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Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
by Cyco*
Lucy's projectile hit Dennis between the shoulderblades, illiciting a loud yelp of pain and an infuriated about-face.

"That tears it!" he shouted, marching half-crazed up to her and shoving her with all the force he could muster.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
by dinah_shore*
Lucy knew she had taken it too far the moment the rock left her hands. Now that she was sitting on her ass in a muddy puddle, she knew it doubly so. Especially now that her left cheek was cut and bleeding all over her face...wait, what?

Her hand flew up to her cheek, and came away red with blood.

He wants to kill me!

Dennis might have been saying something, but Lucy didn't care. At that point, it was on.

She quicky reached behind her with her right hand, taking a firm hold on the handle of her "doloire". It was just an axe, really. You swing, it chops. Easy Peasy.

At least, thats what she hoped as she pulled it free of her belt and swung it full-force in the direction of Dennis' shins.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
by Cyco*
Damn, it felt good to give Lucy a shove on her ass. At least it did until his eyes followed her down and noticed that somehow he'd opened up a big nasty cut on her cheek. Immediately his momentum was stalled and his expression became deeply apologetic; Dennis looked around for the cause of the incision and found to his chagrin that the harpoon in his hand had caught her as he'd extended his arms to push her down.

"Oh God, I-I-I'm sorry!" he quickly offered, feeling like a jerk and an idiot, but before he could so much as help her up Lucy helped him down.

There was a flash of steel and Dennis let out a cry of intense pain as Lucy's ax caught him in the side of the knee, slicing his LCL. In an instant his right leg gave out on him and he came crashing to the ground beside her.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
by dinah_shore*
Dennis had fallen right after the first blow. Enraged, Lucy dropped her weapon and scuttled swiftly on top of Dennis and went to strangle him. For some reason she thought it would be easy.

Her blood was mixing with the rainwater running down her cheek, and was dripping off her chin onto Dennis' face. Grunting, she tightened her grip on his neck.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
by Cyco*
Lucy didn't waste a second in crawling on top of him and attempting to strangle him with her cold, terrible little fingers. Dennis gurgled in distress. His first instinct was to stick her with the harpoon to save himself but he quickly found that her knee was pinning it down. The generous amount of pressure being put on his windpipe drove him into a panic. Resisting her efforts as best he could with his one free hand (poorly), he struggled with all his might to get the harpoon free, thrashing left and right trying to roll her off of him.

The pair tumbled sideways but were promptly stopped by the wall. That was fine though, because the harpoon wasn't snagged anymore. With a frantic wheeze of effort Dennis struck at Lucy's side with his weapon.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
by dinah_shore*
A choked, gutteral noise escaped Lucy's throat as she was punctured by the point of Dennis' harpoon. She grabbed at it and violently pulled it out from her side. Then, as blood started to gush freely from the wound under her ribs, she became more aware of the seriousness of her injury. She fell off of Dennis, clutching her side.

Her body hit the muddy grass hard, knocking all the wind out of her. Her left hand flew off the wound on impact, and smacked against the axe lying in the wet grass. With some effort, Lucy dragged herself up to her knees, and snatched up her axe.

Clutching it firmly, she lunged at her target once more.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
by Cyco*
Success. Dennis wasn't about to apologize for that one. As quickly as he could he sat up, then scrambled to get up using the wall for support. The back of his leg was in searing pain, and he was fairly sure that Lucy had crippled it. There was no way he could escape like this. He'd have to defend himself. Even if it meant taking someone else's life. Either way he had to act fast; he'd seen enough of v1 and 2 to know how these kinds of scenes ended.

Suddenly Dennis realized something. Something awful. The horrifying revelation hit him just as he turned to glance at the injured girl, only to find that she'd gotten up much faster than he'd expected. He'd jinxed it.

Lucy sunk the blade of the ax into his gut before Dennis even had a chance to react. He let out an agonized cry and hunched over, the shock of what was happening rendering him a defenseless wide-eyed chump.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
by dinah_shore*
The axe was stuck, buried deep into Dennis' innards. Lucy tugged on the weapon twice, each time only giving way a tiny bit. She braced herself for a third attempt. Wrenching the doloire free with a grunt, she sent the blade gliding through the air once more, aiming to take his whole fucking head off.

Things don't work that way in real life, either.

Just as it seemed as though her rage was waning, a fresh wave of anger washed over her. She just wanted the guy dead at that point. He'd gone to kill her and she'd had the upper hand. She'd clearly won so...

Why isn't he fucking dead already?!

Lucy was screaming in frustration, all her composure lost. Pulling her weapon free from Dennis' bloody neck, she wound up and uppercutted him once more with its edge.

His body began to slide down the side of the wall, so Lucy grabbed a fistful of his dark blonde hair and passionately assaulted his neck with the axe, over and over again. The only things that Lucy Arber was aware of were the reverberations in her body from her axe crashing into bone, and the sound of her own frenzied screams echoing in her head.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:27 am
by Cyco*
Dennis had sometimes wondered what went through players minds as they died. For him it was just a continuous blood-curdling scream of wild terror that carried on well after its vocalization became an unintelligible wet gurgling noise.



Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:28 am
by dinah_shore*
O.K., so Dennis' head wasn't coming off anytime soon. Bloody and exhausted, she let go of the tuft of hair she was holding him up by. His body slid into a heap at the base of the wall.

"You had your chance to put everything behind us and you blew it."

On Valentine's Day, 2002, Lucy Arber extended Dennis Bernard the olive branch, and he'd shit on it.

Lucy used to love the hell out of Dennis Bernard in grade seven. Since she wanted to be around him always, she would follow him at recress and ask him questions about his Magic cards, and spouting off random (presumably impressive) bits of information about her new spirituality. Dennis was fickle, and quickly became annoyed by her constant companionship. He was under the impression that Lucy was being annoying on purpose, to get a rise of out him. The idea that she might have liked him went right over his head completely. So when Lucy handed him a pink envelope on February 14th that year, he didn't waste time even opening it. He shredded it to bits right in front of her.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:28 am
by Cyco*
((continued from To the Hounds of Hell))

Harry had arrived too late to understand what had ignited the vicious scuffle, but he felt no need to really do anything past lurking quietly a few yards away as the girl finished the poor sap off. When it looked like she was done he raised the Pancor Jackhammer and promptly squeezed the trigger.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:28 am
by dinah_shore*
Whatever Lucy was thinking as she stared at Dennis' broken and mangled corpse was interrupted by the sound of a gunshot and a deafening "SHRYOUKEN!"

A burning pain erupted in her lower back, forcing her to stumble forward into the wall and scraping her palms against the brick wall. Her legs suddenly gave out under her, and Lucy was sprawled on her back, writhing in pain.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:28 am
by Cyco*
Harry was thrilled that his practice shot had hit, although the recoil on the auto-shotty was pretty heavy and unpleasant. The manual had mentioned that holding down the trigger for more than a second would result in multiple blasts in quick succession, and Harry, fearing just the recoil implied by such a mean looking shotgun (or a shotgun at all), had made a mental note not to.

Still, what a great new toy.

The girl squirmed on the ground, and Harry decided to approach her. She was unarmed, so there really wasn't any danger, and he could probably win some fans by finishing her off as opposed to just leaving her there in an anti-climactic fashion. What really seemed appealing about going in for the kill in this situation was that this girl was a nasty player, not some innocent victim of a terrorist plot like Owen or Courtney. He could violate her with a chainsaw and the audience would probably shit themselves cheering.


Harry reached the fallen girl and looked down at her. "I hope you had a good run," he said quietly, giving her a little smile.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:28 am
by dinah_shore*
In the moments before Harry approached her, Lucy tried to discern what it was that her assailant had screamed at her after firing. 'Shryouken'? What in the name of Belial did 'shryouken' mean?

She didn't have to wonder long, because as soon as Harry Tsai came into sight, she understood exactly what was going on. That psychotic chink thought he was being a fucking comedian. She'd show him funny when she chopped his tiny yellow dick off!

"Fuck you, slant-eye!" she spat at the boy as she scrambled towards the doloire she'd dropped moments earlier.

It's a shame Lucy Arber never learned to control her temper.

Re: Rinse, Repeat

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2018 5:28 am
by Cyco*
((permission to GM Lucy))

Harry's smile became toothy and amused as the girl spat a racist comment at him and tried to reach the small cleaver-type weapon lying on the ground just out of reach. Casually he stepped on her wrist and put a fair amount of weight on it, pinning her to the wet earth. She let out an exasperated moan and let her head fall back onto the ground in resignation. He bent his knees, still with one foot planted on her arm, and knelt down next to her head. She stared upside-down daggers at him and drew heavy breaths.

"You really ought to watch your mouth," he remarked, taking a hand off the shotgun and letting it hang lazily over her face with his finger on the trigger. He guided the barrel quickly toward her mouth, to which she jerkily turned her head away, likely because she already knew the bad physical pun coming. Harry cleared his throat impatiently and slapped her hard on the cheek. She grunted in anger and pain and he was finally able to force the slanted barrel inside her open mouth, cocking his elbow and letting his bicep float over the large stock of the gun. He made himself more comfortable by shifting to face her right-side-up.

Harry looked the girl in her dagger-eyes one more time and shrugged as if to say "you should've watched your back". She let out a choked yet defiant snarl in response. He gave the trigger another squeeze, sending a loud crack into the air and a heavy shockwave through the Jackhammer. Harry's eyes snapped shut for a second.

He opened them again to find that the side of the girls skull was blown out, and one of her eyes had been pushed through the socket by the blast. A grayish mess was leaking out the side of her head into the mud, spattered in a mess of red.

Harry stood up, flecks of blood dotting his face and t-shirt. His bicep was a little sore from absorbing the awkward recoil, but damn if it hadn't been worth it just to know that the whole world had just seen him feed someone a shotgun.

'I hope you were watching, Danya...' he thought contentedly to himself, grabbing the GPS hanging from around his neck and taking a look at the group of blips located inside the shower building. They must have heard the commotion. Really it didn't matter if they each had a gun though; he had the most lethal combination of weapons on the island as far as he knew.

'...because Harry Tsai is just getting warmed up!"