could access whatever was inside easily. Then Lily sat down, same spot she'd been a few minutes ago, and waited.

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:25 pm
by Riki
Lily could not wait. Well, ain't that great. The girl had the gall to sass Fiyori. Though, if it was true, and Isabel and Lily happened to be - she hardly dared to say the word, or think it - friends, that little bit of sass could be forgiven.

Barely, but...

Fiyori jaunted around the corner and picked up the bag. One thing after the other; the sickle had been placed on her belt, while her glasses clinged to the rim of her poncho. Stomach hurt a bit too, but that was easy to ignore given the cut in her face.

She let out a grunt, but returned to Lily uninterrupted. There was a brief moment, where Fiyori doubted her actions. Then she saw the bag Lily placed in the room, presumably for Scout and Fiyori to use. Fiyori placed her own next to it. Blood dripped on it.

"So? What was that thing between you and Isabel?" Fiyori paused, thought about something and then grinned. "Were you fucking?"

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:25 pm
by Ciel
"... You couldn't have been that close to her," Scout added, "since you let her die and all."

She let the lanky girl go in first. Scout didn't have a clear look into the room, so she didn't know what Lily was doing. She sure as hell wasn't going to just run headlong into the room. The last time she did that Isabel gave her a gash in her side. The junior glanced at the senior, glanced at her bag. Then she dropped her bag down next to the others. She did not drop the gun.

"I'm Scout. Your name's Lily, right?"

Scout hated introductions. It made her all self-conscious and shit, made her cringe like hell. But she wasn't just introducing herself for the sake of pleasantries. She didn't say 'Scout'. She said 'Scout Pfeiffer'. She was rattling Lily's cage, theoretically speaking. Whether there was a hornet's nest in there or not remained to be seen.

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:26 pm
by ViolentMedic
Well. That was an accusation that Lily hadn't expected to hear. She gave Fiyori a confused, slightly disgusted look.

"No. No, we were not. My taste is bad, but it's not… that bad." Yes, Caedyn had been a mistake, but she was a million times better than Isabel. One murder and a Best Kill award aside.

She considered the question for a bit. What did she say? What did she leave out? Would they believe her if she left too much out? Would they decide she deserved death too, if she told them everything?

Scout introduced herself and tried to confirm her name.

"Yes. Lily with a y," Lily said absently.

A little slow on the uptake, it finally clicked. She looked properly at Scout, her eyes narrowed. Scout Pfeiffer. She'd been on the announcements. She'd killed Alvaro. Lily eyed her warily for a moment. Eyed Scout, then then the gun in her hand. Then she looked away.

That could be talked about later, she supposed. Maybe when Scout wasn't clinging to that gun so tightly. Who knew how she might react?

After a few moments consideration, Lily decided to go minimal with her explanation. It wasn't as if she owed them anything, anyway.

"I tried to kill Isabel a few days ago. I failed. And for whatever reason, she didn't kill me. I don't know why, because she's killed everyone else who tried. Instead, she just started dragging me along with her and talking at me like this was all normal. Trying to talk about how she felt about things, and starting up casual conversation, and calling me her friend or weird nicknames… like I was a… pet or something." Lily said the word ‘pet' with as much disgust as she could muster. "I meant to kill her when she was off-guard. But she rarely let me touch a weapon, and when she did..."

Lizzie was still carved on the back of her eyelids.

"It… wasn't good," Lily said quietly.

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:26 pm
by Riki
Fiyori opened the bag to make use of the medical supplies. She'd wished there was something or someone to tell her how to treat her wound. At some point, Fiyori looked up in the Internet how to deal with a cut on her face. Pure coincidence, but she remembered that the advice under the section of "deliberate injury" was to go to the hospital.

...that was unfortunately not an option. She'd have to piece the little half knowledge she had together and guess. She'd take the gauze, apply some alcohol and clean the slash with it. She'd let most of the wound alone. It hurt like a bitch and it bled like one, but even Fiyori knew it wasn't as bad as Scout's injury. In fact, there was just one spot right under her eye where the wound was gaping. She'd have to take the butterfly closure and apply it there.

Well, she'd also apply it above the brow. When Lily finished, Fiyori raised the eyebrow, breaking the wound open.

"I see."

Fiyori thought about it a bit. She felt that Lily had yet to say all there was. Sure, she could understand staying with a person you detest, but still...

"I'll be open with you." She briefly turned to Scout. "...and you too, I suppose.

"Danny Brooks was one of my best friends. I... wasn't quite sure back in Cochise, but I loved him. I hated living so much, I hated everything about our world so much, but he was one of the people that brought me genuine joy.

