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Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:42 am
by Ares
((Sarah continued from Fighting for something you already lost))

Sarah had been wandering around the island aimlessly for days now. She had managed to narrowly avoid some of the danger zones, but during the thunderstorm she had lost An-Linh. The fog made it impossible to effectively search for her.

Sarah continued straight on, squinting into the distance. Her eyes picked up the silhouettes of what appeared to be large buildings.

The industrial district?

Before taking anymore steps, Sarah checked her notes to make sure she wasn't about to enter a danger zone. Her notes confirmed that the zone had been cleared recently, making it safe for her to enter. She cautiously stepped into the zone, keeping her eyes and ears open for any sound what-so-ever. The fog made every inch that it covered, so much deadlier than it was before.

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:42 am
by baby_g*
Walking around aimlessly now for about ten minutes, Matthew saw in the distance what seemed to be the outline of Rob.


"Hey, Rob!" He said as he laid his hand on his shoulder to turn him around. "You're..." He was stunned to silence as the person before him wasn't Rob at all... infact, it wasn't a man either. It was a girl, a beautiful one at that. "I... er.. um.. Hi. I'm.. uh..." Matthew realized he still had his blade out and it was probably scaring her. "I'm Matty." He continued as he put the blade away in his bag.

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:42 am
by Ares
Sarah felt the hand on her shoulder, and quickly put her hand in her daypack on to the handle of her Ingram SMG. The boy seemed to have mistaken her for someone else. The boy seemed to give the old up-down glance, before introducing him.

Idiot. Oh well, maybe if I can play him a bit, he'll help me find An-Linh

"Hey there, I'm Sarah." She said tilting her head down slightly to accentuate her eyes. The guys always fell for her eyes.

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:42 am
by baby_g*
"You know," he carried on, with a grin appearing over his face, "It's not safe out here by yourself. Why don't you walk with me?" Matthew didn't bother being suttle about anything. It was clear that he was interested him her as he licked the corner of his top lip while not taking his eyes off her. What was with him? Any woman he met, he had to have in one way or another. He was just hoping that this girl wouldn't hold out on him like the last one did. It was almost like he was becoming more and more desprate with the more women he incountered. It's not like he needed to act that way either. Matthew was a very good looking young man, he was strong and he had that thing about him that made girls interested... too bad he was to cocky for his own good. Most girls got annoyed by him being so high and mighty and would leave...

At least here, He thought, It's not like they can go to far...

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:42 am
by Ares
Sarah was slightly repulsed from how, forward, this boy Matt was being.

Boys and their two track minds. All they ever think about is food and sex. Unfortunately for them, this place is like a sunday morning sale at Wal-Mart, with each of those being a hot ticket items.

Sarah fiddled with her hair a little bit trying to think how she could maximize her gain from this boy. Teasing him might work for a while, but he might get mad, and Sarah had recently heard a Matthew announced as a killer. Either way she had to make up her mind quickly.

"I'd love to walk with you," She said flashing a small smile, "I'm looking for my friend An-Linh, I'm sure if we can find her, we'd both be sooo grateful for your help."

In saying the last part Sarah slowly moved over to Matt's side placing one hand on his shoulder and one on his ribs followed up with her placing her head on her hand on his shoulder.

So much for not teasing.

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:42 am
by baby_g*
Matthew instinctivly put his arm around Sarah's shoulders. "Sure, we can walk for a bit to find her..." He said as he made pace in the direction infront of them. Because it was foggy, like everyone else on the island, they too were having trouble finding their way around. He made sure to hold her extra tight to his side as they made their way through the walls of white.

"You know..." Matty whispered, "It's getting a bit cold walking around... how about we just find a building?"

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:42 am
by Ares
Two track minds. Sarah thought with a sigh. I need to keep it outside in case An-Linh comes here

Calmly Sarah turned her head to Matt, "Why do we need to go inside a building? Are you afraid of being caught in the act? Or maybe you're just not up for the risk. I personally don't mind giving Danya's audience a show." She said softly.

Sarah pushed Matt's arm off her shoulder and turned her back to the nearest wall. She slowly took a few steps back, the whole while keeping eye contact with Matt. Once her back was against the wall, she opened the top button of her shirt to reveal a small bit.

