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Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:26 am
by Theseus*
Grunge man.

Neil Sinclair was starting to like that nickname. It had flavor to it.

Neil listened to Quincy as he mentioned that Matt and Dominica had not come back. Neil was so busy with the happenings at the chapel, he didn't really think about how long had passed since Matt and Dominica set off to collect the prizes. They should have returned by now. Something could have happened to them.

Neil thought through the options. They could have been ambushed and killed. They could be lost. Maybe...maybe one of them turned on each Impossible. Neil Sinclair knew that they were the most dedicated S.A.D.D members and would never do something as horrible and back stab one another. They were probably just lost. Though, the afternoon sun was low, and night would fall soon on the island.

Neil didn't like the thought, but if the duo didn't return soon, he would have to set off to find them. After all, that's what S.A.D.D did. They looked out for each other, and Matt and Dominica saved his life once, and he would return the favor. If they were out there, Neil would find them and help them. Though that would have to wait. He couldn't just leave what was left of S.A.D.D here. He would have to make sure everyone was ok, then they would have to appoint a temporary leader, just in case....just in case Neil didn't return.

He would have to leave them with a plan. For if Matt and Dominica didn't return Neil would have to go for them and there was a good chance that out there without his group, Neil wouldn't hold up despite his weapons and determination. If that was the case, he would want S.A.D.D to live on.

It would have to.

"I don't know what happened to them. If they don't show up soon I'll have to go after them. We'll figure that out in a bit though."

Turning to Hannah Neil smiled and said, "Nothing happened to them. I'm sure they're fine. They went to go collect the prizes we won for killing blood boy. Messed up, yeah, but they haven't returned yet. So I might have to go on a little trip soon to figure out what happened to them. Don't worry though, I'm not abandoning S.A.D.D."

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:27 am
by Solitair*
"You're going alone?" Quincy asked Neil. "I appreciate your selflessness, but I'm not sure that's the wisest course of action. I'm sure that one of us can come along with you without significant risk to the rest of us. Besides, the temporary danger zone has probably been lifted now."

"Who's going, Quincy?" Warren asked from inside the church. He didn't trust the idea. How was Quincy to know when the danger zone lifted? It sounded like a convenient way to get rid of the competition to him.

"I'd be... happy to volunteer," Quincy responded. Warren could detect a hint of unease in his voice. "Of course-"

"I'm not giving you my fucking gun, Quincy." Warren interrupted.

"Alright, alright, I guess I'm staying here, then." Quincy was annoyed at Warren having cockblocked him. He didn't know what Warren was thinking he was up to, but he was determined to prove him wrong.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:27 am
by Super Llama*
"Oh, uh...alright." Hannah said. Matt and Dominica's absence made sense now. If she remembered correctly, three people had won the BKA yesterday (adding them to her list of people to avoid like the plague.) At least this time it went to people who I'm pretty sure won't use them to wantonly kill people. Although she remembered at that moment that Dominica had killed two people before Blood Boy. She wasn't sure if it was in self-defense or not, but it still made her nervous being in a group with her. Still, Neil trusted her, and should probably be enough. After all, in a fight against someone like Blood Boy, in the middle of a dangerzone, where common sense surely would've dictated that she should just run away, she chose to stick around and see the fight through to the end with the rest of the group.

Hannah leaned back against the pew, and took that moment to look down at herself. Her seven days on the island were certainly not kind to her outfit. It was pretty much soaked through, the front caked with mud from the recent falls she had taken. She looked back towards Neil for a moment. It doesn't look like we're going to start planning anything until the other two get back anyway...

"I'm going to go change. I'll be back in a minute." Getting up and grabbing her pack, she made her way down the aisle to the front of the building, stopping as she eyed Pascal and Antonio's bodies, one impaled on a stake, the other with a large shard of metal lodged in his neck where the collar would be. She averted her eyes, taking a deep breath as she went over to the storeroom on the right side of the building.

Hannah closed the door behind her, unzipping her pack and digging through it for a fresh change of clothes. The first thing she pulled out, though, was something she found herself surprised to still be holding onto.

