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Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:40 am
by Xaldien*
"Well, you've known me for a while, couple years now. You know my track record with dating, or rather you haven't heard anything. In this little school, everything's gossip, which is why I realize there IS no one here worth the time."

He turned to Eduardo to see a few marks on his face.
"And judging from thos, I can guess your track record in that department as well."

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:40 am
by laZardo*
Eduardo frowned again when Clive pointed out Melina's slap marks, which were starting to swell a bit. Still, he believed he deserved that, so he didn't have many qualms about it, so he quickly transferred his frown into a smirk. It was almost accompanied by a raised eyebrow when he noticed that Clive looked a bit...inebriated.

"Well...when you're on my rung in the social'll take whatever you can get," he replied, his matter-of-fact tinted with a bit of embarrassment. "People like that hija de puta, they get away with anything these days."

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:40 am
by Xaldien*
"She'll get what she wants now. But in the real world, she'll never make it. She doesn't know hard work at all, and once the day comes when mommy and daddy can't give her everything, she'll fall faster than... than something, I dunno."

It became more obvious that Clive was inebriated, as if it wasn't already.
Two bottles of vodka tend to do that to a person.

"You can forget about her. Take what you can get as long as it makes you happy. That seems to be the going mentality of the world."

He moved in a little closer to take a look at the mark.
He gave a whistle.

"Damn... that'll sting for the next few days. Whoever that hija de puta was, she sure knew how to slap... then again, women can only slap anyone. They have no sense of force or any idea how to cause actualy pain... unless they're lesbians."

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:40 am
by laZardo*
Eduardo could already see that Clive was inebriated from his looks...and now it seemed to be getting quite present in his speech as well. It became especially present as he watched Clive lean in dangerously close and whistle, causing some hot air to blow against the sensitive areas that were the slap marks. And it was certainly something to get Eduardo tense, in that sort of manner, given that Clive wasn't the most masculine face around.

Still, Clive didn't seem close to doing something stupid at the moment...

"Heh heh...lesbians." Eduardo forced a chuckle. "Always good for something, as long as you watch the pretty ones and not the ones trying to be men."

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:40 am
by Xaldien*
"Oh, no no no no no no NO. The best lesbians are the big bull dykes. We're talking women who look like John Goodman. They're always good for a laugh, they're great mechanics, and they usually end up making documentaries and making vast amounts of money. You only THINK Michael Moore is male. I think otherwise."

He started laughing soon after saying that. At first he was trying to say all that with a straight face, then erupted into laughter.
He then kind lost balance and fell on his side.

"I drank way too much... don't tell anyone."
He then whispered It's our little secret before he started laughing and then laid on the sand.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:40 am
by laZardo*
Eduardo wasn't just embarrassed and/or concerned, in fact he was starting to look shocked and worried as Clive brought up analogies that eventually left him (slightly) visibly disgusted. Eventually, Clive started to laugh and back away before he fell onto the sand almost causing Eduardo to sigh in relief...but then Clive came back up and whisper something to Eduardo. It wasn't what Clive seemed to say...but how he said it.

"Uh...okay. Maybe you should get somewhere before the tide comes in..." he replied...

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:41 am
by Xaldien*
"Nah, I'm good. Besides, who's afraif of getting a little wet?"

He slowly started getting himself up and looked at Eduardo's marks for a while, then reached into his pocket to take out a pack of clove cigarettes. Djarum Blacks. Expensive as they are smooth and delicious.

He took one out of the pack and lit it.
"You smoke?"

And offered him one.
"I only smoke when I drink. I guess I need to work on my drinking next, though."

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:41 am
by laZardo*
Eduardo took the cig and eyed it over. It was definitely one of the fancier brands, rolled fancy to conceal material that was just as hazardous to one's health, only it wasn't tobacco so it wasn't "bad." These definitely looked like the things that those trendy-liberal types liked to smoke...but he didn't feel like delving into all the useless connotations. Instead he threw it out into the sea like a dart and watched it float off into the waves.

