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Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:24 am
by Super Llama*
Laeil watched as Riz jumped off the plane he was on, going to hide behind it. Her chance for a shot lost, she, after some effort, got to her feet, grabbing the sword with her off-hand before stumbling towards him.

"Gotta shoot first..." That one thought was the only thing running through her mind at the moment. Just a bit closer and she'd have her shot.

Suddenly, Riz bolted from the plane to a nearby hanger. Laeil squeezed the trigger, but the shot came a half-second too late and hit nothing but air. Looking towards the hanger, she mentally cursed herself, following after him. Failing to suspect a trap, she walked past the stack of crates Riz was hiding behind, eyes scanning the room in search of him.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:24 am
by Ares
There it was. His perfect opening. Her back was turned, she didn't see him. The question became how bad did John want to make this on her. This was the bitch who'd burned his leg and tried to fuck his shit up in the jungle. He looked at his pistol then back to Laeil. Even the sword seemed to screaming for him to use it.

In time...

It was back to the tire iron. He quietly slipped it out of his pocket. Gently placing his pack, gun and sword down, John crept out from behind the crates. This was beyond easy. He reared his hand back and brought the iron forward aiming for the back of the girl's head.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:24 am
by Super Llama*

Laeil felt something collide with the back of her head. Next thing she knew, the ground was getting closer and closer...

She didn't stay conscious long enough feel herself hitting the ground, though. As she collapsed, the gun fell out of her hand, sliding across the hanger floor, and her sword landed on the tip of it's blade, standing upright for a brief moment before falling to the ground as well.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:24 am
by Ares
((OOC: From this point on, any god modding by myself to Laeil or Llama to Riz has been approved))

It had worked. The blow connected and knocked the girl out. It was a strange relief for John that he hadn't had to fight with her. He was actually sick of the fights with everyone. It was physically exhausting and was starting to take a toll. His knee despite being able to run, was still throbbing. His jaw and nose were still stinging. It just was not a feeling he enjoyed.

"I'll be right back."

John walked back to the crates and gathered his gun, sword and pack. The temptation to blow Laeil's brains all over the floor was tempting, but this was a girl who'd damaged him. She had tried to light him on fire. Big fucking mistake.

Scooping up the falchion John made his way back over to the girl. So many things he could so, and he had all the time he wanted. That Archer prick wouldn't dare come down here, or he'd get a bullet in the teeth. It was just John, Laeil and nice little supply of tools.

John kicked the girl in the ribs and turned her on to her back. He placed the tire iron and falchion on the ground next to the girl, and quickly removed her gladius and gun from the area. He then got into the mount position that was becoming oh so familiar to him, pinning her legs together.

"You and I are going to have some fun. Just a barrel of fucking fun." He snarled at her as he slapped her face.


Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:24 am
by Super Llama*
At first, there was nothing. Blackness. A sort of sleep without dreams.

And then she felt a sharp pain. She couldn't tell where it was coming from, though. Soon, though, she began to get her bearings, just in time to feel a slap across the face.

"Fuck...Anthony what are you..."

Wait a minute.

Laeil's eyes opened, spotting Riz standing right over her, malicious intent in his eyes.


The first thing she did was try to get up, as quickly as she could, only to find that Riz had already taken care of that, pinning her legs to the ground. As she realized that it was pointless, she tried the next idea that came to mind: throwing a punch as hard as she could at Riz's face.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:24 am
by Solitair*
Quincy just smiled as John finally noticed him, but then he caught the glance of a familiar figure lurking on the edge of the jungle. A beaten and bloody Lyn Burbank crept up on Riz shakily, her chanting adding to the image that Quincy was witnessing a zombie attack.

Riz heard Lyn just as well as Quincy did, and beat a hasty retreat towards one of the hangars. Quincy peered out the window, careful enough not to cut himself on the jagged class, and watched Lyn follow him. Everything after that was left to his imagination, but from the sound of things, Riz had the clear advantage, and he would exploit it mercilessly. "I don't know how your family will accept you if you act like a torturer, John," he said, knowing Riz couldn't hear him.

As gratuitous as Riz's torture was, though, Quincy found no evidence that anything could stop him. The man had a gun, and rarely has a sword ever beaten a gun in SOTF history. At this stage in the game, everyone had guns but him, and he'd be a fool to challenge the other players in combat. Add to it the subpar reward offered for surviving the whole ordeal, and Quincy came up with no motivation to win the fight.

