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Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:12 am
by Cactus
Welcome back, Lore. It's good to see that you're willing to go back out into the trenches. We need all the help we can get.

*adjusts his Maple Leafs jersey*

(okay the Leafs are playing the Habs and I'm watching it right now, bear with me all right?)

Today we've got a doozy for you - you're getting a character that's a step up as far as length from the last one you did.


Melusine: Rachel Gettys

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:13 am
by Melusine
me taking another one

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 3:09 am
by ItzToxie
Gimme one.

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 3:22 am
by Cactus
Ahh, Toxie. Back from one service into another. We here at the Time Police are glad to have someone of your unique skillset to aid in the historical recovery efforts. I wish I could give you a preview as to what you're headed into, but ... I can't. But the brass and I have full faith in your abilities to take anything that may come.

As such, here's your assignment:

ItzToxie: Jessica Pentangeli

Good luck.

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 4:02 am
by blastinus
Kevin Harding is the exact opposite case from Samaya, where the bulk of his gameplay is on the island itself. That seems promising.

Profile first. Seemingly regular guy, got into fights but cleaned up his act. He's a big fan of recreational football apparently, though at 6'1" and 150 pounds...well, let's hope he's very good at running. Otherwise, he just plays video games. No clue on his actual personality, but maybe that'll become clearer once we get into the game proper.

Okay, so he's really enthused about reading books, in particular the Art of War, and he's also short on funds, as shown by him handing over a crumpled ten. This already suggests a few interesting things about him. He volunteers to help sort the books in the library and shares some small talk. And scene. I would say it's similar to Samaya in that there's a really neutral voice here, but a few quirks are thrown in because of incidental actions that give him a bit more nuance. Following immediately from his purchase of the Art of War, Kevin is walking and reading it when he enters the gym and decides to just sit down on the bleachers while two people wrestle. He's amused to see some random nerd playing tennis in the gym and that's it for pregame.

Okay good, Kevin is panicky, upset, and unsure about his next move. We can work with this. He's ready to get to know people...and Brent throws a stick of dynamite. So much for that. Charging into the next thread, he stops to catch his breath and observe a couple of students from a safe distance, feeling paranoid that they'll kill him. He's not wrong, since one of them immediately murders the other, and he ducks in hiding until the murderer leaves.

Once assured that he's safe, Kevin creeps on over to the cabin, where he's privy to another murder. Deciding that he's going to get the drop on the assassins, he smashes out a window with his assigned weapon: a shovel, and immediately regrets it, deciding that he'll just take the front door instead. Brandishing his deadly implement know, I don't honestly know what's happening in this cabin. There are folks creeping around outside, a confrontation inside, and nobody's using any clear markers to signify where anyone is in relation to anyone else. So for the sake of my sanity, I'll just say that Kevin threatens to brain an unconscious kid in return for a gun and things go downhill from there. You can get a feeling of Kevin's desperation, since he just wants to improve his condition on the island and he's willing to go to extremes to do it. When someone else steals the gun and he realizes that he's in a losing position, he goes so far as trying to bluff in order to get ahead, not that it helps much. He just leaves no richer than when he started.

Feeling decidedly humiliated and exhausted, Kevin stops to catch his breath and contemplates to himself that he has no choice but to play. But does he? When someone comes to check if he's okay, he doesn't actually follow through on his instinctual urge to attack her, though he does ask her to leave. Kevin is examining the game on a case by case basis, not just lashing out at everyone in the hopes of getting a kill. From a meta perspective, that gives him extra points in my book. Besides, everyone just vanishes like ninjas so it's out of his hands anyway.

Unfortunately, at this point in the story, he just seems to run out of steam, so you won't mind if I summarize these last few threads. He stops at a church, tries to talk to some people, a random kill happens, and he leaves. Next thread is really dramatic and such, but it doesn't matter because he's just watching from a distance and not contributing anything except internal monologue about how scared he is. And the instant he encounters ANOTHER group in another thread, they pull a gun on him and he leaves again.

Finally we get to his deathpost, and for all the crazy that emanates from this scene, the long and short of it is that he bursts through a door and takes a javelin to the chest. He gets a brief moment to lament his lot in life and then he plops down. No preamble, no buildup, just dead.

Final Analysis: Kevin had the makings of a real kid, but real as he was, he didn't actually end up doing anything. Sometimes interesting on the character side, but overall a bit of a background character who never changed up the game in an appreciable way.

One more!

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 5:27 am
by Cactus
Welcome back, Blast. Your hard work has garnered you a promotion. You're now a Detective-Sergeant. Take your new responsibilities with pride, as we're going to rely on you for harder and harder missions going forward. As far as that's concerned...

Blastinus: Nick Reid

I think you'll want to ensure that you replenish your supplies and make sure your armour is in order. In an alternate universe, Nick Reid is quite the comer, but I'm not entirely sure how his original iteration goes... he had a second chance. How went his first?

Good luck.