Just give him a quick rouse and then we'll find An-Linh

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:42 am
by baby_g*
I guess there is some sense left in some people after all...

Matthew was taken at first with Sarah's forwardness. She backed herself up against the wall, unbuttoning her shirt, suggesting that they start going at it right then and there. Seeing as he couldn't resist women in the least, he next found himself up against her body, kissing her neck just like he did to Carmen before. His hands her around her back between her and the cement of the building they leaned against. As he moved from kissing her neck to kissing her lips, he slid a hand up her back to Sarah's bra strap. With one hand he snapped it open.

Talent.. He congraduated himself, Learned that in grade school...

Bending his knees slightly, he coasted his hands down her back again, past her butt to her thighs. Pulling up, he wrapped her legs around his waist and resumed kissing her lips. If she was moving this fast, he figured he could probably go further with her than with Carmen. Being as she could now feel that he was hard, he hoped she'd take the hint and really get this show moving.

Pausing for a moment, before he went back to kissing her, he whispered in her ear. "If it's a show you're looking for, you found the right guy."

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:43 am
by Ares
((OOC: The actions and speech Matt does in this post were approved by baby_g))

Rob's attention turned to the voices and noises coming from outside the door of the building he was in.

What the fuck is going on?

Gently Rob lowered Anna's body back down to the ground. Slowly standing up, Rob looked around for Anna's pack. He found it in the spot he remembered Matt throwing it. He was intending to take the food and water, however lying next to the pack was Anna's H&K 53. The assault carbine was taunting him. This was Anna's gun, and it was meant to protect her. These intruder's were violating her resting place. Even in death, one should be protected.  Rob bent down and picked up the gun.

Fuck this. Play to protect, and play to survive.

Rob slowly moved to the door, making sure the safety was off on the gun. He placed his left hand on the handle, and began to turn it. Luckily for him the handle turned without a sound. He pushed the door open a crack, and could see two outlines in the fog. It looked like a boy and a girl getting ready to get busy. Opening the door just enough to allow him to slip out, Rob slowly took a few steps towards the couple. Rob raised the gun and pointed it at the two.

"Who the fuck are y....," Rob stopped as he saw who the boy was, "Matt? What the fuck do you think you are doing? You disrespectful son of a bitch! Anna's corpse is in there you stupid fuck!" Rob screamed.

Rob released his right hand from his gun, and swung his fist at Matt's head. His fist connected with Matt's nose, causing Matt to drop to his knees clutching his face.


Sarah had just been getting to where she wanted with Matty when this boy came from inside the building and began an assault. While he was focused on Matt, Sarah took the opportunity to grab her Ingram, pointing it at this attacker's back. She heard him mention something about a corpse in the building. This kid has killed someone!


Matt pulled his hands away from his face in time to see that Sarah was pulling her gun.

"Sarah, no!!"

Acting strictly on instinct, Matty flung himself at Sarah's shooting hand, connecting with it just as she pulled the trigger. It was enough to cause Sarah to miss her target.


You bitch! Rob thought as he turned to where the shots had been fired.


Sarah kicked at Matty, landing one hard enough to knock him back a foot or two. She quickly depressed the trigger of her Ingram once more. Unfortunately for her, Ingram's empty their clips nearly instantly. The resounding click click click of the gun wanting to fire a bullet, made Sarah realize two things. Number one, was she just made a horrible mistake. Second thing was she just pissed off this attacking kid. She threw the now useless gun at the attacking boy, and began to sprint.


"Oh hell no! Get the fuck back here!" Rob yelled as he took off in pursuit.

Rob was hot on the girl's trail, as she took off into the cover of the woods. It was useless to try to shoot her with Anna's gun, while he was running. The girl's movement pattern was to sporadic. Rob saw the girl turn right up ahead at a corner.  As he reached the corner, he looked around and saw nothing.

What the fuck Rob thought?


Sarah knew she had to try something and try something fast. This kid was faster than her.  As she rounded the corner she immediately dropped down on her stomach, and rolled about two feet away. The boy came running and stopped right where she had initially dropped. Knowing her only shot was to disarm the boy, Sarah lunged at the boy from the cover of the fog. She planted her shoulder into his stomach. The gun was knocked from the boy's hand, as Sarah instantly began to claw at the boy's face.


