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Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 1:15 am
by D/N
Nikki Nelson-Kelly - Removed denim jacket and put on a yellow sleeveless blouse. Has a light black scarf on her neck over her collar.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2019 4:02 am
by Brackie
Mikki Swift:
Completely soaked from the head to toe, muddy in places.

Aditi Sharma:
No noticeable changes.

Jessica Rennes:
No noticeable changes.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 2:03 pm
by Maraoone
Yuka Hayashibara:
- soaked from the rain, no make-up, messy hair, eye bags as of 'Incredible Adventures'
- dried up, still rather disheveled as of 'pale imitation'
- dead as of 'one of a kind.' Somewhat cakey makeup on, lying on bed. Slight bleeding from mouth, extensive bleeding around stomach area

Joanne Coleman:
- changed from red tank top to light blue T-shirt with #TittyBrigadeDC emblazoned in block letters
- dried gash on right forehead, about two inches long, as of Sleep Is The Cousin Of Death
- ded, hole in forehead

Diego Larrosa:
- soaking wet as of 'Gimme Shelter'
- dried out, changed into dark green T-shirt, blue jeans. Slightly muddied, dirtied as of RICH_BOY
- shirtless, only wearing jeans and shoes as of 'Silent Key.' Is wearing a bag, grenade launcher hangs around his neck. Gun in waistband. Has scabbed gash across forehead, somewhat bloodied bandage wrapped around his left forearm.
- as of 'life's alright in devil town,' has bandaged wounds on right arm, left shoulder. two pieces of gauze, bloodied, taped to his right cheek, one piece of gauze taped to his left cheek. some slight blood smears on face at the moment
- as of 'Pagbibinata,' has another bloodied bandage wrapped around his torso, slightly below the chest. His face is covered in multiple bruises, the most severe one being on his left cheek, where the cheekbone is fractured. His left eyelids are swollen, and some blood vessels on his left eye have broken, making the lower margins red. Three of the teeth on the left side of his mouth are missing. His nose is bent to the right, with dried streams of blood emanating from his nostrils. The lower half of his face in general is somewhat smeared with blood.
- as of 'park that car,' the entirety of his left cheek, below his eye, to the left of his mouth, is covered in red-stained gauze, with a wide horizontal patch of red extending from his mouth to the left.

Aditi Sharma:
- dead as of 'Yellow Light.' Collar blown, neck partially blown out.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Wed Jul 10, 2019 3:23 pm
by ItzToxie
Emil Van Zandt lll- Mostly normal. His clothes are a a bit sandy, and he has a light amount of bruising on his face, going from under his chin to his left cheekbone. He has a minor cut in the center of his chin.

UPDATE as of Day 2: Bruising has darkened. Cut has scarred over. Emil’s hair is slightly more matted and has a bit of sand still in it. Some of the sand on his clothes has dissipated.

Update as of day 3: Wearing his hood up. Bruising has started to fade from blue into greens. Bags are forming under his eyes. Little mustache stubble is beginning to form.

Marcus Volker- Bruising along his forehead and cheek, all on the right side of his face. Three small circular burns line the right side of his face starting from just above his cheek bone, and ending at his jawline. He has two circular burns on the right side of his neck. The right lens of his glasses is cracked. Underneath his right eyelid is bruised a dark blue.

UPDATE as of day 2: He has a bandage wrapped around his head, covering his right eye. He’s still wearing his glasses over the dressing. Bruises are darkened, taser burns are faded. He’s currently equipped with a flare gun, and a singed bag.

Update as of day 3: Removed bandages around head. He keeps his right eye perpetually closed. Bruising is beginning to fade from blues to greens. Taser burns are now barely visible pale circles. He's now carrying a big fuckoff chainsaw. He's still wearing his glasses.

this part be spoilered coz eyeball damage.
His eyeball itself has obvious irreparable damage, the white of his eye is now red. A dark reddish black circle is formed on the lower right hand side of the iris, with dark red jagged lines spreading out from the center point of the burn. His pupil is permanently dilated abnormally wide, and warped into a pear/teardrop shape, the smaller side leading to the burn.
u wuz warnd.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Sat Aug 03, 2019 3:30 am
by Kermit

Michael Froese: Wearing a long-sleeved shirt; a gray one, bearing the words 'This is my too tired to function sweatshirt' in big block letters. Shot in the face with a pancor jackhammer so like yknow that GIF of the clip from Scanners where the guy's head explodes it's basically that. Has his diabetes blood tester / pdm on his chest. If any button on it is pressed, it will display the words "To whoever is reading, bury me at sea - Michael F".

