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Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:24 am
by riserugu*
"Jailhouse it is then…" Izzy murmured as the group seemed to come to a single agreement on the location; she glanced toward said location on the map, briefly distracted though by Galen's words concerning her well-being—blinking for a moment before smiling and nodding lightly, it was more or less the truth of the situation she was in, though the last thing she wanted to be was a bother to the group she was starting to feel rather on the unwell side.

Sifting a little in place and glancing back over the map with a purse of her lips, itching at the bandages covering her shoulder, smiling somewhat and about to suggest they get moving though before she had much of a chance too speak, she instead found herself listening to another voice in the air, one that she didn't recognize to be one of the three boys that had been here, twisting in place rather quickly to see just who this was.

She wouldn't say she was on friendly terms with Randy just because she barely knew him, they had… one class together if she wasn't mistaken, but her knowledge of him didn't go much beyond that besides that he seemed a little… creepy? Off perhaps would be a better suited word for the moment, eyeing him in a curious and rather cautious manner as he approached their small group, apparently having heard all that had been said between them concerning the collars and the want to escape.

Swallowing somewhat as she glanced over toward Keith for a moment before turning back to glance at Randy, eyes falling down onto the weapon clutched in his hands with a frown. Her attention sifting and focusing toward her bag left near the tree, and her own weapon partly fallen out, sifting to glance back toward Keith wondering really if it was even safe to let him here, she was getting nothing but bad vi—

The sound of the branch breaking was almost deafening to her, immediately looking down where Keith's weight at snapped the fragile thing in two, sighing somewhat once she noticed just what it was and not someone else coming up on them.

Of course, it was at that very moment that flashed of something go by, confused for a split second at just what was happening—at least until Keith screamed, and her eyes focused in on the pickaxe that less than a minute ago had been resting at Randy's side was now dug into Keith's shoulder, unable to do much for that moment expect stare at the sight, somehow finding it in her willpower to actually move back as Keith began moving, thankfully dodging getting her side rammed by his shotgun and if she had thought the branch was enough to frighten her, the becoming dreadfully familiar sound of the shotgun going off left her feeling weak in the knees.

And then the sight of what happened at Randy's stomach from a blast of the shotgun at close range was just… it was just too much, just glad—really glad? Glad that she was watching someone die—that unlike the last person that had gotten shot with Keith's shotgun, this one didn't get up again. But the crazy look in his eyes was enough to implant itself into her mind, making a small sound as he slumped over onto the ground, staining the dirt under him an odd color of red.

And for the second time in two days she was watching someone die… it was oddly surreal, still feeling that at any moment she'd just wake up or something and they'd be at the camping sight, and she'd be back to worrying about college, and her love life, and just normal teenage things, not who they could and could not trust or if she would be alive long enough to actually find Adam or Andy.

With Randy's death though… it was almost like things where slowing down again, and now they had bigger things to worry about like helping Keith with his wound, shaking her head and trying to take a step forward to do so and follow Trey's lead though Galen suddenly speaking stopped her and listened, frowning over the fact that he was leaving but understanding his want to find that Nadine girl… hell, she wanted to do the very same thing, but in her condition and not being able to use one of her arms more or less, and with a less than grand weapon running off on her own probably wouldn't be in her best interest, and either way and oddly enough concerning she knew only somewhat in the case of Trey, or hadn't been to fond of in the case of Keith…

These two… these two where the only people she could trust at the moment until she was able to find her friends, at least with them she knew she'd be with trust-worthy people.

Approaching Keith after Galen left, she lifted her good arm up somewhat to place it on his good shoulder, squeezing a little and offering a smile, "If you sit down I'll help Trey bandage ‘ya up," She said faintly, "Though at the moment you're a bit too tall for me big guy." Glancing toward the body of Randy though, the smile faded into a frown.

"Though um, let's move over here alright? So you don't have to sit next to him… and all, ‘ya know?"

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:24 am
by Zabriel*
((Continued from What Did I Do Last Night?))

