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Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:09 am
by General Goose
Kizi chuckled, but she didn't quite get the "melodramatic" joke. The whole 'Irish names begin with O and then an apostrophe' thing wasn't really on the forefront of her mind right now. She'd probably get it later, plus a few awesome witty retorts to boot, when she was brushing her teeth or something. But for now, well, the cadence and context suggested it was yet another pun, so she chuckled, as she knew that would alleviate any hurt or suspicion from her not getting it.

Well, she felt bad for lying already. And it'd bug her.

She was too busy ruminating on her options to really quite respond to Aiden's next set of comments in real time. "Yeah, they're great!" Her reply to his 'lovely bunch' comment was devoid of any recognition of even a hint of sarcasm or feigned friendliness in his voice. "Good friends of mine, love 'em both."

"Sure! A drink sounds good! Do you know if they have OJ here?"

And before she forgot...

"Also, I didn't get the melodramatic joke. It was a joke, right?"

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:09 am
by ViolentMedic
Clarice started bouncing a little the moment that they were back on the floor. Music was good. Dancing was even better, even if she couldn't dance well.

She took Conrad's hand the moment it was offered, giving him a shrug at the same time.

"Not really. Like I said. He's kind of a dick. I suppose there's bigger dicks. No pun intended. I think Kizi could do better, but… well, I'll wait until a time that isn't a dance to say that. There are better times to argue, right?"

Clarice tilted her head as she bopped along to the music. She'd thought she was on a similar wavelength about Beaks—Conrad hadn't seemed exactly enthusiastic about the Bond comments—but maybe she'd been off with it. Weirder things had happened.

"I mean, if you want to go back we can. Though maybe after a dance or two. Be a bit weird to just 180 immediately."

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:09 am
by RC~
"Hmh!", he replied to Clarice. "We should dance for the moment, and maybe we will see them later."

And so they danced.


Time had passed, Conrad was hungry and would have loved to snack something.

"Do you want to go back to the snack bar?"

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:09 am
by Rorick Skyve*
"OJ? Nope, no clue, sorry. But like, we're gonna find out in a sec anyway, aren't we? But let's be real, no way they won't have it, right? You'll get yourself some sweet, sweet juice, I'd bet both my left nuts." He chuckled, then indicated to her to move along as he headed for the mini-bar. Sure could use a little drink, so he could, his throat felt like it was lined with fucking sandpaper.


Turned out they didn't have OJ. Bummer. Like, of all the things not to have in store. He did feel kind of bad for having laughed when they found out, but it had been just too damn funny. Had settled for a coke himself and Kizi followed his example.

Kinda sad Zee Zee didn't want to dance, though. Sure would have liked to swing his legs all over the place, throw down to some fancy ass beats. Wasn't much left to do there other than that, except chat it up. So they had went back to where they met earlier,  practiced the high art of small talk. Had always enjoyed talking to her, no exception this time. No snarky comments, no commenting on him talking too much - all he could ask for.

"Like, y'know I was just kidding with  that story about that kid robbing a grocery store, right? Pal of mine tried the same story on me recently, but nope! Ain't fallin' for that mumbo jumbo. Well, to be fair, he did try that one on me way before once and forgot about it, so I already knew the drill, but hey - still looked smart there for a moment."

Maybe she was fuckin' with hin too, pretending to buy his little tale. Could be, didn't matter either way. He looked around a bit, spotted mostly familiar faces, few strangers too and oh helloo: President Harrod and the 50 Foot Lady strolling around not too far from them. Chick was looking sort of happier now, prolly loosened up some while getting her groove on. Wouldn't call for them though, not unless the two were gonna head their way themselves.

He was happy with just Kizi's company for the moment. Enough to keep an Irishman smiling. Though he did always smile, really.

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:09 am
by General Goose
And nothing of interest happened to Kizi that night. She had a good enough time - a few laughs, all platonic good fun - and then she went home and slept.

((Kizi Saraki continued elsewhere.))

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:09 am
by ViolentMedic
"Sure, snacks sound good! Be right back, though. Gotta bathroom."

Clarice squeezed Conrad's hand a little before hurrying off. Later she came back, and the night continued.

All in all, it was a pretty damn good night.

((Clarice Halwood continued elsewhere.))

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:09 am
by RC~
The Sadie Hawkins Dance was a good experience for Conrad, even if it was awkward with Beaks and Kizi being together.

He could have been the one that...

He is the one who danced with his girlfriend, he was the one who spent his time with his girlfriend. And it was a beautiful night, no complaints. Conrad was looking forward to Prom, which will even be better.

((Conrad Timothy Harrod continued elsewhere))

Re: Tiny Vessels

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 8:09 am
by Rorick Skyve*
Yeah, looked like Kizi wasn't plannin' to stick around much longer. Fine with him, totally was. He had something else in mind anyway. Night was still so young, so innocent, woulda been straight up cruel to end it right then and there, yup. Good thing people liked to talk a lot, lotsa shit too, but this one thing that everybody and his pet piranha had been talking about was definitely not belonging to the shit-category.

Junko that ol' party girl, stagin' her own thing and all, so she was. Aiden woulda totally went 'Screw Sadies, screw it hard', had Kizi not asked him to accompany her earlier. Couldn't turn down a friend's request, nope. Still, wasn't too late for it now, Junko's party was prolly going to go on for way longer than this, bein' in-official, fuck da police and all.

Would stay around as long as Zee Zee was still kickin', but not one milli ass second longer, nope. Would even give him an excuse to go for a mid-night jog, win-win. Yup, sounded like a plan, so it did. Nothing like some good ol' fashioned party crashin' to kickstart his mood, like he used to together with Fergie. Missed those times.

Tonight wasn't going to be anything like back then, but it had some high potential to be some fun, at least. Not like he didn't have a good time with Kizi, just a different sort, more tame. Other party was gonna provide some more variety, hopefully. Probably. Only one way for him to find out.

((Aiden Slattery continued in I Know What My Fortune Is))