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Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by Cyco*
Sera indirectly reminded Jana once again how slim their chances of survival were. Not that they hadn't likely improved with an ally built like Kevin. Jana wondered how long it would take before she too sounded that resigned. Sera had brought up again the valid point that finding friends would solve nothing, but Jana would have wanted to see Eric even if she was absolutely certain there was no way out. They were family, and family always stuck together, through thick and--

"...people that were around for all the good times, but never for the bad."

Jana opened her mouth to reply to Sera, but she hesitated for a moment and finally decided to hold her tongue. She sighed quietly. Sera invited Kevin to join them, and although she was apprehensive about the seemingly heartless brute Jana nodded at the suggestion of "what've you got to lose?" That was reason enough to keep going.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by baby_g*
...'Who knows, Kev. We might do the impossible and find a way out. You wouldn't want to miss that, would you'...

Kevin hadn't been with both girls for more than maybe a couple hours... not very long. Yet, Sera seemed to change so fast within that time. He first pegged her as a girl that would do anything to win... manipulate, lie and kill. Yet, now she had somwhat turned over a leaf and had just seemed different. Her voice seemed more sincere and honest. He was almost taking a small liking to her. Then again, girls have some what messed him up before, and getting into something here on an island where they could all be killed in a blink of an eye, probably wasn't their best bet.

"Alright, let's go then."

He began heading away from the park, to where he tought was north. If he remembered his map correctly, they would be heading towards the school or hospital. Both were good considering they need supplies. Kevin had already been to the hospital once, so running in and out quickly would be easy.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by Megami*
Isn't it ironic how the one time I could literally be stabbed in the back, I'm more trusting of these people than the ones who could only do it mentally?

It was just a passing thought that ran through her mind as Kevin agreed to join them and wordlessly headed off in some unannounced direction.  Sera followed in tow, not really sure where they were headed.  Maybe she should've been a little more reluctant to follow a complete stranger, but what did she really have to lose?  Her life?  The odds of her losing that on this island were pretty great anyway, so it didn't really seem like such a big deal anymore.

Or maybe she was just becoming resigned to her fate.

"We're looking for Jana's brother Eric," she stated, not sure if she'd reiterated the statement before, "Apparently, he's really smart.  She thinks he'll be able to come up with some way to get these collars off.  It's smooth sailing from there... the only thing that's really holding us here are these things anyway."

She figured that if he was going to be travelling with them, she should at least fill him in on the details of what exactly they were doing.

"We don't have a clue where he is, so we've just been kinda... walking around, looking."

The small talk seemed pretty insignificant, but she didn't really know what to say.  It was almost hard being Sera, seeing as Sera always seemed to be trying to play someone else, but she was trying.  For some reason, she was genuinely trying.

"Where're we going, anyway?"

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by Cyco*
'I never said...' Jana wrinkled her nose as Sera told Kevin that Eric would figure out a way to neutralize the collars. She didn't doubt that entirely; he was the household authority when it came to electronics, and she recalled Eric replacing a cooling fan in the Browns' computer once. The only thing was, this was pretty delicate stuff. Jana decided that, if it by any chance came down to that, they could try it on Kevin first. He probably wouldn't care.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by baby_g*
The three of them stood silent for a moment, as it was clear that no one really knew where they were going. It wasn't one of those easy decisions where you could just point to a random place on the map either.

"We can head to the beach, or the forest. Either way, we have to make a decision and quickly. Kids are going to start coming around, now that the weather is looking better."

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by Megami*
Sera let out an audible groan as Danya's voice rang out for the fifth time since she had awakened on the island.  He really was an obnoxious man.  Even someone like her, someone who took pleasure in people's misery, couldn't help but find him utterly repulsive on every level.  She shook her head in annoyance as he read off the fifteen different deaths over the course of the day.  A few sounded all too familiar, but, cruel as it sounded, nobody had been killed that she couldn't live without.  She let out a low whistle as he finished off his announcement by calling Damien Carter-Madison and Huy Tran to the marina.

"Must be getting down to the wire or something," she muttered aloud, "He's not being so discrete about the contest winners now.  Maybe he wants us to know who's a threat."

She shrugged her shoulders slightly.

"Still... no Eric, no Ali, no Carmen.  Nobody we can't live without, right?"

She offered a grin to Jana and Kevin.  Kevin was set on moving away from the park, it seemed.  He did have a valid point.  They were almost dead center on the island, from what she could tell.  It was beginning to seem more and more like Danya was trying to push them inland.  No, it WAS like Danya was trying to push them inland.  The competition was dwindling, so he'd keep closing them in until they had to fight one another.  The park was too far out in the open, and there really wasn't anywhere to hide.