Nick gathered what remained of his courage and wits, and proceeded into the jungle. This place ranked pretty high on places he did not want to be, but the only other option was crossing the bridge. Every choice he would make here seemed like it would be between bad and worse. It wasn't really the most comforting thought in the world. With every step he took, he wished that he could wake up back on the bus and have all of this have been some horrible nightmare. He knew it wouldn't happen though. Everything felt real. The heat, the ground beneath him, and the stiffness he swore was in every part of his body. Hell, he might play the game just to get back into a real bed.

"Stop that. This is no time for jokes like that."

He spoke out loud to keep himself from going crazy. Hearing a voice, even if it was his own helped him keep his fears at bay. His grip on his weapon tightened a little as he started hearing things. The underbrush was rustling which meant something was moving around. There was either an animal or a human near him. An animal he could deal with. A human could do anything though. Humans were savage and unpredictable. Besides being nasty beasts, they all had weapons. That spelled trouble. Nick bit his lip and continued on, hoping it was just an animal and that he wouldn't have to choose between fighting and running for his life just yet.

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:24 am
by Cactus
((Sorry for the hold-up, folks. Rough week. Anyhow...))

Keith wasn't sure what was more surprising, the fact that he'd just had a pickaxe shoved into his shoulder or the fact that he'd just murdered someone. Through what was likely a combination of the two, the athletic teen found himself at a loss for words, feeling weak and drained. Keith was in shock, and that much, he figured was at least obvious. His mouth hung agape at the turn of events, and as he saw the grin on the face of the corpse in front of him - the corpse that he'd created, a shiver ran down his spine.

What's it they say? It takes your innocence and spits you back out as something else? Well, fuck...looks like it's suckin' us all in as we sit here...but...

Keith stumbled a little and quickly he felt the hands of both his companions, Izzy and Trey, reach out to steady him. He was obviously loosing blood, but letting himself become a mess with the fact that he'd killed someone? That wasn't Keith's style. Sure, he never figured that he'd be capable of murder, was self-defense. His ugly shoulder-wound spoke to that, and Keith shoved the feelings of remorse to the back of his mind.

There's no 'but's', Jackson. You did what you had to do, and the fucker was more than willing to kill you. Nothin' else you could have done, and that's the end of the story. Now pull yourself together and get that fuckin' wound taken care of!

His internal monologue was right. That inner feeling of despair? His group didn't need that. They needed him strong and level-headed, because he was the one who was basically the bodyguard. He was strong, had the biggest weapon, and wasn't the type to take orders from anyone. The sports teams that he'd played on had all acknowledged his natural leadership qualities, and Keith knew that while he wasn't willing to step up and take complete control of the group, he needed to be their rock.

I'll be damned if I'm gonna let this game get ahold of me. No remorse, no regrets. I'm doin' what I havta do. So there'll be none of this 'feeling bad' bullshit. Nah. None of it.

Letting himself be lowered into a sitting position, he finally glanced over at his shoulder wound and grimaced. While the pickaxe had definitely increased the number of orifices in his body by one, the wound had seemingly avoided any major arteries, and while it hurt like hell, Keith knew that provided his group could get the bleeding stopped for him, he wouldn't be in any immediate danger.

At least, that's what I'm thinkin'. I'm no doctor though...

Raising his head to look at his group, he managed a weak smile, and obviously tried to show some false bravado. The other two would see right through him, but it was the intention that mattered, really.

"A'ight, guys...I guess he sure learned that you don't fuck with Keith Jackon or his buddies. I'll do what I gotta do to make sure y'all don't get your asses shot up an' whatnot. You hear me?"

Sighin a bit, Keith gestured towards his pack, laying on the ground to his left.

"I should have a couple'a medical supplies in there, an'...I'm no med student or anythin', but what d'you guys say we get this bleedin' stopped? I'm gettin' a little lightheaded, if ya feel me."

Keith made a move to take off his shirt, but struggled with removing it. If they were going to do anything to mend his wound, it wouldn't do, working through his clothing. Grunting as he tried to raise his arms, he looked helplessly at the others.

