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Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:46 am
by Super Llama*
Just as one potentially disastrous situation was defused, another one started up in it's place. Hannah's attention quickly turned to the standoff between Bobby and Johnathan. I should've just ran... She thought at first, but quickly corrected herself. If she ran she was screwed for sure. She was lucky enough to survive as long as she had with such a useless weapon, but the funny thing about luck is that if you push it too hard it eventually snaps back at you. Right here was a well-armed group, and if she could get them to take her into their fold she would certainly stand a better chance.

She quickly turned heel and ran behind Neil and Dominica, ducking into one of the nearby buildings.

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:46 am
by Sona*
((Continued from A View to a Kill))

Ivan was tired. So very tired. Tired from running, but also from his lack of sleep. His vision was starting to get a bit hazy. And he felt terrible. ~The endorphins are a lie. Uuugh...~ Ivan stopped for a minute. He should have been getting close. A drink of water was good. Water. Yes... He opened his dufflebag and pulled out a waterbottle, downing almost a third of its contents in a few gulps. Putting it away once again, he slowly worked himself back to faster-than-walking speed.

After the tower became a dangerzone, he made his way out of there, and fast. He had hoped everyone else had gotten out alive. People he knew. People he spent years making friends of, listening in on their lives. People he knew... And would never forget. Ivan had stayed a little off the beaten path towards the barracks, and heard people streaming past, nigh-silently. He knew they probably heard him, though. His run to the barracks had gotten slower, and slower, and he felt like he was going to collapse. His heart was pounding, and his breath was heavy. So very, very tired.

He finally made it to the barracks, long after anybody else had seemed to. He approached the end of his hiding area, the treeline of the barracks. He had made it. Ivan saw people. With guns. Bobby, who had been mentioned over the radio, he recalled. He certainly wouldn't forget, anyways. Also Dominica, and J... Jon... John... Johnny, or Jonathan. Something. He didn't remember much of the guy. Ivan was scared, and could hardly move. Then Neil spoke. That was... uplifting. But he couldn't make out much of it. His eyelids were getting heavy. He hadn't slept in... Three? Four days? More? He could hardly remember. He tried to steady himself on one of the treeline-edge trees, but ultimately slumped down, falling forwards on the plain grass of the barracks ground, unconscious.

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:46 am
by JB_Finesse*
"Too late to run," said Shane, "We should block the door and windows and wait it out. If Fuckface tries to get in, I perforate him."

He faintly heard somebody yelling. Who was he? Neil...

"Hey, maybe Neil Patrick Harris out there could help us."

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:46 am
by dinah_shore*
Denise rolled her eyes at Shane's joke.

What a stoner...

Realizing the irony of her thought, she giggled a little. It was the closest to happiness she'd felt since the nightmare began six days ago.

Now wasn't the time to be happy, though.

"Let's get on that then." she agreed, and stationed herself behind one end of a wooden cot, ready to lift.

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:46 am
by JB_Finesse*
Shane chuckled, glad that he'd made Denise laugh. He pocketed the gun and helped her lift the cot.

"We should probably prop one side up under the handle," he said as they made their way to the door.

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:46 am
by Heatwizard*
Dennis groaned, rolling his eyes as he shuffled to his feet. What a damn wonderful plan, Neil. Advertize us to the guys with guns, who probably have half a mind to give us all new ventilation to keep Danya from collaring more people.

"It's way too fucking early for this..." he moaned, rubbing sleep lag out of his eyes. He poked his head out the door just enough to see what was going on, then waved his hand, complete with shotgun. "We have many guns and we are in a collective bad mood right now. It would be best for your health if you didn't piss us off."

This god damn shotgun. Argh. Not having a good weapon was like an excuse to stay out of the action, a get out of the way free card. He had a gun(and concealable at that), which put him close to the top of the food chain, and ergo he felt obligated to participate in potential shooting, which was something he was really hoping to avoid. Not to mention that the one thing he knew about shotguns was that they were close range. An inside weapon(To go with one's inside voice?). These people were outside.

The only reason he got up is to add to the intimidation value. More guns means less resistance. He started trying to guess how much range the damn thing would have, just in case. He didn't figure it would reach to the other guys with guns, but if they came forward a bit, he'd give it a shot. He loaded a bullet but let his arm hang down, not bothering to aim at anything.

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:47 am
by RationalParanoia*
Mark watched as they picked up one of the cots, and started bringing it over to the door. He heard them talk, heard the boy make his little stoner reference. He heard Denise laugh at that.

Clearly, the two of them had a connection with each other that they simply didn't have with him. They hadn't even bothered to ask him if he wanted to help them, or even what his input was!

