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Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:38 am
by Cyco*
Jessa opened the front door to some crazy shit going on. She abruptly closed it again.

"Uh...yeah, fuck that." She'd let psycho dyke-o deal with that shit.

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:38 am
by Mitsuko2*
Melina wiped some of Monique's blood from the saw with a flick of the blade. She curled her lips into a frown as she saw Renee's reaction to the ordeal. Monique was a useless asset. When something becomes obsolete, it must be destroyed. A useless item only clutters after all. Melina wanted to win. Useless "allies" were a problem that she did not want to have to deal with. Renee had better pull herself together, before she suffers the exact same fate.

Luckily, Renee shot an arrow in the direction that blinding beam of light had come from. Renee was useful, to say the least. She still had quite a bit of time before she became as obsolete as Monique. Melina glanced at the corpse. Even though it had to be done, it bothered her slightly how easily she'd been able to do it. Killing... it was easy. That unnerved her somewhat. For killing to be easy, one would not have to care about the very act itself. In concordance with this, Melina must not care about killing. But the fact was, she should have.

That she didn't, that was what scared her the most.

A figure from the bushes soon emerged. She prattled on about them being "monsters", and shot the beam at them once again. This time, Melina was much more prepared. She swung her head and body away from the beam, only to open her eyes wide and quickly dodge-roll out of the way of Maxie Dasai's (whom admittedly Melina had forgotten was still there) slash. She picked herself up to her feet and winced. Her shoulder was bleeding. The cunt must have slashed her. Melina narrowed her eyes at the other girl.

"Fine then. You and me Maxie." She swung the chain in a figure eight in front of her. Maxie had only a short range weapon. She'd have to be very close to her to utilize it. Melina wouldn't give her that chance. Maxie would have to dart and weave to get around her chain. Her balance would be off, and Melina would undoubtedly have the upper hand. She grinned.

"Unless you'd rather we bury our grudge and work together? I'm sure we could work out an agreement."

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:38 am
by laZardo*
It was bad enough that she watched her closest comrades actually slaughtered on television nigh a year ago. At least then she could take some albeit hollow solace in the fact that it was happening literally somewhere else. Now Monique had been killed right next to her, and the harpy's grin on Melina's face had "you're next" written all over it. Her firing the arrow into the bush where someone was hiding was not simply to drive away the ghosts that had been revived in her mind - it was also in a desperate rush to prove herself useful just so the ghosts wouldn't devour her too. The yelp that came from the bushes seemed to indicate a small degree of success...but the figure that emerged from it seemed completely unscathed.

She recognized the girl as Madison Conner, and Madison was pissed.

"Madison! Wait-" Renée shouted, holding out her right hand in a 'stop' gesture. But the redhead cut herself off as the girl aimed. Words could not stop the destiny she had coming.

Renée squinted her eyes shut and recoiled her hand as the lazer dazzler causing the black void to glow a poignantly gentle green like some kind of cheap glow-in-the-dark toy. The rush caused by her witnessing Monique's execution still caused her to plaster herself to the wall and look away as if the phaser had literally been set to "stun." Perhaps miraculously, her life didn't flash before her eyes (not that she needed to go through that yet again) and she reminded herself that laser weapons weren't as "real" as the movies and sci-fi shows implied, and she opened her find Melina being attacked by someone. Her vision was blurry as her eyes had to readjust, but she could see Melina was injured.

She pulled out another arrow and armed the bow, aiming it at the attacker. Although Renée couldn't recognize her from behind, but that wasn't important at the moment, as the attacker was now between her and Melina. At the angle she was standing, Renée could adjust her gaze and aim between Maxie and Melina's attacker, and said attacker was between her and Melina having run past her while she was stunned from Madison's laser. But as she was aiming - and trying to concentrate - that a thought occurred. What if I let her die? An interesting thought given that it would at least spare her from being executed by the school's other raging redhead if Renée was also found "useless..." but the grin brought another smiley face to mind, forcing her to try to figure out which of the evils was lesser.