"FUCK! I can't fuckin' move my damn shoulder, it hurts too damn much...can, can one of ya gimme a hand? An' then we gotta get the fuck outta here, this place is too out in the open..."

His gaze once again returned to the body, and he couldn't help himself. He stared at the wound, and his mouth seemed to move without him controlling it. This time his voice was lower, vacant of the bravado that Keith tried to exude.

"Y', saw that, yeah? Y'know that was like...s-self defense and stuff, right?"

Keith gulped, knowing full well the awkwardness of the situation, and truthfully he wasn't sure how the other two would react to it.


Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:24 am
by Theseus*
Trey looked at Keith and said, "totally self defense man. Don't worry about it, you saved all our lives." Trey could only wonder what was going through Keith's head. Trey had never killed someone, and this was the second person Keith had shot on the island, and the first he killed. Though it could be argued that the kid back at the lighthouse would have died anyways from Keith's shotgun if it wasn't for that crazy grenade person.

Though right now, it was important they were a group, and stuck together, and although Trey didn't quite understand Keith's situation, he did know he would help him through it. Trey helped Keith take off his shirt and said, "Izzy, not many ladies get to see Keith Jackson without his shirt on, you should be honored." Trey winked at her then realized how stupid his attempt at humor was.

Trey really had no idea what to do next. Wrap up the wound? Clean it? He looked at Izzy and said, "You're the chick, what do we do now?" He looked at Keith's wound and the blood.

((continued from Fade Into You))

Neil Sinclair, leader of S.A.D.D, had been walking what seemed like forever. He had no idea where he was going after he left the cottage. He just walked, and got lost of course. So he exhausted himself through the jungle, sitting down only a couple of times to rest, searching for Ric and Evan. He never found them of course.

So he had walked, and walked, and walked some more. He had stopped multiple times consulting his map, looking for a place to hold up, a place to find people. Of course, he was bad at directions, so the rocker continued to trek through the jungle.

Until he heard voices.

This caused him to stop, and listen. Crouching down, he looked around. Where were the voices coming from? Ahead of him.

Neil looked through the brush and saw a group before him. A boy with his shirt off, and a girl and boy helping him with his wound. It appeared the girl was wounded too. And...wait...was that a dead body nearby too?

Neil took a step back. He hadn't seen a dead body yet. Were these killers? Did they protect themselves? Neil kept hidden, waiting to see what would happen, hoping to catch snippets of their conversation.

He needed to know if they would be willing to join S.A.D.D. It would be S.A.D.D version 2 wouldn't it? Nah, Neil firmly believed that at least Ric and Evan were still in the group, even if Nigel and Nadine weren't anymore, and that Braden kid who got lost going to the cottage.

Neil wiped the sweat from his forward and continued to watch the trio.

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:24 am
by Zabriel*
Nick overheard some voices, and from what he could gather, there was a corpse nearby. Deciding not to startle whoever was speaking, he took cover in the dense underbrush. He didn't want to get involved. The longer he could go without a fight, the better. His position was uncomfortable, and he felt dirty. He wanted a shower and a bed. The likelihood of getting either of those was low, since he was pretty sure that there wasn't any running water, and even if he did find a bed, it wouldn't be a comfortable one.

He wanted to wait until everybody had cleared out of the immediate area before trying to move. If they could all move out quickly, that would be great. He wasn't counting on it, but he was willing to wait as long as he needed.

He let out a shuddering breath, a little louder than he would have liked, and hoped that he didn't draw any attention to himself.

Oh please...just go away...

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:24 am
by Mitsuko2*
((Continued from Motion Isn't Meaning))

Matthew was more tired than he'd ever been before at this point. He wanted nothing more than to just lie down and sleep, right where he was. He couldn't care less if someone were to pop out of nowhere and finish him off while he slept. At least that way he wouldn't know it was coming. He sighed and continued on his way through the jungle. Matt pushed through some of the underbrush and was able to faintly make out the figures of three people a bit farther up from where e was. It looked as if they were wrapping their wounds.