This left him only one other option.

Quincy picked up his sword and examined the edge. It was sharp enough, he concluded, especially given that it was Nate's sword originally. He held it up to his head and breathed deep, then sliced a horizontal line on his forehead skin. He winced in pain and felt a trickle of blood running down his face. He dabbed his finger in the cut and smiled, then began to apply it to a nearby wall.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:24 am
by Ares
Laeil had regained consciousness and began struggling, but John knew better since his fight with Emma. The punch came straight up at his head and nearly made contact, but instead he was able to dodge it.

"There will be none of that." He said flatly as grabbed her arm and pinned it under his knee.

I need to restrain her. I want her awake for this.

John frantically looked around for something to use to keep her hands bound. He thought to his belt, but realized he'd tossed it with his pants when he grabbed these new ones.


Something sharp had poked him in the leg while the girl was struggling. His eyes shot down to her pockets where he saw a length of garroting wire sticking out of the pocket.

"That'll do." He said smiling at the girl.

Slowly he ran his hand down Laeil's leg until he reached the pocket. Being careful despite her struggling John was able to get the wire out without slicing himself open.

"I'd hold still if I were you. Wouldn't want to cut your wrists now."

He slipped her hands from out under his knees and turned the girl over on to her stomach. He then grabbed each of her wrists, bringing them to her back and quickly wrapped the wire around them. He twisted the wire like it was a shoelace and pulled the ends to tighten it around Laeil's wrists, cutting his own hands in the process.

"Worth it." He said calmly when he saw the blood.

He rolled the girl back over after looping the wire a couple more times to ensure it was tight.

"So now what do we do with you? I missed a chance with Emma, but you, maybe you'll do. Or wait, you're a dyke aren't you? Never felt the pleasures of a man?" As he said pleasures John grinded himself on her a little bit.

"What do you think? Do you want to know what its like?" He whispered to the girl.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:24 am
by Super Llama*
Her attempt to deck Riz one failed, the boy grabbing hold of her arm. She wasn't ready to give up, though, struggling with all her might, until he pulled the piece of wire she had picked up from the storehouse and rolled her over. Suddenly, a sharp, burning pain was felt on her wrists as Riz bound her hands, the razor-thin wire digging into her skin.

"I'd hold still if I were you. Wouldn't want to cut your wrists now."

She stopped struggling. He was right. As tight as the wire was, she could easily slice her wrists open and bleed out if she moved too much.

"So now what do we do with you? I missed a chance with Emma, but you, maybe you'll do. Or wait, you're a dyke aren't you? Never felt the pleasures of a man?"

"Wait, what?" What did that have to do with anyth-

"W-what the fuck?" She felt something rubbing against her at that moment, and when she looked down she found it was Riz himself, grinding against her. It was utterly disgusting, and filled Laeil with a mixed sense of anger and revulsion.

"What do you think? Do you want to know what its like?"

"You sick fuck. I swear to God, first chance I get I'm gonna cut it right the fuck off." She spat at Riz, her voice bitter and venomous.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:25 am
by Ares
"Oh ho, violent little cunt aren't you." John said smirking at her.

It was true that he could have her in any way he wanted right now, but there was so much time at hand. So much they could do to lead up to it.

"You know though. I'm sitting here thinking to myself that I forgot my manners," He said as he ran his hands up the side of Laeil's torso, "We've got to pre-heat the oven don't we? I mean really, its just never good unless you're REALLY ready to go and wanting it more then anything."

John looked at the tire iron and picked it up.

"This good enough for you," John whispered, "Will this get you going? It's probably as cold as you are after all."

John ran the tire iron, still wet from the fresh blood from hitting Laeil moments earlier, down her cheek and then down the center of her chest stopping before the top line of her jeans. This was fun, this was fucking fun.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:25 am
by Super Llama*
"Of course. It's only expected when I have to put up with an insufferable dick like you." Laeil retorted.

She gritted her teeth as Riz's hands slid along her sides, lifting up her bloodstained shirt to show the malnourished body underneath. Oh, this fucker was gonna pay. He was gonna pay HARD. He had made the mistake of not simply killing her, like Rick had tried to do. Sooner or later, he was gonna slip up, and she'd be right there to pay him back tenfold.