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 6:08 am
by Kermit

me kermit ribit ribit me read Rhohrhy Ahnhnhe Bhrhodherhickh
[+] spoilered to be reader-friendly
Ok so right off the bat i can tell you with my SOTF meme encyclopedia my only prior knowledge of Rhohrhy is that she's the placeholder deathpost girl.


a p p e a r a n c e
Semaj wrote: Rhory’s appearance is an embodiment of boldness. Standing at what should be an unimposing 5’10 and possessing soft (almost demure) features, her body takes these individually sedate aspects and morphs them into a loud, carnal assembly.
James ily but gosh this is flowery though it's also quite evocative and good at giving me a mental image of Rhory's build. I dunno I feel conflicted because I'm a bigot against flowery language but I also really like how well it builds an image in two sentences.
words wrote: unmodelesque
im not sure if this is a word but it still works as one so that's good

Oof there's cup size in here james no i trusted you but also it's used in a way that's mainly for characterization as opposed to just 'boobs!' so its ok i guess. hey this is becoming a theme JAMES STOP TRICKING ME INTO LIKING THINGS I THINK I DONT LIKE

Haha im just taking a side note here to say that as i am writing this i am seeing that cbp got the girl who tripped over a dildo and fell into a river and DIED. I want to die that way. honestly what an icon

Rhory ascribes to hipster fashion like me wow!!!!!!!!!!!! very relatable!!!!!!!!
me irl wrote: Anything that can be described as ‘vintage’ is doubly favored, and anything ‘nautical’ triply so.
help!!!!!!! i am being targeted!!!!!! james is doxxing me!!!!!!!!!

ok so her island outfit is a mix between hipster and goth and AAAAAAAAAAAAA i just screamed about goths *and* hipsters in chat yesterday (as of writing) wow what a coincidence goths go back to 2005 you millennials

overall her appearance does all the things i would typically hate but does them in a way that serves an actual purpose so i like them and do not hate them. It does a good job of telling me what kind of person Rhrhhrhrory is without directly telling me like 'Rhory likes sports' but instead just saying like 'rhory is often covered in sunburns and scrapes and stuff' and it's like wow!!!! Showing not telling!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!! This is good!!!!!!!!

ok im going on a showing and not telling tangent here!!!! "Jimbo was really tired of being on murderisland and he was sad because his friend tripped over a dildo and drowned in a river" = not very good! "Jimbo's backpack was becoming heavy, almost unbearably so. He sighed lightly as he caught the sight of his friend Maraoone's corpse as it was carried along down the the stream's current, its lips blue from lack of oxygen. Jimbo cried a single crystal tear of rage as he cast the dildo responsible for this tragedy - no, this *crime* - into the river, letting it float away alongside his lost friend." - Already won every BDA in v7.

vicky is telling me rhory has a very long profile and that james had regrets hahahaha im going to die here. you're going to die here. we're all going to die here.

ok so i am going illustrate show vs. tell with a meme, as is tradition for my people.
haha wrote:Sadly she looked at a picture. It was so sad... such a sad painting... like her... she only waned a normal life... was that too much to ask? was it?

ok now with more showing!!!!
im rewriting all of mariavel now wrote:Mariavel idly adjusted her deep green beret/barette and looked up at the girl's portrait. The girl in the painting - her face looked... unrealistic. Especially her smile. Did anyone actually smile like that? Mariavel's lips curled into a grimace as she turned to face the artist. She almost began to say something to the boy, but instead she just shook her head, sighed, and walked away.
wow look at the difference!

haha see what i did there i did the thing with the showing and if you read this sentence before the other stuff, the other stuff loses a lot of its impact because i've told you instead of telling you wow like im doing right now if you read this before the other stuff im showing you how telling sucks wow and i just told you that i was doing that HOW DEEP DOES THE RABBIT HOLE GO!?!?!?!

Showing lets the reader like, figure shit out for themselves. It's kinda like how if you just read a wikipedia article, you won't retain much information from it, but if you read a wikipedia article with a bunch of stuff replaced by blank spaces and then use your k n o w l e d g e to fill in the blanks, you'll like synthesize that information.

ok tangent over thank u james for showing instead of telling!!!!!!!!!!


Rhory's mom is named Nelda haha nerd
As Rhory reached an age where her parents expected her to be exposed to educational PBS programming, Ina instead introduced the girl to the works of Hitchcock [...]
phew really dodged a bullet with that one
A week and a too-large dosage of aspirin later, Ina would bleed out during surgery as the remaining three Broderick girls watched All My Children in the waiting room.
see that never would have happened if ina had gone to Peter Popoff's church instead!!!!
She would hold Catherine Zeta-Jones as the leader of a wave of new models to mold herself after, one that would expand to include the likes of Kiera Knightley, Amanda Palmer, and Agyness Deyn.
James i know you have an autographed pair of amanda palmer's undies. a frog never forgets.
Rhory’s sexual awakening came rapidly and awkwardly.
oH nO
In the end, only two remained to earn the titles of “best friend”: Ethan Kent and (some guy who's not ethan)
hi vicky
An unexpected replacement for Kurt would come in the form of Ethan Kent.

It started when Rhory dragged the boy to a party hosted by the captain of the rock climbing team (a sport she had finally settled on and was far more proficient in than rugby). As the night dragged on and the two became more intoxicated they giddily confessed a mutual attraction. He would become her “first” in the back of her Subaru Outback. He would later become her second, third, and many more sexual benchmarks after that well into the first part of their senior year.
wow vicky you SEX PERVERT go back to your SEX PERVERT RP you SEX PERVERT (james gets to stay here tho)

anyways yeah her bio's fine. same deal as her appearance. why did you tell me this profile was 900 pages long it didnt seem that long i've only written over a thousand words about it JEEZ


ok so apparently rhory's first post had all sorts of formatting shenanigans but the tappenning broke it all so im just left disoriented and confused help where am i who are you what did you do with my formatting? rhory is also disoriented and confused.
i just want to go home said mikal as she clattered to the floor

she was not going home
me too thanks

anyways yes well it sure sells the confusion well and - oh now the text is in the middle of the page - oh now it's back to normal JAMES THIS IS MADNESS
Her brain was stumbling out of its inebriation, creaking and lurching.
not relatable

a n y w a y s in this first post james does a good job of making rhory feel like an actual person etc etc Rhory hides behind a mining cart and Annaliese Hansen and Frankie Iforgothislastnamehe'snottheFiamettathough are here also and they're talking about jellyfish and Frankie's screaming internally and James gets skipped in the posting order and Ericka Bradley's here now and you're reading a run-on sentence and woah shit what it's day two already!?!?!?
frankieeeeeee wrote: Ericka who even now looked stunning in her beige sweater.
*mimi can be heard screaming in the distance*