"We should definitely get out of here," she chimed in, "It's way too open.  Even with what I'm packing, I feel like a sitting duck."

She was serious.  Even though the concealed firearm that remained in her daypack was a little bit more assurance of her survival, it wouldn't do her any good if someone walked up and gunned them down before she could ever get to it.  So, the forest, or the shoreline?  It wasn't an easy decision either way.

"Stop me if this is a bad idea," she rattled off, "But maybe we should head toward the shore.  Those kids are going to the marina to pick up their prizes.  If we could ambush them, maybe we could steal their weaponry.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we have to kill them.  Thing is, I'm more concerned about ensuring my own survival than someone else's.  But... you know, if you guys are afraid, we can always head somewhere else."

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by Ares
"You know...thats a fine idea. Gives me a chance to kick someone's ass, and we can get the weaponry we'd need to fight off any assholes trying to hold up our escape."

It really was a damn clever idea. However, it would have to wait, as Kevin glanced over Sera's shoulder to spot two figures creeping through the brush.

"Put that idea on hold, we've got some more visitors," Kevin said, gesturing towards the brush, "Don't move, keep acting normal. I'll go check it out."

With that Kevin moved away from the girls, hoping he hadn't been spotted and could sneak up on the new visitors.


((Rob continued from from dust till dawn))

It hadn't taken as long as Rob had thought to move from the mall to the park. They entered the park boundaries through a large amount brush, keeping their cover. Looking through the brush was unclear, but he could make out what looked like two female figures.

Why is it all the people we run into are women? Like all we've had our women problems out here.

Rob gestured behind him to Matty, to stay low and be quiet while he moved on. Rob crept through the trees further, trying to scout the girls, to see if they had weapons drawn, or if it was a simple discussion. Looking back, he could no longer see Matty. Turning back to the girls, it looked as though they were glancing around at the area he was in. He heard some twigs snap behind him, but just kept watching.

"Hey Matt, those girls look like they are looking over here for some reason. Think they can see us?"

The blow to the back of Rob's head that followed knocked him out.


An elbow the head is a wonderful thing to do a person. Inflicts quite a large amount of damage in one swift motion. In this case it knocked the kid out.

"Stupid fuck. Think you can sneak up on us."

Wait a second. I know this guy. He's in my homeroom. Adams. Little fucker. Now I really wish I'd snapped his neck. I remember you spreading those rumors about me. I'll come back for you after I deal with the other bastard I spotted.

The wolf truly was on the hunt now.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by baby_g*

Before Matthew could finish what he was going to say, he saw a young boy, about the same age as them, approach them and creep up behind Rob. Before Matthew could react, the stranger delivered a hard blow to the back of Rob's head knocking him flatt on the ground.

"What the fuck!"

Matthew drew his gun pointing it at the boy, cocked and ready to fire.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by Ares
The gun turned on Kevin made him re-think what he'd just done. Ah hell, who was he kidding this guy looked like he could be talked into a hand to hand situation.  If there was one thing Kevin excelled at other than fighting it was his excellent skills at manipulating a conversation to his favor. Especially if he could get a fight out of it.

"Ha. Whats wrong, Drew? Yeah, thats right I remember you from school. You always seemed the type to take an easy way out of a problem. Turning the gun on me, sure its quick, but all it proves is you aren't man enough to fight me. You want to play this game, lets go man to man...or sorry, let me correct myself. Man to boy."  Kevin stressed the last word while smirking in Matthew Drew's direction.

Kevin threw his pack down to show that he was serious about going to hand to hand with this boy.

"Well, what are you going to do Matt? Take the easy way, or prove that you have the balls to play this game?"

Kevin already knew the answer. This boy was to easy. He was big enough and dumb enough that if you insult his balls, he'll fall for your trap.

God, I love it when its easy.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by baby_g*
"Ah, Kapustiak." Matthew scoffed as he lowered his gun. There wasn't one thing he hated more than to have his manhood insulted. If Rob was awake, he'd probably make a crack at him, spite being on his side. If he wanted to get under his skin, just as much as Kevin was getting unders Matts, he'd have to piss him off as much as possible targeting something... or someone.

That's right... Kapustiak always had a sweetspot for the ladies...

"Yea, I'll fucking fight you, how am I to be sure those chicks over there aren't going to get in the way. The one there looks pretty hot... bang her yet?"

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by Ares
"Oh you don't have to worry about them. Unless they hear gunshots, they won't come running."

The next question irked Kevin slightly. While his taste for women was legendary, he was still a gentleman, and did not "bang" everything he saw. Especially a girl he was attempting to save.

