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Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:17 am
by Ciel*
((B23 Start))

Hello.... what's all this then?

Charlie Burchman (Male Student no. 23) smirked from his position on the side of a door. Charlie wasn't exactly the smartest person around, but if there was one thing he knew, it was that he was in a perfect position. Luck was shining down upon him. His weapon, a golf club, was lethal but it certainly wasn't going to hold up to any of the other deadly weapons that the game must've been handing out. Here he was, wandering through the back door of a crowded lookout tower, thinking that he wasn't going to get out of the situation with his own head, and... then something happened. A shot rang out, which sounded more like an angelic bell ringing than a gunshot to Charlie.

A girl with a rifle had just shot her Korean friend. Heh. Primates, the lot of them. Charlie thought to himself, tightening his grip on the golf club from a far away distance. It looked as though the brunette had accidentally let the gun go off, from the expression that was spray-painted on her face. She didn't exactly look like the kind of girl who would play the game. She seemed more able to fire a gun by accident more than intentionally try to kill someone. Then again, Charlie wasn't the type of person who would get involved in such roundabout disturbing things, but that certainly didn't stop him from thinking about it. He had a reputation to think about. He HAD to get off this island (if it was one) alive. He has dreams to fulfill, not to mention the notoriety with being one of the winners of SOTF. The sound of all those things was enough to fill Charlie's drive tenfold.

Now... It appears that the muscle-bound bloke is the one I have to worry about. Not only does he look like he can pulverize me like a cow, but he has that nasty looking gun. Heh... I must thank that imbecile of a girl later. once this boy turns around, I could choke the life out of him. I could kill him so easily without even breaking a sweat... Charlie really wanted to chuckle to himself, but held it inside. He didn't want to give his position away to anyone else. Not like he was the worst of their problems at that moment.

He was blind enough to think that he could take down several different people using only a golf club. That was Charlie Burchman. Blind, arrogant to a fault. He was so arrogant that the minute Keith had turned his back on the doorway, the rather rotund boy made his way over to the wrestler. He had both of his hands firmly clamped down on the golf club.

Hehe... this is going to be easy. he thought.


Madison was terrified. Tears suddenly formed in her eyes, as though she had been saving them for a much opportune time. As it looked now, the perfect time for her to cry. Now was the perfect time for Madison to lose it. Her right hand dropped the gun on the ground, the rest of her body completely frozen. Dear god... what have I done? What have I done? Madison... what's wrong with you? Madison knew that the whole thing had been a huge accident, but Izzy was certainly unaware of that. She really wanted to punch herself in the face for being so stupid. For being so foolish to pull her finger around a loaded gun and expect never to accidentally fire it.

Madison covered her face, unable to actually bring herself to look in Izzy's face. "Jesus Christ!" she cried out loudly at the top of her lungs. The tears from her face seeming to drip out from the spaces between her fingers. "I-I'm sorry! I didn't me-me-mean to - I MEAN that I didn't think it w-w-was actually loaded! I th-th-th - I DIDN'T MEAN TO DO THIS! I really didn't want to hurt you! Oh god, I-I-I'm so sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you Izzy!"

Her hands fell from her face, being able to bring herself to look at Izzy. The bullet seemed to hit the girl directly in the shoulder. The blood flowing from the wound nearly made Madison want to puke. "Shit! I'm so-so sorry Izzy! I really didn't mean to do that! I-I just saw someone move in the background, a-and I must've been so much of a shock that my f-finger pulled down on the trigger! T-That's the god's honest truth Izzy! I didn't mean for any of this to - "

Something hit Madison from behind. Something large, like a train going at a hundred miles per hour. The force of the push was enough to throw Madison off of her feet, launching her onto the ground face-first, crushing down on her nose with a loud snap. Her feet slipped just enough to make the Carbine slide against the floor, landing right under the weight of her body. A painful groan forced it's way from the girl's lips, feeling fairly dizzy from the fall. Instantly it became very obvious as to who it was that pushed her with such force and violence. Madison could hear herself let out a low, unidentifiable giggle.

"Bobby Jacks..." she said, feeling fairly tired all of a sudden. "You... dirty rotten... son of a bitch... I should have... known... you were... playing me... for a fool..."

Madison eyes closed slowly. I feel tired... I'll give my eyes a rest for a minute...


maybe I'll wake up in by bed in Highland Beach, and none of this is real. I doubt it though...