"No thanks...I prefer the good ol' fashioned tobacco," he replied sarcastically. He was old enough to legally buy those with ID, but his lungs were clean of that stuff. That didn't mean he wanted to get himself to start though.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:41 am
by Buko
OoC-Stop Ping Pong posting and give other people the oppurtunity to catch up.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:41 am
by Namira
An elusive persona quietly made his way through the people on the beach, in order to make his way to a friend he had just spotted.
Ric Chee had the hood of his jacket pulled up tight to chin and had made sure his hair was brushed forward. People didn't like seeing Ric's face so he didn't show it to them, even his befuddled mind could manage that kind of connection.
"Vicente," he whispered when he finally found his friend. "It's me; Ric. Careful not to look up too much, the Flirds are out,"
Ric wasn't referring to some SciFi race here, "Flirds" was the name he had come up for to call the strange firey things that sometimes floated across the sky when he looked up.
The fact that nobody else seemed to see them did not perturb him in the slightest.


Keiji looked at Evan with mild disapproval.
"You sure got drunk fast Evan," he commented, looking towards the resident rich guy. Or at least, the rich guy who flouted it.
He looked with a kind of wistful longing at the can that Sean was clutching, and drinking from.
"Maybe I could..."
"No Keiji, you'll only regret it in the morning," Bobby chided. "And you know you will,"
"I guess..."

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:41 am
by OverusedReason*
Vicente was listening. Then he kept listening. After a while he decided to stop listening to Charlie's conversation and allowed his ears to catch the drifts of sounds that were floating from every direction. Its not that Charlie had bored him, but this time he had lost his interest to join any conversation. He had obviously slipped in his quite mood withut taking notice. Since Cecilia and Charlie had already noticed, Charlie started to ask him questions, which he responded briefly.

"I haven't seen you much, you know...though I know you like to draw, and I've seen some of your things...good things. They look like cinematic scenes"

At Charlie's comment Cecilia nodded vacantly and added "I've seen you at the debate club, though"

Oh...yes, yeah, I suppose you've had." He responded disappointedly.

Upon noticing this incomodity, Cecilia promptly added withought much thought "Yes, one of the drawings that was exhibited at the art classroom was very impressive, very blunt to the eye."

After staring fixedly at her eyes for a moment, he remembered the drawing. "O-oh. Well..thanks, I wanted to make the image look too fast for someone to be able to digest it. " This time his mood had been reawakened, but he still couldn't avoid thinking of other things.

"I'm going for another beer" He did this only to entertain himself briefly with another aimless trot around the party area, but ended up in a small wooden ramp that was between the rocky climbs and the beach. He definitely wanted to spend some time with himself.

It took him some time to feel Ric's voice blend slowly with the mufled sounds of the party. Before being able to understand every word Ric had said he had already painted Ric's vision in the patch of sky that he had been looking at.

After lowering his head he turned just enough to throw him a fast look.
"Are they looking pretty?" he asked half jokingly, half curiously. He had always imagined them that way since Ric described them to him and didn't actually considered them a nuisance for his friend.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:41 am
by RePeate*
Evan approached the group of three, who all had been eyeing him suspiciously. He'd never been genuinely tight with any of them, but he knew them from class, and he was drunk, so that was enough for him to invite himself over. "Guys, guys, guys, what's goin' on? Is this not the shit or what?" He raised his beer and let out a "Woooooo!", and was a bit flustered when no one responded back. "So dudes, what's hanging? How's...stuff...?". He payed no attention to the stink-eye Keiji was giving him, he was well into his fourth beer, and pretty drunk by most standards. "Lemme tell you guys something" he said, pulling himself closer to the group "I know I've been kinda a dick to you guys once and a while, but you guys are cool by me. You hear that!" he shouted at the rest of the party behind him, "These guys are cool!" Before any of them could respond he stumbled off to the next group of familiar faces. "Charlie! Ceceeeeeeelia! Hahaha what's goin' ON!?"