"Oh, no no, Matty. I don't think I'll be banging her anytime soon. You see, unlike yourself, I'm good enough, that I don't need to bang a chick who might not live past tomorrow. Desperation sex just isn't the same, because you know they only did it to get it done. Then again, maybe I should introduce you. You seem the type that would be out here hunting for a quickie. Tell you what. Put your gun down, and lets do this. It'll be a motivator. If you win, you can go score some with her."

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by baby_g*
"Don't fuck around." Matty yelled as he put away his gun into his bag on his shoulder. He then continued to put his bag down on the ground next to Rob's body.

"Hey Girls!" He called, waving to get their attention. "Seems like you're hero boy over here is trying to make a deal where I can have my way with one of you!"

Stepping closer to the boy, Matthew continued to taunt him. "Listen fuck tard, I'm sick of meeting people on this island who piss me off. It's a situation where one's got to kill the other. You know the rules here just as well as me. Let's have it then."

Matthew threw a strong right hook at Kapustiaks' face, aiming right at his nose. If he hit it at the right angle, he could break it, therefore giving him the upper hand.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:44 am
by Megami*
Sera frowned.  Her plans to head to the shoreline had been cut short before they ever sprung into action.  As Kevin pointed out, it seemed that they had some unexpected guests.  She simply nodded to him as he snuck off toward the new visitors.  She turned to Jana and offered her a wink.  It wasn't in Sera's nature to be afraid of people, even under such dire circumstances.

Besides, from what she could make out of the two figures, they were both men.  She'd take two possibly deranged boys over some psychotic girl any day.  At least with men, she had the potential to wriggle her way out of a bad situation.  The lengths she'd have to go to in order to do such a thing didn't phase her much.

She couldn't help but steal a few glances over to the bushes every now and then.  The curiosity of what was going to happen was eating her up inside.  She couldn't really make out what was going on, but it looked like Kevin managed to take one of the boys out almost effortlessly.  That is, until the other one turned his gun on Kevin.  Sera fingered the trigger of her own pistol absent-mindedly, debating on whether or not she should jump in and help.  Kevin had offered them his assistance, so in theory, she should return that favor.

Then again, he was the one who blatantly stated that he had no intentions of surviving the game.

She could make out fragments of conversation from her distance away from the two boys.  From the sound of it, Kevin was attempting to get the other boy to drop his weapon and take him on in a hand to hand fight.  Maybe Kevin was a little smarter than she'd given him credit for.  At least if he could insult this boy into taking him on one-on-one, he wouldn't have to deal with that extra leverage that was the boy's handgun.  Plus, it made the fight all the more riveting.  Inevitably, one would kill the other with their bare hands.

Maybe there was something wrong with her, but the thought of it almost turned Sera on.

Apparently, Kevin struck a nerve with the boy or something.  Sera was still staring off into the horizon, trying to see what was going on.  She didn't have to struggle to find out for much longer.  The other boy saved her the trouble.  All of a sudden he was yelling at them and flailing his arms around in the air to get their attention.  She turned to look at Jana, a light smirk crossing her face as he informed them of Kevin's wager.  Maybe she should've been mad, but she was far from it.  In fact, it was kind of exciting.

"Oh?" she inquired, her eyebrows raised slightly, "So that's the wager of this little fight?"

She paused for a moment, considering the option.  Part of her was egging the boy on just to mess with him.

"Fine.  If you kill Kevin, you can do whatever you want with me.  But... Jana's off limits."

She smiled coyly toward the two.  She was in the mood to play games with these boys, but it wasn't something she figured Jana could handle.  She'd gotten awfully quiet the longer she'd been around Sera and Kevin.  Frankly, it was starting to cramp Sera's style anyway.  Any other girl would've probably been irrate at being objectified and wagered on.  Sera found it all quite amusing.  One way or another, it wasn't much loss to her.  It's not like they were making a virgin sacrifice or anything of that nature.  She let her handgun rest at her side and watched on to see what would happen next.

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:45 am
by baby_g*
"I'll take your word for that... you don't look half bad." He called back to the girl, as he waited for the boy to react. He could care less about the other one.. she seemed to innocent and little for his likings. He turned to the boy again, raising his empty hands to his chest.

"See kid, now, put your money where your mouth is eh?"

Re: To Awake And Avenge The Dead

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2019 2:45 am
by Ares
Dodging the punch was the easy part. What Sera said was the hard part. It took him a minute to realize that she might be helping him by playing with this boy.

"Well, judging by your pansy ass attempt at a punch, you won't be touching her anytime soon." Kevin said with a laugh, playing off of what Sera was doing to the boy.

He's got the power punch, but he loads to slow. Easy to take down people like him.

"Alright Matty, try that sissy shit you call a punch again. The lady wants a show, lets give her one."

Kevin got into his stance, and quickly shot a glance to Sera that said only one thing. Do not jump in.