She could hear the other boy bark an order out to her, like she was some sort of dog. Madison wasn't exactly in the best condition to listen to what he had to say, but she could see shadows... feet... slowly shifting towards the brash man. She turned her head to see a boy, the SAME boy from before, sneaking up behind Keith, a golf club in both of his hands. If Madison didn't know any better, she would have thought that the boy... was trying to choke Keith while his back was turned. Madison wanted to say something, to warn the other boy. The words she forced out hurt her to say. Her voice felt hoarse and nauseated, but was still very loud indeed.

"L-L... Look out!"

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:17 am
by Namira
Bobby had fucked up. Judging by the reaction of one of the people already inside the Lookout (why did it have to be the guy with the shotgun?) Bobby had managed to blow his chances of the plan ever working, and to boot had lost his gun. Not only that, but Madison appeared to have figured his game too. In this instance, Bobby was 3 points down for absolutely nothing in return. He was about prepared to bail out of there - figuring that being alive would be better than nothing, when an unlikely opportunity for emerging from the situation with some merit arose.

Madison cried out a warning to.... Keith was it? Bobby's head snapped up, and he saw there was indeed somebody in the shadows behind the shotgun-toting boy. With the other girl, Izzy, suffering from a bullet wound and the final member of the group on the other side of the room, the distraction gave Bobby a perfect opportunity.

With the attention of the others probably directed elsewhere, Bobby knew that he had a chance. Pulling out the syringe he had used to murder Tyson from his back pocket with one hand, he leant across from his position to grab Madison and pull her up. Bobby proceeded to stomp down on the carbine in order to jerk it from her hands. Finally, he swung her across to put Madison in between the shotgun and him, and use that as a way to get the hell out of there. On the other hand, maybe Keith would just shoot them both, which wasn't a particularly pleasant thought.

((Got a green light from Ci to control Madi a little))

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:17 am
by Cactus
It was a shitty situation for him, Keith knew that much. In front of him were two potentially violent people; one of whom'd just shot the only solid ally that he'd basically made while in this insane mess of a situation, and to his left was the aformentioned ally - bleeding from a bullet wound. Keith hadn't had the chance to check it out or see how bad that it may have been, but he knew that protecting himself and Izzy seemed to be his best course of action. If nothing else, he owed it to her for opening the door to him at the very beginning, even though he'd been holding what had likely been a menacing-looking shotgun.

Hell, I guess my whole package is probably a little scary-lookin', ain't it? It's not like I'm a small guy, and odds are I could defend myself pretty well if I'd managed to draw a shit weapon at the beginniing...

When Madison had choked out a warning to Keith, he'd just stared incredulously at her - that was quite possibly the oldest trick in the book. He turned his back, they shot him. But as she did this, Bobby made another move for the rifle, pulling Madison in front of him to shield himself from the shotgun.

Wow, there's one quality fuckin' individual right there...though it's not like I didn't already know that...

Deciding to take a bit of a risk, he quickly swivelled his head and glanced behind him for a split-second. The split-second then turned into a full-fledged double-take, as Keith saw in his glimpse what looked to be a fat kid with a golf club, coming towards him with obvious intentions of doing him bodily harm. This was wonderful. He had a potential threat in front of him, and a potential threat behind him. In the split-second that it took Keith to assess his situation, he knew what he had to do. He had to engage the threat that he knew was coming for him. More importantly, he needed to grab Izzy and bolt. Internally, he wished for some sort of area-of-effect attack like his Warcraft mage had, something that might disable all of the threats at once. Of course, this was real, this was no game, and Keith knew it all too well. Izzy's blood had screamed at him and been a reminder of the fact that he wasn't going to wake up in a cold sweat anytime soon.

God, please forgive me for what I'm about to do...

Twirling, and pushing himself back towards the wall, he pointed the shotgun at the fat kid with the golf club, and depressed the trigger. The kick held a lot more impact than he'd thought it might, and his shoulder yelled at him in agony. It was a disturbing action, that he knew, but he wanted to get himself into a situation in which inanimate objects like blood and body parts weren't yelling at him constantly. The fat kid happened to be in the way of Izzy and the back door, and if Keith had to disable him to get be it...

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:17 am
by Ciel*
Charlie felt a nice, tingling burning sensation course through his body. Was this what it was like to get shot? he heard himself saying in his tiny mind. Bloody hell. This isn't as bad as everyone says it is. I mean, yes, it burns like hell, but it's a good burning. I really think I could get used to this. What Charlie didn't realize was that he was actually screaming loudly in agony, mixed in with a few grunts of pain. The British boy grimaced, his stomach jiggling slightly, bleeding from the shotgun wounds that had just hit him. Luckily he was hit in the stomach and nowhere near his head, else he would have been a dead man. Well... he was lucky to be alive.