"Don't you dare move..." Renée stuttered, trying to put an intimidating look on her face. She had a very clear shot, the only problem was that Renée herself couldn't tell if she was aiming at the attacker OR Melina.

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by Namira
"Sure thing Melina," Maxie said with an ordinately cheerful smile. "How 'bout ya turn 'round and fuck off back t'psycho land - and I won't put t'hurt on ya?" there was no way in hell Maxie was ever going to team up with Melina - she had just executed one of her own allies after all, Maxie wasn't putting her own neck on the same block. "Lemme rephrase that. You equal murdering lunatic, I equal at least kinda sane. Incompatible, comprende?"

Maxie was pretty confident she could take Melina if it came down to a fight. Off her rocker and downright vicious as the other girl was, Maxie knew that she couldn't be skilled enough with that chain of hers to be able to use it effectively as a weapon. Sure, it looked easy enough to just swing around, but actually attacking with it would be another matter entirely. Maxie could see it becoming wrapped around just about anything, and that, in almost any circumstance, would be a disadvantage for the weapon's wielder. On the other hand, her meat hook, whilst perhaps a little more short ranged than the chain (although the hook was sizeable) wasn't particularly difficult to use, it was just swinging, trying to aim the point to snag flesh. There was a little blood running down the tip, and a slash on Melina's shoulder displayed where it had come from.

Maybe it wasn't such a good thing to delight in the injuring of a fellow classmate, but as far as Maxie was concerned: it was Melina, and she had already killled somebody else. In Maxie's mind, that was enough to forfeit any kind of right she was entitled to for compassion or mercy. Melina was a killer, an immoral murderer, and she wouldn't be brought to justice in any other way but more of what had condemned her.

Even as a voice called out from behind her, Maxie sprang into motion. She took two swift steps, forward to her right, before leaping onto the attack for a second time. Her erratic movements would hopefully throw Melina off as she attempted to concentrate on both her opponent and the difficulty in swinging the chain she was using. Maxie, meanwhile, brought her arm across her own body and aimed a backswing at Melina's chest, the movement preventing anything more than her right arm being exposed to attack, and the hook in the way of that kind of attack.

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by Ciel*
She had been so mean to him. Yes, sure, realistically no one could ever get together with someone in just one night. While Madison didn't meet Simon the night in question, the fact remained that it was a completely spontaneous decision. This aside, Madison alienated herself from the boy completely instead of sticking with him. None of this was the boy's fault. That wasn't the first time she jumped into a relationship without any foresight and by doing so she was hurt. Deeply hurt. The boy had been a victim of circumstance, and had Madison met him first there wouldn't have been any problems. Madison stayed as far away from Simon, only seeing him on occasion. She had never thought about what he was feeling when she avoided him, and when she put the whole thing into perspective, a five year old could have done much better. Madison had only thought of herself, but now she regretted it. She regretted it, more than anything...

That... now, she could even say how sorry she was...

And, most likely... she was going to end up like Simon. A waste of energy portrayed as a human being. And there was nothing she could do to change that.

"You know, you're being very indecisive."

Madison thought to the darkened voices in her subconscious, while not actually playing much attention to the fight in front of her. What do you mean?

Oh, come off it.The past four days, you've been switching between survival, morals and (lord forbid) bloodlust. Now you're saying that you'll end up dying in vain and that you can't do anything about it? A hour ago you wanted to kill these girls, and now you don't want to. You shot that Cheung girl with the full intent on killing her, and you can't decide whether you're regretful or glad about the whole thing. Then, just a day ago, you decided it best to start an escape plan with Simon. You were so sure that you two could save everybody else. Then Simon was brutally slaughtered by Darnell, and you felt absolutely no anger towards him. Regardless if he wanted to kill Simon or not, the fact remains that he took the boy's life, and nothing you'll say is going to change that. You want revenge but not against Darnell? I think you're just justifying the act because of the reason, just so you can say you don't want to kill him. You're a confused girl who can't even decide whether she's fit for life or not. If you're not going to make a decision, why not just kill yourself and let someone more deserving live? Oh, wait... didn't you think of that only two days ago, when you on the beach and that rat attacked you? You could have just asked him to slit your throat open and that would have been the end of it. How sad...