A book. Namely 'The Light Fantastic' by Terry Pratchett. It was less than a month ago that she started reading the Discworld series. Hopefully if I get out of here I can finish it. She also remembered that it was a library book, and was overdue by now. They'd probably waive the fee, however, considering the circumstances. It would be pretty heartless to insist that the overdue fee be paid when the person who checked out the book was kidnapped and forced to participate in this hellish game.

Well, congratulations, Hannah. You've just thought of two of the dumbest reasons to escape from the island. She thought, surprised at where her train of thought had taken her. She shook her head, putting the book back. It was then that she heard a mechanical whirring sound, looking over and seeing a camera, pointed right at her. "Perverts..." She mumbled to herself, pulling a shirt out of her pack and throwing it over the camera, blocking her from view.


After about five minutes or so Hannah reemmerged from the storeroom, wearing a blue button-top long-sleeved shirt and an identical pair of black jeans to the ones she had worn earlier. The jacket and hat were still there, and still covered in mud (though she did her best to remove as much of it as she could.) Soon after she stepped out of the room, her eyes went back to the two bodies, noticing that next to one of them was a baton and riot shield. Since nobody had claimed it yet, she walked over to pick them up At least it's not a rusty spoon. Her eyes trailed back to the two bodies. Something was off about one of them, namely the one with the metal shard in his neck. She noticed that one of the other body's hands was bloodied, the flesh around it flayed, with a few shards stuck in it as well. It was clenched tightly, too, as if it was holding onto something for dear life. Not only that, but the injuries suffered by the collarless body were only on the front. It almost looked like the collar was pulled off, and THEN exploded. Could it be that...the collars can just be pulled off? Just like that? It surprised her how casually she was examining these two corpses, when earlier she would've been disgusted to even share a room with one. Pulling it off without sharing the same fate as this guy, though...

Still, it was a lead, and anything they could figure out about the bombs strapped to their necks, the better. I've got to tell Neil. She thought, looking towards the front door, hoping that Neil hadn't left yet.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:27 am
by Theseus*
Neil watched as Quincy volunteered to come with him. When he was about to ask Warren for his gun though, the two got into yet another argument, and ended up deciding that they both would stay there. That was probably for the best. S.A.D.D would need strong leaders while Neil was gone. Nodding to them he said, "It's ok."

Neil Sinclair then watched as Hannah got up and went into another room to change. It was dark now, and he knew that something must have happened because Dominica and Matt should be back by now. He had to go find them. That was what friends did for each other. No matter what, Neil would be there for the members of S.A.D.D. He swore he would get everyone off this island, and he didn't doubt that yet.

While Hannah was off changing, Neil looked at those who were in the room and said, "Alright guys, I'm going to go find Matt and Dominica. It's dark outside, and I'm going to give myself a day to find them. If I'm not back by nightfall tomorrow assume the worst. This is what S.A.D.D does though. We stick together, so I got to go help them out if they are in trouble. In the meantime, Warren and Quincy, you two are in charge of S.A.D.D over here. Keep everyone safe ok?"

Neil tapped the S.A.D.D armband around his arm and said, "We're all in this together. While I'm gone start brainstorming ideas. You know what for."

Neil knelt down and opened up his pack. He took out three more S.A.D.D armbands that Corbin made and he placed them on the floor.

"James, if you wanna join S.A.D.D here's your badge. We stick together. I understand if you and Morgan want to go in different directions though. We're not the most popular group on the island since Danya called us out I'm sure. Did we get Hannah an armband yet? Well when she comes back out hand her one. Let her know that Corbin was the man who made these."

Neil missed Corbin. He was a good guy, he didn't deserve to die.

Taking out Blood Boy's Ida, Neil Sinclair placed it on the ground and said, "There's Blood Boy's sword. Protect yourselves ok? I don't want to come back with Matt and Dominica to find you guy's dead" Neil smiled at everyone and made his way towards the door of the chapel.

Turning around one last time he said, "Take care all of you. I'll come back."

With that, Neil Sinclair, leader of S.A.D.D, stepped out into the darkness.