Charlie grunted loudly as he forced himself up onto two legs, gripping the golf club in his hands. Keith had taken the liberty of pushing himself against a wall, which was both a good thing and a bad thing. It was good because he had absolutely nowhere to run, giving the British boy enough room to club him a few times. It was bad because he was near three other people who had much better weapons than he did. Charlie tried to push the negatives out of his mind, as only a pompous rich kid from Highland Beach only could.

"You'll pay for that, you bastard." Charlie cursed, gripping the club even tighter.

Mentally, Charlie cursed the brunette for even warning the bulky boy in the first place. Hmm... lousy cunt. Doesn't she want these wankers to die? Why did she tell them I was here? When I'm done with this boy, I'll make sure she dies horribly. With bloodlust in his eyes, swung his golf club towards the boy before he could reload. He didn't even take into account that he could die in about another minute. In fact, it was very doubtful that Charlie would pay any mind as to the possibilities of him dying in the next few minutes. His single mindedness was probably the biggest disadvantage he had in this fight, and since he still found the energy to stand up on two legs, he could escape and heal his wounds. Instead, he was going to damage Keith as much as possible, even if that meant getting his head being caved in by a nasty shotgun shell.

(Madison's part coming soon to a theater near you)

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:17 am
by Cactus
Oh Lord, what have I done?!

Keith saw the blast from the shotgun pepper itself into his attacker's fairly large stomach, eliciting a scream of agony from the reciever. Keith didn't recognize the face, other than he'd probably seen him around school once or twice. The boy was someone that Keith assumed wasn't popular, well-liked, or an athlete, and hence that disqualified him from virtually all of Keith's social groups.

This doesn't make this any less damning. Who gives a shit about the fact that this tool's probably some loser kinda' dick who I've never met...doesn't mean shit.

Of course, the danger hadn't passed, as the boy; though now wounded, had somehow managed to keep coming. Stepping towards Keith again, he swung his golf club and hit Keith in the arm. Pain surged through his arm, though it was manageable pain and wouldn't cause any lasting damage - though it'd probably bruise something fierce.


In more of a self-preservation instinct than anything, Keith grimaced and fired again, without even thinking about it. As he did, he felt a horrific sense of dread wash over him. Odds were, this kid wasn't long for the world if he kept up his attack, and it would be by Keith's own hand that the damage would've been caused. As he'd fired again, he was much more used to the kick now, and now he was even more certain.

As soon as this kid was either dead or incapacitated, Keith was getting the fuck out of here.

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:17 am
by lovebirdjo*
((Ivye continued from Jungle Fever))

A shadowy figure had made its way towards the outskirts of action, somewhat staggering from heat exhaustion. The lookout tower was not Ivye's destination, but thanks to her lack of direction, she had ended up there instead of at the graveyard. The sun had attacked the albino relentlessly, and soon after she rid herself of the jungle's terrors, she found herself darting from shade source to shade source. She had been talking to herself for quite a while now, muttering crazed things about a wicked Apollo and how she would see to it that the humans were brought to their demise. However much that the vampiress wished it to be so, the fact remained that she was weak amongst them in the light. She stood directly beneath a tree, shielded from the light and out of the foray that was Keith Jackson and Charlie Burchman.

'Oh yes... Kill him.'

Violence was so intoxicating to Ivye's psyche. Her thoughts alluded to the deaths of literary characters, their morgues making her sweet seduction. She watched as Charlie was shot by Keith, his stomach being riddled with a gaping hole, gore making its way out of the opening. The sight excited her in a maddening way. She really was out of her mind. Maybe it was the reality that Survival of the Fittest had gone from her favorite show to a show that she played a starring role in. After all, she couldn't disappoint her fans, could she? It was only befitting of a tortured artist soul like hers that she play the role of the deranged superhuman. Ivye's hand was still clutching one of her fragmenation grenades, and she toyed with the somewhat spherical object with a smile on her face. Underneath the tree, away from the others, of which there were six, the ivory-haired girl's hood was drawn tight, anonymous to anyone who might be looking at her, but easily recognizable to the viewers at home.

'Hmph. They're pathetic, the lot of them. Humans are so weak, and they don't know when to call it quits. That's why we were made. To extinguish them.'