Rob brought up his arms in defense but this girl managed to catch him with a blow above the left eye. "Motherfucker!" Rob gasped through the attack. He was able to catch the girl by the wrists during her next flurry, trying to turn her over. He succeeded in this action, managing to get into a make shift mount position. He threw a right hand at the girl which she managed to block. A sudden pain filled Rob's crotch area. He had forgot that girl's possessed knees, and this girl's knee had just made its acquaintance with his genitalia.


Sarah's blow gave her enough space to slip her legs out from his mount position. She used her legs to push him off of her. The boy rolled on the ground towards a tree. The boy got into a prone position on his hands and knees, as Sarah stood up. As she reared back to deliver a kick to the ribs, the boy made a quick thrusting motion, this was followed by Sarah feeling her jaw crack, and several teeth knocked out.


While Rob had been pushed off, he had rolled right on top of his fallen gun. Luring the girl in, he waited till she left the opening, then thrust the stock square into the mouth area of the girl.


Sarah fell to the ground on her back dazed. Everything was spinning. She looked up and saw the figure of the boy over her, with the barrel of the gun pointed at her.


Rob stood up and pointed the gun straight at the girl's chest. "You stupid bitch."  


The air was filled with sound of the gun firing. Bullets raced towards Sarah's body. Sarah's mind now only came to rest on one thing. I never did find An-Linh. The thought was instantly ended as the bullets tore through the skin of her chest cavity and drove themselves deep into her body and organs. Sarah's body shook violently as the entire clip of the gun was emptied into her.

G21 - Sarah Dao - Dead


Rob stood over the now deceased body of the girl. The gun still pointed at her now mangled chest cavity. He finally released the trigger of the gun. He had finally looked at the girl's face.

" can't..."  Rob realized that the girl was Sarah Dao from his homeroom. The only thing Rob could do now was yell.

"Are you fucking happy now? Are you? Is this what you wanted? Is this what you want of this game. You want to see us kill the people we know? I fucking hate it here!"

Rob turned the gun onto himself. The barrel to his temple. He had had it. He just couldn't deal with this game. His thumb pressed the trigger as Rob closed his eyes.


The sound of a gun with an empty clip.

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:43 am
by baby_g*
Matthew grabbed his nose from the pain of it swelling up. Blood has gushed everywhere, but he seemed to be able to stop most of it by pinching his noce just below his eyes. Sarah had darted off with Rob following her closely behind. Next thing he had heard after that was the sound of the gun and Rob screaming out in fury. Matthew managed to stumble up to his feet and stagger towards his angry friend, using as much as the side of the building as support as possible. When Rob had first knocked him down, because he had been holding Sarah up, she had fallen aslo, only mostly on him. His body once again ached. With the pain of before in the hospital added to the pain he was going through now, he might as well have been dead.

"Rob, you fucker, where are you?" He called out between grunts of pain. It took a little longer due to the fog, but he finally walked up to where Rob was standing, over the body of Sarah. He still had the gun to his temple. "What the fuck are you doing?" He continued as she shoved him to the side. He looked down at Sarah, the girl he was just with, now all bloody and mangled. He was angry, but what was the point in showing it. Shruging off the sight of Sarah, he turned his back to her and spoke directly to Rob. "This is the second time I've had a chance to screw, and have instead been screwed." He chuckled a bit as she walked back to the building Rob had come out of. He knew Anna was in there, and though he didn't know her long enough to show any emotion or really care, he figured he should still be respectful.

"Let's go."

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:43 am
by Ares
Rob continued to have a blank look on his face. There were a million different thoughts running through his head, with a million other thoughts waiting their turn. Even Matty's joke, which normally would have got a chuckle out of him, had no effect.

Lifting his head slightly, Rob turned and followed Matt back to the building. He heard Matty say, "Let's go."

"Not yet," Rob replied, "I feel horrible for doing this, but I want you to go in there and take Anna's remaining food and water. I'm going to keep her gun for myself, and you take Sarah's gun."

