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Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by Deamon
Yaz was entertaining herself by drawing a swirling tattoo on the face of her doodle when she heard Hiro respond to Gavin. It turned out that she had thought right and Hiro was indeed writing something to do with a story on her laptop. Yaz smiled a little as she went back to drawing; it was good to be right every so often. Yaz didn't know what she was drawing but it looked to be another tall monster, which was her default subject, except this monster had weird swirling tattoos on its face. That did add a new layer of detail to the thing though so Yaz couldn't complain too much.

The explanation Hiro gave ended suddenly and Yaz assumed that conversation would end but instead Gavin turned his attention back to Maddie. It was starting to get irritating, it would have been fine if he was actually trying to include anyone else in the conversation but he didn't try.

"And back to Maddie." Yaz muttered to herself as she sketched a background into the doodle. Yaz then felt her face start to redden when she realised she had said another thought out loud and this time it wasn't an innocent one. She quickly ducked down and looked through her bag to avoid having any of the others notice but she seemed to be in the clear. She had misjudged what Gavin was going to do badly anyway. As it turned out he was asking both her and Maddie a question about how they knew each other.

Maddie was the first to answer as Yaz was still rooting in her bag. She came back up with a rubber as Maddie gave her answer. Yaz hadn't expected Maddie to say that she trusted Yaz with her life but it was touching that Maddie trusted her that much. It was true though, they were very close friends both in and out of school. It was weird since they had such different interests and the only thing they really had in common was that they were both pretty shy but somehow they managed to have such an extremely close friendship.

"We've been friends since junior year," Yaz added "We spend a lot of time together outside of school as well." Yaz didn't feel the need to add anything more, since between herself and Maddie they'd given Gavin and good enough explanation.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by TheDollBreaker*
((Sara Corlett - Start)

The first child
Was a boy of 16
His color was scarlet
Paranoia took him over
And left him unable
To trust his friends

He was never seen again

The second children
Twins of 17--

Wait a minute, Sara thought to herself as she gazed upon the words filling the sheet in front of her. "The second children" doesn't make any sense... but if they're two twins, and they represent one 'child'... How am I supposed to do this... Sara sat alone at a table within Aurora's library. She found it was the best place for her to write in, possibly due to the smell of other writers' works surrounding her. It was usually a quiet and peaceful place as well.  She sighed to herself and began to erase the line in question. She hated having to erase her work, not only because it ruined her paper, but also because it meant her words had went to waste. I wonder what happens to all of the words people have erased... Do they disappear forever, or do they travel to another writer as he or she creates wordscapes? Do they--

By the time Sara snapped out of her trance, she realized that she had swatted the eraser segments off of her paper with enough force to knock it beneath the table next to her. Turning to look at the patrons of the table, she was first greeted with the sight of a tall, leather-clad student along with three other females. "Oh, no..." she mumbled under her breath. Taking a small gulp, Sara leaned over and faintly whispered to none of the students in particular. "Excuse me... could you please hand me that...?" She weakly pointed at the paper, half-full of words.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by Firedog*
((Alexander de Gaulle - Start))

Alex stood in the graphic novel section of the library looking through the manga that was available. Read that... read that... read that too. Man, I wish they would get some new manga already. The library was always a peaceful place and Alex enjoyed looking through the manga even though he had already read the selection that was available at Aurora.

Alex stopped for a moment as he heard the sound of voices somewhere in the library. He looked around trying to find the source of them and sure enough they were over by the tables. It couldn't hurt to walk over there, always nice to make new friends. Alex walked over and quickly noticed Maddie sitting among a few other students. That's quite odd, she usually doesn't hang out with so many people, heh, they must have swarmed to her.

Upon arrival Alex took another look around and noticed a girl sitting at a neighboring table, it seemed that she had knocked her paper underneath the table Maddie was at. The girl was actually quite attractive. A bit pale, nice brown hair, beautiful blue eyes hidden behind glasses, and she looked pretty sleepy. Might as well retrieve the paper and use this as a chance to introduce myself Alex thought.

Alex reached underneath the table saying, "Excuse me Maddie," as he retrieved the paper lying beneath. He would then look over to the other girl and say, "Hello, my name is Alex, and I guess this is yours. So, what's your name?"

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by Super Llama*
Things started to get a little crowded as two more people showed up. Hiro typed up one more sentence before saving and powering down her laptop. She supposed she finished everything that she planned on finishing for the moment, and it was getting time for her to head out.

"I-I have to go..." She mumbled, gathering up the power cord as well and stuffing it into her backpack. She bows her head briefly to everyone at the table before quietly taking her leave.

{{continued in How I Spent My Suspension}}

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar*
Well now, things are certainly getting interesting.

Not to mention crowded. . .

