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Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:17 pm
by Sephy*
He threw himself to the floor just in time to escape the axe's swing, bringing the claw around again, hoping to imbed it in his attacker's ankle.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:18 pm
by Cyco*
This cat was fast. Fortunately, Nich's first instinct when his enemy hit the ground was to give him a nice stomp, and he raised his leather combat boot accordingly as the claw swept underneath. Nich gritted his teeth together and attempted to introduce his foot to the boy's head.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:19 pm
by Sephy*
Satoru rolled over, unfortunatly notquickly enough as the other boy's heavy combat boot crunched down on his injured arm, swearing in his native language he attempted to free his arm from under the weight of the boot.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:19 pm
by Cyco*
"Ha!" Nich couldn't help but exclaim as he gained the upper hand. He pressed down heavily on the boy's arm and raised the axe again, bringing it down straight toward his opponent's chest. He was aware that such a blow would likely kill him, but Nich was convinced that there would be no other option. Only now was he beginning to realize the severity of their predicament, the bloodlust instilled in the other students' hearts. Zed's screams illustrated the point.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:20 pm
by Sephy*
Unable to break his arm free from the other's weight, Satoru desperatly swung the claw at the other's groin.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:20 pm
by Cyco*
Nich's eyes bugged out of his head as the claw thrust out again, this time straight toward his crotch. He was too far into the attack to back up, and his fatal strike was thrown completely off as he threw himself forward; anything to save Nich, Jr.

He landed with a thud on his back off to the side of the clawed boy, and reached a hand down quickly to check himself. His ladykiller hadn't been touched, fortunately. There were two slim cuts in his jeans, on his inner thigh, but he had dodged a major bullet as far as he was concerned. Wasting no time to rejoice, he scrambled back to his feet again.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:21 pm
by laZardo*
In the meantime, Zachary had managed to fling that American History textbook off of his hand with a sudden, brief, and rather draining burst of strength. Getting up to his elbows and knees - his hands very busy tending to his most vital priorities - he fished out the medkit and rolled back onto the ground, face up. Its various supplies spilled out as he had to frantically open the container with both hands, staining its white exterior with a gruesome red that had previously only belonged to the red cross logo. The boy could barely recognize the shape of what was supposed to be the painkillers, bandages, and ointment, let alone read their label, with his vision going in and out of blurriness if his eyes weren't squinted shut all the pain.

This wasn't supposed to happen...I was supposed to be healed or put out of my pain with!

He forced himself to sit up, and as he looked down he saw his most vital appendage slowly "looking" up at him in some sort of pitiful death glance. Thankfully, the ointment had landed right beside his knee, Neosporin as easily recognized when his vision sharpened for just a moment. Like someone who'd just defeated a monster that gave out valuable items in view of a bunch of n00bs, he snatched up the ointment and began applying it very liberally to the affected area. How obscene that would've looked on camera was far from the last thing on his mind, and thankfully he was not viewed at an angle that would've even implied the connotations of what it is he was doing. The bandage packet was also nearby, and he grabbed those with his bloodied hand and placed that on his leg. For later.

Zed thought he'd heard a scuffle somewhere nearby, but that was hard to tell from his growls and moans of abject agony. If it were, he hoped it would last until he was able to get out of there, because whoever got the loser's items would 2 levels more dangerous.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:22 pm
by Sephy*
As his opponent went down Satoru scrambled up, knowing he wouldn't win this fight he ran off, this time careful to make sure his hair didn't get snagged.

((Continued in Peace at any Cost.))

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:22 pm
by Cyco*
Nich didn't see much point in chasing the bastard now. He was already up and off by the time Nich had gotten to his feet. Besides, he couldn't just abandon Zed after he'd sprung to his rescue a second ago. 'Thank god I saved you! Well, I'm gonna just leave you here bleeding if that's ok...' The thought made Nich snort, and he covered it up by hocking a loogie. He didn't want Zed to think he was laughing at his...uh...wound.

