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Re: Reverie
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:05 am
by Ruggahissy
((Thanks for being accommodating guys. It'll be Skraal > Espi > Regular posting resumes))
A small voice said her name from the side.
She looked back at Eliza just as she blew a hole in the wall right next to her head. Pieces of the wall chipped and flecked, hitting her in the side of the face. She couldn't hear anything. Everything was all muffled, but dimly she heard Gwen scream.
Eliza looked right at Gwen. Michelle lunged forward and grabbed hold of the end of the rifle.
"Gwen, get out of here!" she shouted.
Another loud sound went off. The feeling of being punched harder than she'd ever felt was quickly followed by a sharper pain. Michelle tried to gasp. She tried, but she couldn't. She couldn't feel the clean, feeling of free flowing air. All she felt was her gasp being caught at the top of her chest as she desperately tried to breathe and her eyes welled up with tears. Slowly, she looked down and saw blood starting to pour out of her stomach.
Michelle didn't let go of the gun. Her shaking hands held on even tighter, staring determinedly at it. She wouldn't let go until Gwen got away.
Her rapid footsteps echoed and got quieter and quieter. After making sure Gwen had fled, she shoved the gun back at Eliza as hard as she could. She stumbled backwards. She put her hands over the wound as if trying to keep the blood inside. She blinked and the tears rolled down her cheeks. There were two sobs and a high pitched, unintelligible plea and she fell.
Her tears rolled down from her face onto the dirty hospital floor. Her legs curled up as she kept holding her stomach. She looked up at Eliza.
"Run," she croaked. "They'll be here any second. Virgil and Adam will kill you if they find you."
Re: Reverie
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:05 am
by Skraal
Eliza's eyes widened as she heard Michelle speak.
What the fuck? Why would she be trying to help the person who just shot her? It didn't make any sense. Any sane person would try to take down their killer any way that they could.
Eliza sighed, her knees cracking as she stood up. She looked down at her bloodstained hands and stared blankly. They were just like her brother's. For the first time in her life, no words came to her mouth. She could feel the adrenaline rushing through her as she stood, panting.
After a few moments, she looked away and grabbed her bag. She could hear footsteps and shouting coming from down the hall, and she could tell that things were about to get even uglier really soon. As much as she'd like to see their reactions to this scene, she figured that the experience wouldn't be worth dying over.
Her mind began swimming with excitement as she tore down the halls, the sounds of shouting and screaming behind her. The thrill that she had felt when running from the cops during her rioting days seemed like a poor imitation compared to what she was feeling at that moment. How dull her life from before seemed now!
She had never felt so alive.
((Eliza Patton continued in
Re: Reverie
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:05 am
by Espi
Gwen screamed.
She squealed in terror as the gun went off the first time and blasted the wall behind her.
She screamed louder and more shrilly as the next shot blasted into Michelle.
Gwen had been lucky until now. She'd never faced someone violent, never been directly faced with a fresh death until yesterday afternoon and had overall had a fairly pleasant island experience compared to many others, she imagined.
But that relative peace and comfort made the inevitable shattering of the illusion so much more painful. Gwen froze for an eternally long yet simultaneously split, second, as no thoughts or ideas or emotions ran through her mind but terror.
Michelle was still holding the gun, still standing, talking, breathing, but not for long, and Gwen couldn't do anything to help her now.
But run.
She heard Michelle tell her to run and she did, stumbling out of the room, past the still-sleeping Adam and Virgil and Maynard who she wanted to reach out to but didn't and, with a brief grasp to take her bag, out of the hospital.
She didn't, wouldn't, couldn't look back as she staggered gasping into the dawn and away from her false pretenses of anything resembling security.
((Gwen O'Connor's story continues in
Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night))
Re: Reverie
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:05 am
by BROseidon*
A bang resonated through the halls of the building.
Virgil shot up. A gun. Someone had fired a gun. He looked around and saw that Michelle and Gwen were gone.
His gun was next to him.