The girl really thought that she was something better than the rest of her classmates, and she intended to play that part well, by being the last one standing in the competition. Until nightfall, she could wreak havoc around here. Her reddened lips were still being stretched by the maniacal smile making its way onto her face. Ivye's eyes flashed with excitement. It was time to make her grand entrance into the game. Dramatic, but somewhat withheld. There would be no speaking. There would only be the silence brought about by a deafening explosion. Somewhere in the crookedness of the girl's mind, she felt a twinge of regret. She had always hated people in general, her differences forcing her into a mentality that surged with vehemence. If things were another way, the people trying to kill one another out there might have been her friends. Instead, they were cattle spread about in front of her to slaughter.

'Here it goes. The moment I've been waiting for.'

Raising her right hand, Ivye brought the grenade up, careful to hold the handle tightly. Her other hand pulled the pin from the ovalesque explosive, and there was no way she could back out now. Out of nowhere she moved out into the light, throwing her arm back in order to chuck the grenade into the throes of the battle, fully realizing that her aim was horrible, and she would have to run as soon as it was let loose.

'1... 2... 3!'

The vampriress had thrown it as hard as she possibly could, and the object was flying upward and above the others, soaring away from her with some sort of scary grace. Turning to run away, Ivye only smirked as she rushed away from the inevitable explosion, clutching a somewhat popped shoulder tightly.

'Playtime's over.'

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:17 am
by riserugu
[[ Got permission from Ciel to man-handle Charlie around for a bit. ;D ]]

It was like the world around her was stuck on fast-forward, Izzy found she could barely remain focus on one thing before something else began to happen, the pain starting to be almost unbearable, as she tried to remain standing on her feet instead of dealing with the sickening sensation of her shirt soaking up the blood spilling out of the bullet wound in her shoulder, one moment it seemed that Keith was confronting Madison –who seemed to have passed out in the time since she had shot her—and now she seemed to have become the personal shield for that Bobby-kid, hissing somewhat in both anger and pain at the sight. Unable to believe someone would go as far as to us an unconscious girl as a shield, wanting another more than to reach out and do… something, what she wasn't sure but even though the girl had more or less shot her, she didn't deserve to be forced into becoming someone's meat shield.

But before she was able to do much on this matter, she was suddenly faced with what she thought was an explosion going off proved to be Keith firing his shotgun, staring stunned at the fact that he had seemed to have shot at someone. Pushing her form off the door, almost falling over onto the ground as she tried to make her over to where her things where laid out on the table, able to see now just who Keith had shot at and even though was now suffering from a shotgun blast, blood spilling out everywhere, and screaming yet he was still he was moving, still coming at Keith with his golf club raised and swinging out toward him, turning where she stood and dropping her hand away from her wound and reaching out to take her weapon, clutching onto it hard as she turned back to the sight of the larger boy and Keith.

Hearing Keith yelling after the attack seemed to have occurred, breathing heavily as her vision seemed to blur over for a moment, closing her eyes and shaking her head, and in that short moment another harsh sound of Keith's shotgun going off echoed through the small room, reopening her eyes and expecting to see the boy begin shot at fallen over, and crumpled on the ground. But—but he wasn't, he was still standing, blood spilling over onto the floor at an even faster rate than before, but he was still standing, breathing hard and tightly grasping at that golf club with more pained sounds that shook her down to her very core. Watching as in a shaky manner he somehow managed to raise the weapon again, and almost fall forward, trying to attack the other boy…

"Get away from away from him!"

And before she could even blink, she had already yelled out and lifted her own weapon somehow, almost slipping from her hand with the blood present and lashing out in a hard strike toward the large boy's head, not daring to think of the sickening sound that was made when the heavy metal at the end of the chain came in contact with the side of his head.

After that, everything seemed to speed up again before her eyes, catching the sight of something odd rolling across the floor, taking her barely a second to see just what it was… making a harsh sound at just how quickly everything had gone to hell so fast, reaching back and grabbing at her daypack and pulling it onto her good shoulder as she moved to quickly take a hold of Keith's wrist and hurry to get the both of them out of the doorway before the explosion occurred, almost tripping over her own two feet as she tried to get them away from the from the tower, from this place as fast as she possibly could. Though pain continued racing up her shoulder with each step she took, speed faltering but just trying to ignore it and just trying to focus on getting them away from this place.