Gabe was glad deep down that Kara had decided to ditch her cousin, though he had to admit, she wasn't too bad to look at. Still, that didn't matter, he was alone with Kara for the first time in what seemed like weeks. It wasn't the case, however, as he'd just been over at her place no more than two days ago. He piched her ass and winked at her. "So, how's my mega-hottie? I got you a screwdriver". He handed her a large plastic red party cup filled with OJ and vodka. He knew how girls hated the taste of beers and booze on its own was too strong for them, so he brought along a carton of orange juice he swiped from his parent's fridge to make some mixes. Her perfume filled his nose with it's familar scent, and he leaned forward and took a big smell from her hair, very obviously (as he often did to show he liked her perfume). He put her hand in his, looked her in the eye and said "I missed you. You wanna maybe go somewhere". He ended that with a wink, implying, as Kara knew full well, that he'd intended things to get a bit more intimate.


Monique made her way down the gravel path leading to the bonfire area. In her hand she held her usual Nalgene water bottle, only now it was filled with some wine cooler. She'd gotten her friend Brianna from down the street to give her a ride to the party. Sh asked Brianna if she wanted to come, but she said her boyfriend wanted to hang out so she'd have to pass. Monique felt hot tonight. She'd spent a good hour doing her hair and makeup, and she had on her flirtiest, lowest-cut v-neck shirt (though not much cleavage to show for it) and a sexy little black skirt. The flip-flops seemed out of place on Monique (she always wore runners), but they made her feel pretty. She was very excited that this party was happening. She could not have planned it any better. Her parents were both out of town visiting her grandparents in Canada, so she'd have the whole house to herself for the night. But brining home a guy was not in her plan. She was still uncomfortable around men, and was just glad the house was empty so she could stumble in drunk without having to worry about being caught. She was only anticipating a fun night out with the girls. She slowly made her way down to the gathering and was greeted by a small "Hi Monique" from various girls in her class. She settled up next to the new female face at the party: Courtney. She was hanging with Serenity, a girl from school Monique particularly enjoyed hanging out with from time to time. "Hey girls... how do I look? I didn't overdo it did I?" she said. "Oh where are my manners," she continued, "I'm Monique, and you are?". She held out an enthusiastic hand to Courtney.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:41 am
by Chase*
Amy Winehouse played through the stereo as they pulled into the parking lot, a block away from where the bonfire was set up. The three girls were already well into a conversation that they'd started up on the way. Ofelia pulled her Elantra into her favorite spot, coincidentally not taken yet despite its convenience, as Flora and Melissa nearly jumped out while she was still in drive. Still in the midst of their extremely important conversation, their arms waved wildly as they made their way into the sands.

"You're fucking joking, I'm telling you, your manga fetish is making you rusty on your Marvel universe. The Hulk is going to rip off one of Iron Man's legs and assrape him with it. Seriously, what is your reasoning?"

"Oh come on, Melissa. You're just rooting for the Hulk because insane amounts of violence makes you giddy."

"That's not it at all, you know why I'm for him? Amadeus Cho is for him. And Amadeus is the bomb!"

"Riiiight. I'm going to get me something to drink, you want anything?"

"Who's driving home?"

"Ofelia is," Flora pointed to her cousin, who was struggling with the cooler Flora had filled with about three different types of alcohol and wine coolers. Melissa ran over just as the other edge tipped off the back bumper of the car, taking hold of the handle to keep from seeing Ofelia topple onto the thing.

"We good?" Melissa said as she helped her friend with the massive cooler.

Ofelia nodded and smiled, "It's all good. Let's set it a little away, and put our beach blanket up."

"Sounds like a plan."

As they set up their little post, Flora had started to mingle with the crowd that was starting to get bigger as people found their way to this part of the beach. Melissa scanned the area, and almost immediately spotted the tall attention whore that was Paul Smith. Shaking her head as she figured he was making a pass at whoever else was good these days, she sat on the beach blanket and opened the cooler, grabbing out the Mike's Hard Lemonade, and a plastic cup.

After pouring about 5/6 of the lemonade into the cup, she rummaged through the cooler for her Everclear. Splashing a bit of that into her cup, she stirred it and took a sip. Tonight was the night to get messed up, she mused. Though, as she well knew, she tended to get too friendly when drunk.

"Ah well," Ofelia patted her friend on the back, "I'm going to go see how the water is."

"You're fucking nuts, you know."

"Yeah," Ofelia said almost in a whisper as she slipped off her shoes and set them on the blanket, strolling towards the rolling water.