"It's a safer bet than some of the other groups I've met… maybe they'll let me stay, even for a little while. I'm really tired." He sighed and began to approach the group.

"Hello? Are you guys okay? Do you need any help?" Matt asked when he was within hearing distance. Upon closer inspection of the group, he recognized Keith Jackson and Izzy Cheung from the three. Two people he knew, even barely. And hadn't Kallie said something about wanting to find Keith?

"Kieth right? I think I know someone who's been looking for you for a while." He looked around briefly and noticed the dead body. He gulped and moved to help The other boy with the wound.

"Anything I can do?"

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:24 am
by riserugu*
Helping move Keith away from the body, and help him settle against the ground Izzy gave off a slow sigh. Glancing a bit down toward said boy as he spoke, rather unable to the smile that spread across her features, chuckling somewhat and nodding a little to his words as she gave a mock salute with her good arm. "Right-o, though for now let's try and avoid getting axe-d in any other surfaces of your body, alright? Save me some worry, as well as a premature heart attack." She mused with a giggle, blinking at the sight of him raising his arm and pointing, following it to his pack and nodding once more. Making her way over and crouching, digging around with her only useable arm for the time being until she removed the first kid box and returning to where Trey was currently helping Keith remove his shirt.

"Trey's right… it was self-defense just like before, you had to do what you did to not only protect yourself, but you saved Trey and me, and Galen too." She insisted, offering a bit of another smile, hoping somewhere that the latter mentioned boy was alright—that he had found whom he had been looking for and hopefully they'd be able to meet up later. Izzy was distracted from her thoughts though as Trey's words, looking terribly confused for a moment before his words clicked in her mind, blue eyes jumping over to Keith—pursing her lips before chuckling and shaking her head. "Oh yeah, that a fact? And here I thought I had been super-lucky to see most of the hockey-jocks without their shirts, but that's only because their stupid and…" Shaking her head at the off-handed comment, she mused again. "Let's hope this football… rugby… tennis—rather hope I got them all there Keith—jock is a lot better than what I'm used too seeing."

It was nice, smiling and laughing, though she wouldn't consider these two friends at school, it was fast becoming that these two where the ones she knew she'd be safe with—the two she knew she could trust until she was able to find her friends at least. Glancing over toward Trey once more as a look was casted her way, listening to the statement and unable to help cocking a brow. "Sorry there, I wasn't equipped with medical-know-how when I left the womb, but I did do some basic first aid with some of the sports team I helped with, so this can't be that different—yeah?" Swallowing though she sifted to get on her knees behind Keith, swallowing at the sight of the wound—well this certainly didn't look bad but… it defiantly was a lot compared to what she was used to seeing.

Opening the first aid box, he dug through it, removing one of the alcohol wipes and opening it, patting the other boy lightly on his other shoulder, "This might hurt a bit… and so try not to hate me okay?"

That being said, he gently began to clean away some of the blood present, cleaning the wound to the best of her abilities not wanting to cause Keith anymore pain than he might already had to deal with. Continuing along until she was happy, having to take a moment to pause and press a hand against her forehead, feeling more sick and exhausted as time passed on—it was starting to get dark again, and so a little bit cooler, yeah? But she still felt unbearably hot, like she was sitting under a tanning bed or something, shaking her head though, she returned to focusing on bandaging up Keith before the other boy bled to death or something. Moving to remove one of the bandages from the kit when footsteps and a voice stopped her, swallowing somewhat because the last few people to come up on them—minus Galen—had not been nice people, in fact both said people where dead.

Though seeing Matthew Wittany, Izzy wasn't sure how to react. Being Andy's friend she had spent a lot of time hearing about the boy currently approaching their group without a care in the world, considering what Danya had told the island, she figured they'd be approached with some caution, gazing off with a shake of her head. Muttering a less than polite phrase in Chinese under her breath as she press the bandage against his skin, to say she was fond of Matt would be a vast understatement, the boy bothered her more than some of those emo brats that hung out under the stairs during lunch. Sighing somewhat and looking over her job, smiling a bit, almost happy she had managed it.