[[ Continued in Mending ]]

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:17 am
by Cactus
No sooner had Keith unleashed with the shotgun a second time than Izzy had appeared out of what seemed like nowhere, bashing the fat kid over the head with her weapon, seemingly in retribution for having gotten shot. Keith figured that it made sense - it didn't matter who had shot her, as the girl who had was acting like a useless twig and there WAS a fat kid to knock around who happened to be trying to batter away at Keith with a golf club. Of course, this was also reinforced by the obvious stereotype that perpetuated schoolyards everywhere...

Everybody picks on the fat kid.

It was horrific of Keith to think it, but it was just a sad fact of life. Fat kids got picked on, whether they deserved it or not. In his own personal experience, they usually didn't, and it always left Keith wondering why it was that obesity had seemingly become such a bane on the existance of those who enjoyed the feeling of superiority that such an act allowed them.

No sooner than had he silently and quickly lamented the fate of fat kids everywhere than Keith saw a small, telltale shape roll in the doorway. Had Izzy not been standing near and seen the same thing, Keith would have probably been blasted into a million tiny little pieces by what appeared to be a grenade, as he gaped a little bit at the small object that had just bounced in from outside. Instead, Izzy grabbed his wrist, which snapped him out of his delerium, and dragged him (which wasn't much of an easy task, considering that he was built like a brick shit-house) outside, trying to get them both away from the eventual explosion. As they cleared the house itself, Izzy faltered, unable to keep up a solid pace thanks to her wound. Snapping himself out of the shock that had enveloped him, Keith slung the shotgun around his body via the strap on the side, and quickly grabbed Izzy from off the ground, breaking out into a run. Thankfully for Keith, Izzy was not a large human being, and being of a smaller stature meant that he could run away from the area at a reasonably quick pace, hopefully avoiding the blast from the grenade and leaving all of the mayhem behind.

[[Continued in Mending]]

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:18 am
by Ciel*
"Bobby, you – " Madison hissed loudly, trying to struggle her way out of his bind on her. :You son – of – a – bitch. You tricked me!"

Attempting to wrench her way out of the situation wasn't going to do any good it appeared. She could certainly try her best, but most likely would end up being killed as a result, since Bobby apparently wasn't pretending to be a peaceful guy. Now the urge to accept the games temptations and kill Bobby in a bloody rage was growing, even though Madison was trying her best no to dive any lower than she already had. Right now she wanted to desperately find a way out of the situation she had gotten herself into. She wanted to run away as fast as she could away from the tower. The fact that Bobby clamped down tightly around her made this possibility seem even more unlikely. Madison's eyes shifted from the bleeding body of the fat boy, then over to Izzy's bullet wound, and finally rested on the carbine right under Bobby's feet. She could escape with her life is she were careful. She could find a way out.

She knew what she had to do. She was going to first drive her foot down on Bobby's foot that held the Pistol Carbine down. As fast and violently as she could. She was going to grab the gun and run away. It wasn't the best plan she could have ever come up with, but there wasn't many other possibilities left. She wanted to get out of the tower and find someone, ANYONE who she could trust (since she had been so stupid to have planted a bullet in the first one she found). Simon, Kristen, Ethan, Anyone.

Madison stomped her foot down on Bobby's, just as the grenade flew through the air. At the same moment, the fat child had fallen down on the ground from the blow from Izzy. Then the grenade bounced…Well, the grenade didn't exactly bounce off of anything. In fact, the best term would have where the grenade landed. Right inside the fat child's mouth. The chances of it ever happening were slim at best, but it still happened regardless. The fatso didn' even know what was coming.

Madison could only let out a gasp. "Oh My Go-"


"Aah... Is this what death feels like? Hmm... I thought it eas going to be something completely different, and past my expectations. .. Purgatory? Is that what this place is called? It certainly doesn't feel like home, but it's certainly going to have to do... Wait... I can see... the ceiling? Am I.... still alive? Well, this is certainly a surprise. Hehe.... I'm going to make all those wankers who were roughing me up regret what they've done. Hmm? What's this metal object in my-"

That was when tbe grenade went off, and Charlie's head exploded. Poor bastard.

(B 23 - Charlie Burchman - Dead As A Doorstop)


The term 'meatshield' didn't even begin to derscribe the disgust Madison felt the remnants of the boy's head landed all over her. Madison was coated in a paint of red, not enough to cover her entire body but enough to splatter her face a nice rosey color. Her hand raised upwards to touch her cheek, then stared at her fingers. Blood.