((Neil Sinclair continued elsewhere))

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:27 am
by dinah_shore*
The stagnant air in the chapel was getting to Denise. She looked at the butt of her cigarette that she'd extinguished moments before. Reflexively removing the pack from her pocket, she examined what remained after five (Seven? More?) days on the island. Nine white cylinders rolled around inside her pack. She wanted another, but it looked as though she had to start rationing herself. Shit.

The acoustics in the building were still pretty good, and the quiet urgency in the group's voices echoed faintly off the walls. Denise found herself annoyed by the stuffy, smelly air filled with Neil's voice talking about...S.A.D.D., and armbands, it seemed.

S.A.D.D.: Neil had failed to explain the abbreviation.

Silent Army Dealing Death.
Students Attacking Disco Dykes.
Standard Array of Dumb Douchebags.

Stupid Armbands are Deadly, Dorks.

They were just asking to be target practice, and she was not in the least interested.

God, did she ever want another cigarette.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:27 am
by Solitair*
"Me?" Warren asked Neil after he was out of earshot. "And him?" He pointed at Quincy, who was walking over to the discarded sword with a curious look in his eyes.

"Yeah. Interesting coincidence, isn't it, old bean?" Quincy replied. He picked up the sword by its handle and gave it a few practice swings. It didn't quite sing as it whizzed through the air, but it got the job done. Inwardly, Quincy thought that it would be far more suitable in the hands of a powerhouse like Warren, and that he might have been able to trade it for the Colt Python, if only Quincy hadn't kicked Warren in the goolies. He was beginning to regret that move...

"Well, I'm stumped," Warren said. He looked around at the surrounding students. Quincy was enjoying his new toy, looking as detached and dispassionate as... Warren didn't want to finish that analogy. He knew it was nothing goo, anyways.

Denise had a sour expression on her face. She'd just finished one of her cigarettes, and didn't want to have to use another one, apparently. Then again, perhaps it was exasperation at the progress of S.A.D.D., particularly the bits directly involving Neil.

Warren didn't know if Neil knew of Warren's past misdeeds, but it was possible. After all, he had accepted both Dominica and Quincy into the group after Dominica had killed two other students and Quincy had antagonized most of the school. Neil was, for all intents and purposes, a genuinely nice guy, and it sickened Warren that he had to end up here.

That left Hannah. Where was Hannah, anyway? She'd gone into the back of the church to change and she hadn't yet-

Nevermind. There she was. And it looked like she had seen something that excited her.

"Hannah?" Warren asked, getting up and walking towards her. "What's going on?"

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:27 am
by Super Llama*
Hannah looked around the room, with Neil nowhere in sight. Damn, he must've left already... She had to tell SOMEBODY, though, and when Warren asked her what was going on, she opened her mouth to speak, only to remember what Neil had said about SADD writing down their plans. Setting down her new weapons and her daypack on a nearby pew, she opened up the pack and dug through it, pulling out her book and a pen. She opened up the book to the end, where there were a couple of blank pages, and scribbled a bit on one corner to make sure the pen worked. Then, muttering a quiet apology to the school library for vandalizing their property, she started writing.

There's something strange about these bodies. One of them is missing his collar, but the injuries are only in one spot. Plus, the other body has numerous wound on his hand, which is also gripped tightly like was holding onto something. It almost looks like, during the struggle, one of the guys pulled the collar off of the other and it exploded in his hand. This means that, ignoring the explosive part of it, the collars are actually fairly easy to remove. Of course, getting the collars off without getting killed from them exploding is still an issue, but the more we know about these things, the better.

She did her best to keep her writing small, so there would be more space for writing other things. When she was finally finished, she walked over to Warren, showing him the page. "Here. I think this is important."

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:27 am
by dinah_shore*
I can't do this shit anymore.

Denise couldn't help but be completely unimpressed with the lack of organization in S.A.D.D. She'd been a member for nearly a whole 24 hours and she only had a vague idea of what the group stood for. Was there a plan? Was there a method for achieving this plan? How did the organization function? What the fuck did S.A.D.D. stand for, seriously?

Neil had left them in the chapel, and they didn't know when he was to return. Was this some kind of twisted initiation? Denise wasn't into it.

