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Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:36 am
by lovebirdjo*
Peppy right after a spat like that? Annabelle could not believe the idiocy of some people. Didn't the girl realize that her friend ran out of the store crying her eyes out? Did she care? Well, pretty as the girl may be, the redhead had already figured out the extent of her intellect; which in retrospect, simply wasn't what it should have been. Either way, Annabelle just wanted to purchase her top, possibly get something to eat, and then just go home. Of course, when did it ever occur to the simpleton outside the door that the girl inside wanted nothing more than to be left alone.

Yes, the jogger had realized that her attempting to stop a fight that had nothing to do with her was a bit stupid, if not downright idiotic. The girl was talking about something along the lines of the fight, an apology, and to come out. Unconciously, Annabelle found herself a bit nervous. 'It's not like I'm scared' she told herself, 'I'm just a bit apprehensive about the girls still being there to beat the crap out of me...' Ok. So she was scared. Not enough to make her freak out and run half way down the block in a wild frenzy, but certainly a little queasy.

Patience as a virtue, Annabelle cleared her head before continuing the menial task of unlocking the door. Pushing forward, she heard footsteps as the other girl moved out of the way. There, before her was the original assailant, but she couldn't recall her name being mentioned. It was then that the redhead took note of things she hadn't noticed before. The girl was kind of tall, but not nearly Annabelle's height, and hanging off her shoulders was a dirty-ish blonde colored river. She was certainly pretty, the way one would think about a popular girl passing by in the hall. Hazel eyes stood out from her lightly tanned physique, kind of looking the observant girl over as well.

Not a word was uttered for a few long seconds, before Annabelle finally broke the tense silence with a simple apology. "I'm really sorry about getting into you guys' business. It really was my own fault that I ended up getting knocked on my ass." The corners of her mouth were lifting, a bit from the humor of the last bit's light swear and a bit from the sheer idiocy of the whole situation. Awaiting a response, Annabelle looked away with a sheepish grin. Onslaught of cold thoughts aside, this girl really seemed the type that Annabelle would normally get along with, but she could really drop the gang thing. Well, if she IS in a gang. 'Don't judge a book by its cover...' she thought, 'judge it by its table of contents.' quoting her fifth grade English teacher. That was when she remembered the other girl, and turned just in time to see the blonde opening her mouth to speak.

Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:36 am
by laZardo*
Reneé saw it all, at least from the reflections in the mirror. It aroused her curiosity to see this girl beside her kick and apparently berate the person inside the stall only to embrace her only a few moments afterward. Apparently, these two were related, probably as friends. Though somewhere in the back of her mind, she suspected that these two best friends formed the latter type of fanbase of the two she'd thought about earlier. But that was beside the point.

To her it almost seemed like the ending of an episode of...well...practically any teen show you could name, particularly the more girly ones (and that's saying a lot for her gender). Or one that should be, she couldn't remember. Why she kept doing her show despite the fact that it was growing repetitive with only her having qualms about it was beyond her. Hell, maybe they could've even played that music clip that plays on teen shows when two lovers embrace. A snide smirk graced her lips as she turned around to watch them directly, crossing her arms over her bright-orange haltertop. She was tempted to clap her hands.

If there were any part of this that impressed her it would be the voracity with which the bloodied chick attacked the stall. She could probably use a girl like her. You a friend.

Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:37 am
by Kris*
Darcy laughed at that. "Well to tell you the truth I didn't think Lavender was capable of something like this." she said with a small sigh. "Anyways sorry for it. I'm Darcy by the way." she said making a small cheerleader curtsey. The cheerleader look at the red headed girl and thought this would be a start of a pretty good friendship. Darcy got along with most girls, except for people who end up acting like Lavender.

"I better give Mariavel and Lav there space, I don't want to get involved in another fight. One is enough for one day." she said rubbing her stomach where Lavender punched her. Darcy was very fluent in the language of girls, she was one herself. She she might be a little more psorty but she does have her girl side. Shopping was definatly one of her qualities; The girl was still shocked at what happened. Ok so she's talking normally but her brain still contained the image of Lav threatening in the dressingroom. Darcy actually felt kind of scared, like it came right out of a psycho slasher movie where the main girls best friend turns out to be the killer.

Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:37 am
by lovebirdjo*
Annabelle was suddenly hit with a flash of the past year's events, one in particular partaining to the focus of her troubles. This girl was just like her... It was odd. The redhead now knew the trio's names, but at the same time she wasn't sure if she even really wanted to know them at all. This Darcy girl was the fighter, but she was like a normal teenager at the same time. It confused her. Why would some sort of fighter all of a sudden be nice to the one who interfered with such a brawl?

To be perfectly honest, Annabelle was more nervous with this Darcy girl here than were all three there and fighting it out in mortal combat. The softball star hadn't had much experience with fighting, so in a brawl she would probably rely on those... guerilla tactics. Hit and run basically. Besides, being a pitcher certainly had its advantages. Her thoughts turning back toward Darcy, Annabelle wasn't sure quite what to take the friendly turn of events.

'This girl is so odd. She's just chatting to someone who she should be beating to a pulp.' she thought, observing the girl as she spoke. Suddenly there came a bit of a tremble from Darcy, barely noticeable even with Annabelle staring so intently. It seemed she was scared a bit too, but was it because of the redhead? She certainly hoped not.

Breaking the silence, Annabelle decided to just go with her instinct and get the two calmed down. "Well, I should probably pay for this..." she said, walking away from the other girl, but not before throwing her a winning smile. At the cash register, Annabelle spoke to the cashier in a polite tone, hoping nothing too bad would befall her because of her involvement with the fight.

The cashier, who looked to be about twenty or so, just shook her long black locks before smiling slightly. Taking Annabelle's credit card between her fingers, she slowly slid the card down into the allotted slot. The price of the chocolatesque top came into view, glowing bright green. "$24.95? I thought it might be more than that..." the redhead thought, not realizing it had escaped her lips. Her eyes wandering, Annabelle looked slightly around, expecting Darcy to be gone off to find her friends.

Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:37 am
by Kris*
"Oh I like that top." said Darcy trying to break some silence. The cheerleader could feel Anabelle's weirdness toward her. 'Who is this girl? Whats her beef? Will she beat me up?' Those were the questions that must have been going thorugh Annabelles head. And so being the friendly girl Darcy is she decided to at least make some peace.

"I need a new wardrobe anyways, I've been a real fan of mini dresses latley. Would you like to come with me to Robinsons May? I've had my eye on this little black cocktail dress that I've been dying to get my hands on. I'm going to wear it at the upcoming dance." she said talking like a normal girl would. She didn't show sings that she was a bit uncomfortable and made an effort to make a new friends.

One that isn't as crazy as Lavender.

Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:37 am
by Mitsuko2*
mariavel stood in the bathroom sighlently sobbing into lavvy's chest, whitch for some odd reason seemed rather comfortable, and soft, and.... WHAT THE HELL?! she quickly pushed herself off of her frind and went into a blushing frensy, millions of questiopns going through her head.

That is... until she fent a pair of eyes on the two of them. she turned to face the other girl with a scowel on her face. the girl was older than them, but looked weak. Pitiful. she stepped infront of Lavender protectively, te Bloody fists' insignia showing on her jacket.