Pulling away and she gazed toward Matt with a small look, "No, everything is taken care of." She returned, returning unused things to the first aid box and pushing herself up and moving to crouch in front of Keith, wrapping her good arm about her knees, "How do you feel now? Probably not any better but I took care of it the best I could… so let's hope that's enough for now, yeah?."

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:24 am
by Theseus*
Trey watched as Izzy cleaned Keith's wound. Trey turned around when he heard Matthew Wittany. He looked at the boy. He recognized him, and couldn't say he heard anything too bad about the boy. He was the photographer, and that's all Trey really knew about him. Trey saw that Izzy wasn't too hostile around him. He did mention that he knew someone looking for Keith. He didn't look dangerous. Of course, they weren't having very good luck when it came to meeting good people.

Trey looked at him, and didn't say anything. He just looked at him, hoping he wasn't like the last kid to come up to their group. Trey was glad though that Izzy was done treating Keith. They needed to move like they talked about. They had to get out of here. It was already dawn which meant that--then the morning announcements kicked to life.

Trey listened. There were a lot of dead kids. He recognized some names, and some of the killers. He couldn't believe how some of them died. It was horrible. Trey wanted nothing more than to get a hold of some of those killers and give them a taste of their own medicine. This whole game was sick. Luckily the jungle wasn't a danger zone. The deaths only served to reinforce the idea in Trey's mind that the group needed to move.

All this time Neil Sinclair sat hidden in the bush, watching the group still. He watched as another boy approached the group, and it seemed as if the group let him join. There was no harassing, no threatening. This was the kind of group he needed. Neil also saw Keith's shotgun. He would need someone like that for what he had planned. S.A.D.D would live.

Then the announcements kicked in. Neil listened to the deaths. Three struck him. Nigel, Ric, and Nadine. All S.A.D.D members. Neil wanted to hit something. He wanted to scream. Ric hit him the hardest. Nadine had screwed the group up, Nigel was good, but Ric was one of the originals. They sang the song about Danya together on the beach.

Evan was still alive though. That meant something. Neil would find Evan. He would show him that S.A.D.D was still working. Though he needed a group. He needed people to help him. Neil fought back tears of rage and sadness as he looked at the group ahead. He had nothing to lose anymore. He needed to approach them. He needed to show them that they could fight back.

Neil took out one of his notebooks and flipped through the pages until he found an empty one. What had Nadine done with the original notebook? It didn't matter now. Neil took out his pencil and quickly wrote down the message he would show the group.

I have a group called S.A.D.D. We got separated at the cottage but we got a plan to escape. I need people to join. The way the game's designed only one of us is going to live. The killers have a higher chance of winning. I don't want to sit around and wait to die. I'd rather die trying. The plan's simple. We destroy as many cameras as we can. Without video I figure Danya will have to send people on the island to replace the cameras. We set up an ambush and take one of them alive. From there we wing it. If we can find a way to disable the collars before the ambush it would be good, but I don't see it as a necessity.

Neil was surprised by how much he wrote. He smiled at the notebook and stood up and slung his guitar and pack back over his shoulder. He stepped through the foliage and approached the group.

He raised both his hands in the air. His right holding the stick he found at the Northern Shore, and his left holding his notebook. He said, "I'm not playing." Neil walked closer slowly and figured he'd hand the notebook to Keith. He recognized Trey and Keith as jocks, but Keith had the shotgun, and was probably more well known than Trey.

Neil handed the notebook to Keith and said, "I wrote this song for you."

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:25 am
by Zabriel*
He was getting nervous, and they weren't leaving. In fact, more people just kept coming. He ventured a peek at what was going on. Approaching the group would be a risk, but then again, every action was risky. If he could get in with the group, then at least he'd have a friend with a shotgun. If not, maybe the trees would protect him while trying to get away. He exhaled again and tried to raise up enough courage to do the unthinkable.

