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Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:11 am
by Aura
Adonis was all set to throw down with Mark.  He noticed Cody trying to talk him down, but he just ignored him.  He vaguely heard Mallory start ranting at him, and...did she just call him a dick?  Whatever, he'd get to her next. But first, the weightlifting prick was going to pay.  NOBODY mouths off to Adonis Alba and gets away with it.  However, just as soon as Adonis was about to open his mouth again...

What in hell is going on in here?!"

Coach Lomelli.  Quite possibly the single worst person that could possibly show up.  The man that ran the gym with an iron fist.  Also the man that very clearly remembers the referee incident, as well as the exact reasons as to why Adonis was no longer a member of the school's athletic program.  Lomelli basically told him in no uncertain terms to get his ass out of the weight room.

Now, Adonis may have been a bullying meathead that spent a little too much time leering at girls, but even he knew not to mess with Coach Lomelli.

"Fine.  My business here was done anyway."

Adonis made his way towards the doors of the gym.  Before exiting, however, he sent a pair of dirty glances across the room, one to Mark, and one to Mallory.  He then left the gym, taking his attitude with him.

(Adonis Alba continued elsewhere...)

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:11 am
by KamiKaze
Lomelli's face had visibly darkened with frustration the second she said "Alba". Really, he knew him by now, and she didn't need any more explanation than she did give. Within a beat, he had shown up to the group of students.

First he chewed out Mallory somewhat. Well, she was just reacting, but he didn't know that, or felt he needed to stop her from arguing back, which made sense. But still.

Then came Alba. Alba... was essentially being thrown out. Was he even allowed to be here? Judging by what he said, apparently Alba was banned from the weightlifting room, or if he wasn't before, he was now. Either way. In the future she somehow felt that he wasn't coming back, or if he was, at least he wouldn't go around causing this much trouble.

Lana wasn't sure she should stick around, though, even if he left. As she stood some ways behind Lomelli, she sighed. Well, maybe later, when things were so hectic and... well, Alba-laden. So she was probably going to leave for a bit.

She went back to the treadmill, after noticing her things were still on the floor where she left them. Slinging her towel over her shoulder and grabbing her water bottle, she headed towards the door.

"I'll come back later", she mumbled in a barely audible tone.

She'd come back in when it was less hectic.

((Lana Torres continued elsewhere))

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:11 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Cody was sure he was solving the problem by himself, which was an impressive feat in his opinion when the problem happened to involve Alba. Of course, just when it seemed he was probably going to pull him out of the weight room without incident (okay, without FURTHER incident), Lana had to go and get the fucking coach.

As much as Cody hated to admit it, it was probably the move of best damage control considering how out of control Alba might have gotten if things progressed, but the timing was still absolute shit. Considering he was already done with his workout as it was, and Adonis's little shitstorm had necessitated him leaving, the varsity quarterback went to grab this things. Grumbling as he stuffed his shoes into his gym bag and changed into his street shoes, Cody made his way out of the room not too long after Torres decided to beat it.

Is it just me, or does everybody always get ready to explode near the end of the year? Fucking idiots...

((Cody Patton, continued elsewhere))

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:11 am
by Serpico*
This gym session turned out to be incredibly dramatic and loud, and somehow though all the drama Yoshio just wasn't in the mood to work out in the gym anymore. That was fine, he'd simply get home earlier than expected and exercise in the yard. Besides, Yoshio had been meaning to play with the Jenkin's pet Irish Setter. He always got tired before the dog did.

Now that his mind was made up he decided that this one time it would be good to forget about his exercise regimen and just leave. But he remembered that he had agreed to spot for that …odd girl, what was her name again?

He couldn't remember, but he figure that he should at least apologize for leaving early. He looked to Mallory and spoke quickly before moving "I need to leave now, Sorry!"

He packed up as fast as he could and left. He was a little glad to be out of the gym, and he'd probably be back the next day instead.

((Yoshio Sato: Continued elsewhere))

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:11 am
by ViolentMedic
The coach storming in was largely a relief. No-one messed with the coach, even Alba. He was like a giant shield of... authority and stuff. Mallory realised that he'd entered the room during her angry rant and felt an unpleasant surge of embarrassment.

The tone in his voice was pretty dangerous, and the veiny things standing out were fantastically out there. It was like he was going to blow up and take the gym with him. When Lomelli told her to get back to work, Mallory just quickly said, "Yes, Coachsir. Will do," and hurried back to the weights.

She breathed a long side of relief when Lomelli ordered Alba out. Alba was just... scary. And taller than her. Also angry. Very, very angry.

Though, truth be told, things would be a lot simpler if she could just learn to shut the hell up when he called her a dude. I will meditate and learn to ignore gender-related insults. Turn it all into white noise or Ludo songs. And then we'll see what's what.

Mallory looked upwards at the ceiling when Adonis gave her and the big guy with all the goop in his hair dirty looks. Note to self: avoid anywhere he might be for a while. At least Big Goopy-Haired Guy probably doesn't have to worry about doing the same.

The asthma guy left quickly, mumbling an apology. Well, damn. There goes her spotter. And the others in the room were either busy or took the time to leave as well. Mallory turned back to the weights and scowled at them.

Why'd they have to be so gigantic and heavy? ...Oh, right. Because they were weights. Doy. Still...

Actually, Lomelli's 'suggestion' (well, more of a threat) concerning running a hundred yards and doing all-fours sounded pretty good right now. Mallory looked back and forth between the weights and the door for a moment, before shrugging and heading for the door.

Running and stretches would just have to do for today.

((Mallory McCormick continued in Chocolate Discococo.))

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:11 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Joey grinned when he saw the crowd dispersing. Finally he could get his daily pump, and not be bothered by anybody.

He noted how antisocial he sounded, and made a mental note to go out later to balance it out. Maybe see what Travis or Anton was up to tonight.

He pushed those thoughts away, focus time. He hoisted the heavy weights up to his sides, grunting. They shot up, and lowered slowly. A quick exhale followed by a long inhale. Eight reps, three times. Build muscles for power, not endurance.

He sensed his spotter behind him, and focused on finishing the set without needing help.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:11 am
by decoy73
((Sorry about that ... goddamn 12 hour shifts))

Coach Lomelli had made his presence known. Mike did not know whether this was good (because barbells were meant as tools, not weapons), or bad (because a mad Coach Lomelli meant death to anybody who pissed him off ... and those within range of those people). Mike shut up and joined Joey as Joey started pumping weights.

"Glad that's over." Mike said to Joey. "That was just too much. And all because of some dumbass comeback." Mike shook his head. God, Adonis could be a jackass sometimes. Mike put his hands under Joey's arms just in case.

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:11 am
by umop-ap!sdn*
Joey grinned. Glad somebody else was on his side. The gym was for manscaping and manliness. The drama and bitchiness were not welcome. He grunted with each thrust upward, determined not to rely on Mike to spot him.

Mike was a good kid, it'd be a good time. He closed his eyes and waited for fatigue, testosterone, and good conversation to make the ideal work out.

(Joey Polpetta continued elsewhere)

Re: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2019 8:11 am
by decoy73
And with that, everybody left, starting with Adonis. Within a few minutes, it was down to himself and Joey. They pumped some weights, talked a little, and pumped some more weights. After a little bit, they had their own things to do. Mike ended up packing his bags, having gotten a nice workout under his belt.

((Mike Whaley continued elsewhere ...))