Virgil grabbed the Saiga and ran towards the sound. He ran as fast as he could. Maybe the bullet hadn't hit anyone. Maybe Michelle and Gwen were both safe.
Virgil saw Michelle, crumpled on the floor. Gwen was nowhere to be seen. Nor was the shooter.
"Michelle!" Virgil ran over to her, and he saw the blood pouring out of her stomach.
Re: Reverie
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:05 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Adam had been sleeping, and fairly deeply, when the report rang out. It did not startle him to instant awareness, just shook him from his daze. It took him a few seconds to realize where he was, what was going on. It had been a long time since he'd slept at all decently, or even for close to a full night.
But once he'd regained enough consciousness to identify the sound, an instant burst of adrenaline ran through him. He rolled over, sprang to his feet. Virgil was already out the door, so Adam followed, grabbing the sword, sparing Maynard only a momentary glance. He'd be fine; there was no way to sneak into the room without going through Adam and Virgil first.
So he ran, and was only a few steps behind Virgil, a few seconds late to find Michelle, lying and bleeding. No sign of Gwen, no sign of whoever had done this. Were they one and the same? Adam didn't know Gwen so well, but she didn't seem the sort to snap, not after spending so long with Michelle.
He moved closer, ready to help her, but also kept his guard up. Michelle, from all he'd seen, wouldn't ever hurt anyone. It meant whoever did this to her was probably still around, maybe hurting Gwen as well. Adam moved closer, trying not to look at the blood.
It was easier to focus if he didn't acknowledge how wrong things would probably go. If he didn't acknowledge Michelle was probably dying in front of him.
Re: Reverie
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:05 am
by Sansa
The previous night had been one of utter bliss. Previous evenings were pitted with uncomfortable sleeping arrangements and general stresses, none of which plagued them here. In comparison to their previous places of rest, the hospital was like some luxurious hotel - what with the mattresses they'd found the previous ending and the additional rations. On any given day, a plain can of beans wouldn't have been particularly appetising to Maynard, but here it was like some extravagant meal in first-class restaurant. And there was Gwen, Gwen who he'd missed for so long and never thought he'd be reunited with. There was Adam and Michelle and Virgil too, all of whom were so nice and sweet and protective.
For the first time since he'd woken up, Maynard actually felt safe.
Things like that would only last so long, however.
He didn't open his eyes until Adam had exited the room, keeping them clenched tightly shut even as the report rang through the building. He didn't want to believe what he'd heard, wanted to deny everything for just a few seconds more. But when he heard Adam's footsteps race from the ward he forced his eyelids open, knowing that was one luxury he couldn't afford. He rubbed at his forehead for a few seconds, familiar confusion and lingering traces of fatigue slowing his senses as he glanced around the room in an attempt to gauge the situation. He was alone, the others having exited even before Adam. That meant any of them could've been in danger, including Gwen. Gwen. No, it couldn't be her, could it? She couldn't be hurt now, not when they'd only just met up again.
He had to protect her. He couldn't let anybody hurt her.
Maynard grabbed his sword from where it lay beside him and raced towards the entranceway, trying to remain as quiet as possible despite his steadily mounting panic. He turned the corner, and it took all of his self-control not to yell out at the sight in front of him. Michelle lay upon the ground, and there was blood, too much blood. It was impossible, it couldn't be happening. Not Michelle, not her. He barely registered Gwen's disappearance, eyes transfixed on Michelle's form, unable to look away but wanting to so very much.
He balled his hands into fists, digging his nails deeply into his skin as he tried not to cry.
Re: Reverie
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:05 am
by Ruggahissy
((GM stuff okay by Bro))
Her cheek was against the cold, dirty hospital floor. There were footsteps, more than one person. Michelle pushed herself back up. She slammed her knuckles against the tile and she got up into a sitting position against the wall. Her vision blurred and she saw Virgil and Adam.
She was back in the air conditioned bungalow learning first aid.
