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Re: Save Tonight

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 6:16 am
by Cicada
? ...!? ...!? ...!

Charelle put Forrest's words, gospel type-a shit, right in the orifices she called earholes. Weird backroom sex party? Charelle was down.

"I mean if we're talking an orgy-..."

No wait, Forrest had probably been speaking in those super cool things modern day humaning humans called metaphors.

"I would take point and center," Charelle unflappably concluded as if she hadn't just been pregnant with brain child. Man, she wouldn't even be a good mother to herself. Let alone another child. All confirmed, and probably not accurate.

"Fruit Brute though," and Charelle actually had her memory vaguely sparked by this historical in-joke. It spurred her to a moment of thoughtfulness, of sentiment. Or it would have, but the emotion was so fast and fleeting even she in experiencing it already forgot it happened. The furry trash was left in the past. Where it belonged, probably.

"Oh shit," and suddenly Charelle was setting a vector for location 'not the penguin enclosure'. Half-hobbling on her bad knee and gesturing over yonder, wherever over yonder happened to be. "What are we hanging around here freezing our asses off for?"

A rhetorical question actually answered by herself and her now dropped penguin obsession that had gone full weeb-in-Japan tier.

Charelle had more cute animals she personally considered her next-of-kin in mind, but she didn't bother explaining herself as she moved on to them and expected her friends and whatever Ross was to follow.

((Charelle Chernyshyova continued in This Woman's Work))

Re: Save Tonight

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 6:16 am
by Cactus
Ross nodded in agreement, chuckling a little bit as he thought of every back-room casino scene in just about every movie he'd ever seen. They all tended to have one thing in common, and it was an experience he'd much rather avoid.

"As long as we don't end up winning too much, right? Nobody wants to get their knees taken out in a shitty parking lot by Fat Tony and his goon squad."

Ross hesitated for a moment, turning to look at the penguins in the enclosure, and then turned back to Charelle and Forrest.

"Come to think of it, no one probably wants to be in an orgy with Fat Tony and his goon squad, either. Huh."

Suddenly the idea of a casino didn't seem as appetizing. Evidently, Charelle seemed to have a similar thought, but about the entire area, and she very suddenly decided to vacate the premises, heading off towards a warmer part of the zoo. She beckoned to both of them, and that was as good an invitation as any, so Ross shrugged and came along. He'd seen the penguins, and they sure weren't doing much.

There were very likely more interesting animals - and people, to see.

When in Rome, he supposed, and he followed.

((Ross Miller continued in Reveries))

Re: Save Tonight

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 6:17 am
by Deamon
After everyone commented on the orgy which somehow ended up being the comment that got the most traction, go figure; it seemed they were done with the penguins.

"What's wrong with Legs, Louie and Johnny Tightlips?" Forrest asked from her spot on the railing as Charelle and Ross started to move on.

She took in the penguins movements one more time before sighing and pushing herself off the railing.

"You mention one orgy you happened to walk in on and everyone runs away." She said as she followed the other two.

((Forrest Quin continued elsewhere...))