Rob leaned over to where Sarah's gun had fallen after she threw it at him. He picked it up and handed it to Matt.

"Look dude. I'm sorry for how I've been the last day or so, and I'm sorry for the punch. This last day or so has just been hell. I had he headache, some guy almost killed you, you killed that guy, some whore almost duped you and now I just killed someone I knew. It just gets you thinking man, but I decided after I killed her, I would end it. Unfortunately my clip was empty. That got me thinking more, and I've come to the conclusion that I will not die by my own hand. You and me are now armed really well. I'll make a pact with you right now. We stick together until we die. We fight this game together."

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:43 am
by baby_g*
((Scipher gave me permission for this part...))

Matthew thought about what Rob had said, and he honestly let it sink in, that was, before he stopped in his tracks and grabbed Rob by the shoulder to do the same. He ached so bad, that all he could get was to was lay in a tub of icecubes, and he could die happy. He turned to Rob, paused, and then threw a hard right hook square on the right side of his jaw. It took some energy out of him, but he knew it was worth it. Rob swayed to the left a bit grabbing his face in pain.

"Now we're square." He huffed, "I'm still fucking mad at your for fucking breaking my fucking nose. Don't think I was going to just let that pass you fuck tard. You fucking broke up a chance for me to get something going. I don't know if it's a jealously thing you got going on here buddy, but I already told you, and figured it would have been made clear by now, I don't fucking swing that way."

Matthew laughed out loud as he gave Rob a light 'haha' punch on the shoulder. He continued walking towards the door of the building where he remembered standing with Anna for, just the other day. He walked in, expecting to see just probably a dead body, something he was used to thanks to T.V. of course. Even with the whole 'tough guy' image he had wanted to make for himself all these years, he couldn't help but have to turn his eyes away when he saw her. There was blood all over the place, and guessing since there was blood on Rob, he had probably gone to hold her. It was sickening to see. Her head (or what was left of it) was scattered around the space, collar thrown somewhere with it. Her body was torn and mangled. Matthew walked to where he assumed she was standing, and going from his gut feeling and the fact there was little blood on the front of her, she didn't make an attempt to run. The sight of it almost reminded him of when he killed the kid in stairwell. If Matthew didn't have a strong stomache, he knew he would have puked by now.

"Let's get this over with."

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:43 am
by Ares
Note to self. Matt has a mean right hook. Rob thought to himself.

A small trickle of blood was coming from Rob's bottom lip. The impact of the punch had pushed him bottom lip across the edges of his top row of teeth.

Rob wanted to go in the building with Matt to get Anna's supplies but he couldn't bring himself to look at her corpse again. His intention's of burying her were thwarted as well as he realized he had no good digging tools, and in the time it would take to dig the hole other kids could come along, and based on some of the prone positions that you could end up in digging, both he and Matt would caught off guard despite their lovely array of murdering devices.

"Matt...where the hell should we go? Danya's cutting off the coast. Should we try the Botanical Garden's again?"

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:43 am
by baby_g*
"I don't know man, I wouldn't mind the hospital, considering my fucking nose is broken. Maybe the hotel... I don't think we've been there."

Matthew looked around him, realizing he didn't have his bag on him anymore. He most likely dropped it when he and Sarah had started getting it on. "Give me some gauz or something..." he called to Rob. His nose hurt like a bitch, and it was something he was starting to get used too. There wasn't much sense in truely respecting Anna's body, seening as they couldn't do much of anything for it. Touching her would have just freaked her out, and added more blood to his already bloody shirt. Matthew walked out the door, closing it tight behind him. He shook his head while he walked over to his bag to pick it up, pulling out his map as he did so. He walked over to Rob, holding the map out too him, and also waiting for him to give him something for his nose.

"Look," he mustered, "Let's head towards the bridge so we can get on the other side of the river okay? I wouldn't mind washing up anyways."

((continued elsewhere...))

Re: The Wicked Game

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 9:43 am
by Ares
"Yeah, the river should be good. There might be others there but we have enough weaponry to defend ourselves if need be."

Rob picked up his pack, grunting slightly at the increase in weight from looting the food and water, and the extra gun and ammo, and started heading for the bridge.

(continued elsewhere)