Madison let out a scream.

"Jesus Mother Fucking Christ!" she yelped, somehow summoning the strength to wrench herself away from Bobby. Her eyes bugged out of their sockets as she completely forgot about the gun and just swiped her assigned axe that was close by. Yelling as if her mind had been lost right then and there, Madison bolted out of the door, looking around to fine Izzy and Keith. She wanted to follow them if anything, but her mind convinced her otherwise.

No! You don't want to see her! Not Now! Her friend's going to blast you head inside out if he sees you again! No! The both of them want you to die, to kill you! They want you dead! Did you see what they did to that fat kid? They're all playing, and they want you to die too! Run Madi, Run!

"Je-Jesus Christ!" she proclaimed with her hands clamping onto the sides of her head, sweat pouring from every pore on her face. "We're all going to die! We're all gonna die! I-I gotta get out of here! I can't stay here! I-I can't - Aah!"

Staying very true to her own word, Madison flew in the completely opposite direction from where Izzy and Keith were going. Axe and bag in tow. She didn't know if she was dying or already dead, but for her own sake, she hoped it was the latter.

She also hoped this wasn't heaven. If it was, then she'd hate to see hell.

(Continued in In God's House)

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:18 am
by Theseus*
Trey Leyton had come to the lookout tower in search of people he could trust. He knew Keith and Izzy, both talking to them at certain points in time throughout his high school career. While the other girl, Madison? He didn't know as well, but he had assumed if the others trusted her, she was safe. So if he had came to the tower in search of allies, why did everything go to hell in such a short time?

Everything had happened so fast, Trey just stood at the other side of the room gripping his nun chucks, watching the scene unfold, it was as if it was being played in slow motion and yet being fast forwarded at the same time. Trey didn't have time to comprehend anything.

The first was when the gunshot went off. The girl, she shot Izzy. Trey was about to act, do something, when Keith had his shotgun pointed at the girl, and some boy she brought with him. Who was this boy? Where did the gun come from?

Then there was another kid. Sneaking in the back, sneaking up on Keith. Trey saw him, and was about to lunge himself at the other kid to protect Keith, when Madison let out a warning and Keith turned around, firing on the kid.

The firing caused Trey to step back, and watching as the kid swung at Keith but he fired again. At this point, Trey had no idea who was on whose team and what was going on. He just took a step back, too stunned to act. Then he saw Izzy grab Keith's wrist and run.


Then he saw it, something rolling on the ground.


Trey was right behind Keith and Izzy, unsure if they were who he should be following, but he had to follow someone right? He didn't have time to shout after them, but he was able to catch up to them fast enough since Keith was weighed down a little by carrying Izzy.

((Continued at Mending))

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:18 am
by lovebirdjo*
Had anyone even seen Ivye during all the confusion? The girl doubted it greatly, having sped away from the explosion as fast as her body would allow. She was smiling as the canister's destructive force sent shards of metal and shrapnel in all directions, damaging some of the lookout tower's entrance and resulting in an array of brain matter and blood coating the area. The sound by itself had sounded louder than a thousand roars, sure to strike fear into someone's heart. As soon as it was safe, a satisfied Ivye returned to the place where the grenade had gone off; she wanted to see the mess she had made. Hopefully the fools that were fighting were just mounds of flesh and gore now. The albino had been lucky that none of the group had seen her getaway, and as she trekked back towards her shaded tree-shield.

'How's that for entertainment, America?'

"Bastards," she mumbled to herself, her thoughts going back to her guardians. She wondered what they were thinking if they had seen her hurl the grenade. Were they more scared of her now? Were they shocked at all by her behavior onscreen? Probably not. Ivye knew she was going to play this game, and if she was going out, she would end up going out with a bang; literally. The girl had finally reached the site of the explosion, and as she surveyed the damage, she was surprised to see only one corpse. One of the boys had apparently had his head blown to pieces, as well as his body being ripped through by the shrapnel debris. There was blood all over the ground, and some of it had found its way onto the tower's lower level. Multiple bits of dead human littered the area like morbid flowers. They brought a smirk to Ivye's pallid face, though the hood of her cloak hid the full effect between her deep red eyes and the smile on her lips.