"Who in the hell are you?"

Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:37 am
by laZardo*
Weak? Exactly who does this girl think she is? The gang badge seemed familiar, must've been one of those rowdy-ruff gangs that went around just making messes of things. Far as she knew, they didn't have the ferocity of the Crips and/or Bloods, though in terms of cockiness they were probably comparable to some of her special circle of friends back in Gilroy. And she was 16, probably not much older than these two.

Still, she is taken back by surprise by this girl. Especially when a display of kindness such as this turns into anger.

"Look, I don't wanna start anything. Your friend comes in here crying and it's hard not to notice, all right? It's cool." Reneé begins, gesturing the same feeling.

This girl in front of her was definitely acting like she wanted to start something. Typical of the run-down-neighborhood gang variety. And if she really wanted to throw down, well, Reneé was not built like her athletic-tomboy counterpart in the Lady Valentine series for nothing.

(OOC: I'm not good at girly-speak, particularly because I'm not of that gender or oriented in that direction. Sorry if I offended anyone with that.)

Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:37 am
by Kaishi*
The sobfest right on her chest made her feel vaguely violated, but that was put aside when Mariavel decided that now was a good time for conflict. Lavender's slightly gaping upper lip stung warningly, reminding her of the last time there had been an estrogen battle. A second one, and Lav knew that someone'd lose an eye... Then, an eye for an eye, and someone would come to the half blind chick's rescue and bust someone's head over their knee. But, fortunately, the redhead (what was it with redheads and the impending violence trailing them?) didn't want to start anything, phew.

"Yeah," She held up a hand, pointing to her lip. "I'm done for the day. In fact, I was thinking of going over to my house, maybe. I would've just brought Marie, but you seem pretty cool, too. Wanna come? No one's home; my parent's are at work, I think." Hopefully, her little brother wouldn't be too much of a nuisance. As soon as she gave him a peice of her mind, that little wingding would be outta there while they chilled in the basement, or, better yet, her room. Mariavel hadn't seen rearrangements, namely the change in the bed's head board, tee hee.

"Of course, no one's forcing you to go, I mean, it must be pretty weird. I'm all roughed up and stuff and Mariavel here is rip roaring to keel yew." The accent was purposefully done, in an effort to get humor to override the choked atmosphere. Being careful with her best friend's fragile feelings, though, she patted her lovingly on the back. Er, yeah, then she smiled, pressing a finger to her broken upperlip, having upset it worse while she was talking.

((OOC: It's alright, no offense seen nor taken. Sorry for the wait, I'm still trying to master the school and roleplay dance. It's...difficult. XD))

Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:37 am
by laZardo*
Despite her status in Gilroy, this redhead was not one to start a fight, at least if she didn't see anything she could gain from it. Even then, she also had her reputation to hold up. However, Lavender's invitation came as quite the little surprise for Reneé. Little because she was used to skipping lines at many teen gatherings such as parties and clubs, surprise because she had just met this girl and now she wanted to invite her over, just to hang out?

She was already assuming that this would be a fantrap, that there would be a bunch of fangirls/guys waiting at her house to pounce her. But it wasn't as if she were experienced at these sort of things. Besides, she really had nothing else to do, with no more filming scheduled until later in the week (and fortunately for her, no more Cliff Lane for the time being). At this time of day her dad would be at Broadway, too, her mom having brought her here and waiting for a call to pick her up.

"I'll see if I can, I just want to make sure it's okay with my family. They can be reeeal strict at times..." she says, going into her pocket (around this sort of neighborhood, she believes, it's very unwise to carry a purse) for her flip-phone.

Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:38 am
by Mitsuko2*
Mariavel calmed herself dow a bit. She didn't need ANOTHER fight today. That would make three. Jenna-bignose, Lav vs Darce, and then this girl. She didn't need it. She didn't want to embarass lavvy. She put on an EXTREAMLY fake smile, and looked at the girl again.

"Sorry if I went off on you. I'm just a bit stressed... that's all." She decided that redheads suck.... gods, this will crap allover the place. She didn't like haveing people she didn't know around her. It pissed her off to no end. She sighed and looked at Lavvy.

"By the way.... the boy I like... Is Jack Bexley."

Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:38 am
by Kaishi*
Lavender snickered when Reneé had to get her cellphone for permission. What a baby. Most kids this day and age had already proven their worthiness at being let outside alone, instead of being on a protective mommy and daddy leash. Hau. Even if they thought that she was too immature, Lavvy still didn't have to call them for junk, one up on your face. The snicker turned into a small chuckle when Mariavel revealed her secret crush to be Jack Bexley. Uh, who? That guy with the weird dimples? Wasn't he going out with someone, or something, or whatever? Lav was behind in the gossip mill, but she was sure that he was or had been going out with some nameless chick at some point in time.

"Okay, that's cool." It would've been even cooler if it were a boy that Lavender was more aware of. Whatever. Sizing Reneé up for richness level, she casually asked, "How much money do you have on you?" She wanted to go buy a used scooter at a store so she wouldn't have to get sweaty walking to her house.

Re: One thing only

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2019 4:38 am
by laZardo*
As Reneé dials her mom (in reality, the driver that she sometimes sends) she returns this girl's smile with a slight yet substantial glare. What was so funny about her making sure her parents were okay with her hanging out with people they even slightly suspicious of? She had expected some of her fangirls to have some degree of independence from her parents, only a few as much as she had, but for this girl to display it in such a brazen manner actually made her feel like her own parents! At the worst, it's as if this chick was trying to start a fight with her. No go, girlfriend. Of course, her voice seems to betray her expression, as it doesn't sound irked in the least.


"...yeah, I'm thinking of hanging out with some friends."

"No...I'll be fine. I'll call if I need you."


And now this girl in front of her had the gumption to ask how much cash she had on her. "Depends, what do you want to do with it?" she asks, tinting curiosity with seriousness and giving the impression that she definitely has money to burn, but she's no cash cow (or any kind of cow for that matter, as she has often rebuffed her show's producer.) She still has quite a bit left, so in case this girl wanted to buy something, Reneé made a note to buy at least the benchmark equivalent, so she could maintain her image as a trendsetter.

"By the way, the name's Reneé. You?"
[+] Alternate version of thread ported to the V2 board by LaZardo
Post color legend is as follows:
Mitsuko2 - Mariavel (For the first item of clothing you picked up.)
Kaishi - Lavender (I was too lazy to pick purple. ;~; Sorry.)
Kris - Darcy (Bright and happy conceals the cruelty within.)
Aphrodite - Annabelle (because you look pretty in pink, sweetie.)
laZardo - Renee (Not to be taken as a pun on her hair color.)

Now prepare for the screen crushing of a lifetime. Girlfight! *beers*

Mariavel and Lavender had finally arrived. She let go of her freind and made her way inside. she liked it here. Nobody new to bother them. since they didn't know most of these people. She looked to her friend and smiled, before skipping into the nearest store and began to sort through the skirts and cute tops.