"I killed a marine, you know? That Rick Holeman, guy? I cut him up into little pieces. It was the kind of thing you'd usually see in slasher movies." She continued. "But that's gonna look tame compared to what I'll do to you."

She shivered as she felt the cold steel against her face and down her chest and stomach, leaving a bloody streak across. She tried her best to keep the same bitter, hate-filled glare she had kept up so far. It wasn't wise to show any weakness at this point.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:25 am
by Ares
"Oh you killed Holeman? Well done," John said sarcastically, "Well here's the thing. I've killed 7 people and all of them were better than you will ever be."

John looked her over again as she threatened him.

"You're going to cut me up? Chop me into little Riz bits? I don't think you know what the hell I'm capable of." John growled at her, the grin wiped off his face.

He tucked the tire iron into Laeil's waist band before picking up the falchion. He ran the blade along the ground all the way up until it was next to her head.

"You want to fuck with me? Threaten me? Big fucking mistake. You're nothing but a little dyke, bound up like the dog you are. I could do whatever I want to you..."

John faded his voice as he looked into her eyes. Her big, hatred filled eyes. Now it was clear what he'd do. He knew how to teach this bitch a lesson.

"You know something," He said as he leaned his head forward, grabbing Laeil's chin with his free hand and turning her face towards his own, "You have really pretty eyes."

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:25 am
by Super Llama*
7 people? Bullshit, the announcements said he had only killed two people, and she was there to see one of them. Then there was that other girl just now. As if he could've killed 4 other people between then and-

Her expression changed.

Fuck. She'd forgotten about the announcements where Danya didn't list the killers. He could've killed a HUNDRED people and, except for any witnesses left alive, no one would ever know.

"You want to fuck with me? Threaten me? Big fucking mistake. You're nothing but a little dyke, bound up like the dog you are. I could do whatever I want to you..."

Reality began to sink in as she felt the falchion's blade pressed against her skin. This wasn't just some rookie. She had stumbled onto one of the bigger killers on the island, a big fish, with an (alleged) kill count to rival even Bobby Jacks himself. Those mistakes she was hoping for, he'd probably already made them in the past, and wasn't very likely to make them now.

"You know something, you have really pretty eyes."

It was odd hearing someone complementing her eyes, even a complement holding such sinister intentions as his likely did. They were definitely among the least good-looking parts of her. As she looked into Riz's eyes, her tough front began to falter, and fear began to take hold.

"S-so what?" She said, fearing what might happen next.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:25 am
by Ares
"Really...pretty...fucking...eyes." John hissed.

He would go through with everything he threatened, he'd show her what she'd been missing, but first there was business to attend to. This girl had such a bloodlust, and it would be satisfied.

"So what you ask? So I think that such pretty eyes shouldn't have to bear witness to what I'm going to do with you."

John brought the tip of the sword of the sword up to Laeil's face.

"You brought this on yourself."

He slowly traced a circle around Laeil's left eye with the tip of the sword, the smile he'd had moments before returning to his face.

Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:25 am
by Super Llama*
"So what you ask? So I think that such pretty eyes shouldn't have to bear witness to what I'm going to do with you."

No. He really WAS going to...

Oh, God no, oh, God no, oh, God no, oh God no oh God no oh God no ohGodnoohGodnoohGodnoohGodnoohGodnoohGodnononononononononono-nononononononononoNONONONONONONONONONONONONONONO

This wasn't like with Rick.

This wasn't like with Rick at all.

This was much

MUCH worse.

Laeil felt a sting as the tip of Riz's blade traced around her eye, leaving a small cut as it went. The front was gone, the expression of hatred changed to one of fear and desperation.


Re: The Answer

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 4:25 am
by Ares

John smiled like a maniac at this expression of fear. He'd broken her. Just like Emma, just like Cara, he'd broken this girl. There wasn't a tough feisty Laeil anymore. This was the raw scared Laeil. A Laeil that feared every move he made. This is what he wanted.

John paused the cut and moved his head down to her ear so that his mouth was nearly in it.

"Oh yes. Yes, yes, yes, yes." He hissed.

He placed the blade of the falchion on the top eyelid of Laeil's already bloodstained left eye and began cutting into the skin, blood flowing onto the blade and on to his left hand which was holding her head still.
