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Re: There's Always Hope.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:56 pm
by asano*
Drew blinked lightly as the announcement began, but immediately blocked it out. He didn't want to hear the death lists once more, nor did he want to hear that bastard Danya's voice any more than necessary. He knew it was cold, very cold, but there was only one thing he could do in the matter.
Ignore the death lists and concentrate on Danger zones.

Just as his face began to register shock at the new zones (Holy fuck, we just got settled down!), Cassie came barreling out of the cave. He flinched slightly as he heard the yelling, turning his head somewhat...yep, that was Cassie.

So, Drew hadn't heard things. They were in a Danger zone, and if they didn't get the hell out of there, they'd get a nice, friendly hug. From the explosives packed into their collars. And then they would give a nice, friendly hug. To the ground.

"Let's get out of here!" He was *not* planning on dying in or near a dark, scary cave. - -'

Re: There's Always Hope.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:56 pm
by Swoosh*
Somewhat relieved that Drew was more or less on the ball, Cassie nodded urgently.

"Come on," she said; gripping her baton tightly she turned to run off only to see the two still in front of her, looking as panicked and flustered as you'd expect. Now that she had actually taken the time to look at them, she instantly recognised the girl as Nevera and the boy as Scott- both from her old school.

If she had not been in the situation she had been in- faced with imminent death- she might have been relieved at this revelation. Although she wasn't close to either of them, she knew they were both OK kids. Although of course, the game might have changed that too, like she had seen it do to so many others. But there was no time to fret over that now- faced with the choice of certain death from a terrorist group, or possible death from former classmates, she picked the latter.

Just leave them here...leave them here to die... leave them like he left you...

Desperately trying to ignore the voice, she shouted over to them both. "Scott! Nev! Let's get out of here!"

She didn't have time to introduce them to Drew, and she was certain that they didn't care for name exchanges right then, and so giving them all one last look, she took off, running as fast as her legs would take her.

((continued elsewhere. Jeez, that's the second time I've had to flee from a danger zone. Do I have the worst luck or what?))

Re: There's Always Hope.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:57 pm
by asano*
[Because I haven't the brain power to compose another post (*drained* ;_;), um...yesh. Drew followed Cassie. >.>'
Hey, I've got bad luck too. This is the second time I've had to flee, and I've only been here so long...XD]

((Continued in: Memory Lane))

Re: There's Always Hope.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:57 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
((Followed swoosh and asano))

Re: There's Always Hope.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:57 pm
by Abel Nox*
((followed Drew, Scott, and Cassie lol))

Re: There's Always Hope.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2018 3:57 pm
by Swoosh*
...((continued at Memory Lane @ Eastern Shore ^___^))