"Ohh! look at this one Lav! isn't it cute?" She held up a green tanktop with blue lettering that read, 'Sorry for what I said, It wasn't supposed to be out loud'.

Lavender snickered. Not at Mariavel, no, she was holding back laughter at a girl on the other side of the store. She was holding up the same top, only the colors were reversed and faded to a point where the vowels were virtually invisible. There was something bratty about that girl. Annoying, too, maybe she was a niner at some Catholic school. Weak. She looked too clean to be a Bathurstian.

"Yeah, it's great!" Her attention went back to Mariavel. "Hey, are you sure that's your size, though? Aren't you something more like..." Lav leafed through the clothes rack. Hm, too big. Too small. Too yellow. Too ugly. Ah! There we go. Same exact thing except for several steps down in sizes. "Or, do you think you wouldn't be able to breathe in it?" As slightly whorish as it sounded, Lavender personally liked her clothes tight.

"Pick out a skirt and try it on, Mariavel, it'll look mega good on you, I bet."

Mariavel took a look at the top lavender held, and smiled brightly. She winked at her friend and went to the skirt section.

"So.. Green or blue? I can't decide. Ohh! This one's SO perfect! Look Lavvy!" Mariavel had pulled out a light green miniskirt, with saffires encrusted in the bottom seam. She thought It would go perfectly with the top.

"Isn't it just adorable? It's only the hottest!" She giggled and pushed Lavender twoard a rack of cloths. "Your turn! Pick something out!"

"Hey you guys sorry I'm late, cheer practice held me up." said Darcy as she walked into the mall and went over to Mariavel who was frantically picking out cloths and colors. "Ha, I see you are already on the run." chuckled Darcy. The lovley young lady wore a maroon tank top with a black plaid skirt. The skirt was decorated with yellow and blue stripes; She wore high socks along with her black mary jane shoes.

"Mariavel like what Lav said, you look great in everything." she said with a smile. "As for you Lavender, I think your name matches your color, you should definatly wear tinted colors." said Darcy taking off a mini lavender dress from a near by rack. "This will have all the boys running." finished the cheerleader with another friendly chuckle.

Oh, great. She was here. It wasn't like Lavender had anything against Darcy as a person. ...Okay, yeah, she kind of did. It was that whole butting in thing that she did. Case and point, Lav and Mariavel hadn't even invited her to the mall. Or at least, if Mariavel had, Lavender hadn't gotten the memo, and the potential of that being fact was ticking her off. Darcy had come between her and her best friend so many times that people were probably classifying the three of them as a trio. Please. The girl was just so blind to every bloody little thing.

And how long had she been in this store? Freako probably had known this would happen all along. Hid in the store for hours on end, the weirdo, just working on the feeling in her gut that, maybe Lavvy and Marie would come in. Or, had she been stalking them ever since the beach? That would make some sense, as she had felt a little bit watched while she and Mariavel were walking to the Plaza. Lavender shuddered inwardly, smiling angelically at Darcy.

"Nah. No offense, Darce," Without realizing it, Lav stressed the nickname. "I'm not a fan of the color." Liar, pants on fire. She was wearing a nice and 'I can't breathe in this thing' tight, lavender colored polo. "Hey, Darcy, I think I see something that matches you perfectly, over there." She gestured over to the other side of the store.

Darcy laughed. "Oh really?" she said noting the skin tight lavender polo she was wearing. "has someone been eating to many bon bons?" joked Darcy with another laugh. "But I agree with you, lavender does not look good on fat people..." she said as she went to put the dress back on the rack. However as she was hanging it something crossed her mind. "On second hand I think I'm going to buy this.."

The cheerleader held onto the dress as she turned back toward maraivel who was still occupied searching for cloths. Darcy looked behind her across the store However she couldn't really see anything she liked due to all the racks, people, and manniquinns littering the area. "Ummm nah, I think I'll go with this one." she said.

Darcy had a ok relationship with Lavender, they got along which mattered. She wasn't in the Bloody Fists but she hung around Mariavel enough that she wouldn't leave her alone. She thought that Lav had her own quirks and that she was just that way, how Mariavel became friends with her she had no idea. But hey, whatever float her boat right? Darcy started to searching again for cloths seeing what would match with her and what would look better on Mariavel and Lavender. She did think about others, she's not the superficial cheerleader everyone thinks she is.

It took a minute to dawn on her that her Nice Lavender acts weren't as perfect as she had thought. Obviously, something was going wrong with her performances according to the way that Darcy had indirectly called her fat. Eating too many bonbons? Lav looked down at her shirt. She'd always thought that her stomach was a little big. The summer before school started, she had tried to flatten her stomach with aerobic excercises. Pilates, crunches, curl-ups, sit-ups, push-ups, you name it. And she never had a bonbon... Not even once. So, why hadn't anything worked? Oh, gosh, her fat was showing!

You evil witch, Lavender glared at Darcy. A million daggers straight through her pretty little face. I'll kill you for that. If she ever got the chance, that is. For now, she pretty much had to smile, and laugh along. Darcy was lucky Mariavel was in the store, otherwise, she would've probably choked a beach by now. Then again...

"Hey, Darcy, could you come over here for a second? I want to try something on and you seem a good judge on what's hot and not." Lav glanced sweetly at Mariavel. "Mind waiting here, Mariavel? Nothing against you or anything but I might be buying you a surprise!" She put a finger to her lips, shhh, then practically skipped over to the changing room corner, waiting for Darcy to come. "If you're my friend, you'll come over here, Darce Smarce!"

"Ok I'm going." she laughed as she left the lavender dress with mariavel. She went over to the dressing rooms section where Lavender was waiting. There wasn't anyone around, and it kind of made her a bit nervous, I suppose empty dressing rooms can be a bit creepy. Seeing Lavender with her smile she went off to the corner and folded her arms. "So whats up Lav?" she asked.

Lavender knows about the bi-polar disorder Mariavel has, she knwos that she has a hard time everyday. Hopefully she's planning something to cheer her up, because she dosn't know how to serve her a platter of happiness. It just hurt to see mariavel acting in such a way....I mean breaking a mirror? Who was she kidding, the girl needed some serious help, if not she's going to end up getting killed because of her boy toys or getting the shit kicked out of her from another gang.

"You know, to tell you the truth I really think we need to help Mariavel out.." she said, her happy expression dampening. "She's been stressted out because shes in love with yet another boy, I just don't know what to do anymore.." she said with a sigh.

Lavender had Darcy exactly where she wanted her. In an empty dressing room, where no one, especially not Mariavel, could see her get roughed up. Now, what would a good excuse be? Oh, no, Mariavel, Darcy fell in the room and bumped her head! I think she has a concussion! From the minor sports that she did at school before she quit the team, Lav knew for sure she could hit her hard enough to knock her out. There wasn't anything like a lacrosse stick here, though. Oh, wait, the broom laying lazily on the bench. That'd put Darce the Arse right on the floor.

She sat down on the bench, her fingers wrapping around the broom handle absentmindedly. But, then, all of a sudden, the subject of Mariavel had been brought up. Her fingers slowly relaxed, moving to her lap like Lavender was some attentive schoolgirl.