She heard Warren address Hannah, and her head whipped up just in time to see Hannah begin furiously scribbling in a book. Denise hadn't been there to hear Neil explain their method of bypassing the microphones in their collars, and could only assume that they were hiding something.

There had to be a way to leave without raising any alarm.

"Gotta piss," she muttered at no one in particular, casually grabbing her daypack and stepping casually towards the doors. She suppressed the urge to kick or step on the armbands as she passed them.

Once she was clear of the doors, Denise turned sharply and headed for the trees.

((Denise continued elsewhere))

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:28 am
by nope*
James only grunted in acknowledgment of Neil's offer, slipping the badge thoughtlessly into his coat pocket. S.A.D.D was the least of his problems right now. Certainly it was the farthest from his mind. He rushed between his daypack and Joe, trying to do something but not entirely sure what to do, eventually just dragging his bags along with him. He placed the drawstring gym bag between the torn arm and still-moving stomach and used the bag to elevate his legs. It wasn't much, but maybe it would keep shock at bay. He finally stopped his mad rush and looked up just in time to notice Neil's departure.

"...if you and Morgan want to go in different directions though."

It took James until Neil was gone to realize the gravity of that statement. He made a full turn and quickly scanned the faces of the chapel.

Morgan's wasn't among them.

All at once he was unsprung into a mad dash for the door. He thrust himself through the church's door and into the rain.


She should just fucking ditch him.

Run off into the woods, hide out, get away from this Godless chapel. Fuck her bags. Fuck him. Fuck everyone. She wasn't about to get herself killed because Neil felt like playing leader and James felt like playing doctor. The time for pretend was over, as was the time for selflessness and kindness and chivalry and whatever the hell else they felt so obligated to carry out. If there had even been a time to begin with. Her past experience suggested not. It was funny (more like fucking disturbing) how perfect a metaphor this island was for Southridge as it had been. For every Neil or James there were thirty bloodthirsty hounds eager to rip her jugular out, probably would have been just as eager without the veil of survival to hide behind.

Or was she just being paranoid? Her peers were willing enough to throttle one another socially, but were they all really so capable of killing? The announcements said so. That Cocky Bastard (she refused to even think his name, it was like the worst of swears) had even said half the class was already gone. It was a hard concept to wrap her mind around. For some reason it refused to make that connection between the statistic and the dozens upon dozens of familiar faces she'd been surrounded by all her life. However, the message it carried was clear enough: they were killers. She wasn't about to become one of that impossible number.

She noticed a line of faded purple stretching out from her sneaker. She resolved to leave if James wasn't back by the time she finished tying it.

She bent down and laced the shoe.

She then carefully unlaced it, unsatisfied with her work.

She laced it again.

She unlaced.

Her third knot was interrupted by a hand on her shoulder.


At first she was sure it wasn't James. James wasn't the Hand-On-Your-Shoulder type. He was the Shout-Your-Name-At-The-Top-Of-His-Lungs type. She expected the blade at her throat or barrel at her temple to come at any minute. A thousand images and possibilities flashed through her head. Her heart wasn't just in her throat but pounding away behind her eyeballs threatening to burst out at any moment with the gust of the air she couldn't manage to breath out. After eons that were really seconds she'd somehow managed to not explode by her own device or some more conventional ones, she turned her head. There to greet her was not the crazed teen of her paranoid dreams but instead a stonefaced James.

Her turncoat emotions abandoned fear for anger. After what he'd just put her through, how could he look at her like that? She was ready to put all of the adrenaline to use, just pounce on him and start wailing on that stupidly mean face of his. She instead got to her feet and turn her back to him again.

"We need to leave."


If Morgan had been surprised by James's glare she would have shocked by the look of panicked desperation he had moment before, and even more so by the look of immense relief upon spotting her crouched beside the church wall. He'd barely managed to sweep them under a stoic mask before reaching her. His eyes were firmly fixed to her even as she turned her back, so much so that he didn't even notice the form flitter from the chapel woods and out to the trees behind him. Maybe the harder he stared, the harder his words would hit.