They said that the hardest kill was the first one. Well to Ivye it wasn't hard at all. It was so exhilarating taking a life; playing God. She kept thinking about how she was playing the toughest character of her entire life: herself. In some ways she really was driving herself to insanity, though some might say that she was off the deep end to begin with. Now, though, she only stood under the large tree and surveyed the scene of her failed massacre-turned-homicide. Saddened slightly by the fact that she had only killed one of her classmates, her mood was immediately brightened again as she came to the realization that her kill count was up.

'1 down.'

She began to giggle uncontrollably from the sheer madness of her actions. Her dreams were becoming reality. Revenge was oh-so very sweet, and exacting it upon her ostracizing peers was even sweeter. The restless hearts of young adults were going to be ripped from their chests eventually, and Ivye had plans to be the one doing the ripping. With the unknown body of one of the other kids in her class directly in front of her, the vampiress made only the slightest of sounds as she made her way to the lookout tower's entrance. She would hole herself up there and wait for someone to come along that she could kill. Rest up until nightfall where the real fun would begin. Barring the door when she entered, Ivye carefully made her way up the stairs and up onto the walkway in the tower. Placing her bag onto the floor, she made her way to one of the corners, sitting down with her back facing the opening for looking down and around, she kept to her thoughts and waited patiently for sleep in the heat.

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:18 am
by Namira
((Whoa uh, better try to get back up to speed))

Bobby continued to utilise the distraction the fat kid (whoever he was) provided to try and get the hell out of there. However, it was pretty difficult to both keep hold of a struggling person (despite the size difference) and attempt to drag his gun along the floor with his foot, whilst at the same time attempting to keep an eye on not one, not two, but four people, and that didn't even include his impromptu shield.

Although Bobby glanced up when the shotgun went off, he really couldn't afford to focus on any one thing for very long. However, the second time, his attention really wavered. Despite having already seen a murder firsthand (hell, he'd perpetrated it) Bobby couldn't help but wince a little at the spray of blood, especially when Izzy proceeded to add to the kid's woes with a blow to the head. His attention was drawn back to Madison when she spoke to him. It was such a naive thing to say.

"All's fair in love and SOTF Madison. It's your blunder for being taken in from the start," Bobby might've added more but for two reasons. The first was that Madison drove her heel straight into his foot, and that hurt like hell. The second was rather more pressing. It wasn't, after all, everyday that you saw a grenade flying through the air towards you. Luckily though, it fell short, landing ... straight in the fat kid's mouth. Bobby was so surprised that he didn't even try to keep hold of Madison.

The grenade went off, causing blood and brains and other things that it probably wasn't best to think about to spatter all over the place. (Bobby was somewhat glad that Madison was in between him and the explosion, meaning he didn't get quite so showered in blood and other such bodily matter.

Bobby stood stock still for a few moments as Madison proceeded to have some sort of fit and vacate the building. In a matter of moments, the building had been cleared of people, except for him of course. That didn't mean that things were over though - somebody had thrown the grenade after all. The thought of the as-of-yet unknown attacker spurred Bobby into action. He quickly bent down and retrieved his carbine, working the bolt so that it was ready to fire again, then went over to the ruined corpse. Grimacing slightly at the human wreckage, Bobby picked up the dead boy's golf club from the floor.

Waste not, want not. A weapon's a weapon.

Without too much difficulty Bobby slotted the club into a loop in his pack in a fashion that it would not cause very much annoyance whilst he was walking about, but nor would it fall and need him to constantly retrieve it.

Prepared now, Bobby made to leave. However, no sooner did he walk out of the door than he spotted a hooded figure approaching the lookout. He had no doubt that this was the mysterious grenad attacker. Bobby didn't hesitate after he overcame the initial shock, sighting down the barrel of his carbine and snapping off a shot. They weren't too far away, but Bobby had never fired a gun in his life, which made his chances of hitting somewhat slim.

No use trying to rescind on what I've done now. Maybe after I killed Tyson, that was arguably self-defence. Perhaps even after I said that thing to the camera. But now... after walking out and trying to trick the group... No. No way. Bobby Jacks is in this until the end. Win or lose, dead or alive. I'm going out swinging, the only way I know how.

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:18 am
by lovebirdjo*
Just as Ivye had closed her eyes to rest up for the thrills later on in the evening, a sickeningly loud bang met her ears, though the actual soud was muffled slightly by the hood of her cloak. The sound had come from below, but looking to her left she saw a bullet hole on the side of the lookout tower's support. Some bastard had tried to kill her just then; he had almost succeeded. She felt what could only be described as a bit of fear traipsy its way into her heart, and goosebumps made their way onto her arms. The albino ducked her head down and tried to crawl away, taking her daypack with her. She crawled as quickly as she possibly could, heading for the stairs leading to the first floor. If she were lucky enough, she could hide under the bed in that room long enough for her attacker to go up into the tower and let her escape. In all seriousness, Ivye was worried now. Someone else was playing the game for real now, and they were out to get her. If push came to shove, she'd blow them sky high with another of her grenades and take the gun they had. It would be a very useful weapon in the long run.