"Who? Who's the boy?" She prayed to God that it wasn't that Seth guy, or any body in his stereotype. The gang life frightened her to no end, which was why Lavvy wasn't going to join the Bloody Fists anytime soon. "Not someone in that stupid gang, right?" Stupid kids pretending to be adults. There was nothing gangsta about being a punk who went around punching the living daylights out of people for no good reason. Life isn't a gangwar movie, idiots, you're bound to get yourselves killed eventually, so just stop it. Lav glared at Darcy, knowing full well that that girl and Mariavel were both in that retarded gang.

Darcy noticed that something was amiss right when they entered. As if Lavender could hide her hand motions in such a small space. Does she honestly think that I'm so stupid that I can't see what she's doing. But why is she grabbing the broom....Nervousness perhaps? Nonetheless Darcy prepared for the worse, she didn't think Lavender was actually capable of hitting her. I mean she's so sweet and kind, I wouldn't beleive it. But what drove her to hit me? asked Darcy herself as she riddled her thoughts with questions on Lav's capability.

Must be that she's nervous... Darcy didn't delude herself in thinking Lavender was a bad person. "Last time I checked I was in that gang. And no, its not Seth or anyone from the gang..." she said crossing her arms with a look of annoyance. She didn't like Lav's tone or her nasty viper glare she gave her. Darcy knew she didn't like the gang, but does she hate it that much along with everyone else in it?

Mariavel sighed as both Lavender and darcy went at it, though she was pretty sure Darcey was only being herself. Lavvy was getting pretty ticked. Espesially after the fat thing. Mariavel was going to say somthing to Darce, but she was immediatly dragged away by Lav. Not good. She slowly sneaked over to the dressing room and pressed her ear against the door. They were talking about her!

"Oh no! Damn, now I'm being nosey... oh well I can't help it!" she wispered to herself and listened intently. Seth? Ha! he's just a freind. Lav seriously hated her being in the Bloody fists. But, she needed an excuse. She continued to listen.

Annabelle had been bored the entire day and knew she would continue to be bored if she didn't go somewhere. So, keeping a nice, steady pace, the girl set off towards the Plaza in hopes of spending her newly earned allowance on a new skirt or something. She really needed something with frills, since it would suit her new favored hairstyle. The long, primped curls fell around shoulders in a reddish halo, while the ever-present Bubbalicious strands were straight and hanging down in the front. Of course, by now they weren't all straight and perfect, bouncing from the jogging and blown back by the wind. Her outfit was pretty much what she wanted it to be. Spunky. A boy's polo shirt accented her nice, thin shoulders; dark blue and forest green stripes adorning the chest. She had the collared shirt tucked into a belted jean skirt, even more complemented by her long legs. She didn't care for socks in the summer heat, but still opted to wear them anyway. With the white cotton socks, she chose cute mini-boots in the same dark blue as her shirt. To accent the green of the stripes, Annabelle wore a nice green ribbon in her hair as well as a smaller one around her wrist.

The girl was comfortable, and she looked good. We Hobbsborough girls are so cute, she thought unconsciously. Finally, she found herself at one of the dainty shops at the Plaza. She looked around in the store and noted a trio of girls, two of which looked a bit apprehensive with one another. The third seemed oblivious. 'Great.' the girl thought. 'Just what I need, gang girls.' Of course, she just made the assumption. Nothing was really suspicious about the girls, but she knew most of the girls in gangs were fond of the Plaza. Instead of wasting her time on the girls, the redhead went to work with her shopping. Spotting a bright blue top that would totally go with her hair, she immediately ran to it in uncontained joy. When she saw the price, however, her jaw dropped in astonishment. "Eighty dollars for a top?! What do they think we are, made of money???" she shrieked in outrage before sighing and going back to her safari in the jungle of fashion. She knew she had to find what she wanted and fast, so she could escape the clutches of the true beasts in the store. Sale-surfers. Annabelle shuddered before searching the racks for a light pink halter in her size.

Did she hate the Bloody Fists and everyone in it? Yeah, that much was true, save for Mariavel, of course. Thank God, though, it was nobody from it. All the boys in that gang were desperate to get off on something. Did Mariavel and Darcy not realize that they were completely useless to those Fists guys? Best thing they amounted to, even Mariavel (oh, Lordy), were eyecandy. Coming from the outside of the booth, Lavender could hear some sort of shriek. Didn't sound at all like Marie, so, blegh. Shut your mouth, people are trying to have a conversation, hello. Okay, okay, enough, Lavvy...

"It's not Seth or anyone from the gang, I see." She exhaled, trying to take her pissiness down a notch. "Who could it be? Did she tell you who it was?" Before me? Her heart began to pound angrily. This whole thing was stressing her out to the point where she just wanted to whack Darcy on the head a few times. As soon as she got what she wanted out of her, that is.

"Whomever it is, hopefully he's good enough for her."

"Well if Mariavel didn't tell you then I won't tell you either." she said with a sympathetic look. Darcy kept secrets when people tell her things and if Mariavel dosn't want others to know than she will keep her mouth shut. She wasn't anything like the other gossiping bitches that were on the cheerleading squad. Now that I thinks of it, I don't really know who Mariavel trusts more. If Lavender obviously dosn't know the new love of her life than maybe she trusts me more. After ALL, I'm in the Bloody Fists because Mariavel is. I couldn't let her go in there by herself....Someone has to keep an eye on her that its obviously me since Lavender obviously didn't join.. The whole thing riddled her mind, but she would think mariavel trusts her more because she joined a gang for her which lavender didn't.

"I'm not sure if he's good enough though. I haven't really check him out you know? Lets hope he's not another one of those bastards who end up hurting her at the end." she said with a sigh. "But anyways, you brought me here so what is it you want to talk about?" she asked. Darcy was kidn of curious what lavender wanted with her, when they first got to the dressing room Darcy is the one who started talking. Its Lavenders turn now...

After a while, the redhead had tired of seeing the astonishingly-high prices everywhere and resorted to the sale items. As she walked over, she noticed two of the trio of girls had left, or simply weren't in sight. Annabelle looked over her shoulder suddenly, as if wary of one of the girls jumping her. 'This is silly', she told herself as she breathed deeply and swung her curled hair back and forth in an attempt to shake the unneccessary thoughts from her head.

The girl recovered in the span of a few seconds before walking over to the items on sale. 'No. No. No. Ew! That's absolutely hideous!' were among the thoughts the girl had while searching through the horizontal onslaught of fabric. After what seemed like hours of sifting through horrendous hot pink and "Oh so cute damn it's not in my size" halters, she found something she liked, but noticed all of the doors to the dressing rooms were closed; so, she decided to wait.

Lavender felt like she was in one of those cheesey movies where the camera starts to tilt like the hands of a clock. Her mind swirled like ambience, her face twitching gently as she stared at Darcy's face. That look... That I'm sorry I can't tell you look...because I'm such a good friend. Such a bet-ter friend than you, Lavender. No fair. That wasn't fair at all! Lav's hands tightened to fists. Lavender had been Mariavel's friend since the beginning. Since they were kids! She knew all the secrets. Every last one, Lavvy knew everything. She was the best friend. She had to know. Why did this girl know something that she didn't? Why Darcy? God, God, God, expletives! That's it. That was the last straw.