B-b-but... I don't want to die.

Then kill! It's the only option you've got!

I don't want to kill... I mean, I guess I'll kill if I have to, but it's not like I'm jumping at the chance to do it.

Well... if you feel so goddamned fit to live but you don't want to take someone else's life, why don't you just save that girl and run away? If you just leave her here she'll get killed, and chances are you won't be none too happy about that.

The girl? The agitated voices in Madison's foggy head were unclear about who "that girl" was supposed to be, but she assumed it was Maxie. A tough thing to do, saving someone who was risking their lives in the first place. For all intents and purposes Madison couldn't give less a shit about what happened to any of these girls. After all Madison was (like most people) slightly self-centered and she really only cared if she survived(despite the fact that she would never ever admit this directly). However, Maxie appeared to be on the good side of the fight as apposed to the sick unknown bitch that slaughtered Monique only minutes ago. Hell... Madison didn't mind being a loner, but it certainly helped to have someone sane on her side.

Here came the tricky part... how was she going to create a big enough opening for escape. Madison could just run away, but Maxie was fighting Melina. The only way they could escape was if they could either knock out or somehow distract Melina. The Laser Dazzler seemed like a good enough choice, but Melina wasn't dumb enough to fall for that a third time. Madison could scream, but was going to be enough to distract Melina? That was possible, but Maxie could be distracted as well and what good would that do? No. The way Madison saw it, the only way she was going to get Maxie out of there was to jump in head first and get her out of there herself.

Melina was too distracted with Maxie to even think about anyone else. Madison got up to her feet and took hold of her axe.

Alright Madison. Whatever you do, don't stop for any reason. Not to breathe, not to think, nothing. Just run. Run as fast as you can and hit Melina as hard as you can.

Madison was a pretty good runner. Sure she wasn't on the track and field team, but she wasn't too shabby. Running along the beach in Highland Beach certainly had it's advantages. Granted, advantages Madison didn't fully comprehend until right now, but advantages nonetheless. She hadn't run at all during her time in the game and while she was very tired, her stamina was probably in one of the best conditions. It felt awkward to run while carrying a fire axe like a katana, but it didn't do much to slow Madison down. The way she figured, it was if she was walking on air.

Curving to the side so that she was coming up from behind, not even taking any notice of Renee pointing her arrow at Maxie (at least she thought it was Maxie), Madison closed in. Her hands wrapped tightly around the fire axe, Madison turned her upper body away, pulling her arms back as far as they could possibly reach. Her eyes focused in on Melina and Melina alone.

Even though I'm going to die, that doesn't mean I shouldn't try. That hasn't stopped me in the past has it? Well... it has, but - Aww Damn it! Shut up! NO THINKING, JUST RUN!

Tired, but energetic. Passionate, but surprisingly monotone. There was no room for error. There was no room for second thoughts. If she was going to fight, then she was going to put duck tape over her mouth and shut up. She had to stop doubting herself! She had lived for about four days, much longer than nearly fifty others. If she was still alive, then that was reason enough for her to keep fighting.

You're close! She's distracted! Swing, damn it! Swing!

With the sort of energy that would make Babe Ruth's spirit proud, Madison swung the axe (with the sharp edge pointing upwards, which was her intention) as hard and as fast as she could muster, right at the side of Melina's head. The axe was like a feather, swinging like a meteor heading towards earth. No way I can lose... there's no way I can lose, she kept telling herself mentally, over and over and over again as the axe neared Melina. As it was about to collide, Madison yelled.


Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by laZardo*
((Breaking turn order because Meg put Renee up on the inactives list.))