Frankie is ANGERY because ericka stood him up on a date in the past and boy is he ever ANGERY and ericka is like 'help' and Frankie is like 'i thought you were different from the other girls.................. but no.......................... you STACY!!!!!!!' because frankie is the virgin not the chad and ericka is like 'i dont understand' and frankie is like 'REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE' and tries to stab her in the face but stabs her in the shoulder instead (classic virgin move) and Ericka shoots him and he's like '[REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE continued]' and ericka steals the knife and kills him to death wow ericka is such a veronica she doesn't respect gamers like frankie. I dunno what Annaliese has been doing this whole time and i guess Rhory (oh hey i remember her) has been hiding behind a mining cart for a literal (not figurative) day.

haha just as i said that rhory has a post. curses i've been foiled again. she's freaked out by the whole murder thing and is still a generally reasonable person.
This? This is some repugnant ass shit, yo,
thanks annaliese

Rhory sees the dead gamer and again James does a good job with the imagery and wow it's almost like the dead gamer is really here in front of me in my living room and -
rhory what wrote:Red mouth flesh cunt.
-- say what now!??!?!?!?! rhory runs away and i also run away and rhory want cigarettes just like james WHEN WILL JAMES COME BACK FROM HIS TRIP TO THE CORNER STORE TO BUY A PACK OF SMOKES DAD I MISS YOU

ok so one thing i really like is that rhory looks at Dead Gamer out of bile fascination and it really helps make her feel like an actual person and stuff

thread t w o

wew a oneshot
It only took a few hours for her to run out of metaphors to hide behind.
but not you james you never run out of metaphors you're like a metaphor machine hey wait that was a simile i just made HECK DARN

anyways (i use that word a lot) she copes with seeing Gamer die and as i have said before she's #relatable and DUN DUN DUN Ella adopts her from james alright here we go new handler goodbye metaphor machine i'll see you later though ok thread 3 here i come

Ok so right away there's a difference in writing style. James's flowery but evocative writing is replaced by Ella's kinda flowery and kinda evocative writing style. Kinda like James-lite i guess. By all means, it's not bad, but the writing kinda loses some of the oomph-red-mouth-flesh-cunt factor. Also this Rhory seems a lot less like manic i guess.

Rhory is a thirsty ho - literally hahHAhahAHha - and Phil Ward is here and he's like 'fuck off we aint got no water round these here parts' and Jen Perez (hi hoben!!) is like 'here rhory have this water' and phil ward is destroyed harder than than my self-esteem after making an ASCII ctenophore. Marco's here too and so is Alex Seymour and Alex is playing and also rich and british uh oh zoinks scoob not another one!!!
alex's brain wrote:There's no way a crazy person could have come up with this plan.
[citation needed]
alex's brain again wrote:I'm not crazy. No, you're not crazy Alex.

and then rhory leaves well ok then thread 4 here i come!!!!!!

o n e s h o t

rhory eats breakfast and muses about the terrorist's children dying! it's ok i guess!

i immediately see rhory's next thread has 'tit' in its title and so i can tell James has returned. Overall, Ella's time writing Rhory was alright. It wasn't, like, James-tier, but it's still, like, decent writing. One of the things James does best is writing people who are freaking the fuck out, so when Ella was writing Rhory instead of James writing her, she seemed to kinda, like, dullen. Not in the bad way, but like, her emotions tended to be much less prominent than before.
next thread another oneshot wew lad
"Speaking of, Ethan Kent..."
hi again vicky

Ethan's dead! Oh no! Some guy named Jack who I dont recognize is also dead! Oh no! Jackson Ockley maybe i think!?!!

anyways rhory has flashbacks to her and ethan in the bone zone argh i cant read this im still a minor at heart
dammit james I trusted you wrote:feverish and alien shaft

*vomits spiders out of his eyes*

turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgidturgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid turgid oh nOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO there's more AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA bbrlarbnLBRLARBLJBRALAJRHARBJARLRLA sAAAAVE ME OH THIS IS VERY NSFW HOBEN WHY U NO CONTENT WARNING IT WHILE PORTING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

*vomits eyes out of his spiders*
i blame vicky

anyways i didnt enjoy the scene but thats because im a sexophobe, not that it was actually bad or anything. Same as usual it's good character stuff ok thread 6 here i coooooooooooooome
the heavy thing she was dragging along banged painfully and repeatedly against her groin.
james no this is madness

HAHA i tricked you she's dragging a dead person along the ground. Rhory's grave robbing and honestly james is great at describing dead people and Rhory puts her jacket on the dead person's face and then she's like 'wait shoot i needed that for warmth' and wow she's so relatable.

Bill Davis is here now and Oh God this is the Bill Davis Shotgun Massacre isnt it oh boy im excited to read this! Logan Reynolds is here hi logan and marion whatsherface is here hi marion ohhhhh man all y'all gonna die real soon
Rhory trips and falls in a puddle of Evelyn Reed and Logan tries to help her and Bill has a post written in present tense and Logan is so jarred by this sudden change in prose that he is killed to death. Marion is so jarred that she forgets how to count and is also killed to death. Bill is forced back to past-tense and the jump makes rhory stab him in the neck and he is killed to death. Anyways yeah good action scene i like.