"That guy, Joe, is pretty fucked up. I don't want to leave until he wakes up. He's on top of my shit anyway. We can leave after that."

He paused.

"Stay out here if you want. Or leave, whatever. But I won't be following 'til I'm done here."

Morgan clenched her fists tightly. She waited for several seconds for him to finish his little monologue. When no other words came, she finally turned.

He was already gone. She heard the chapel door slam.


When she walked in, she saw James standing with arms crossed over Joe's pew. She gazed until she saw his head began to turn. She immediately turned to her bags instead. She walked over and opened the duffel. She unzipped and rummaged through with an intent scowl as if she were looking for something important. After about a minute she abandoned her farce and simply stared at the back of a pew, not daring to look up at James or anyone else.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:28 am
by Solitair*
Warren took one look at Hannah's paper, then he took another look, and his eyes widened. He rushed out the door to show the paper to Neil, only to realize that he was gone, and that there was only one person he could show this to. With a groan he walked over to Quincy, who was watching Denise walk away from the church.

She's not coming back, he thought. He ran right into Warren as he was about to turn around. "Warren, if-"

Warren shoved the paper in Quincy's face before he could say more than two words. Quincy paused, then looked over the paper into Warren's eyes. "Very interesting."

"Yeah, I know," Warren replied. "We-"

"Is this your penmanship?" Quincy asked.

"No, Hannah wrote it!" Warren replied. "It was her idea!"

Quincy nodded and looked around. "It may be a bit too late," he said. "We seem to be hemorrhaging quite a bit of members now."

Warren hung his head. "Aw, damn..."

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:28 am
by Super Llama*
Hannah glanced over as Denise made her way out the door. Something about her demeanor told her that she wasn't coming back, and let out a sigh. Another one lost to the game, I guess... Granted, there was nothing that said that SADD was for certain going to be able to escape, but they certainly stood a better chance than the others who were wandering around, just trying to survive.

Than James made his dash for the door, and after a moment she realized that Morgan was gone too. What? To say that she was surprised would probably earn the speaker the title of Captain Obvious. Is this whole group going to just fall apart right after Neil leaves? It looked like her, Warren, Quincy, and the unconcious boy was all that was left.

As Warren showed what she had written to Quincy, and she couldn't help but smile amusedly as James made his return, soon after followed by Morgan, almost as soon as Quincy finished his sentence. "That's not necessarily true."

Looking back at the two bodies, she remembered the wooden stake stuck in Antonio. Walking back over to him, she took a deep breath before planting a foot on his chest, taking hold of the piece of wood and pulling as hard as she could. It was stuck pretty good inside of the body, but after some effort it came free with a sickening squench. She waited a moment as a mild wave of nausea passed over her, then walked over to Morgan, holding out the bloodsoaked stake towards her. "I don't know if you've gotten any decent weapons yet," It certainly wasn't much, but seeing what she had gotten initially, it would at least be effective.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:28 am
by Solitair*
Warren sighed in relief, while Quincy shrugged. "I stand corrected," he said, briefly waving at James and Morgan again. "By the way, can I see your pencil? There's something I'd like to add here."

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:28 am
by Super Llama*
(Posting to save Hannah from the cold, unforgiving hand of inactivity)

Hannah looked back at Quincy and Warren, setting the stake down on the pew next to Morgan before heading over to the two of them.

"I have a pen right here you could use." She said, pulling the pen she used out of her pocket and handing it over.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:28 am
by Solitair*
Quincy snatched the pen out of Hannah's hand, then scribbled out a message underneath Hannah's as fast as he could, tightly clasping the book with his right hand.

I know that I'm a little late in telling you this, but I know why the speakers shouted "Shoryuken!" yesterday. I watched the first Survival of the Fittest last year, and I heard the same thing happen back then. I'm not sure on the details, but I do know that it happened while Jack O'Connor was using a computer, and later his group panicked when they revealed that they were using one, so I'm guessing he was trying to hack into their system.

He obviously didn't make it. None of them did. But the feed to the island got cut off right after the last four players were announced, so it did do something.