Apparently, Renée hadn't been aggressive enough, because the girl she now recognized as Maxie had started back for Melina. To make matters worse, she'd heard someone approaching from behind her. She briefly did a double take, only to find Madison brushing right past and also heading toward Melina, no doubt to try to finish the job Maxie was starting. There was no time to run, only time to react. The bowstring had already been pulled in Melina's general direction although she didn't exactly have a split second to aim before firing. Perhaps it was fortunate for her that Renée's aiming vision now included all three girls - Melina and her two "attackers," but that gave her three times as many things to think about in one-third the time.

If she fired and killed Melina, she'd have to worry about the wrath of the other two girls upon her. If she fired and hit one of the other two girls, Melina would probably be able to aid her. If she missed, she could draw another arrow and she would be right back at this square one.

Either way, she also had to think about who else might be waiting for her after this ordeal was over. She could feel the sweat beading down her forehead in utterly fearful anticipation of that moment. And perhaps that was what caused her to fire.

She let go of the bowstring, and the arrow (her 4th, if she was counting right) darted off in a not-quite-straight-but-still solid direction. And to be quite fair, she no longer cared who she hit, as long as it dispelled the visions from her own head. And as long as it actually hit.

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by Mitsuko2*
Maxie seemed to not want anything to do with joining Melina on her crusade. That didn't bother her so much. Melina had only asked her to join so she could buy a few seconds to study Maxie's body movements. If she was able to concentrate on the way the other delinquent's body moved, she'd be able to dart and weave her way around any attack by the other girl. In the corner of her eye she saw that Monique's axe had gone completely unnoticed by Maxie. Perfect. She grinned slightly. A murdering lunatic? Maybe. But Melina was a fucking smart one if anything.

Melina was surprised that Renee still attempted to help her even after witnessing the death of Monique. It only went to show how much the other girl knew she needed Melina. Maxie ran at her. Melina studied her hips, the body must follow where the hips go, after all. Maxie aimed to slash her. Melina smirked and released the chain, dodging to the left and only getting a small slash from the meat hook as injury.

She winced slightly, but spun into position directly to the side of Monique's corpse. She grinned and scooped the previously dropped broad axe from the ground. It was a tad bit heavy, but Melina was still able to wield it with a single arm. She smiled and shook her head at the other girl.

"Good try baby, but you gotta be a tad bit quicker than that." She giggled and began to get into position, but a sound from her left made her turn. It was Madison Conner. Melina had completely forgotten about the girl. Melina's eyes popped open when the girl swung her axe at her. Melina raised her left arm (the one wielding the saw) in attempt to defend herself, and the side of the axe slammed into her upped arm, sending Melina to her side with a yelp.

She scrambled to her feet in attempt to maintain her position, but the pain from the two slashes and the throbbing feeling now associated with her left arm were making it quite hard on her. A twang from Renee's direction alerted her to the fact that She still had an ally, and that she was still in this game. Pain was temporary, death was not an option.

"Come on them!" She seethed. "Don't you run from me!"

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by Namira
((whooops, very nearly inactive))

"Ya don't need ta tell me twice chickadee," Maxie called to Madison as she put in a timely intervention. "But I'd encourage ya ta take ya own advice!" Maxie replied to Melina with a straight answer - that being an extended middle finger. Maxie sprung back from the fight, cursing colourfully as an arrow swept past her midsection. She wasn't sure if it would have hit if she hadn't moved - it could have gone right past her back. Still, Maxie was glad she hadn't stayed put to find out.

Maxie made to get out of there, but then hesitated. Madison Connor was no fighter, she had seen her around enough to know that, at least. She couldn't just leave her all on her own.

"Go on girl," Maxie told Madison. "Split! I'll keep tha bitch occupied!"