Of course, he wouldn't have debated too much with them. They were right- it was not a good idea to go outside, at least not now. Especially not with him out there... But Mark couldn't think about Bobby right now. If he did, he'd think about the body again. And if he thought about the body again...

"Hey, do you guys want any help?" Mark was polite, and figured if they didn't ask, he might as well ask them. They were serving as his protectors, and he might as well try and help them out as much as he could.

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:47 am
by Super Llama*
Hannah decided to take a look outside of the barrack for a moment, just in time to catch Ivan collapsing nearby. It didn't look like he was dead, though, as she didn't see any blood.

Wait, is he with SADD? Now that she thought about it, she couldn't really tell who amongst the group, besides Neil, was part of SADD. It didn't seem like Bobby or Johnathan were, seeing how Neil had addressed them. She looked over at Dominica, remembering what she had said earlier, and it sounded like she was a SADD member as well.

Her attention turned back to Ivan. It's dangerous being passed out in the middle of a situation like this. Suddenly, she got an idea. Touching a hand to her magic hat and gathering up her courage, she dropped her duffel bag and spoon and rushed out of the building to Ivan, rolling him over onto his back (if he wasn't already like that,) hooking her arms under his armpits and dragging him back towards the building. If he is a SADD member, then hopefully this'll put me into their good graces...

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:47 am
by JB_Finesse*
Shit, he'd almost forgotten about the other guy.

"Yeah, sure," said Shane. "Get another cot and prop it up lengthwise to block the window."

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:47 am
by Crash*
(Dorian Ibanescu continued from A View to a Kill)

Dorian felt lucky that he'd managed to catch so much sleep over the course of his stay on the island, or his jog to the barracks would've been a lot more exhausting than he found it. Then again, it proved to be about as long as a normal one of his workouts was, but that didn't make it any less strenuous. The lactic acid buildup in his legs was starting to wear him out, and eventually he was forced to slow his run into a walk.

He only had to walk for about five minutes before he made it to the Barracks, but what he saw wasn't at all what he'd expected. Somewhere along the way everyone had managed to beat him there, save for maybe Dane, who he didn't immediately see. There was some kind of standoff occurring between two other non-SADD members, one of whom he recognized as Bobby Jacks, the boxer. The other one had his back to him, so he couldn't make him out clearly. Dorian had been paying close attention to the announcements, and as far as he knew, Bobby had already killed three people. He didn't want to be around him longer than he had to be.

What next caught Dorian's eye disturbed him more than Bobby's presence, however. Hannah, one of the more eccentric girls around Southridge, had Ivan under his armpits and was dragging him towards the barracks and the others, who he finally managed to spot some distance away. Ivan looked like hell, and that concerned Dorian even more than his own safety at the moment. He wasted no time in jogging over towards Hannah, eying her with concern.

"Looks like you could use some help," he offered, showing Hannah a compassionate smile to let her know that he wasn't going to hurt her. He'd always been friendly in high school though, especially so with girls, so he doubted he would've come off as threatening either way. Dorian grabbed Ivan by the legs and, together with Hannah, brought him over to where Neil and Dominica were. He thought he spotted Dennis somewhere in his peripheral vision, but right now he was slightly more concerned about Ivan.

"Over here," he directed, and with Hannah's help lifted Ivan into one of the barracks buildings. It was unoccupied, but he swore he could hear some commotion going on from one of the other buildings. Ignoring it for now, the two set him up on a table where he was bound to be more comfortable, and more importantly out of the rain.

"Thanks for that," he huffed out in exhaustion, then went outside towards Neil and Dominica. Neil looked and sounded different, though. He was agitated, and there was dried blood all over his shirt. Something was wrong, and it hit Dorian like a sack of bricks.

"Neil..." He began, lowering his voice and looking directly at him. "...Where's Corbin?"

(Sorry to have assumed Hannah a bit, I just figured that if she was helping Ivan she'd stay involved until he was in a more comfortable position.)

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:47 am
by Mitsuko2*
((from: A Veiw To A Kill))

Matt followed behind Dominica as quickly as he possibly could. He had chosen quite the bad stick as a walker. It barely held his weight, and had almost snapped multiple times. He knew his knee would be fine if he just rested for a bit, but it was still tender and putting too much weight on it might do more damage than already done. He sighed, and winced as muscles moved on his newly bandaged arm. He had wrapped it with some cloth he'd torn from his shirt a while back. It was barely stopping the bleeding. When he got to the barracks he'd fix it better.

Matt was surprised when Dominica turned around and offered him her now useless speargun to use as a crutch. Matt smiled at her and thanked her. He didn't really like her personality, and didn't see eye-to-eye with her on much, but he considered her a friend. That was what really counted… that was what separated him from Nathanial Harris.