And now that we've heard that sound again, I'm assuming that somehow Jack's virus ended our on their system again. I don't know what it's done or if they've fixed it by now, but this could be a window of opportunity. We should show this, both sides of it, to Neil as soon as possible.

He abruptly stopped writing and flexed his fingers, which had begun to cramp. His hand writing was even tinier than Hannah's, and looked jagged and haphazard, though still legible. "There you go, made a few corrections and additions. Please look impressed."

Warren rolled his eyes and glanced at Quincy's writing. After a few lines, he shook his head. "And you made fun of Hannah's penmanship? This looks like you wrote it with an X-Acto knife!"

"Sure it does, Warren," Quincy snarked. "At least I can finish a sentence in less than a minute."

Warren grimaced and handed the book to Hannah. "Here," he said, giving Quincy one last glare.

Re: The Science of Selling Yourself

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 7:28 am
by Super Llama*
{{OOC: Sorry about breaking post order, but I need to hurry and get Ed dead.
Also, I believe I have permission to do what I'm gonna do with Joe.}}

Hannah couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed when Quincy suddenly snatched up the pen from her hand, though when he started scribbling madly, curiosity got the better of her and she leaned in, trying to get a look at what he was writing.

A virus? Knowing very little about SOTF, she hadn't heard about the infamous Jack O' Connor virus, but apparently it was what had caused the "SHORYUKEN!" from a couple of days ago. And now it could very well be wreaking havoc on the terrorist's systems right now. Quincy was right; if there was ever a perfect time to get an escape plan going, this was it.

She decided to ignore the alleged remark about her handwriting as she took back the book, putting it back into her bag. "I'll be sure he gets it." She said as she glanced over at Joe lying on the nearby pew. She didn't remember encountering him at the barracks. In fact, she only remembered seeing him after she regained conciousness. He must've appeared after she had passed out. Deciding that she should probably help out with him, she walked over to the unconcious Joe, looking at James. "Do you mind if I help? I know a bit about first aid, myself." She said as she reached towards Joe's wrist to feel his pulse.


"...uh..." She felt again to make sure she didn't make a mistake. "He...he doesn't have a pulse..." She stood there for a moment, looking dumbstruck. Another dead body, another person dying right in front of her. She remembered Ivan, Arthur, and that other kid at the barracks, and the nausea began to rise again. "I..." She began, taking a step back. "...I-I need to step outside, and...and get some air..." Walking quickly over to where har baton and shield were, she picked them up for protection and walked hurriedly outside, leaving her pack behind so that the others wouldn't think she was abandoning them.

Hannah slumped against the door frame, exhaling deeply. It was still raining, but she didn't care. All of this was becoming too much to bear at the moment. But she HAD to bear it if she wanted to survive, to escape. There were certain to be more bodies in the future, more people dying right in front of her. She couldn't allow herself to lose her nerve.

{{continued from Cause and Effect}}

Edgar cursed to himself as he fought his way through the thick brush, getting his clothes snagged repeatedly as he went along. He started to wonder if leaving the Mess Hall was such a good idea.

Of course it was! So many people in one area, most of them with guns. Some shit goes down, and how long do you think you're going to last in the middle of that?

Finally breaking free of the brush, Edgar stumbled forward a few feet before looking up to see where the hell he was. A church? He remembered Danya mentioning a church during the announcements. Well, isn't that something you wouldn't expect to find in a place like this? He spotted somebody standing near the front entrance, a baton and some kind of plastic shield in her hands, standing at the ready, probably startled by his sudden appearance. Must be a lookout or something. Why the hell else would she be standing out here? At least she doesn't seem to have a gun, or else she probably would've taken a shot at me. Taking a step forward, he called out to the girl.

"Hey! How many people are in there? You're in a group right?"

It took him a moment to realize how much of a retarded first question that was. He might as well have said "Hey! How many people are in there? I want to make sure I'm not too outnumbered when I try to kill you all!" And that's exactly how the girl seemed to have taken it, inching towards the front door. "What does it matter to you?" She said, not taking her eyes off of him. Ed sighed with much annoyance. Way to make a good first impression, dumbass...