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Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:10 am
by Riki
He really talked too much, didn't he. How can a person just be so active, so few minutes after waking up? Aiden certainly wasn't one to enjoy a brief moment of silence.

She smiled at his 'doing you again' remark, but then averted her eyes from him. She focused on her coffee again as he finished speaking, and for a moment, Fiyori forced a few seconds of silence. A few second of silence, in which she raised the cup, drank a bit out of it, and lowered it into her lap once again.

Ah, the coffee didn't work that fast. Neither did the sugar. She would have liked to say something suave. Something witty. Something frightening, but she just couldn't come up with anything but half-finished sentences, that even sounded awkward in her mind.

"I had the opposite thing once, you know?"

A drop of coffee rested on her lips. She licked it off.

"Wanted a relationship, but not the sex."

More or less. It was truly an onion, but rhetoric sometimes necessitated simplifications.

"Anyway... I like fucking, I like cuddling, and you'll find that I'll like coddling too. But you won't be the last guy."

Fiyori looked through her room. Saw a clock. Saw a calendar. Her gaze rested for a moment. Then she turned to Aiden again, right into his eyes.

"Got it?"

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:10 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Well, there it was, total fucking silence. Could actually hear, or feel, or whatever his heart pounding in his chest. Slow beat. He wasn't nervous, not really. Bit worried maybe, though he wasn't really sure what about. Even if she did take it the wrong way, got her panties in a bunch - which she was not wearing at the moment - wouldn't have been the first time this happened to him. Shit, would prolly not be the last either. And he wouldn't mind, no Sir. 'slong as he had some F.U.N. some way or another, he was gonna roll with it.

Didn't seem like she was pissed or anything, though. Unless this was some of that tranquil fury level of pissed, time bomb bout to blow. Hell, he didn't know, he'd see in a sec either way.

Huh, she was actually sharing stuff, getting all personal. Funny he called it that, really, like sticking his other pecker into her hadn't been personal. Other type of personal, maybe. No deep stuff, although...nah, he wasn't going to go there. Didn't feel like being funny or whacky or anything in that moment, he actually, legitimately just wanted to listen. Talk about once in a blue moon.

But yeah, he could get her. He totally got her. Shit, he prolly wouldn't have handled it any other way, had he been a chickedi chica. Those were relationship goals right there, even though he didn't even want a relationship. Fuckbuddies maybe. Could work. Didn't have to. This one night they had shared together had been hella fun, kinda special even, what with the wild stuff and all. That was all that mattered, in the end. To him, at least.

Wiping his lips, Aiden set his own cup down, carefully placing it on the small nightstand next to the bed. She was looking at him, eyes locking. All he had to do, was not fuck this up now.

"Gotcha, Fi. And I'm totally happy with that." He smiled again, but lacking the impish, the up-to-mess-with-stuff quality this time. His facial expression was almost peaceful, with a hint of tiredness.

"Best result I could've hoped for."

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:10 am
by Riki
Well, wasn't this almost heartwarming? Aiden seemed happy with the results. So was Fiyori, kinda. Actually, now looking at Aiden, who put back his cup of coffee and focused all of himself to smile at Fiyori, she could not see anything of that impish gleam she saw so much the day before. It took her by surprise? Yeah, it did. Just a short moment of surprise, but still. A raise of the eyebrow, a widening of the eye. Just for a moment until she began to genuinely return his smile.

Fiyori wanted to take another sip, but she too decided to place it back. She leaned over Aiden, placed the cup on the nightstand and then in a swift motion put her arms around Aiden, pressing her face against his scalp.

She hugged him.

She saw him.

She heard him.

She felt him.

She smelled him.

"By the way," Fiyori began, muffled slightly by speaking in his hair "'re free to use our shower."

[[Fiyori Senay, continued in The Library Is The Power House Of The Student]]

Re: Spotted Peckers: Black Ocean

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 1:10 am
by Rorick Skyve*
This was nice. No crazy term for it, not awesomesauce, not amazeballs, nope. Just plain and simple nice. Huggin' it out really was the best way to end any sort of discussion. Aiden sure approved of it. Granted he usually didn't get these sort of hugs by nude kinda-cuties, but still. She wouldn't hear him complainin'.

Girl had a point though. He got a whiff of his own manly scent and had to repress an amused slash overwhelmed snicker. Yup, case in point, no objections.

"Right back at'cha", he noted with a chuckle, laying his arms around her torso, completing the hug. He closed his eyes, smile still on his lips. Day had only just begun for him and he already felt like the luckiest bastard around. Could really get used to that. Not that life sucked before. But still.

"I mean, we could both be time savers and just...y'know share..."

He performed a clicking noise with his tongue, followed immediately by him shaking his head, with Fi still weighing down on him.

"Just kidding, Fi. Just kidding." Though he wasn't, not really.

((Aiden Slattery continued in It Is A Tale Told By An Idiot))