oh hi rose!!!!!!!!!!!! when will my veterinarian rose come back from the war??????? when will my son james come back from the war???????????????? COME BACKKKKKKKKKKK

ok so its a oneshot written by rose *and* james! Ilario's here too! Rhory gets nekkid and washes the Bill Davis and Evelyn Reed off her clothes and Ilario creeps on her.
ilariooooooooo nooooo wrote:All he could see was the pale flesh of her rear end; not a desirable shot.
wow u absolute savage ilario weeeeeeew better get some ice for that burn, rhory
She placed aside the gun that was Bill's to her but Rhory's to him.
I like this line a lot.
She looked at Bill as his forehead began to cave and his nose liquefied. She'd kept looking as his eyes lost their perches and fell backwards into the newly revealed soup of meat. She looked and she listened to the crunching of his bones and the crack as his jaw unhinged. She hadn't made any sounds, hadn't screamed like she had in the river. She'd only looked at him until there was nothing left to look at.
[french chef noises/kissing motion] tres bien TRES BIEN

anyways yes i liked this thread very much! Again, great character stuff and imagery from both Rose and James in this one. ok NEXT

Hi Kimberly! Rhory's kinda villainy now and she holds Kimberly at gunpoint in a weirdly sexual way
She brought the tip of the gun scratching over the top button of the girl's fly. She began to slip it lower.
rhory stahp

Rhory implies that she did the Sorenson with Aislyn's corpse but uh oh Kimberly's like 'binch i threw her in the ocean' and Zombie Liam Black pops out of a bush and makes an Ace Attorney reference (that last part didnt happen i made it up sorry Liam Black fans but im one sick puppy B-) )
Fuck, she really wanted a smoke right now.
Shit Kimberly you sound like Burton Harris

Anyways some more stuff happens blah blah blah kermit makes more jokes. I'm not 100% jiving with rhory's villain turn. I know her change has something to do with her previous thread, but unfortunately for her it was mostly written from Ilario's perspective so it's kinda jarring to go from Rhory killing Bill in self-defense to Rhory being kinda rapey to Kimberly.

Anyways rhory recovers from her bout of madness yay again blah blah blah james does good character stuff and kermit repeats himself. i think ill stop doing play by plays here because jeez it makes it take so much longer to read characters if i have to go over to a word document every paragraph. ok jot notes here we go?!?!?!

I like the Rhory/Ilario dynamic its gucci

In thread #8 there are times where people in the thread have double posts comprising of a normal post and then a one-line post so im assuming at this point Rhory was having some activity issues. IIRC irl was rough for james at the time so i forgive but Rhory still suffers a bit from it.



Kermit tripped over a dildo and fell in the river and died.


C O N C L U S I O N:


Kermit wrote the conclusion and died.



Ok so like James is mmm mmm good at writing which makes Rhory's placeholder death even more of a gutpunch to my enjoyment. Like, I was invested in Rhory's story!!!!!! And she memed it all away!!!!! I forgive u James u had an excuse (please come back!!!!!!!!) but man it's just like....... darn. I honestly can't really recommend reading Rhory 100% because argh is this what the cool kids call 'being cucked' like aiAUIAAUA RHORY I CAST A HEX UPON YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. I think however, I'd definitely recommend reading Ilario and getting some really great Rhory moments through him. Since she's not the main character in Ilario's story, her meme death isn't as much of a letdown if you're reading him. She costars in threads with a lot of v4's bigger names, and you can kinda osmose Rhory while reading them. Oh also I would DEFINITELY recommend reading the Bill Davis Shotgun massacre it was a fun time.
more blood for the tooth god pls

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 6:21 am
by Cactus
Welcome back from the battlegrounds, Kermit. It's good to see that you most retained your sanity - and look at that, you only vomited spiders out of your eyes ONCE. That's an improvement. For your next assignment, you've got something a little more quick, a little more short-lived. I hold out hope that your sanity remains intact once you return.

Kermit: Dominic Stratford

Good luck, my amphibian friend.

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:33 am
by Espi
Sarah Atwell:
Sarah’s profile is pretty standard. It has an issue in that 90% of discussion of her hobbies is about her interests in photography and film and such. She has only one other hobby and it is very briefly mentioned. Otherwise, it’s decently fleshed-out on the kind of person she is, but rather sparse on details like family that are otherwise standard. I’m not sure whether the thing with the umbilical cord is sound, though.


Sarah’s first thread is her interviewing folks for her project about the senior class. Aside from some formatting weirdness in her first post (italicizing dialogue and leaving thoughts normal), she comes off as a pretty sensible person who doesn’t want anything to do with the conflict that erupts with Monty. I also like that she’s the only one who doesn’t repeat all previous dialogue in their posts.

Second thread follows up on the previous one, with several characters popping in, including Sarah Xu presumably just to make things harder. I think this scene is sort of establishing Sarah as a sensible sort, surrounded by the weirdness of the fight and also Sarah Xu being really into Communist Russia. I do like the continuation of the previous stuff and hope it continues.

Not much to say about Roses Without Thorns. It definitely gives the sense Sarah is an outside observer towards crazy stuff, but she also doesn’t end up participating until someone approaches her.

Toppings is weird because, for some reasons, this actually leads into the memory thread? Sarah has one memory thread. It features a side of Sarah that’s kind of interesting, trying to charm Chris into paying for something for her, and though she isn’t malicious (she seems to actually plan to pay him back) she’s also happy to justify it. It then continues to a memory thread, for some reason.

The Long Walk Home itself is actually really good for her I think; she does a good job bouncing off of Chris’s slight fumbling. It goes into more detail about her home life and her passion for creating video media, worrying about her parents once she was gone and feeling defensive when he calls her a camerawoman. I also get the sense that, despite these things, she’s a pretty nice person who knows how to be encouraging and is willing to put up with stuff for her friends’ sake.

Irritating Thoughts is pretty unremarkable. I imagine there’s some kind of activity context here because she joins and leaves after one post. She’s tired and hates math. Not much happens.