"Darcy, Darcy, Darcy..." Lavvy smiled goofily. "I don't think words can describe how I truly feel about you. Just looking at you fills me up with something so inexplicably incredible. You're" The smile turned into a sly smirk as her speech progressed. "You don't know what I want to do to you. You're completely oblivious, aren't you? Every look I throw your way, you somehow manage to ignore me." Beat. "Unless, of course, you've known all along. And if you haven't, let me show you.

She got up off of the bench and stepped closer to Darcy. Closer, closer, close enough to breathe on her face. And, to confirm this, Lavvy let out a big sigh, blowing air on the other girl.

Whisper, "You don't know how long I've wanted to do this."

One hand went for Darcy's stomach to shove her against the dressing room wall. Her other hand reached back to smack a bitch!

Mariavel listened intently to the conversation inside. It wasn't that she didn't want lavvy to know. She didn't get a chance to bring it up yet! Darcy was oblivious! Lavvy was getting WAY to jealous... did she have to chose? She ignored the girl who walked over and continued to listen, but opened the door at the start of a fight, an caught Lav's hand before she could smack Darce.

"Lavvy... no, don't." she looked at her with pleading eyes. "I didn't get a chance to tell you yet... I'm sorry. Please... don't make me chose between friends..."

Redheads are fiery. Well, that much is certainly true. Nearly two hours in the same shop and no vacant dressing rooms puts a damper on a mood, and add that to the fact that two girls had gone into a dressing room together, Annabelle was agitated. Her feet hurt in the boots she was wearing, and although the sun was overbearing, it was much better than being stuck in the store where dressing rooms never open. Minutes passed by without any change, although it seemed that everytime someone left a dressing room someone with super speed raped the air to get to it.

To keep herself occupied, Annabelle looked around at the other people in the store. There were a couple of people she recognized, vaguely recalling their faces at some random meeting during school hours. The ones she didn't were rather clean cut and wore very fashionable clothing. Of course, they were way too perfect. So they must be some sort of hooker. Saving the best, or possibly worst, for last, Annabelle peered at the place where the trio of girls had been. The same girl who had appeared to be unaware of the tension now seemed to be listening intently to the happenings of the dressing room. 'Wow. Are they like, lesbians? Not that I have a problem, but in a store's dressing room of all places?'

The curly haired girl certainly wasn't angry at the girls specifically, just with the idiocy of never-vacant rooms for changing. So, with that, Annabelle walked over. The single girl seemed to be ignoring her presence, when all of a sudden opened up the door to the dressing room to find one of the two about to slap the other. The girls talked a bit before Annabelle was fed up with them. "Not to be rude, but can you guys please move out of the way? I've been standing here forever waiting for a free room." the girl said, her eyes closing as she did so. "Again, as far as I see, you haven't been changing at all, and if you girls like some sort of kinky slapping stuff then that's great, but save it for somewhere private." the redhead finished, awaiting the inevitable bitchy response. 'This is why the Plaza isn't my favorite place to go. Thrift stores are better anyway.'

Relax... And she did, sending apologetic looks between Darcy and Mariavel. Some people had stopped tending to their tasks, whatever they may be, to stare. Lavender hadn't meant to go as far as to embarass all three of them. That stupid green eyed monster inside of her decided to show its face and claw, that's all. It was a problem she had been struggling with all of her life, ever since some gradeschool accidents. She was either way too obsessive, or just a great friend, she wasn't sure, so she was working on both categories seperately. There really wasn't anything to say about what she was about to do. No explanation needed, Lav had meant to hurt Darcy badly.

"Don't bother with it, I'm okay." And yet, Lavender didn't have one sense to apologize to Darcy. The apology was all centered on Mariavel. "Don't choose between us. You can have all the friends you want, I understand."

Interruption. Some redhead girl, close of the eyes, snide remark, burning fire; all with a dash of overexagerration. Everyone else had turned their backs to them once more, deciding that the conflict was over when it was just beginning. And, using all the negative energy she still had left in her, Lavender walked a little to close the distance between, then in one swift movement tried to do what she was going to do to Darcy. Let's hear hand hit cheek, shall we?

What the hell? Darcy could not beleive the words that poured from lavender's mouth. She she had her quirks, she could tell something was up with her but never had she mimagined it was against her. True, Lavender did notice some things when she talked to her. Thank God Mariavel came in time or she would've gotten a mouthful of dressing room wall.

To make matters worse this red head thought that she was a lesbian? A Lesbian! Darcy can handle some things but this, this was just rude. However she did understand where she was coming from; Lavender and Darcy were in a small dressing room togeather. The cheerleaders mouth kept open in shock as the conversation between Anabelle, Lavender and mariavel escaleted. Oh hell no.... Darcy was a nice person, and she wouldn't get in fights unless she had to. But this was just sick, Lavender acting all sweet when she really hated her all along? If she had a problem she just should've told her, wanting to hit someone is not resonable. No matter what the excuse.

Lavender had ingited a spark, Darcy finished things and she wasn't about to have lavender about to hit her and not do anything about it. Lavender was about to learn what happens when you mess with a member of the Bloody Fists. Closing her mouth and hate filling her head she immediatly just ran and slamed her self onto Lavender knocking her to the floor. Darcy then started the punching. Girls slapped, Bloody Fists punched.

First, a view of that redhead's face, next, a lovely floor scene. She hardly had time to groan about the new bruise before a fist slammed into her mouth. Her lip split, a whoosh! of blood coming out of her when Darcy got a second hit in the same place. Then, with a punch to the throat, Lav was wheezing and kicking like a baby with the ultimate tantrum. As soon as the air was back in her lungs, though, she reached up for Darce's face, trying to shove her offa her.

Obviously, one of the girls, the "sluttier" of the three had been really pissed off by Annabelle's sarcastic assumptions and began trading insults with her. Annabelle certainly wasn't a stranger to violence, seeing it nearly every day of the week, but it was certainly different in her position. She knew the girl meant to go after her, so instead of simply apologizing, the redheaded femme brought up her fists to prepare for the onslaught of fists coming in the near future.

Just when the brunette, "slut girl" had prepared to knock the crap out of Annabelle, there was a flash of blonde hair, and it registered that the two idiot girls had begun to fight in Annabelle's stead. 'Gang girls. I knew it. Wait, what am I thinking? Two seconds ago I was about to do the same thing...' Annabelle thought, her suspicions confirmed by their brash, barbaric actions, but she chided her lowering her own standards to that of a gang girl.

The fight had begun when blonde girl knocked the slut to the floor and punched open her lip, before it escalated to a major point. In all actuality, the taller girl was simply going to let the two be and go inside the dressing room, but decided against it when the prime attacker began to do some heavy damage. It seemed as if the blonde were kind of protecting her, but maybe it was simply something that she hadn't seen. The third of the trio looked on in horror as their fight became bloodier and bloodier.