Nick slowly rose and called out to his classmates.

"This is Nick Jones. I am coming toward you. I mean no harm."

He stepped into the clearing, still holding his issued weapon, just in case he did need to use it. He wasn't quite sure how he'd do that, but having something metal made him feel a little less defenseless. He saw the corpse and bit his lip. He decided he wouldn't bring that little bit up. He knew that it wouldn't be the last he saw, but he wanted to pretend that he wasn't there for just a little while longer.

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:25 am
by Megami*
((Continued from From Serenity to Shame))

Ivye hissed quietly and adjusted the cloak that was still wrapped tightly around her body as she paced slowly toward the sound of voices radiating from a clearing up ahead. She'd spent the entire day in hiding after having left the lookout tower, and she'd only ventured out into the jungle once again when nightfall had crept across the island. Since then, she'd been on the prowl, seaching for her latest victim.

Or victims, as it would seem.

It's simply too perfect.

There they were... a big group of them, clustered all together in a small clearing in the jungle. It was like they'd been set up just for her. In fact, it almost reminded her of the cluster of people she'd run into at the lookout tower. Come to think of it... Ivye had caught a glimpse of them as they'd run from the doors... this group looked a lot similar. Were they one and the same?

One, two, three... they looked like the same ones she'd tried to kill at the lookout tower. Four, five and six were new faces that she hadn't seen before. No matter. They all died the same. Ivye bounced the grenade absent-mindedly in her hand as she watched the people cluster together. Could they have possibly been any more foolish?

The morning announcement that suddenly crackled to life signalled to her that the first rays of sunlight would soon be breaking across the sky. Danya had mentioned something about the weather being overcast, but whether it was sunny or not, it simply wasn't good for her skin. Her albinism had been both a curse and a blessing, and given her current predicament, it was best for her to remain a creature of the night.

That lead her to her current predicament.

If she was lucky, she could score not one, not two, but a whopping six kills right now. But, she'd have to work quickly. She needed to find shelter before it became too light outside. The cloak only protected her skin so much, after all. Ivye sighed quietly before deciding on a swift course of action. She pulled the pin from the grenade and lobbed it into the middle of the group.

Instead of turning to see whether she had killed them all or any of them at all, she turned and ran. Hopefully, they'd all die. But she'd be satisfied with simply injuring them all. It was simply a pity that she didn't have time to enjoy the chaos and carnage that would probably ensue from the grenade. Now, though, she had to focus on finding shelter. Ivye quickly disappeared into the foliage of the jungle.

((Continued in Them vs. You vs. Me))

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:25 am
by Zabriel*
He had just barely seen it coming, and managed to cry out a barely intelligible warning, while turning and running the way he had come from. Luckily he was agile and had quick reflexes. Later he could feel bad about not managing to shout out in English, or any other recognizable language; right now he just wanted to get away from what he assumed was a grenade.
In all reality it could have been a rock or something else, but he wasn't going to chance that. He was just going to run.

He heard an explosion behind him, and felt something fly out and hit him from behind.

"Ow! Fuck my ass! I've been shot in the ass! Somebody shot me in the ass!"

It wasn't quite right, but it was close enough. It was actually a rock that had been kicked up by the blast that had hit him. It really hurt. That was going to leave a welt. Only then did he stop to think that the blast had probably killed at least one of the people that he had almost gotten to meet. He was torn between the urge to run away, and the compulsion to see what damage had been done, what he could do to help, and if nothing else what he could salvage from the site.

He turned and approached slowly, waiting to see what emerged from the smoke.

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:25 am
by Mitsuko2*
Matt was unaccustomed to the approachable attitudes of the people he'd come to stay with. It was possible that they wouldn't mind him coming along after all. He smiled a bit and listened to their conversations. Just then, a figure emerged from the bushes. It was none other than Neil Sinclair, a boy whom he somewhat knew in passing. He approached Keith and told him he wrote a song for him. Matt didn't really get it. Just then, he noticed a small object land near him.