Nich's arm and thigh stung like shit, but it could've been a lot worse. The cuts made by Catboy's claws weren't too deep, and he wasn't bleeding a whole lot. Nich grabbed the black bandana from his back pocket and stopped the bloods descent down his arm, giving no real heed to the lesser cuts on his leg. With some effort and the use of his teeth, he was able to tie the bandana firmly enough to remain in place, and he could now turn his attention to Zed.

Looking around once more to make sure there wasn't anyone else around (not that he could tell anyway), Nich hastened toward his injured comerade and knelt down beside him, ignoring the awkward treatment he was giving himself.

"Y'okay, Zed?" he offered, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:23 pm
by laZardo*
Feeling that hand on his shoulder sent a shock down Zachary's spine that caused him to react in a manner that would not have been too much different had Venus also bitten his testicles off, as well. He let out a yelp that was as much nerdy as...feminine... and his entire body seemed to jerk away from the very touch of death/bannage itself and onto the ground. It seemed only natural given that he'd defiled and effectively lost his weapons. Yes, both of them. And with no knowledge of how to (effectively) use martial arts, a weaponless citizen of the Matrix is as good as dispersed into data.

No! I can't go yet! I'm still healing! I've still got lots of HP left! Zed's begging thoughts, of course, were translated into merely frantic gasps for breath as he stared wide-eyed up into the face attached to the body attached to that cold hand.

What he'd expected to be the person dealing him his demise had strangely taken the form of Nich Finlayson.

"N-n-n-NICH!?" Zed stuttered, as he looked up at the apparently wounded punk.

Fortunately for him and the tattered remains of his dignity, Zed was already working on the bandages, so his "friend" wouldn't be able to gawk at the full extent of his damage. Of course, with the blood starting to soak through the sterile white fabric, it would still be pretty easy for Nich to get a fairly good idea of the...extent...of the injury. There was also a rather formidable length of bandage "trailing" from where Zed had wrapped it, almost like he was supporting a roll of toilet paper.

Still, it was humiliating enough that as soon as Big Z realized that Lil Z was now fully exposed, he quickly rolled up on his side and curled up just a bit in a hasty attempt to conceal it. He winced as the curling up forced more blood to the affected area (and some rather prickly particles up into his injured arm, which caused him to realize he'd left neglected for more private matters), and blushed at the utter embarrassment at having very indecently exposed himself to three different people in less than 10 minutes.

"Nicky! Heh...what're you doing here?" Zed's speech seemed to speed up and slow down as he asked Nich that. If anything, he was probably there just to rub it in. And by no means did he find any sexual connotation in that assumption.

If that crazy Madison woman was watching me now...she'd shut us all down...

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:23 pm
by Cyco*
Nich scoffed. "You're welcome." He didn't want Zed to get the impression that he was a threat, so he supported himself on the hand holding the axe to make it less obvious. To be honest, he was relieved that Foreman had kept his wits about him. They'd be lucky if Swainson did the same.

He felt a little more at ease now that he'd found someone he knew, moreso that he was...unharmed?...not quite. Alive was enough. Nich took a second to calm down while he was at rest, having drained a lot of energy, mentally and physically. It was shortlived however, as he soon realized that they couldn't stay here. No frickin' way. Zed had acted as a human siren.

"We gotta go, dude," he said, trying not to seem alarming in the way he said it. "It's not safe here." He didn't know what to do about Zed's arm, and didn't have any desire to inquire about the other wound. Still, injured or no, they had to go somewhere with more cover. Maybe shelter.

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:24 pm
by laZardo*
"I know...I knooooww!" Zed moaned, his arm and (third) leg still smarting a lot from what had just transpired, the fact that "Nich" didn't want to slay him with that rather sizable axe he wielded providing less relief than the ointment. Of course he was acting as a human siren. Who wouldn't after being seduced and maimed by two in-game sirens!? If anything, he would probably have alerted other players to their presence at well.