"What I am saying is, whether Danny would've been the only victim of Isabel, or one of ten, I'd have killed her all the same."

Fiyori's voice was rising as she spoke. She stopped herself, and returned to a quieter level.

"Perhaps you would feel the same about us, Lily."

Yet as it turned out, Isabel had no friends at all. Neither shocking, nor a surprise.

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:26 pm
by ViolentMedic
"...Right. I don't really care that you killed her? She killed Tina. She killed Lizzie. She deserved more than what she got. So no. I don't feel the same about you. As far as I'm concerned, you did the world a favour."

Ignore the bitterness. Ignore the regret. It had nothing to do with Fiyori or Scout.

"Besides. What room do I have to go around accusing people?" Her eyes flickered towards Scout. Alvaro flickered through her mind, but she shrugged it off. "Honestly, my list of killers is getting very long. I don't have time to go around hating everyone on it."

Lily pulled out some of the first aid supplies, as well as enough food and water to see her through the game. It still left plenty in the bag. She didn't need that. She dumped the supplies she wanted to keep in Lucilly's old bag before standing up, slinging the bag over her shoulder.

"Keep what you want. Or leave it. But I'm done here."

There were far too many corpses to be comfortable around here, and who knew when Scout might decide to use that gun. So without any more words, Lily crossed the room and pushed open the door. She picked up the sword she'd left on the floor before leaving. It was better than nothing.

She stepped carefully around Noah. She stopped in front of Isabel's headless corpse. She thought about plunging her sword into it. Mutilating it until it was a pile of guts indistinguishable from the bin of a butcher.

But, much like she couldn't bring herself to touch the innards poking out of Lucilly's body, she couldn't bring herself to touch Isabel. Convinced that, somehow, the headless body would sit up and grab her like when she'd tried to kill Isabel so long ago.

Instead, she gathered what moisture she had and spat on the corpse before leaving.

((Lily Caldwell continued in Rear-End Collision.))

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:26 pm
by Riki
Well then. Fiyori guessed that was a good thing. As good as things could be. The island did weird things to people. Fiyori spent too much time with someone she was supposed to fight. So did Lily. A pair of odd cases, but still a familiar story. Fiyori thought about calling Lily out on it as she left. Say something about how they weren't so different, whether that was true or not. Yet Fiyori wasn't sure how to word it. Her lips stayed shut, and only her eyes followed Lily.

It was then she realized, that this meeting might've been the last time they'd see each other. See each other alive, at least. The thought left a bitter taste in Fiyori's mouth, but even she wasn't sure if she should ultimately feel good or bad about it.

"Hm..." Fiyori finished the treatment of her wound. Patches of bandage were covering parts of her face. She looked at Scout, looked at her wound. Looked like shit still, but Fiyori guessed it wouldn't kill her. Not directly, or at least not on the spot they were standing.

Fiyori felt the sickle shifting it's position at her belt.

"Alright, I'm gonna take half of this." Fiyori pointed at the supplies left behind by Lily. "Seems fair to me."

"...good luck."

[[Fiyori Senay, continued in Birth Of A Wish]]

Re: Die Anywhere Else

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:27 pm
by Ciel
And that Scout all alone. To herself, to her own thoughts, or lack thereof.

The bleeding subsided. The wound must have not been as deep as it felt, or at the very least it did not hit an artery. Still hurt like a motherfucker though and it made her cringe as she rose back up to her feet. She would have to treat it, and soon. Scout knew the basics of treating a wound but, like, it wasn't like she was a surgeon general or whatever, and it wasn't like she had anyone else to help her ...

... Scout was a lone wolf now. 'Lone wolf'. What a fucking name. It's what awkward loners call themselves in order to feel better about being lonely pieces of shit. 'Lone wolves'. Makes you sound dangerous, powerful. Scout was a realist though; she wasn't a fucking predator. She killed two of the highest-ranking killers on the island, sure, but that didn't mean she was a killing machine. The wound in her side was proof of that.

If you were to put Scout and Isabel Ramirez in a room and Ramirez would be the one walking out alive, no question. Shit, Scout needed nearly four people to finally kill the bitch. There was no triumph in killing Ramirez either, just pain and regret. But the fact remained that she needed help, and if the other girls weren't there, Scout wouldn't just be dealing with a stab wound. Relying on anyone, even unintentionally, made Scout deeply uncomfortable.

She should have said thank you, at least.

Oh well.

Scout wasn't going to see any of them again, so whatever. She sighed.


Scout looked down at Sawlaska Thunderfuck 5000.

"Guess it's just you and me now."

... Scout asked herself why she was talking to a fucking sawblade. She didn't have an answer.

(Scout Pfeiffer continued in Unforgiven.)