"Yeah… you were pretty awesome back there yourself. If you hadn't shot him… I probably wouldn't be alive right now." He grinned, and followed her, now much more quickly, into the area. He shared her worry over the factor that none of the SADD members seemed to be in sight. That was never really a good sign.

Suddenly though, there seemed to be an influx of people pouring into the area. Matt frowned. Two boys seemed to be on pins and needles with each other. One he recognized as Bobby Jacks, the boxer and notorious killer on the island. He'd done a piece on him in the school paper. Now he might be forced to fight him. Dominica pulled her gun on the two boys, and before Matt knew it, Neil had appeared from nowhere, doing exactly the same thing, followed quickly by Dennis and his shotgun. Matt noticed a girl run past the two and run into the barracks.

He leaned against one of the buildings and pulled the handgun from his jeans. He flicked the safety off, and pointed it in the general direction of the boys. If one of them shot, he would fire. He grabbed the speargun with his bad arm, and even through the pain, managed to navigate himself near the other three.

"Quite the party we're having." He said dryly to Dominica as he steadied himself and held the gun up, ready to point and shoot should it come down to it.

"I'd suggest against this boys… as they've said… we're kind of pissed off right now."

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:47 am
by Super Llama*
(OOC: S'alright.
Also, crowded thread is crowded. o_o)

Hannah looked up as Dorian addressed her. Looking at him with suspicion for a moment, she decided that he must not be a threat, at least for the moment. After all, with several armed people just nearby, it would be foolish to try and start an attack right in the middle of them.

Her eyes drifted towards Bobby and Johnathan for a moment. Then again...

She shook her head, looking back at Dorian. "I do, thanks." With his help, she managed to carry him back into the barracks building where her belongings were, and set him up on a table. As Dorian ran back outside, Hannah took a few steps back against the wall and slid down to a sitting position. She was already tired before, but this made her utterly exhausted. "If only I could get a break from all this nonsense and get some sleep..."

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:47 am
by dinah_shore*
Oh, yeah. Mark.

She had just assumed that if he wanted to leave that badly, he would. She wasn't going to force him to stay. Denise was no facist.

However, Denise was blazed out of her mind. She didn't know what kind of ridiculous voodoo pot she was on at the moment; but it was a very good thing she was staying in one spot, rather than trying to navigate some awful jungle. That jungle was a dick.

I've never heard a gun go off before...

The realization brought her back to reality for a moment. People were going to shoot eachother. She was in the act of protecting herself from being fucking shot. Denise then understood peril. She felt it in every pore of her body.

Struggling to keep her emotions contained, she went to lift a second cot with Mark. For the first time since he arrived, Denise studied him. He was tall, dark, and...beautiful? Yeah...beautiful.

Beautiful + Unarmed ≠ Trustworthy.

Even when on drugs, Denise was no idiot. She was onto Mark's shit.

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:47 am
by Theseus*
Neil, who was focusing on keeping his M16 aimed at the two boys ahead of him, noticed that Dennis came up as well to diffuse the situation. At least it seemed that S.A.D.D truly did stick together. Neil watched as the new girl, Hannah, rushed out into the open to carry back a fallen Ivan. Another S.A.D.D member. She just earned herself a spot in the group. Neil didn't pay attention though as Dorian helped the girl, but he did hear the familiar voice asking him about Corbin.


Damn it Danya. This is your fault. You made the lookout tower a danger zone. You caused S.A.D.D to split up. You left us there alone.

Without looking at Dorian, Neil spoke dryly with bitterness in his voice.

"Corbin's dead Dorian. Blood Boy got him. He fucking killed him. Just like that."

Neil was glad Dorian was here. Maybe once this situation got settled, they could sit down together. They could get S.A.D.D back together in one of the barracks. They could figure out how to beat Danya. This time, Neil wouldn't mess around. He felt...different now after the fight at the lookout tower.

He had made a promise to get S.A.D.D off the island and that's what he would do. He would get them off the island.

Neil then noticed Matthew come up, and pull out his gun as well. Neil Sinclair smiled. Looks like the gang was all here, and with this much firepower pointed at those two boys, they really needed to hurry up and just leave.

Re: Sound and Fury

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:47 am
by RationalParanoia*
((OOC: Just wanted to note: Jonathan is behind the barracks Mark is in. That barracks is specifically being used as a barrier against Bobby, who's right next to the SADD barracks... Meaning that all you guys who just came to SADD would not have your guns trained on Jonathan, nor even be able to see him anymore (just for matters of flow, detail, and continuity). Also, the posting is going a little fast... Especially with the fact that Bobby Jacks, one of the people most important to the current situation, hasn't even technically done anything after initially talking with my character. Personally, I believe the best thing to do would be to wait for Clueless to post again, as his character is very important to this.))