He began the slow, arduous process of getting back up, and it started with him finally zipping himself back up. Though it would give Lil Z time to relax (and thus cause the pain to subside a little faster) the fact that the crown  jewels hadn't been disfigured with the king's scepter left them nice and vulnerable to anyone aiming to take a swipe at all three. Then he had to prop himself back up, and after having the not-so-bright-idea to start with his injured arm, he rolled about a bit before mustering the strength to just sit up.

This would take a while to get back on his feet, and even then he'd probably be limping for the duration of his game time. There was also still the mess of his supplies, strewn across the ground in front of him.

And I still gotta clean up my supplies...not like I'll need them if I don't have a weapon to defend them though...

Which translated to...

"Uraaagh...gotta...clean up..."

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:24 pm
by Cyco*
"Woah, Z--here...(shit)..." Nich held out an arm to prevent his wounded buddy from exherting himself, then quickly set about gathering up his spilled inventory and stuffing it back in the bag. He noticed that there was no weapon among the items, and his stomach lurched. Had he lost it? Had it been taken by that long-haired creep? Or that other bitch? Where was it? What was it? Within a matter of seconds, the small mess was cleaned up, and he got to his feet, his two bags around his shoulder, Zed's bag in one hand, and the handaxe in the other. He stuck the handle of the weapon between his belt and the seat of his jeans for a moment and extended his hand to Zed, in order to help him up. Nich felt as if he was partially responsible for his friend's injured state; if he'd gotten there sooner, maybe he wouldn't have been hurt as badly, or at all. Would he even be ok to walk? They had some ways to go before they reached suitable shelter.

"Come on."

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:25 pm
by laZardo*
Zed reached out his hand, but quickly recoiled it as it was still dirty, moist and rather sticky from the dirt and various bodily fluids it had come into contact with. Clearly, the mere act of touching Nich would be akin to spreading the Plague or other HP-draining condition. He put it back on the ground with his other, with the intention to propping himself back up. Hopefully there's a source of water nearby where I can wash all this virtual crap off. Maybe it'll even clear my "condition."

"Thanks, man..." he groaned amidst other groans and seethes of pain, "you freakin' saved me...let me just getAAAAGH!"

Zed, of course, had forgotten that using both arms to prop himself up was clearly a bad idea, but when one's most prized possession felt like it was being perpetually fed into a wood chipper, nothing much could compare, let alone make it worse. Still, the Spanish Tickler had thankfully missed his (arm-)bone, so nothing (else) got broken as he managed to get back up onto two feet. As he did, he found himself in a rather painful hunch, indicative of the fact that he wouldn't be walking, let alone standing properly until he could properly fix the damaged merchandise.


He just hoped he didn't have to go number one before he got back at his number one suspect...

Re: Welcome To The Jungle

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:25 pm
by Cyco*
"Can you walk?" Nich inquired, surveying Zed's poor posture and dreading the answer. The mind was willing, it was easy to tell, but even a tough-ass little mother like Foreman would be a sitting duck if the body was weak. Which, unfortunately, seemed to be the case. Nich felt his guts tighten up again; if Zed couldn't keep a good pace, they'd be a wet dream for any sick fucker with a decent weapon and a thirst for blood.

Nich felt like he was in a zombie flick, playing the role of the guy whose good friend just had his leg gnawed off by one of the more ambitious walking dead. He was able to save him from its vile, decaying clutches, but now he'd be significantly slowed down, and twice as vulnerable having to protect him. And at any time, his wounded buddy could turn into one of them. And then Nich's ass was grass, too.

'I don't care,' he concluded after some hesitation. 'That's a risk I'm willing to take. He's my friend. I trust him. I think.' That was enough for him right now, seeing as he was on an island with maybe a hundred or so people who definately wanted to punch his ticket. He and Zed would find Andrew and then the three of them would...shit. It always fell apart at the seams, Nich's plan, when he reached that statement.