Finally, Annabelle felt she should step in. Attempting to force herself in between the two girls on the floor proved to be a bad idea, and the redhead soon found herself in between two predatory lionesses, eyeing their prey and the obstacle preventing their hunt. At that moment, Annabelle thought the same thing that must have been a last resort little prayer. 'Oh.... shit....'

Mariavel watched in horror at the events unfolding before her. Darcy had just attacked Lav. That idiot Red-head was trying to stop the fight. She was just standing there.... doing nothing.... She pushed the red-head out of the way and pulled darcy off of Lavender. For a girl, she was pretty strong. After succesfully getting darcy off she started screaming at the two girls.

"Stop! Stop this! What the hell are you two thinking?! Goddamn it! This is so funking stupid! I cant handle this shit!" She ran out of the store. Outside she made her way to the Restrooms and cryed. She didn't mean to yell like that... she didn't...

Suddenly, instead of one of the bloodthirsty femmes to the left and right of her, Annabelle was tossed aside by the leftover girl, Mariavel, if she had heard correctly in all of the yelling. Shit. This wasn't what was expected, but instead of bruises all she had gotten hurt was her dignity... and by dignity, her behind. Then the girl had broken the two girls up, and before anyone could say anything, she had taken off in tears. Wow. This was definitely high school drama, the freshman had decided. Of course, middle school was worse, just on a different level. Less fight, more whine and cry. For all of her tallness and developed features, Annabelle suddenly felt very uncomfortable with these girls. What she gained in the rest of the areas, she lacked in breasts. In fact, she wasn't sure if she even counted as a size. Luckily, there were padded bras, and the girl had been sure to purchase a couple before getting to the school. This seemed to have solved the issue, but the redhead felt vulnerable around the endowed, as if she truly lacked something important.

That aside, the girl was terrified of the two in front of her, who stood flabberghasted. To Annabelle, it was certainly no surprise. When Mariavel or whatever her name was pushed the girl away, for a few seconds she had been in shock at the strength of her attacker/defender, whichever way you were to look at it. It was becoming old fast when she couldn't do anything without some sort of trouble, so instead of waiting around for the two to fight with her, she quickly locked herself into the now-vacant dressing room, changing her top to the cute chocolate colored one in her hand. Purses were of little concern to her, so she carried a wallet in her pocket instead of lugging a black hole of make-up and fourty changes of clothes. The girl finished her changing, and, finding that the top fit her perfectly(with the bra), changed back into her outfit, unlocked and opened the door of the room, praying that her almost assaulters were gone.

Darcy had been taken off of Lavender before she managed to punch her again and stood there brushing her hair out of her face. The red head had just been in the way trying to break it up however Mariavel had intervened and threw her out of the fight. She looked at the floor and then to Lavender who was bleeding by the lip; Darcy took satisfaction for busting that big mouth of hers but a little disappointed that it had to come to this. With Lavender nonetheless. The cheerleader then realized Mariavel had gone into hysterics and ran out of the store. This was all her fault, Lavender who just decided it would be a great day to threaten her.

Great. She was bleeding. Lavvy hadn't expected all of that to happen, really. One thing had lead to another, that's all. She hadn't expected Mariavel to become involved. That was entirely uncalled for, but atleast Darcy and that other girl were away from her. Red had retreated into the changing room, good call, Mariavel had flubbered off somewhere, and the source of all the problems that had arised was still there. Why couldn't she have just taken a hint and gone away? Easily, Darcy could've thought of some excuse to leave the store before this had started. Maybe Lavender should've clocked her in the head with that broom handle.

Man, her lip stung. Her face and stomach, too. Darcy and Mariavel didn't look the part of strong thugettes, but they were, especially Darce, ow. It hurt to get off of the floor, every movement agitating her new bruises. Someone's fist, Red's or Darce's, had hit Lavvy square in the head, dizzying her. She leaned against a rack of clothes for support, glancing quickly over at a cashier. The phone was poised in his hand, ready to call security if the fight should escalate again. It wouldn't, not here in such a public setting, unless, of course, a certain somebody decided to provoke her again. Lav waved, smiled weakly, then the phone was put back into its place.

"Darcy, you suck." Lavender ran her tongue over the split part of her mouth. Getting enough blood to mix with her saliva, she spat at the ground near her, like a boxer after an intense match. "Go die in a suckpile of your own suckiness, you sucky sucky suck thing." With another spit of pinkish blood-spit mix, she was gone, off to the bathroom for a mirror.

The restrooms seemed pretty much empty, save for some weirdo sobbing in one of the stalls. Jeez, go have your pity party elsewhere, ho. Lav looked closely at where she had been hit, seeing a nasty mark on her forehead. Further down, her upperlip wouldn't stop streaming red. Disgusting. She needed some ice, or something. No, no, what she really needed was a break. Her head was pounding, her vision was hazing, and, oh my God, would that idiot in the stall freaking stop crying?!!

"Shut the frick up!" Lavender kicked the stall door hard, jarring her leg and hurting herself again. "Ow, gosh darn it! You're getting on my nerves, you big baby." Funny how she didn't recognize the crying, at all. She returned to looking at her face in the mirror, trying to stop the bleeding.

Reneé Valenti savored free time, though in her case, her freedom was certainly not free. Thanks to this crazy show that had eaten up all major TV networks - including the one Lady Valentine was on, and partly due to a little loophole in her contract, her producers had taken the liberty of filling up her afterschool schedule with filming the show, to get it all done ahead of schedule. Her director Clifford Lane had especially found the opportunity to try to get closer to his budding young star, budding in both senses of the word to him. Thankfully for her, rebuffing him the way she liked to was not in violation of any written contract.

Parkway Shopping Plaza, she secretly admitted to herself, was actually a more refreshing alternative to the bustle of the Central Mall despite the fact that it didn't seem nearly as glitzy. At least she could get away from the strike squads of Lady Valentine's fangirls and those assorted fangays (whom she considered just as annoying as the former). That does not stop her from trying to look considerably fashionable, though she doesn't apply nearly as much makeup or lipstick as her fashionista counterparts. Maybe that's just a little Rita Valentine rubbing off on her.

The redhead (yes, she is) strolls into the restroom, a small bag with some higher-priced but well-deserved items of clothing in hand. Once inside she sees some chick that looked like her boyfriend dumped her with extreme prejudice, and hears even more despair coming from one of the stalls.

Okay, they're not fangirls, but you never know...

Reneé decides to play it safe, and heads to a sink just beside the bloodied girl. She then casts a concerned but far from nosy glance at her, before looking in the mirror to check for albeit minor blemishes of her own.

Darcy shook her head. Lavender was now gone and mariavel had flown into a mess of tears. Nobody left was in sight, the red headed girl had locked herself in one of the changing rooms. After straightening her hair and ignoring the looks she was getting she knocked on the dressing room door. "Hey are you alright?" were the first words that came out of her mouth. She was fully aware the red head had indeed tried to help her in stopping the fighting but she only got in the way and as a result thrown out of the way.

Obviously she was frightened, so Darcy decided that it was best to see if she was suffering any trauma damage. "Sorry about what happened, friendshi problems." is what she stated hoping this was a good enough answer to make red come out. Darcy didn't have a real plan, she didn't want to create a scandal at the mall by pursuing Lavender. And as for Mariavel, she obviously needed her space now that her two best friends started fighting. And that left Darcy and red here in the store.