The taste of salt water met her lips on the way down the coastline, her feet sinking in the wet sand. She walked slowly, alone, but content, with the waves barely touching her left heel. The company of others wasn't unwelcome to her, but she was definitely happy to just be on her own with the ocean.

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:41 am
by Buko
The room was a clusterfuck, various papers where scattered about and several dumbbells where stacked in the corner along with a stationary bicycle right next to a Queen Sized temprapedic mattress, as a girl found herself doing two fingered pushups while punk-rock music was blaring in her room, there was a party going on somewhere else...though Evelyn wasn't particularly interested in high school parties, she had to much to lose by going to them. What if it was searched? What if they where arrested? What if there was drugs and she accidentally took them in and then U.F. came and gave her a random drug test that forced her out of her scholarship?!

Yes, going to a party was far to much of a risk.

"47, 48, 49, 50!", she muttered exasperatly and then got up and noticed her figure, lean muscle and she had worked hard for it, although she noted that she hadn't put her hair in a ponytail (she never really was able to do that) so it was an unorganized mess, she stared at her clock, she had finished her Saturday Night workout along with all her homework...strangely she was looking forward to spending some time in a cool shower rather then going to a party and getting drunk.

It was then that her mother opened the door to her room.

"Hey, honey?", her mother said calmly and Evelyn simply turned and smiled. Her mother was perhaps the reason why she was so tired and while some days she resented her mother for that she knew that it would pay off in the end.

"Mom, I'm going to get in the shower, don't worry.", Evelyn spoke with a small smirk and then noticed her mother shaking her head.

"No, your coach just called and wants you to keep an eye on the boys at the party...", Evelyn's form visibly stiffened as she stared at her mother in disbelief and her mother simply sighed, "I know you didn't want to go, but your coach did request this of you want to call him up and say that you can't?"

Evelyn simply shook her head and went to get in the shower.

"No, it's alright...besides maybe I'll have fun or something..." she said rather unconvincingly, but fifteen minutes later when she came out with a bikini top and some means bathing suit bottoms, it seemed like she was very sure in going to this party (at least to keep an eye on the players, right? And besides she was feeling a bit of a sinus problem developing and the salt water always cleared that out completely). Has she picked up the keys to her BMW Roadster (a graduation/birthday present for the next five years) and headed out to the beach, she connected her iPod and blasted some Ska.

It was a pity that the music genre was dead, but well she still liked it a lot.

When she finally did pull up she noticed that she hadn't missed much of the party and she got out of her car rather quickly, locked everything up and set up an alarm (it was the first time she had taken the car out, usually she rode her bike to school, but the beach was just to far away) and after scanning the party she noticed Darnell Butler placing a large log into a fire pit. She ran up to him and noted that she was jogging considerably slower than she was most nights (she simply pinned the blame on her workout schedule, but she was worried that she was burning out her body for a second there) and she reached Darnell and jumped up a bit to pat him on the back a large smile was on her face.

"So, you win I did end up coming."

Re: The Bonfire

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 2:42 am
by Namira
Sean couldn't stand Evan, the guy was a moron. Especially when he was drunk. Sean wouldn't voice that, as it wasn't really in his nature to tell somebody what he thought about them.
No, Sean would just quietly brood about their various shortcomings behind their backs, never getting in their faces about it.
After all, if he insulted them, they might pick a fight with him, and a fight might get him hit. Not only would that hurt but it was likely to ruin both his hairstyle and his meticulously applied makeup.
Sean spent a lot of time on his appearence, and he wasn't planning on just getting it messed up like he didn't care.

Bobby left Keiji to his own devices for a while to go and sit next to the sea. He really wasn't in the mood for watching right now, and anyway, he didn't like crowds. Somebody might try and talk to him, and brushing people off all of the time irritated him.
Bobby glanced down the beach to see someone apparently sampling the water, but they weren't bothering him so he decided not to bother them. What would be the point in that anyway?

Ric nodded sagely to Vicente.
"But you shouldn't look at them too long you know. Otherwise they steal your pupils," Ric gently told him, in a tone that one would take whilst trying not to upset somebody. The fact that this was impossible, pupils after all being nothing but holes, didn't seem to bother Ric.
But then again, Ric was Ric, and nothing save baseball bothered him if he didn't want it to.