"The human body can lose quite a bit of blood before expiring. A class 1 hemorrhage is 15% of the total blood. At this stage there are few symptoms unless the person is sensitive to blood loss or has low iron. Someone who is overly tired or hungry may feel a dip. The next stage is class 2 which is a loss of 15% to 30% of blood. Heart beat will increase, temperature will fluctuate, this is the start of shock. Class 3 is 30% to 40% at which point there will be a worsening of previous symptoms. Rapid heartbeat, paleness and confusion. At 40% or greater the person will die as a result of lack of blood. How long this process takes involves a number of factors including the source of blood loss, general health of the person, their starting condition prior to blood loss- "
With her free hand she grabbed a door handle and dragged herself up, leaving a streak of blood on the wall behind her.
She lifted her head and scowled through the tears. "No," she whispered.
"Fucking no! I won't die!"
Her eyes shined brightly with determination.
Michelle took a few shaky steps and then pitched forward when her strength failed her. The floor came in close view, but didn't make contact. She felt strong hands. Virgil caught her.
He was telling her that it was going to be okay. He told her that they she would be alright. She wanted to tell him he was wrong, but it didn't come out.
She sobbed loudly as he picked her up like a doll and took her to one of the hospital beds that they hadn't stripped. Michelle could feel her heart racing, panicking from the pain and the fact that she was rapidly losing blood.
15% Blood Loss
"No! Please, don't do this!" she screamed with eyes shut tight.
Her skin felt like lava. Michelle ripped her arm out of the sling and with the other she kept holding onto the slick wound. Virgil wrenched her hands away from the mess. He was trying to patch her up. She thought about the patches all over her pants. They were an easy fix for a pair of ripped jeans. Michelle grabbed hold of Adam's hand and squeezed it as hard as she could.
"I can't. I can't. I won't. If I die, the clock will reset," she said through gritted teeth, watching Virgil work to save her.
The minutes ticked by and she tried to calm down. It was a tug of war between the pain, her body's reaction and what was left of her rational thought as she willed herself not to go into shock. The blood feathered out of white bandage faster than Virgil could put new ones on top as he took over her work of trying to keep pressure on the wound.
Fresh tears fell every time she blinked. Her painful sobs echoed in the quiet of the hospital. Every time she moved she became dizzy.
"I feel sick. "
20% Blood Loss
Her head lolled to the side. Her grasp was nearly non-existent, with her fingers just barely curled around another hand. Her breathing was shallow, but slow. The color had drained completely from her once rosy cheeks and her lips were a purplish white color. Her skin was damp and cold and her eyes were half lidded.
"I'm sorry," she said quietly. "You have to promise me though. Promise me you won't hunt Eliza. Don't kill her. I'll haunt you forever and ever if you do. Michelle ghost is gonna be floating around and flicking you in the ear."
She made a flicking motion with her forefinger and thumb.
"They are all our friends. Don't forget that, okay? That's to all of you. And thanks for saving me from the cliff, Virgil."
37% Blood Loss
She wasn't bothering to hold his hand anymore. It lay limp and her eyes were closed. She stopped moving altogether aside from speaking now and then.
"It's really dirty. Mom never cleans. Sorry, Kam. Let's get out of here. We'll get coffee. We'll go dutch"
She looked at Virgil with her glassy eyes.
"Hey. Can you
..feed my cat for me if I'm not around?"
She closed her eyes and turned her head to the side as if sleeping. Michelle remained alive for a few more minutes, heart pumping and lungs drawling breath. It's impossible to tell exactly when those two things stopped happening.
Re: Reverie
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:05 am
by BROseidon*
"I'll... I'll take care of them."
Virgil stood on his knees, his body limp. His head rested on the side of the bed, his hand gripping Michelle's frigid one with undying fervor. His breathing slowed, almost to a stop. He couldn't... he couldn't cry. He had to hold it back. He had
Virgil felt warm rivers flood down his cheeks.
