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Re: Let the Darkness Flow Through You

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 1:14 am
by Privyet*
Matt, if pressed, would have to admit that he only really knew Bart's name because he was the kid who always smelled like fish. What was so unique about him - no fishy smell - maybe his beard? Whatever, it didn't matter. Matt pretended to check how many bullets were in his gun while introducing himself, again, to Bart.

"Matt Moradi. Generally cool guy. Notorious accomplice to Jerry Fury." He glanced over at Jerry. Eventual winner of the game, he said. That wasn't going to happen. Matt smiled, looking at Bart. "Just, uh.. don't run away if we get into a fight, alright?"

Re: Let the Darkness Flow Through You

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 1:14 am
by Aura
On the bright side, Bart appreciated that Jerry and Matt were trying to make him feel better, or at least he thought they were. Unfortunately, Jerry not only referred to himself as a seasoned killer in the process, but the very recent memory of him laying Alan flat was still extremely fresh in Bart's mind. That kind of undercut their sincerity and made Bart question if he should really trust their attempts at diplomacy.

... But at the same time, they had a point in how there was safety in numbers. Three people were harder to ambush than one and they would have a much better chance at fighting back an attacker if they had the advantage in that department. But then again, the numbers game didn't really do much for them when Nancy showed up at the radio tower...

Bart shuddered as the image of Jennifer flashed into his mind again. He slowly put his hands down and looked between Jerry and Matt for a few moments, formulating a response in his mind.

"... So, uh... I'm gonna be okay with you guys, then?"

Re: Let the Darkness Flow Through You

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 1:14 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Jerry put forward the same confident smile he would have thrown to somebody asking if he could flick a rubber band at that stupid bitch of an English teacher, Mrs. Addison.

"Yeah, man!" he exclaimed, tilting his chin up slightly. "Just don't be dumb like Alan. First thing: You got any weapons on ya? We ain't gonna take them from ya, we just need to know our options, here." Jerry re-positioned his daypack's strap and looked over to Matt. "You nicked his food too, right? I'm getting kinda hungry here and my bread's nearly out."

A glance past Bart confirmed that it was still about as black as Mr. T's asshole outside. Made for difficult travel, but there was nothing of much use here and Jerry wasn't too fond of being around for the whinefest that would likely ensue when Alan woke up.

"Let's mosey, guys. Should find a good place to chill out and bunker up, catch some Z's and do whatever 'til morning. Then this fun little vacation starts all over again!"

((Jerry Fury, concluded in ROOOOOAD ROLLER DA!))

Re: Let the Darkness Flow Through You

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 1:14 am
by Privyet*
Matt mostly agreed with what Jerry said. As long as Bart didn't pull something stupid like Alan - or, fuck him, steal like Henry Spencer - he'd be golden.

"Yeah. Just don't do anything stupid." He took one last look at Alan and then began to follow Jerry.

((Matt Moradi continued here.))

Re: Let the Darkness Flow Through You

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 1:15 am
by Aura
"Um... okay.

Bart meekly followed Matt and Jerry, hoping that whatever happened next would be a little more peaceful than this encounter.

((Bart Capppotelli continued elsewhere...))