The kick shook her stall and only forced more tears out. She couldn't handle this. She just wanted to spend some time with her best friend. Nothing More, nothing less. Now she had to deal with the fact that Darcy and Lavvy hated eachother. And she had to deal with this asshole hitting her stall.... this asshole that sounded like Lavvy... OH MY GOD!

Mariavel opened her stall door and saw Lavender by the sinks. She quickly wiped her eyes. In almost a whisper she said, "Lav?"

There was something oddly familiar about the girl next to her. Something about her face, or maybe the red hair was clouding up her judgement. After that incident with the other redhead back at the store, Lavender's opinion of girls of that hair type was lowering drastically. Blegh. She was going to strike up a conversation of some sort, ask her if she came into the Plaza often, but the sound of the stall door opening interrupted that.

Lav turned around at the mention of her name, jumping slightly when she realized that that crybaby in the stalls had been Mariavel that whole time. Oh, no, whoopsie. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, trying to clean herself up better. The pressure caused a squirt of crimson to come out, which she was able to catch with her hands.

"Mariavel," She turned on the sink, washed the blood off of her hands, dried them clean with a papertowel, then faced her best friend again. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean any of that!" She leapt theatrically, getting closer to her friend, and pulled her into a big hug. Somewhere, off in her mind, she wondered amusedly what that other girl must've thought about all of this. Probably nothing, hopefully she was minding her own business and just letting Lavvy and Marie hug.

Peppy right after a spat like that? Annabelle could not believe the idiocy of some people. Didn't the girl realize that her friend ran out of the store crying her eyes out? Did she care? Well, pretty as the girl may be, the redhead had already figured out the extent of her intellect; which in retrospect, simply wasn't what it should have been. Either way, Annabelle just wanted to purchase her top, possibly get something to eat, and then just go home. Of course, when did it ever occur to the simpleton outside the door that the girl inside wanted nothing more than to be left alone.

Yes, the jogger had realized that her attempting to stop a fight that had nothing to do with her was a bit stupid, if not downright idiotic. The girl was talking about something along the lines of the fight, an apology, and to come out. Unconciously, Annabelle found herself a bit nervous. 'It's not like I'm scared' she told herself, 'I'm just a bit apprehensive about the girls still being there to beat the crap out of me...' Ok. So she was scared. Not enough to make her freak out and run half way down the block in a wild frenzy, but certainly a little queasy.

Patience as a virtue, Annabelle cleared her head before continuing the menial task of unlocking the door. Pushing forward, she heard footsteps as the other girl moved out of the way. There, before her was the original assailant, but she couldn't recall her name being mentioned. It was then that the redhead took note of things she hadn't noticed before. The girl was kind of tall, but not nearly Annabelle's height, and hanging off her shoulders was a dirty-ish blonde colored river. She was certainly pretty, the way one would think about a popular girl passing by in the hall. Hazel eyes stood out from her lightly tanned physique, kind of looking the observant girl over as well.

Not a word was uttered for a few long seconds, before Annabelle finally broke the tense silence with a simple apology. "I'm really sorry about getting into you guys' business. It really was my own fault that I ended up getting knocked on my ass." The corners of her mouth were lifting, a bit from the humor of the last bit's light swear and a bit from the sheer idiocy of the whole situation. Awaiting a response, Annabelle looked away with a sheepish grin. Onslaught of cold thoughts aside, this girl really seemed the type that Annabelle would normally get along with, but she could really drop the gang thing. Well, if she IS in a gang. 'Don't judge a book by its cover...' she thought, 'judge it by its table of contents.' quoting her fifth grade English teacher. That was when she remembered the other girl, and turned just in time to see the blonde opening her mouth to speak.

Reneé saw it all, at least from the reflections in the mirror. It aroused her curiosity to see this girl beside her kick and apparently berate the person inside the stall only to embrace her only a few moments afterward. Apparently, these two were related, probably as friends. Though somewhere in the back of her mind, she suspected that these two best friends formed the latter type of fanbase of the two she'd thought about earlier. But that was beside the point.

To her it almost seemed like the ending of an episode of...well...practically any teen show you could name, particularly the more girly ones (and that's saying a lot for her gender). Or one that should be, she couldn't remember. Why she kept doing her show despite the fact that it was growing repetitive with only her having qualms about it was beyond her. Hell, maybe they could've even played that music clip that plays on teen shows when two lovers embrace. A snide smirk graced her lips as she turned around to watch them directly, crossing her arms over her bright-orange haltertop. She was tempted to clap her hands.

If there were any part of this that impressed her it would be the voracity with which the bloodied chick attacked the stall. She could probably use a girl like her. You a friend.

Darcy laughed at that. "Well to tell you the truth I didn't think Lavender was capable of something like this." she said with a small sigh. "Anyways sorry for it. I'm Darcy by the way." she said making a small cheerleader curtsey. The cheerleader look at the red headed girl and thought this would be a start of a pretty good friendship. Darcy got along with most girls, except for people who end up acting like Lavender.

"I better give Mariavel and Lav there space, I don't want to get involved in another fight. One is enough for one day." she said rubbing her stomach where Lavender punched her. Darcy was very fluent in the language of girls, she was one herself. She she might be a little more psorty but she does have her girl side. Shopping was definatly one of her qualities; The girl was still shocked at what happened. Ok so she's talking normally but her brain still contained the image of Lav threatening in the dressingroom. Darcy actually felt kind of scared, like it came right out of a psycho slasher movie where the main girls best friend turns out to be the killer.

Annabelle was suddenly hit with a flash of the past year's events, one in particular partaining to the focus of her troubles. This girl was just like her... It was odd. The redhead now knew the trio's names, but at the same time she wasn't sure if she even really wanted to know them at all. This Darcy girl was the fighter, but she was like a normal teenager at the same time. It confused her. Why would some sort of fighter all of a sudden be nice to the one who interfered with such a brawl?

To be perfectly honest, Annabelle was more nervous with this Darcy girl here than were all three there and fighting it out in mortal combat. The softball star hadn't had much experience with fighting, so in a brawl she would probably rely on those... guerilla tactics. Hit and run basically. Besides, being a pitcher certainly had its advantages. Her thoughts turning back toward Darcy, Annabelle wasn't sure quite what to take the friendly turn of events.

'This girl is so odd. She's just chatting to someone who she should be beating to a pulp.' she thought, observing the girl as she spoke. Suddenly there came a bit of a tremble from Darcy, barely noticeable even with Annabelle staring so intently. It seemed she was scared a bit too, but was it because of the redhead? She certainly hoped not.

Breaking the silence, Annabelle decided to just go with her instinct and get the two calmed down. "Well, I should probably pay for this..." she said, walking away from the other girl, but not before throwing her a winning smile. At the cash register, Annabelle spoke to the cashier in a polite tone, hoping nothing too bad would befall her because of her involvement with the fight.