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by Ciel*
Madison was fully ready to fight Melina, although she had proven to be much slicker than Madison had first caught on. She wanted to wipe that smirk off her face so badly, but the feeling subsided slightly when Maxie asked her to get out. While Madison wanted to get out of the whole conflict with her life intact, she wasn't about to leave Maxie behind to die. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she let another person die, so if she had to she would bring Maxie with her. Hell, it didn't matter whether she liked Maxie or not, Madison needed the good karma points anyway. Killing Melina to avenge Monique's tragic deat was noble as well, but Madsion just couldn't see that happening anytime soon.

Madison was starting to think that she was going to drag Maxie away from the scene scratching and biting, but she didn't end up doing that. Fortunately she didn't have to.

"Listen," she responded, turning her head to face Maxie. "There's no real point in staying here. Wasting our time with her isn't going to get us anywhere."

This was a lie. Of course there was a point in staying: killing Melina. The sick bith was probably going to cause only more problems for others if she lived. That was most likely the main reason that Madison had to take the freckled girl right then and there, if only to stop her from harming others. However, there was no chance in hell that she was going to say this out loud, and Maxie had a point(somewhat). Madison want's anywhere near a fighter, other than that she could slap someone pretty hard. THAT wasn't concidered fighting. It was probably best to conserve their strength and bow out of the fight before someone else gets killed.

She gave a cold glare to Melina, turned to Renee with the same thing and then sighed. "Let's go."

Maybe telling Maxie to follow after her would give Madison the benefit of the doubt that she would listen to her. It was the only thing she could do right now. After saying this, Madison turned tail and rushed away as quickly as she could.

Wait... Whatever happened to that crazy kid? Maybe we could meet up with him, if we're lucky enough to run into him again. I guess... it's a longshot, I suppose, buth there isn't much else that we can do now. He's about one of the only people I can trust... wait, what am I thinking? Trusting a loony who's having a mental breakdown? That's INSANE! I bet if he saw ys, he'd most likely imagine us as killer penguins and club us to death. Wow, trust is a very screwed up thing...

"...You see? Completely undecisive."

Madison grimaced at the devious comment that came from an even more devious voice inside her head. "Shut. Up."

(Continued elsewhere...)

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by Cyco*
Jessa clutched the doorknob and kept an ear to the door, listening closely. It seemed like a good opportunity to get out there and good with the group since whoever they were fighting were attempting to get the fuck out. From the sound of things, one was trying to cover for the other, which spelled a definite advantage for however many Melina had with her. Plus, Jessa was starting to feel the itch for some action.

She stepped out quickly and pulled the door closed behind her, less brandishing the shiv than she was her own fists. She quickly looked around to get her bearings and turned to face the girl who was fairly obviously designated the enemy in this fight.

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by laZardo*
Reneé had only begun to arm the next arrow when she'd heard a door slamming close to her. She looked back to find the girl whom she'd seen Melina with just a moment ago brandishing a sharp object and looking for a fight. Yet she couldn't tell if Jessa was facing either her or Melina. It was most likely Melina, since Reneé had happened to see their little tender moment only mere minutes ago. She looked back at Melina to find that one of her attackers was running for the hills, which gave her the hollow solace that this was going to be a bit easier to finish.

But rather than arm the next arrow in her bow, she clutched it like a dagger. The bow was heavy, and holding it for so long was starting to affect her balance as much as seeing someone violently murdered before her eyes and the threat from someone who would do something pretty bad to her in even shorter notice. She slung the bow around her shoulder and cracked the fingers in her now-free hand.

"You want her? You'll have to get through me!" Reneé said with her tension now bordering on the psychotic as she improvised a battle stance.

It was now a matter of self-preservation, and keeping Melina alive was her current best shot at avoiding the vengeance she had coming for years. If she'd tried to peel Maxie off of Melina, Jessa would probably shiv her spine out of her back resulting in a two-on-one that would not end pleasantly. Fortunately, Jessa didn't look to be much of a fighter to Reneé but given the movie clichés, she wasn't going to take any chances.