'Swine. That's what they are. Swine ready for a butchering.'

The robed girl took the stairs two at a time, and finally she reached the room downstairs. She only had a few moments to act, and though there was an entrance downstairs, Ivye didn't even consider it. She hurried along to the bed, a small double just high enough off the ground for her to squeeze underneath. Though quite a bit uncomfortable, she managed to suck in and make her way towards the wall. It was lucky that she wasn't claustrophobic like some other students probably were. It was a definite advantage when hiding. She was no expert at holding her breath, but she was a quiet individual that breathed mostly through her nose anyway.

'Come on. Come looking for Red Eyed Murdering Hood. I'll let you see grandmother again, all right,' she thought to herself as she waited, getting back into character.

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:18 am
by Megami*
((Continued from Those Who Stray....))

The one thing Khrysta couldn't help but notice during her sprint through the jungle was how unusually cold it seemed to be getting across the island. It was a stark contrast from the sweltering heat of the day, but the cooling breeze was also quite relaxing. Or at least, it would have been, if they hadn't been thrown into a game where they were forced to fight or die.

Or both.

She had seen the lookout tower during her journey through the wilderness, the top of the tower just barely careening out over the enormous trees. It seemed as good a place as any to stop for the night. If Khrysta had only shown up a few moments before and seen Keith Jackson, Trey Leyton, and Izzy Cheung tearing away from the place, she would have just kept on going. Unfortunately, it seemed she had missed all the fun.

No sooner than Khrysta cleared the treeline and moved out into the open, a loud gunshot fired off, causing the blonde-headed girl to duck and cover her head. Her eyes slowly opened and did a quick once-over of her own still-crouching figure. No searing pain, no crimson red oozing from an open wound. It appeared she hadn't been hit.

Then had it been... Corbin?

Fortunately, her ally didn't appear to have been shot either. Khrysta's eyes darted around the area and she quickly found the culprit -- a tall, black student standing in front of the lookout tower, firing at what appeared to be a hooded figure that vanished just as quickly as Khrysta looked up.


They had walked directly into a bad situation, and for a moment, Khrysta thought about rising to her feet and bolting from the area. The problem was, there was a kid standing in front of the lookout tower with a gun, and she had no way of knowing whether he'd shoot her in the back or not if she took off running away from the area.

Instead, Khrysta remained ducked down in the tall grass, quietly observing the potential encounter that was about to unfold in front of them. Had she been so inclined, she might have tried to save the hooded figure the boy had been shooting at, but Khrysta wasn't the type of person to run headfirst into a situation. The simple fact was, she didn't know the "good" and "bad" of the situation.

The boy outside might have been playing, or he might have been defending himself. Either way, it wasn't a situation she wanted to get tangled up in. She just continued to watch for fear of moving and making too much noise. She hoped Corbin had enough sense to be quiet and not jump headfirst into the situation, but part of her wasn't too sure about that.

Re: From Serenity To Shame

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 2:18 am
by Theseus*
((continued from Those who stray...))

Corbin had followed Khrysta close throughout the jungle, following her, realizing more and more how dependent he was becoming on this girl he hardly knew. He was the one with the good weapon, but she was the one who knew what to do it seemed. So he followed her no questions asked through the jungle, away from the jail house, towards the lookout tower.

They had reached the clearing when the shot went off. Corbin thought for a split second that maybe he had accidentally pulled the trigger of his gun, but he hadn't. He watched as Khrysta ducked to cover and Corbin did the same, his M16 assault rifle at the ready, his eyes scanning the scenario in front of him.

All he saw was a black student, with a gun. Had he shot at them? No, he was looking at the tower, someone was inside. Was the kid trying to protect himself? Or he was playing the game. Were there good people inside? What defined a good person now anyways?

Corbin wasn't sure what to do. He stayed quiet, next to Khrysta, his gun aimed at the kid, just in case. He glanced at his Khrysta and whispered, "What now?" His hands were shaking and he forced himself to calm down, to make himself more confident.

He repeated himself.

"What now?"