I Wish She Was Here continues the arc of Sarah and Chris’s prom. I like how they did this, with 4 threads total dedicated to their interactions. It’d be nice to see her with more stuff going on, especially since Chris gets a lot more pregame, but having a restricted pregame arc is better than wandering aimlessly and doing nothing. Otherwise there’s not much going on here; if anything, Sarah’s parents are the focus. Closing Time is a bit of a blah note; Sarah appears in one post on the first page and seemingly never again.

Pregame overview-Sarah has a short one with a few dead scenes, but I get a sense that she’s a fairly upbeat, typical teen who is able to be slightly selfish but is still a pretty nice person.

Island Leadin-Sarah’s story is somewhat well-known to me, at least in that I know 1-2 of her kills and also how chat reacted, in that her story comes to a poor end. That aside, here’s what I found:


THREAD 1 (Intravenous Nightmare): I chose to ignore the ‘recommended listening’.

I am seeing where the neck phobia thing comes in as she freaks out at the collar. I wasn’t able to find scientific evidence that being choked by the umbilical cord can cause lifelong trauma, though there’s certainly anecdotal claims. I’ll let someone else thing about it. She pulls on the collar to get it off, but it doesn’t explode, something on an inconsistency before V5 when that trait was explicitly removed. Another earlier version weirdness; she keeps her camera but using it to see the collar on her face is a good though.

Basically, Sarah and Adrian, Simon, Ben, and Jacob end up in the infirmary, the latter two from a different thread, Sarah is panicking at their situation and jumps at Simon for his gun, but he avoids her and exits. Ben and Jacob run in to see what happens and she claims Simon attacked her. Adrian backs her even though he knows she’s lying because he thinks he’ll look bad throwing her under the bus and doesn’t want to screw her over either. Jacob also notices that its bullshit but doesn’t call her on it yet. At this point Sarah does something I’d seen from her before; she justifies selfishness on her part (lying and grabbing for a gun), but unlike before she knows this is too much and can’t really convince herself.

The remaining group decides to leave together and look for Jacob’s girlfriend Paige, finding Paige some Cymbalta first. Not how prescriptions work but some of my pills would be better than none. Sarah has also more-or-less explicitly started using the camera to disconnect from reality here. She also grabs a scalpel, apparently just left around by the terrorists. Even not noticing the knife, Ben and Jacob are unnerved by her. The narrative helpfully notes that she really was scared and not making that up, she was just [a] ‘


Overall, not terrible. I wish more focus was put on how she was feeling that was making her unstable, giving a little more insight to her mindset at the time. I think the guys are all pretty good balancing factors in that everyone knows she’s unstable but for various reasons don’t want to bring it up.

THREAD 2 (Conquistador): This thread opens with an immense amount of focus on Jacob/Paige which is unfortunate because since they’re both Brackie’s it really is just him writing with himself. It’s not bad writing per say, but it’s very awkward and very melodramatic. But this isn’t about them!

Somewhat interesting is Sarah, not surprisingly, immediately picking out the movie-like stuff and catching on camera. Jacob and Paige embrace while Ben, Aidan, and Sarah watch, and Dan Kesrue comes along after Paige. Rob Jenkins is in another building and Marty Lovett runs in…and falls asleep on a bed inside a house and immediately recedes from post order.

Everyone goes off to find shelter and finds Rob, who is apparently a notorious racist, and Paige does not like him. Based on his reaction to her demanding if he’s planning to hunt down a particular black student, I can’t say she’s wrong. He intends threatens her so she doesn’t reveal him being a racist on camera, but that just makes her more angry and she calls him a Nazi so he shoots her.

There is death post with music lyrics in orange, flashbacks, and dramatic last words. Sarah films it on camera, starts screaming, Rob starts screaming, everyone else starts screaming. The announcement comes on somehow. I kind of lose track of time here because of that, but by the end of it Sarah runs since she’s got a gun pointed at her. She’s very much not the focus of this scene and has almost no part except to get the stuff that happens on film.

I really love Sarah’s post directly after the kill tag, which opens with, “...and Sarah had caught the whole thing on camera.” I like that, while it’s directly telling you she’s an observer, you as a ready already know this, so it has a striking effect.

THREAD 3 (The Prime Time Of Your Life): Kill thread! Teen mom Eve Walker-Luther (whose surnames I always mix up) arrives at the cliffs. Her posts throughout follow some kind of weird thing where they intersperse her narrative with that of her daughter’s father, which makes it kind of hard to read. I’m not gonna touch too much on him except that he basically is reacting to everything that’s already being explained.

Sarah arrives covered in blood and scratches from panicked flight though the woods. She has an argument with an inner voice that tells her to ‘play her part’, and a hallucinatory monster hand reaches out ‘from the void’ to beckon her into killing essentially. I’m not one for this, it’s a very weird attempt to explain her snapping when I think this outside force just adds a level of excess to it.

Sarah drugs Eve with ketamine in a water bottle, drags her off, binds her to some saplings with Eve’s underwear, and starts torturing her with the scalpel, also talking to Eve’s boyfriend in the meantime. Eve struggles and lets Sarah cut her fatally earlier than intended, and Sarah goes nuts and violently keeps stabbing Eve until he dies. It cuts back to Jack who decides to honor her wishes and raise their daughter.

By this point most of Sarah’s internal stuff is gone except with references to her ‘debut’. Somehow, neither character feels like the focus here. It’s less about them and more about the scene, and while I suppose that’s suitable for Sarah’s intent, I think she loses out by separating from the narrative.

THREAD 4 (No News Is Good News): Lily and Miranda meet up and establish that neither are interested in killing. Sarah comes in and tells the girls that Eve was murdered in front of her. It goes into some of her logic, that because people’s lives are mundane, if she made a name for herself, she’d be famous and go down in history. This is a good development to clarify that she has some kind of logic behind her actions besides ‘the evil voice told me to’.