It wasn't really all that surprising. The library was a public place, after all. Gavin knew he had no particular right to be irritated by so many people suddenly appearing in close proximity to himself. He was actually mildly surprised, any table that he sat at was one that most people gravitated away from, rather than towards. Gavin didn't mind, he preferred to approach rather than be approached.

Still, there was no reason not to be polite. He obligingly moved his broad legs aside as Alex bent down to retrieve the paper the other girl had dropped. He knew neither of them, though when Alex mentioned his name, Gavin couldn't help but smirk for he briefest of moments. He knew one Alex in his life already, and that man couldn't be more different then the tall teenager who looked to be barely two thirds his own weight.

Hey, the hobbit is leaving.

Gavin looked back over his table. He'd barely noticed Hiro getting up and unplugging her laptop. He gave her a smile and a small wave as she departed. He likewise nodded politely to Sara, but let her be as it was plain that Alex was eager to talk to her. Instead he turned his attention back to Madeline and Yaz.

"Madeline." He began in a questioning tone. "From everything I've seen so far, you're really good at science. I'm great with theory and research, but not half as good at the actual mechanics. Would you like to get together with me sometime after school so we could exchange techniques? I think we could learn a lot from each-other."

He turned his gaze on Yaz. "I hope you don't mind me commandeering your close friend like this, I just think it'd benefit us both." He gave her a slight, apologetic smile.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by VoltTurtle
Just as Maddie finished answering Gavin's question, Yaz quickly added that they have been friends since junior year and that they often spend time together outside of school. She smiled a little as Yaz said that; their friendship was an odd one, with them barely sharing any interests, but nonetheless Maddie and Yaz were undeniably close.

She turned as she seemingly head a whisper from a nearby table, and she turned to be greeted by a girl who looked a bit pale and pretty sleepy.

What did she say? Maddie thought to herself. Something about a paper?

She was pulled out of her thoughts by her friend Alexander reaching under the table for something, politely saying excuse me in the process. Alexander was one of the few friends she had around here at Aurora, and was quite the unusual sight, what with his white hair and all. Plus, he could probably be medically classified as underweight, being as tall and thin as he is. He came up from under the table with a piece of paper in his hand, and handed it over to the girl nearby.

So it was a bit of paper.

She heard Alex introduce himself to the girl and he asked her what her name was. I think Alex has a little crush on that girl. She smiled a little as she turned to see Hiro get up from the table, saying she had to go, giving a slight bow before turning away from the group and leaving.

As Hiro left, she turned her attention to Gavin as he started addressing her. He said that from what he has seen so far that Maddie is really good at science. He said he is great with theory and research, but not half as good at the actual mechanics, like her. He then asked if she would like to get together with him sometime after school so they could exchange techniques, saying they could both learn a lot from each other.

Is he asking me out? She thought to herself. Roundabout way of doing it.

As she thought, he then turned to Yaz, saying he hopes that Yaz doesn't mind him commandeering Maddie like this, saying he just thinks it would benefit them both.

Gavin is nice and all, but I don't really think of him like that, we just met a few minutes ago after all. Still, I would like discussing science with him.

Before Yaz could say anything, Maddie replied to Gavin, saying "Um... Sure, I guess we could together sometime. But, not right now, if that was what you were thinking, I would rather not ditch Yaz like this." She turned to Yaz and gave her a smile.

I can't just abandon one of my best friends, after all.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by Deamon
As soon as Yaz had finished replying to Gavin another, quieter voice spoke up from the next table over. The girl had long brown hair and a pair of thick-rimmed glasses. The glasses were a giveaway that it was Sara Corlett. She was a quiet girl and Yaz couldn't remember a time where she had had any meaningful interaction with Sara. She guessed it due to the fact both of them were on the quiet side. It didn't really produce conversations.

Yaz didn't quite hear what she was saying but it didn't matter because another boy had walked over and picked up a piece of paper off the floor. It didn't take Yaz long to realise that the boy was Alex de Gaulle. He had a unique appearance to say the least, with his unkempt and curly hair being bleached white. He handed the paper back to Sara and started talking to her so Yaz turned her attention back to the others on the table.

While her attention had been focussed on what Alex and Sara had been doing Hiro had left the table. She just got a glimpse of the other girl walking away before her attention was drawn back to the table by something Gavin was saying. As it turned out he was just talking to Maddie again. Yaz started to zone out until she realised what Gavin was saying. It wasn't especially clear but it seemed like Gavin was asking Maddie out at least that was what Yaz had gotten from his little speech. Gavin then turned to Yaz and gave her an apology that didn't really sound sincere and gave her a smile.

"Is he trying to ask you out?" Yaz whispered to Maddie after she'd given her reply to Gavin's question.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by TheDollBreaker*
"Hello, my name is Alex, and I guess this is yours. So, what's your name?"

