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Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:56 am
by Pigeon Army*
"I'm not out to kill everyone...just one person. If you'd like to help me...or if helping you would get me to him, that's fine..."

Leo couldn't help but back off a step. So Daniel is playing. What if he kills and gets a taste? And I stick with him during this time? That unnecessarily endangers me...but he is a great hulking brute who would be very advantageous to be allied with.

I'll stick with him up until he finds the person he wants to kill, perhaps.

Or, I'll just leave.

Which is smarter?

There was no clear-cut right and wrong, so Leo, cautious, decided to help Boxer out for the time being.

"You're trying to kill someone? Oh..."

"I could use some food though...and a weapon. But don't try anything."

Trying to sound reluctant, Leo looked at Boxer's face. "The guy inside with his throat slit has a fork and a daypack, but I doubt the fork will help."

There was a beat as the two looked at each other.

"So, who are you trying to kill?"

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:56 am
by laZardo*
"So, who are you trying to kill?"

"Someone who killed my best friend...that's all," the titan replied without hesitating. Boxer didn't like to think much about watching Eddie die in front of him, let alone think at all. He shook his head and walked up to the boy. Even if he didn't intend it, his stature would naturally intimidate those who weren't heavily armed and/or brimming with self-confidence.

Boxer sidestepped the kid, being sure to keep an eye down on him as he went inside to pick up the daypack, having to duck a bit on the way in due to the (relatively) low ceiling. He stopped for a moment as he saw the kid with his throat slit, the carnage was evident not only across his clothing but also across the rest of the room. The odor of the fresh kill stung his nose slightly, causing him to cringe as he picked up the daypack and inspected it. The fork was lying around, but Boxer could more easily bend the stainless steel utensil than someone else's spine.

He only hoped that Eddie didn't suffer as much as those kids did as he made his way out.

"Hmm...that fork's not gonna cut it," he added disappointingly, "Maybe if you found a spare weapon laying around after the carnage, we could share?"

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:56 am
by Pigeon Army*
Leo stood still as the behemoth walked past him and into the cottage. Someone who killed his best friend...

Leo grabbed out his notebook and started rifling through it as Daniel searched the cottage. He had an inkling that Daniel had meant Eduardo Trinidad-Villa, academically strong, emotionally nonexistent, socially negligible. The two had been associates of...dubious friendliness. But then, Daniel could be meaning anyone on the football team...ah, Trinidad-Villa. Killed by Darnell Butler on the third day.

Makes sense. Plus, I don't remember hearing about any football players dying, off the top of my head.

"Hmm...that fork's not gonna cut it. Maybe if you found a spare weapon laying around after the carnage, we could share?"

"What? Oh, right." Leo pushed the notebook into his bag and looked around. He could see no weapons in the immediate area. Sighing, he rolled his head around, and stopped. His eyes came to rest on the well. Not like there's anything else to do.

Leo walked over to the well and peered inside.

"Well, hello there."

The sunlight, dulled by the persistent rain, glinted off a small sword lodged in...

Francis Temple. Rich. Technologically savvy. Completely insufferable.

Leo winced at the sight of the body, the neck blown to pieces and the sword wedged in his chest. The well was deep, but still...

"Daniel? I have something you might want to see..."

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:56 am
by laZardo*
Boxer came out of the cottage, carrying the daypack and taking a hefty swig of the daypack's water supply when the kid called him over, having found something.

"Daniel? I have something you might want to see..."

At least he wouldn't have to introduce himself.

The titan walked over to the well and peered in. What caught his eye suddenly caused him to gasp, nearly choking on the water, and stagger back.

The events of three days ago suddenly flashed before Boxer's eyes as he watched the body float. Sure, Eddie wasn't exactly beheaded by a collar explosion, but he was impaled straight through with a sword and floating lifelessly in a dark void. For a moment, Boxer thought he was seeing things...what was left of his mind starting to deteriorate from the trauma and tiredness.

He gulped and peered in again. The body was still floating there just as the kid pointed out. He cast a brief glance at the kid as he moved to the opposite side of the well - just in case that kid would try anything - then gritted his teeth as he bent over and tried to reach in. Unfortunately, even with Boxer's long reach, the sword - and the corpse it was stuck in - were too far out of his grasp.

"'s too deep." Boxer stuttered, propping himself against the well to help him get back on his feet.

In fact it wasn't just that his best friend had been killed that was keeping him going. It was the fact that Eddie had been killed by a man that Boxer could call a "buddy" from his own circle of friends.