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by Mitsuko2*
Melina narrowed her eyes as she saw Madison sprint off, leaving only Maxie as a adversary. She smirked at the other girl, and wiped her hair from where the rain (which she'd only noticed now) had made it stick to her face. She loved the feeling of being completely soaked in the ice cool rain. It made her feel energized, and allowed her head to catch up with her body, her thinking finally clear again.

The slamming of the cottage's door made Melina turn her head slightly to look. Jessa had finally come outside. It had taken the fool of a girl long enough. Melina noticed that Renne thought Jessa wanted to kill her, the was she was holding the shiv. Melina set her mind at ease however.

"Renne, don't worry, she's with us…" She smiled. "So Maxie it's three against one." She giggled at the other girl.

"You think you can kill me?" Melina asked Maxie with a devilish smirk on her face. "Hehe… Just try!" She yelled out before running toward the other girl, brandishing both the axe and saw. She slashed at the girl with first the saw, and then the axe, attempting to take a limb off the other girl's body.

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by Namira
"Oh go bleed ta death y'pathetic excuse for a human," Maxie told Melina contempetously, jumping back from her attack. It was difficult to wield two weapons simultaneously, moreso when one of them was as cumbersome as the axe. There wasn't really anything to be gained from hanging around any longer though - as Melina had pointed out, with Madison gone and Jessa on the scene, it was now three against one.

Jessa being there hurt, truth be told. Maybe they weren't the best of friends, but Maxie liked to think the pair of them, sharing some common interests, were close enough. Maybe not. Fucking Melina. Maxie stepped back again, glancing over her shoulder. She could just about make out the shape of Madison in the distance, and she knew that if she wasn't to lose her, she would have to be making tracks too.

Madison wasn't somebody Maxie knew well, but so far, she was the only friendly person she had come across. Kallie and co, to her mind, didn't really count. Cheerfully flipping Melina and the rest of her little group the bird one last time, Maxie spun around and got the hell out of there. The sudden movement, combined with a quick burst of speed and the heavy rainfall, would hopefully be enough to allow her to make good her escape.

((Maxie continued in:Don't Panic ))

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by Crash*
(Jeff Marontate continued from Torpor)

Jeff was still bitter after having been forced to leave the brook so fast. The two helpless boys he'd eyed from the bushes would've been perfect targets for his grand entrance onto the SOTF stage, but alas, fate seemed to have conspired against him on that account. He supposed he should be thankful that he still had his life...but if he couldn't make something out of that life, was it really worth living?

While he was contemplating the notion, he happened across a clearing that stuck out conspicuously against the jungle backdrop. A small cottage made its way into Jeff's line of vision, but the area seemed to be occupied. Jeff paused for a moment in the underbrush while he surveyed the situation. He caught sight of one...two...three females, and that seemed to be all. He couldn't remember any of their names, nor recognize any of them, being the recluse that he was. All the same, this seemed to be an even better stage for an entrance than the brook had provided. Surely the women would topple much easier than a boy with a chainsaw.

Realizing that he hadn't the slightest chance of sneaking up on them, Jeff left both his daypack and dufflebag in the underbrush to increase his maneuverability, then proceeded out into the clearing, facing the three girls. He brandished the scramasax in his right hand, beating it loosely against his open left palm, an oddly serene smile pasted on his face. He looked towards the three girls, not focusing on any of them in particular, and stopped moving the dagger, instead letting both of his hands drop loosely to his sides.

"So, who wants to play?"

Re: She Bop

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:39 am
by Cyco*
The other girl GTFO'd.

Jessa wrinkled her nose and shot a glance at the other girl, Renee, who was infamous back in Southridge for an incident that was widespread across the local camvideo circle. She would've smirked under any other circumstance, but karma had placed her in an equally--actually, more--embarrassing situation. She hoped Melina hadn't filled her in.

Somebody else arrived, a boy with a blade. Jessa didn't know what to make of him, but he was certainly an idiot if he thought the three girls were going to drop their weapons, lay down, spread their legs and beg him not to underwhelm them to death.

"Go play with yourself," snorted Jessa.