The words were spoken by a large boy who swooped in from nowhere. The sudden voice made Sara jump, and she just narrowly avoided falling in her chair by grabbing onto the table. She quietly looked up at him for a few silent seconds and realized he wasn't very intimidating. He was tall, sure, but he appeared to be thin and his face was certainly not malevolent. Realizing that she had not yet introduced herself and that Alex was holding out her paper, Sara quickly fixed her glasses and took the sheet back.

"My name is... S-Sara...!" She took a short breath and tried to calm down before continuing. "It is mine, thank you, Alex," she mumbled, giving a half-hearted smile. It seemed the group at the table beside her largely ignored her, moving on and talking about some other topic. Sara was glad that she didn't have to become part of the group, but at the same time, feared that being alone with Alex would just be more awkward. Failing to think of anything to discuss with him, she sat and stared at her paper, her face slightly red.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by Firedog*
Alex released a slight chuckle when Sara was frightened by his voice. He let go of the paper as it was repossessed by its rightful owner and Alex took a seat at the table. It was close to the table filled with Maddie and some other people, so he could possibly get them in on some conversation. Alex looked at Sara and observed her as he thought about different things that could be discussed. Alex drifted off as he thought.

What could I talk about? Perhaps the paper, it seems interesting enough. Maybe just ask about her. I could make a comment about her name; it does seem to fit her, pretty name for a pretty girl. Haven't really seen her much around the school. That is a possible topic.

Alex snapped out of his thought process for a moment before realizing that he had been staring at Sara, possibly awkwardly. There wasn't many ways for him to recover from that, just apologize and hope that she didn't mind. "Oh, sorry. I didn't really mean to stare, I was just thinking about things to talk about. Umm, how about that paper, what are you writing?"

What a way to make a first impression, stare awkwardly then talk about paper. Hmm, sure are a bunch of people here though, I was planning on inviting Maddie to the castle after school; perhaps I can invite all of them. It would be a way to make friends, and perhaps, if Sara is one of the ones to say yes, I can spend a little time getting to know her.

As Alex waited for whatever response he would get he reached his hand up to his head and pushed his hair out of his eyes. Afterwards he mimicked his hand into some sort of claw and did his best to comb his hair with it, it wouldn't do much good, but it would be better than leaving it in the mess it was in.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar*
Gavin was half-listening to the conversation going on at the other table while he waited for the girls to respond. Privately he loved to listen in on other people's conversations. It was a habit he rarely indulged, but the proximity of the two tables made it so easy that he couldn't help but overhear. He was almost annoyed when he finally had to drag his attention back to the girls.

Madeline's reply was more or less what he'd expected, but a pang of regret still bit into his gut. Fortunately, he was spared the need to immediately reply when Yaz leant over to whisper to her friend. It was easy for him to guess what was being said, but he silently thanked her for the opportunity to martial his thoughts.

Out of curiosity, were you really asking her out?

That's up to her. I want her for her mind. He winced inwardly, that sounded wrong.

You really don't have a clue about these kind of things, do you?

I can only be honest and hope it'll be enough.

Hope hard.

Gavin resisted the urge to groan. Not for the first time he found himself wishing that everybody shared his uncomplicated mindset. When would normal people learn how much easier life was without so much needless subtly to every interaction? Oh well, it was pointless dwelling on such things now.

"It's alright." He said after Yaz had finished whispering. "My schedule is quite flexible. If you'd like to meet me sometime after school, I'd love that."

Woh, moving a little fast there, wouldn't you say?

Please shut up. . .

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by VoltTurtle
Maddie heard Alex and the girl conversing over at the other table as she gave her reply, The girl telling him her name was Sara and thanking him for retrieving the paper for her. Alex then apologized for staring at Sara shortly after, Maddie could practically feel the awkward emanating from the table over there.

Yep. She thought. Alex definitely has a crush on her.

Madeline then realized that Yaz had whispered something to her. She thought she heard Yaz asking if Gavin was asking her out. Maddie leaned a little towards Yaz and whispered back, saying "I really don't know. I think he might be."

Shortly afterwards Gavin replied to her saying that it is alright because his schedule is quite flexible, and said he would love to talk with her sometime after school.

"Sure! I don't see why not, you seem to be nice enough from this meeting. Where would we meet?" She replied.

Let's hope this doesn't become weird though. She thought. I am not really interested in him like that, if he even is thinking that of course.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by Deamon
Maddie's reply confirmed what Yaz had been thinking. Even though neither of them were sure it seemed to both of them that Gavin was trying to as Maddie a roundabout and annoying way. It annoyed Yaz because she had just wanted to talk to a friend and finish off some work. Now she was left with work she had half-heartily finished and her talk with her friend had essentially been saying "Hi." before Gavin had muscled in on the conversation and taken it over. It hadn't been bad with Adam since he had been relaxed whereas Yaz didn't get that feeling from Gavin. She didn't quite know why, she just did. It also didn't help that there seemed to be a constant stream of people joining and leaving the conversation; and there was a second conversation going on at the table right next to them.