Sarah attempts to split Miranda and Lily up, but neither are interested in separating because that’s a dangerous plan, even disregarding that it’s a would-be murderer suggesting it, though the announcement has yet to play and reveal Sarah’s actions. They do agree to move somewhere with more cover (this scene takes place at the felled forest) and move out together. Once again, Sarah seems less like a character and more like a force where her actions are just sort of attached to a nametag without a person behind them.

Also props to Outfoxd here. Lily is a sensible figure but a good-hearted one. She isn’t hyper-pragmatic or horribly naïve, but a decent mix of both.

THREAD 5 (Hearing Is Believing): Kill thread 2: Electric Boogaloo! Oh dear.

After an internal narrative elaborating further on following a role, Sarah is revealed as killing Eve when the announcements come on, where she gives a psycho speech to Miranda before stabbing her in the throat with the scalpel. She turns her attention to Lily, but she runs, and Sarah chases her briefly. Lily escapes while Miranda throws the scalpel into Sarah’s back and bleeds out. Sarah mutilates her corpse and then goes off to collect her BKA.

I do not like this scene. I think a killer being revealed and going on the offensive is fine, but I am not enjoying Sarah’s direction here (pun not intended). She clearly doesn’t believe her claims—that she’s doing a performance, that she’s a good person playing a bad character—and is planning how she’ll explain herself when she wins. She gets a lot of pleasure out of stabbing Miranda and generally being menacing. The issue is I think this upfront sudden and extreme bloodlust is much less likeable and makes much less sense. It’s hard to have a character who believes ‘yep, I’m an evil, terrible person who likes hurting people, and I’m okay with that!’ and I think it misses the mark here. She’s not an evil and terrible person, she’s just evil.

As far as the rest of the scene, she has a long and melodramatic soliloquy at Miranda, who doesn’t run despite it taking, from the sound of it, as much as 15-20 seconds to more or less slowly walk up to Miranda while talking. Sarah refers to terror being paralyzing, and it comes off that it’s explaining to the reader why Miranda doesn’t run. It’s awkwardly on-the-nose. Lily thinks of her as a ‘parody of a movie villain’ and I suppose that’s accurate, but I don’t think we’re supposed to think she’s a parody or a pastiche.

Good points; her methods and motives are consistent, she’s not just getting kills however but with specific intent, which is a good thing. Sarah becomes indignant at being stabbed by Miranda, which is obvious hypocrisy that doesn’t need to be pointed out by the narrative. However, I dislike that she carves ‘Selfish Bitch’ onto Miranda’s stomach. She’s using a scalpel, so it makes sense, but it’s also hard to picture. I guess I can see it but it reads as cheesy.

Props to Lily again, as she ties in being a reporter in a less gaudy, character-devouring way. Sarah picks at her over it, and I think it’s a little awkward, but Lily isn’t thinking like that until after Sarah accuses her.

THREAD 5 (The Wrong Tool for the Job): Sarah’s BKA oneshot.

Sarah picks up her reward and is annoyed that it’s a huge sniper rifle because it’s hard to use. Throughout, she continuously dismisses thoughts of her parents, her brother, and her first day at school. I like the direction here better; rather than the part where she likes hurting and killing people, there’s more emphasis on fulfilling a role, and here she’s making it more a conscious choice to reframe the situation in that role, making it more of a (very twisted) coping mechanism. I actually relate to her here more than any other time on the island thus far because it shows cracks in her delusion. She’s still evil and twisted, but she’s a person now, and that kind of awareness by the handler is really important here.

I will credit Sarah for improving my attitude towards her. Repeated lines (‘I’m forgetting something’) are a personal fondness and though it’s a little awkward (how much is the wondering an actual question she’s thinking about?) it’s a weak spot of mine.

THREAD 6 (Heartbeat Symphony): Kill three! Sort of!

First, though, Alice Boucher! Alice is caught off-guard by Sarah and immediately picks up that she is batshit insane, so she claims to be her assistant ‘from Cannes’. Sarah seems to be completely accepting of this because she is batshit insane. There’s no indication that she recognizes Alice as not someone who just got dropped there to help her. This is an interesting development, but also one attached to another turn, which I’ll get into later.

Sarah goes on about props and Brock Mason shows up, so Sarah tries the ketamine bottle again. Alice flashes back to a description of a paleontological discovery by her mom, that humans truly were preyed on (can confirm this find happened) Brock has a flashback to meeting Sarah and remembers her name as getting BKA and calls her on it. He attacks her and Sarah is forced to recall him from school as well, but Alice decides she fears Sarah coming back on Alice enough to defend her, thinking Brock won’t kill her. She knocks him out with a rock.

I am familiar with this scenario already, because I know it was controversial; Sarah tapes Brock to the gun so that if he pulls on it, he will pull the trigger and shoot himself in the head. She tries to torture him by playing Never Have I Ever, but as he tries to break free, he triggers the gun, shoots himself, and dies. Sarah is not credited for this kill; whether she should have been was up for debate. I won’t make my case here. Meanwhile, Alice reluctantly films the scene. ‘Scene’.

Alan Rickhall and Jimmy Robertson come in to find Brock but are too late and hear the gunshot. Alice is still conflicted, Alan refers to players as ‘The Turned’ which is a little dramatic, and then Hilary, Brock’s romantic partner, arrives, and is understandably distraught that Brock was dead. Mia Kuiper comes in and OOC calls dibs on the rifle, which…yeah. Leila Lanford arrives and pulls Hilary to a new thread. Sarah recognizes Chris, her prom date, out on the mountains and runs off with Alice. They leave behind the sniper rifle but take Brock’s handgun.