There he sat, unaware of his surroundings. Adam and Maynard may have been there, maybe not. He couldn't tell, and he didn't care. Virgil couldn't tell how long he stayed there crying, but eventually he forced himself up.
He grabbed his gun.
He left.
Michelle had made him promise not to kill anyone. Especially Eliza. Eliza Patton, who had shot her through the lung and killed her.
Michelle was a much better person than Virgil.
((Virgil Jefferson-Davis continued in
Bellum Civile))
Re: Reverie
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:06 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Adam stood there, with Virgil and Maynard and Michelle. He stood and did what he could to help, and he watched Michelle die, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. It wasn't something he could walk away from. It wasn't something he could punch. All he could do was be there and listen.
What she said hit hard. She didn't want to die because it'd buy more time for all of this. Adam had heard their plan. Hadn't said much. He wasn't sure he quite agreed with it, but he also knew it would never work. No chance, after the first day. People didn't just let go of fights. But staying with Michelle and the others, finding strength in numbers, that was noble enough. Their pacifism wasn't something Adam disagreed with. He didn't want to see killing, so he could keep quiet and stick with them, and any deaths they stopped would just drag this all out and increase their chances of, well, something changing somehow so they could maybe make it out. He hadn't let himself think too much about what it might be.
But then some information came out. Eliza did this. More than that, Michelle wanted to let her get away with it. Said they were all still friends.
Adam hadn't been friends with everyone back at school. Most people were fine, sure, but he'd had some assholes he couldn't stand, people like Miles. Eliza was a punk girl, kinda cute, Cody's sister. Never seemed too bad. Turns out she was an asshole too.
But he wouldn't kill her, not unless she was barreling down on him and Maynard. Least he could do was to respect a girl's dying wishes, even if he hadn't known her so well.
He looked away when it was ending, and then just stood with the others. Virgil left. Gwen had left. Adam didn't expect either back. It was just him and Maynard again, just like always. Maybe it was better that way. They couldn't lose people if they didn't find them.
"I think we should go," Adam said, quietly.
Then he gathered up his belongings and got moving.
((Adam Morgan continued in
Re: Reverie
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:06 am
by Sansa
Michelle died. Maynard stood in silence as it happened, his attempts to abstain from crying failing to come to fruition as tears rolled down his cheeks. He'd stood there as she'd bled out, and though he'd attempted to help as best he could, it'd all been in vain. There was nothing he could do to save her, and though his inability to somehow restore life to her conjured an avalanche of emotions within him; anger, sadness, pity, he ignored them, proving far more successful in that endeavour. All he could do was to give her some modicum of comfort in her final moments; listen to her final words, obey her final wishes.
Eliza Patton had done this. Eliza, the sister of that jock Cody, a girl who seemed nice enough in spite of her aloofness and the reputation of both herself and her brother. Maynard found he didn't care about that, though. Killing her wouldn't bring Michelle back, and if leaving her be was what Michelle wanted, then there was few other options. If they couldn't save Michelle, then respecting her wishes was reparation of sorts, wasn't it?
And just like that, she was gone. And Virgil had left, and Maynard hadn't made any attempt to stop him. Michelle, Virgil, and Gwen were gone, and it was just him and Adam again, like always. Adam, whom Maynard had scarcely ever spoken with at school, had stuck with him through thick and thin, had protected and helped him so very much, even when the others had left. Even Gwen, even the girl he loved. He had to find her again, had to reunite with her one last time before everything was over. Finding her once had seemed almost impossible, and finding her again even more so, but he had to do it. And even if that didn't happen, which it had to, he knew he'd still have Adam by his side; Maynard took a little comfort in that thought.
He brushed the side of his sleeve across his face as Adam spoke, wiping away the tears that continued to linger there, and nodded at his suggestion. Get moving. That's all there was to do, wasn't there? It'd been all they'd done since the very start.
Maynard shifted his bags over his shoulder, exactly like Adam had, and followed.
((Maynard Hurst continued in