There seemed to be a little bit of commotion at the table next door as Sara replied to Alex a little too loudly, and all it really did was serve to make the situation even more awkward. Yaz pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked the time on it to see how much longer she'd have to stay at the table. According to the time on her phone there was still a little bit of time left before her next lesson. She thought about going to the cafeteria to buy a snack so that at least she could escape from the library. She wasn't sure if Maddie would understand why she did it at the time, but Yaz was sure she'd get a chance to explain her reasons later. After all Maddie was an understanding person and she'd be able to see why Yaz would want to escape such an awkward situation. It was starting to become genuinely uncomfortable for her.

It was at the point Gavin said how his schedule was flexible and he'd love to meet Maddie after school that Yaz decided that her time in the library was over. Putting the phone back in her pocket, Yaz stood up and slung her bag over her shoulder. "I'm going to go buy a snack from the cafeteria before my next lesson. See you later Maddie, and nice to meet you Gavin." Yaz turned and carefully navigated her way past Alex before heading out of the library. As soon as she did she pulled her phone out and started writing a text to Maddie.

"Sorry to leave u with him, was really uncomfortable! Image Will make it up to you!"

Yaz read over the text once before pressing send. She didn't like leaving Maddie alone like that but she had reached her limit. She put headphones in her ear and started to play some music to clear her mind. As she headed off to the cafeteria she wondered if the cafeteria were selling any cookies or brownies; because she really felt like having one to eat.

((Yasmin Carroll continued in Get The Best Side))

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:37 am
by TheDollBreaker*
"It's a poem for one of my classes," Sara explained, unable to think of anything to add onto it as she was being watched. "It's... not very good," she muttered. When the chance of somebody else reading her work came to be, she felt self-conscious about her work, thinking she could have done so much better on it; and here that chance was, with a half-finished poem she wrote as she went along in the past ten minutes. Rather than taking the risk of it being seen, she slid it into her binder.

"I'll finish it later," Sara sighed and turned back to Alex. She glanced to the table next to her and saw that another person had retreated, leaving it to the tall boy in the leather jacket and the smaller girl, both of them talking about science. Sara didn't really like science, but if they were as enthusiastic about it as she was about writing, she wouldn't mind being near them. If we join them, I won't have much to talk about, but maybe I won't be alone with Alex... She didn't have anything against Alex, he was a nice guy. It was just that she hated being alone with another person. It meant that someone else's undivided
attention was focused solely on her.

"So, do you know her?" she asked, glancing over at the girl Alex greeted beforehand. Her name was Maddie, right?

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:38 am
by Firedog*
Alex was left wondering as to what the poem was about. He thought that maybe he should have taken a chance to look at it when he had picked it up, but quickly decided it was good that he didn't, it would have invaded her privacy. Besides, Alex knew what it was like to be self-conscious about your work, never wanting others to see it out of fear that it wasn't good enough. Sure with Alex it was more for things like reports or when trying out a new strategy for chess, but it felt the same way he was sure.

Alex looked up momentarily and noticed another person getting up and leaving. There was enough room at the other table for Sara and Alex to move over there if they wanted. After hearing Sara's question Alex responded, "Yes, I do know her. Her name is Madeline." There were several things he could say about Maddie, but with her sitting right there it would probably be best to let her introduce herself if she wanted to.

"Do you perhaps want to move over to the other table? There is enough room over there and conversation is usually better with more people." Alex thought that his suggestion was a good one, it would stop him from possibly making Sara uncomfortable and if there was nothing to say he could always have the other two talking to fill up the silent air.

Re: A Breath of Fresh Air

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2019 3:38 am
by Ghost Of Ravenstar*
Gavin wasn't really surprised when Yaz got up to leave. It was a shame, but he'd already guessed it to be inevitable. Yaz obviously didn't feel comfortable around him, especially under these kind of circumstances, and Gavin wasn't about to condemn her for needing some space. It made him a little sad, but there would be time to sort out interpersonal differences later. No need to make the implications of this conversation even more complicated than they already were.

In the meantime, he needed to think of an answer for Madeline. This was quite new territory for him, he had to admit. There was a difference between inexperience and incomprehension, however, and a few choices quickly presented themselves.

"I did have a few ideas." He began. "There are always the Seattle public libraries if you'd like some good fuel for a discussion, or our houses if you'd like somewhere quieter and more out of the way. It all depends where you'd feel the most comfortable jumping in."

Gavin thought for a moment after his last words, there was a lingering train of thought regarding Yaz that he wanted to clear up. But then he decided that now wasn't the time, he would wait till later in the conversation to bring her up again. He sensed the conversation over at the other table turning to them, which made it seem prudent to keep things open.