The big thing for Sarah is the introduction of the black text-voice, which doesn’t ever seem to come up again. It appears to represent Sarah’s ‘normal’ personality trying to tell her ‘crazy personality’ not to attack Alice or kill Brock. I’m not a fan of this mechanism; it’s kind of a ham-fisted way to show internal conflict. Otherwise, it mostly establishes that Sarah is even more delusional.

I like Alice Boucher as well. In just the one thread I get a strong sense of who she is and why she goes along with this crazy killer, and it’s both despicable (she’s selfish enough to let others die so Sarah won’t hurt her) and relatable because she knows it’s wrong but can’t bring herself to be the hero.

THREAD 7 (A Moment Remembered): Kill three. Or is it four? You decide!

Sarah opens with some muses on her reason for loving film; she liked people and liked that film let you learn about and understand a person. It also brings back the ‘I’m forgetting something’ from her oneshot, presumably due to Chris’s presence.

Chris throws a rock at a camera but misses, but Sarah is enraged by this attempted abuse of film equipment and tries to shoot him but leaves the safety on. Chris takes cover, slips around on Sarah, and grabs the gun from her, tackling her and grabbing it. He’s unable to shoot her, though, and she stabs him in the heart with the scalpel. He tries to go at her but collapses and dies. Alice also collapses and panics because she was hoping for Chris to kill her.

Sarah, however, snaps back into reality, realizing once again that these are real people, again with the ‘Forgetting something’ only now she remembers. Alice attempts to shoot her, but Sarah’s sudden breakdown forces her to reconsider. Sarah commands her to shoot her, but reconsiders, deciding instead to hunt down other killers (Specifically Maxwell Lombardi, launcher of a thousand revenge-ships). She shames Alice for her involvement and commands her to help. Alice isn’t sure she buys it and is pretty confident that either way Sarah is still crazy but goes along with it.

I think Sarah’s return to some form of sanity is good in that she is shaky but doesn’t dwell on it, and still has a bit of unhinged-ness here. I think the break could have done with a couple more post cycles though, it seems like she refocuses pretty quickly.

THREAD 8 (Just a Kid, Napping): I like the title here.

The two girls walk in on Tyler Franklin napping in a house. Sarah is tempted to kill him but Alice’s presence restrains her. Annaliese also arrives. Sarah continues fantasizing about killing people but restrains herself (she thinks of killing Annaliese as ‘arousing’ which is…yeah). They discuss Maxwell; there’s a nice note where the other two don’t know which Maxwell they’re looking for. Alice continually restrains Sarah, who seems increasingly annoyed but relents. Anna and Tyler both think they’re lesbians.

The others both seem interested in coming along and Alice is very concerned by this. She makes up a story that Maxwell needs medication that the girls have, and that Sarah can talk to him but more people makes it dangerous. Anna leaves so she doesn’t get dragged into lesbian sexcapades more than anything and Tyler thinks better of it. The girls leave and acknowledge that the other two definitely thought they were lesbians.

I think this scene is a mixed back. The issue is, it’s two very good scene ideas together, but they’re opposites; whimsical thing where two girls are mistaken for lesbians and all the interactions are built off of that, versus a dark and pensive thing where Sarah is strongly tempted to return to the easy way of being uncaring and violent but held in check by Alice as both of them reflect on how their relationship got here. I think I prefer the latter as part of Sarah’s story; it’s more of what I wanted from the last thread, with Sarah not being truly rehabilitated and still very dangerous, but now having someone to tether her that is, to some extent, interested in her remaining functional.

THREAD 9 (Tactic Static): I believe at this point Sarah is adopted by Storyspoiler, who has also been handling Alice. Overall, they’ve been together this far and I think in this scene at least the transition isn’t a problem.

Violet and Sarah are friends and Violet, with her ally Mike Moretti, are understandably defensive. Sarah is now continuously reflecting on Chris’s death, reminding herself of how bad it had been and that she didn’t want to go back to that. She decides to insist Violet take the tapes of her kills with the camera, so she doesn’t have the recordings of her past kills to tempt her to relapse. Mike doesn’t want her to hand off the responsibility to Violet, but Violet agrees and takes them.

Sarah realizes that she has not only done wrong, she has done harm to people, and is ashamed. Alice thinks that Sarah is beginning to truly be human again. Mike lies and directs them to the tunnels for Maxwell and the two go that way.

This scene is good for the two, it makes them feel even more reliant on each other, but now rather than enabling Alice is tempering Sarah, and it’s become healthier. Her interactions with someone who she knows, Violet, puts her back in the place of someone semi-lucid, and it’s an improvement for her. It feels better that she’s still a messed-up person but less whole-heartedly enthusiastic about it.

THREAD 10 (Cruel Justice): Sarah’s death thread. It’s 7 posts but they’re all quite long. Looks like they found Maxwell at the mines anyway. He’s asleep in a wooden building in the mine. Side note; this is I believe the third time Sarah has walked into a building to find a sleeping person.

Fanatic has taken over Sarah again. They are now searching the mines, with Sarah having been discussing her plans to torture Maxwell if she finds him, and she does, with him sleeping on the floor. Maxwell awakes from dreaming about accidentally killing a friend of his from England, and is still awake when Sarah pops in. The two fight, with Maxwell noticing the camera, and catches her off-guard by identifying her and then taunting her while he edges towards his gun, but is surprised by the announcement, especially that Maria Graham was not dead.

Alice becomes concerned and goes to seek out Sarah after some time. She references other wanting to take ‘cruel so-called justice’ on Sarah, which is another soft spot for me, referencing the thread title.