"Oh shit!" He yelled when he realized what it was. He grabbed it and threw it back the way it came. He accidentally threw it in the direction of the approaching Nick, but didn't notice. He grabbed Izzy, who was the closest person to him, and shoved her into the nearest foliage behind a tree. He then tackled Neil, who was the second closest to him, and threw them both into the same foliage he tossed Izzy into. He landed on top of Neil, and when the grenade went off, felt the burning of shrapnel cutting into his left shoulder blade and lower back. He cried out in pain, and cringed. He climbed off Neil, and looked around to see if everyone was okay.

"S-sorry about that…" He apologized to Neil, and then said the same to Izzy.

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:25 am
by Zabriel*
He made his way back to the clearing, looking to see what was left after the explosion. He noticed movement, so he could assume that somebody survived the blast. He called out to the group, approaching cautiously.

"Is anybody hurt? Do you need help?"

They hadn't gotten off to the best start, and already he was starting to see what kind of trouble groups brought, but if they could get out of the jungle, hopefully they'd be alright.

"We should patch up any injuries and head for shelter. The number of the sane is thinning, and being out in the open makes us sitting ducks."

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:25 am
by Theseus*
Neil never saw it coming. He hadn't experienced an attack yet on the island. His experience being traveling with other people planning escape. In the corner of Neil's eye he saw something roll in the middle of the group. He never thought of it to be a grenade though. A rock? He didn't have time to think though before Matthew tackled him to the ground and shielded him from the blast. It was loud and it was bright and Neil thought that this was it. He thought that this was how he was going to die. Though it ended as soon as it started, and Matthew got off of him and apologized to him and Izzy.

Matthew had probably just saved Neil's life. Neil looked down at his hands and his body. He was alright except for a few cuts and scratches, but he was all right. He looked at Matthew, still in shock, and said, "Thank you man."

When the grenade had rolled into the group, Trey immediately recognized what it was. This was the second time a grenade had threatened the group and it was probably from the same person as before. Trey turned to run away but his foot got caught under a limb, and he tripped.

He knew at that moment that it was over. One mistake and now he was dead. He heard the explosion first then he was blinded by a white light and a scorching heat all over his body. He screamed as the pain ripped across his body and when the light and the sound faded the pain didn't. Trey opened his eyes and saw dirt everywhere. Who was hurt?

He had to help them. He had to get up. Trey planted his hands in the dirt and went to stand up but he couldn't. His legs wouldn't move. Trey's eyes widened with fear and he shouted, "stand up! Stand up!" He tried but his legs we're barely moving. He turned around and looked at his bloody legs. They were still attached to his body that was good.

His jeans were torn up though and he could see his bloody skin where the jeans were torn. The pain felt horrible, but he had to get up. He had to help everyone else.

Trey struggled to his feet, and he collapsed against a tree. This wasn't going to work, he could barely walk. He looked around, his vision spinning, looking for survivors.

Re: Mending

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2018 6:25 am
by Zabriel*
Nick was in pain, but none of his functions were impaired. He got lucky. Smoke and dust were still swirling around, so it was hard to see what was going on. He was beginning to be able to make out figures more clearly. The first person he noticed was a boy supported by a tree. Nick rushed towards the tree to check him over. It seemed he'd gotten a pretty big part of the blast.

"It's Nick Jones, I'm here to help." He opened up his bag and retrieved the first aid kit. Kneeling down, he tore open an antiseptic wipe and gave him a gentle warning before moving to clean up what he could see of the boy's wounds.

"This is going to hurt like a bitch in heat, but it has to be done." Nick began cleaning the blood from the boy's legs. His pants were torn to hell, and he seemed to have a few nasty burns. Nick didn't really have much medical training, but with the accidents that always seem to happen in the theater, Nick had made sure that he knew how to use a basic first aid kit. He'd forgotten to check the kit for any burn creams, but he could worry about that after cleaning up the blood.

"Hopefully this won't get infected. We'll get the rest over here and decide where to go from there."