The cashier, who looked to be about twenty or so, just shook her long black locks before smiling slightly. Taking Annabelle's credit card between her fingers, she slowly slid the card down into the allotted slot. The price of the chocolatesque top came into view, glowing bright green. "$24.95? I thought it might be more than that..." the redhead thought, not realizing it had escaped her lips. Her eyes wandering, Annabelle looked slightly around, expecting Darcy to be gone off to find her friends.

"Oh I like that top." said Darcy trying to break some silence. The cheerleader could feel Anabelle's weirdness toward her. 'Who is this girl? Whats her beef? Will she beat me up?' Those were the questions that must have been going thorugh Annabelles head. And so being the friendly girl Darcy is she decided to at least make some peace.

"I need a new wardrobe anyways, I've been a real fan of mini dresses latley. Would you like to come with me to Robinsons May? I've had my eye on this little black cocktail dress that I've been dying to get my hands on. I'm going to wear it at the upcoming dance." she said talking like a normal girl would. She didn't show sings that she was a bit uncomfortable and made an effort to make a new friends.

One that isn't as crazy as Lavender.

Mariavel stood in the bathroom sighlently sobbing into lavvy's chest, whitch for some odd reason seemed rather comfortable, and soft, and.... WHAT THE HELL?! she quickly pushed herself off of her frind and went into a blushing frensy, millions of questiopns going through her head.

That is... until she fent a pair of eyes on the two of them. she turned to face the other girl with a scowel on her face. the girl was older than them, but looked weak. Pitiful. she stepped infront of Lavender protectively, te Bloody fists' insignia showing on her jacket.

"Who in the hell are you?"

Weak? Exactly who does this girl think she is? The gang badge seemed familiar, must've been one of those rowdy-ruff gangs that went around just making messes of things. Far as she knew, they didn't have the ferocity of the Crips and/or Bloods, though in terms of cockiness they were probably comparable to some of her special circle of friends back in Gilroy. And she was 16, probably not much older than these two.

Still, she is taken back by surprise by this girl. Especially when a display of kindness such as this turns into anger.

"Look, I don't wanna start anything. Your friend comes in here crying and it's hard not to notice, all right? It's cool." Reneé begins, gesturing the same feeling.

This girl in front of her was definitely acting like she wanted to start something. Typical of the run-down-neighborhood gang variety. And if she really wanted to throw down, well, Reneé was not built like her athletic-tomboy counterpart in the Lady Valentine series for nothing.

The sobfest right on her chest made her feel vaguely violated, but that was put aside when Mariavel decided that now was a good time for conflict. Lavender's slightly gaping upper lip stung warningly, reminding her of the last time there had been an estrogen battle. A second one, and Lav knew that someone'd lose an eye... Then, an eye for an eye, and someone would come to the half blind chick's rescue and bust someone's head over their knee. But, fortunately, the redhead (what was it with redheads and the impending violence trailing them?) didn't want to start anything, phew.

"Yeah," She held up a hand, pointing to her lip. "I'm done for the day. In fact, I was thinking of going over to my house, maybe. I would've just brought Marie, but you seem pretty cool, too. Wanna come? No one's home; my parent's are at work, I think." Hopefully, her little brother wouldn't be too much of a nuisance. As soon as she gave him a peice of her mind, that little wingding would be outta there while they chilled in the basement, or, better yet, her room. Mariavel hadn't seen rearrangements, namely the change in the bed's head board, tee hee.

"Of course, no one's forcing you to go, I mean, it must be pretty weird. I'm all roughed up and stuff and Mariavel here is rip roaring to keel yew." The accent was purposefully done, in an effort to get humor to override the choked atmosphere. Being careful with her best friend's fragile feelings, though, she patted her lovingly on the back. Er, yeah, then she smiled, pressing a finger to her broken upperlip, having upset it worse while she was talking.

Despite her status in Gilroy, this redhead was not one to start a fight, at least if she didn't see anything she could gain from it. Even then, she also had her reputation to hold up. However, Lavender's invitation came as quite the little surprise for Reneé. Little because she was used to skipping lines at many teen gatherings such as parties and clubs, surprise because she had just met this girl and now she wanted to invite her over, just to hang out?

She was already assuming that this would be a fantrap, that there would be a bunch of fangirls/guys waiting at her house to pounce her. But it wasn't as if she were experienced at these sort of things. Besides, she really had nothing else to do, with no more filming scheduled until later in the week (and fortunately for her, no more Cliff Lane for the time being). At this time of day her dad would be at Broadway, too, her mom having brought her here and waiting for a call to pick her up.

"I'll see if I can, I just want to make sure it's okay with my family. They can be reeeal strict at times..." she says, going into her pocket (around this sort of neighborhood, she believes, it's very unwise to carry a purse) for her flip-phone.

Mariavel calmed herself dow a bit. She didn't need ANOTHER fight today. That would make three. Jenna-bignose, Lav vs Darce, and then this girl. She didn't need it. She didn't want to embarass lavvy. She put on an EXTREAMLY fake smile, and looked at the girl again.

"Sorry if I went off on you. I'm just a bit stressed... that's all." She decided that redheads suck.... gods, this will crap allover the place. She didn't like haveing people she didn't know around her. It pissed her off to no end. She sighed and looked at Lavvy.

"By the way.... the boy I like... Is Jack Bexley."

Lavender snickered when Reneé had to get her cellphone for permission. What a baby. Most kids this day and age had already proven their worthiness at being let outside alone, instead of being on a protective mommy and daddy leash. Hau. Even if they thought that she was too immature, Lavvy still didn't have to call them for junk, one up on your face. The snicker turned into a small chuckle when Mariavel revealed her secret crush to be Jack Bexley. Uh, who? That guy with the weird dimples? Wasn't he going out with someone, or something, or whatever? Lav was behind in the gossip mill, but she was sure that he was or had been going out with some nameless chick at some point in time.

"Okay, that's cool." It would've been even cooler if it were a boy that Lavender was more aware of. Whatever. Sizing Reneé up for richness level, she casually asked, "How much money do you have on you?" She wanted to go buy a used scooter at a store so she wouldn't have to get sweaty walking to her house.

As Reneé dials her mom (in reality, the driver that she sometimes sends) she returns this girl's smile with a slight yet substantial glare. What was so funny about her making sure her parents were okay with her hanging out with people they even slightly suspicious of? She had expected some of her fangirls to have some degree of independence from her parents, only a few as much as she had, but for this girl to display it in such a brazen manner actually made her feel like her own parents! At the worst, it's as if this chick was trying to start a fight with her. No go, girlfriend. Of course, her voice seems to betray her expression, as it doesn't sound irked in the least.


"...yeah, I'm thinking of hanging out with some friends."

"No...I'll be fine. I'll call if I need you."


And now this girl in front of her had the gumption to ask how much cash she had on her. "Depends, what do you want to do with it?" she asks, tinting curiosity with seriousness and giving the impression that she definitely has money to burn, but she's no cash cow (or any kind of cow for that matter, as she has often rebuffed her show's producer.) She still has quite a bit left, so in case this girl wanted to buy something, Reneé made a note to buy at least the benchmark equivalent, so she could maintain her image as a trendsetter.

"By the way, the name's Reneé. You?"

(OOC: Jesus that was a postful. Now back to our show.)