This last post is extremely long; Sarah attacks, but is overwhelmed in close quarters by Maxwell’s martial arts training. Maxwell references justice again but it feels extremely forced. She insults him and he beats her violently, cuts her ankles, then starts stripping her and then stabbing her. He then declares his intent to rape her.

I’m gonna interrupt myself more informally; this is bad writing. Maxwell has no particular reason to do this and is very scummy about it (he calls her a ‘fuckable…little slut’). It’s extremely uncomfortable and serves no meaning for either characters’ storylines, it’s just him wanting to be a bad person because he’s Evil. Whoever had this idea, I hope they know better now. I don’t like it and I don’t think I’m alone here.

Thankfully, Alice comes in, shouting something in French (Google Translate says ‘Fuck you, you psychotic piece of shit’ which seems pretty appropriate). She starts shooting at him with Brock’s gun, and Maxwell decides it’s not worth it and runs.

There’s another recommended listening, this time ‘Strongly Recommended Listening’. I don’t listen to it.

Sarah is dying and delusional, trying to call for her mom. There’s another Strongly Recommended Listening, but this one leads to a video that is no longer available. This time it’s for a flashback to Sarah’s home; her brother is home from active duty because of the circumstances, and her parents embrace. It’s a bit much. Though it's the post after Sarah dies, I also read Alice’s point of view here, where she’s trying to comfort Sarah and ultimately deciding that in spite of ‘justice’ Sarah doesn’t deserve to die from the agonizing wounds inflicted and slits her throat so she bleeds out quickly.

Conclusion Time!

Sarah is a tough one. There's basically no scene she has that's good without a caveat. Her strongest moments are with Alice, especially the last three threads. I appreciate the use of repeated stuff (the scalpel and ketamine, but also 'I'm forgetting something' and a lot of the motifs Alice clings to such as 'We committed a crime together. It ties us.) The big issue is a lot of her stuff is very extreme; how far she goes when she goes nuts borders on absurd, and things like the attempted rape are wholly unpleasant.

The best part of Sarah is when she's on the edge but not totally over, which amounts to maybe half her scenes overall. She copes with the fear of mortality by inventing a story for herself, one where she is immortal in spirit if not in body. I think the focus on that would have been better, but she ends up more developed on the 'mad director' angle which I think is more gimmicky and weaker as an arc. When she's confronted with reality and has to redo her narrative to fit what's happening, I think she feels like she's grown as a person, even after falling so far. She's a messed-up girl who never really recovers but she makes an effort when she crosses one line too many. I just wish that more of that had been emphasized instead of the torture stuff.

Overall, Sarah's functional. She's maybe better, perhaps ironically, as a supporting role, seen from the metaphorical lens of other characters. From her stuff with Sarah, I think Alice Boucher is a great viewpoint and I hope to see more of her along the way this Readathon. I appreciated her role in Sarah's story both as enabling and genuinely supporting and feeling the growth between the two from how it started to something like a real bond was one of the best parts of Sarah's redemption. I wouldn't recommend Sarah but she's also got some actual good stuff especially by the end.

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:33 am
by Espi
I'll take another!

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 9:24 am
by backslash
Daniel was a pretty short read in both pregame and V4 proper, but he was decent for what he did. His deal is that he's this thuggish guy who is actually a bit of a softy, and that comes through nicely in pregame with his befriending Lucy and unsuccessfully asking her to prom.

He doesn't actually get to do a lot in the actual game, and I've seen references to him being the unfavorite of his handler, which is too bad. He had the vibe of someone who wants to be heroic but struggles with how to do so in the environment of the island, where even trying to be a hero usually leads to violence. Unfortunately his first thread was pretty packed and he fell victim to "oh no I somehow lost track of everyone between threads syndrome", just to end up in another fairly large thread. He gets to shine in his fight scene with Maxwell, which has a bit of era-appropriate cheese but is sufficiently exciting, and he does at least die attempting to be heroic. Overall not a bad read, but a short and somewhat crowded one, especially since his posts tend to be much shorter than those of the people around him.

Give me another, cactus man.

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 10:16 am
by Yugikun
hello cactus

henlo you stinky cactus

wax poetic on my choice to join the read-a-thon ugly

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 3:36 pm
by Cactus
Ahh, good morning, good morning to each of you. It's always more fun when I get to send an away team back in time together; it makes me see the good we're doing when so many fine people are here to help. I'm glad that all three of you are still sanity-intact after your ventures back in time; Espi, the higher-ups really appreciated your in-depth report as well. Keep that kind of effort up and you'll almost certainly be promoted. Yugi, it's nice to see you back from the war. We'll get you up to speed in no-time. Stick by Zee, she'll make sure you're steered properly once you're back there. And if not, she'll hit you with her formatting stick.

You definitely need a formatting stick when you go back. Definitely.

Speaking of formatting - if you're doing longboi reviews like Espi's tour de force or Kermit's - please try and put it behind a spoiler tag just so it's not a wall of text. Thanks!

The equipment rack is over there for replenishing your supplies, and as for your assignments? *looks down at the pile* Here you go.

Espi: Dustin Royal
Zee: Maria Graham
Yugi: Michael Moretti

Huh. Looks like I unintentionally repeated a surname from the past on one of my current characters. Oops. Go see what other fun facts you can find!

Good luck!

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:22 pm
by Ohm
I'll take one.

Re: The V4 Read-a-Thon

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2019 7:35 pm
by Cactus
Ah, Ohm! You were so close to getting to beam down with the last landing party. But that's okay, we'll still send you down. All hands on deck - you know how it is. I'm sending you something that'll ease you in a bit, I'd think, so keep your fingers crossed and maybe you'll come back with a recommendation! Funny we're talking about adoptions too, since this is in fact one!

Ohm: Luke Templeton

Good luck down there!