"By the way...what's your name?" Boxer added, panting between words.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:56 am
by Pigeon Army*
Leo's eyes tracked Boxer as he walked towards the well. He leaned over the well and then, strangely, staggered back, choking. Leo took a step back in response. Bad memories, Mr. Carvalho?

The boy calmed himself down and leaned over the well again, shooting a glance at Leo. Bad memories and trust problems, I see. Mr. Carvalho, you do have problems.

Leo briefly contemplated pushing the hulking brute into the well, but decided against it. He's the size of a tank - a push would probably do nothing. Leo resumed watching him as he tried to grab the sword, something Leo knew would be futile unless they had a ladder or excellent cobble-climbing skills.

"'s too deep."

Really, Mr. Carvalho? I hadn't noticed. Leo's hesitant and scared demeanour belied the angry and violent thoughts running through his head. Leo would've liked to eliminate this competitor, but Leo wasn't built that way. And Mr. Carvalho isn't exactly built for easy access.

"By the way...what's your name?"

"My name?" Leo looked down for a second. I cannot give him my real name - what happens when my name is read out over the announcements tomorrow morning and he recognises my name? Hmmm. Daniel Carvalho - dumb jock. Who would he not know?

Of course.

"My name is Raven Lawrence."

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:56 am
by laZardo*
((Sorry it isn't much...))

" it." Boxer committed the name to memory, and not because he'd check next time the announcement was made if the "real" Raven Lawrence was dead or not. He just wanted to be sure he had a name to call out to just in case the two got separated.

"Guess I'll have to trust my fists for the time being again..." Boxer muttered, steadying himself on his feet. "We'd better get going in case whoever did all that killing might still be lurking around."

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:56 am
by Pigeon Army*
" it."

Leo nodded and smiled. Hook, line and sinker, Mr. Carvalho. The hulk pulled himself up and started mumbling.

"Guess I'll have to trust my fists for the time being again...We'd better get going in case whoever did all that killing might still be lurking around."

"Yeah, right." Leo nodded again, and he jumped around with glee inside. This brute really is as stupid as he looks. He should be easy to shake before the announcements start. "I...I'm actually trying to find someone. Becky Holt. I have to see her about you think we could go look for her?"

I hope you're watching, Mr. Gilbert. Because this is your doing.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:56 am
by laZardo*
"Yeah, sure," Boxer replied, making a repeated mental note to stick close to 'Raven' in case things got hairy. He scratched his head, no doubt things were starting to take up residence in his hair as time went by. It was also partially because the name Becky Holt escaped him...though he suddenly had a suspicion of exactly why Leo asked for that name.

"You're not going to kill her, are you?"

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:57 am
by Pigeon Army*
"You're not going to kill her, are you?"

Oh, he's smarter than he looks. Pity he's as gullible as a dog.

Leo looked up at Boxer, trying to look suitably offended. "What? What do you take me for? Becky's a friend. We said we were going to split up on the first day, try and find a way to escape, and catch up with each other later. I need to catch up with her, and tell her what I've found. So can we go look for her? It's incredibly important."

Now if that doesn't stop you thinking and get you blindly following, I don't know what will.

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:57 am
by laZardo*
"All right...let's go," Boxer agreed. He needed someone to stick around with at least until he got reunited with whomever among his team was still alive and kicking ass. Just as well, he started reminding himself to constantly keep an eye on 'Raven' not so much that the smaller boy would betray his intention as it was so he didn't get lost.

Of course, it wasn't that he asked Raven's intentions because he was "smarter than he looked" as it was Boxer's steel-hard code of morality. Killing, even in revenge, was wrong unless extremely justified (a justification Boxer had found in the death of his best friend.) That said, it was not off to assume that the titan was easily convinced that a bent version was still similar...though times had clearly changed.

"I can help you out..." he added softly before taking a swig, "Just...don't try anything."

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:57 am
by Pigeon Army*
"I can help you out. Just...don't try anything."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Leo replied, smiling faintly.

And he's mine.

"C...can we go now? I have to find her as soon as possible," Leo offered, and then walked into the jungle. He turned back briefly to look at Boxer.


((Leo Curtis continued elsewhere))

Re: Amaro

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2018 5:57 am
by laZardo*
"No problem," Boxer replied before he started to follow after 'Raven.'

Just a little longer, Eddie. I'll help you attain your peace soon...

((Boxer Carvalho continued elsewhere))