Hair game no longer on-point.

Valerija Bogdanovic: Killed to death! Ponytail undone. has been stabbed in the back of the knee oh no! Is currently laying in a big ol puddle of blood w/ a gunshot wound through her abdomen. Also she shot herself in the collar so there's that stuff too. Holding an explosion-mangled Luger P08. Has an unloaded Beretta M12 in her pocket.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:45 pm
by General Goose
Nick Ogilvie: Face has a few cuts, beard is a mess, wearing no shirt, wearing bandages over his left knuckles. Bruises and small cuts all over his body. Also just looks tired and sad.

Camille Bellegarde: Yeah she's fine

Ashlynn Martinek: No alterations to her appearance, but bag has a few bullet holes.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2019 4:28 pm
by Buko
Ace "Beats" Ortega: Has given his blue hat to Ivy Langley and is currently wearing a white cotton tank in place of his shirt. His knuckles are bloodied with clear marks of being used for punching.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:23 pm
by blastinus
Didn't even notice this thread, but I'm always happy to throw my hat into the ring. Here goes:

Kayla Harris: Throat cut to ribbons, torso torn open, intestines showing, eyeballs gouged and bloodied. Needless to say, she's dead.

Mackenzie Baker: Still wearing her purple straw hat. No injuries. Smudged makeup on face.

Jeff Greene: Left arm held in place by sling. Riot shield currently held in right arm.

Reuben Walters: Lightly bandaged on left forearm, band-aids on both knees. Giant stab wound in stomach. Very dead.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:45 am
by TheLordOfAwesome
Updated Sierra's appearance.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2019 3:51 am
by MethodicalSlacker
reposting Appearance because it's Day 3 and things have Changed.

Violet Schmidt:
- No longer a bandage on her forehead
- No longer wearing her flannel—she's got her robe on over her white t-shirt now. It's black with red accents around the hems and fringes.
- A few flecks of blood on her face.
- Clothes are fairly wet. Hair too.

Lucas Diaz:
- A little damp
- Has three swords now, Minecraft and Obsidian Tooth Sword and red lightsaber
- Mustache and beard very patchy but somewhat present

Max Rudolph:
- Dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep
- Stubble forming on his chin.

Liberty "Bert" Wren:
- Head caved in
- Dead

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:17 am
by LeslieFranc
Cecil-Salazar Loveless
[Day 3]
> generally damp
> hair is a bit wet and has been combed down
> some streaks of mud on his boots and his clothes
> blood stains on his trenchcoat

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 2:04 am
by Sunnybunny
Sakurako A. Jackson

As of Day 3:

Hair braided in hastily-done pigtails.

Wearing a pair of "purple" Nike Free Mercurial Superflys, black socks that go up to her mid-calf, a galaxy print skirt with suspenders, and a textured black gothic gauze shirt with wash. She has a large black hoodie wrapped around her waist.

Is carrying around Minecraft pick and bags.

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 12:57 pm
by Kotorikun
Declyn Grayson-Anthis
  • changed into Theo's pastel blue t-shirt, rolled up sleeves
  • turned his denim jacket into a holster for his gun
  • dark eye bags
  • bandages around both arms
*as of day 4 update sept 26th

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:30 pm
by Melusine
they're all wet

Re: The V7 Appearance Tracker

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 9:29 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Realized editing was getting buried, so we'll do the ol' bump to update:

Juliette Sargent

-Wearing Improvised rain poncho fashioned from emergency blanket
-Looks extremely smug if you're less dry than she is
-Makeup is gone... for now
-Swapped footwear to a pair of sandals

Sven Vee

-Plastic lightsaber clipped to his belt
-Clothes soggy, scuffed, and a bit muddy
-Still wearing sunglasses even though it's gloomy and raining

Darlene Silva

-Glasses speckled with rainwater/smudges
-Potentially completely unrecognizable due to having ditched sweater and blouse in favor of slightly too-large black t-shirt
-Pretty much soaked
-The head of a large plush husky is poking out of Darlene's duffel bag. Possibly recognizable as having been Beryl's if you knew she had a huge plush dog on the trip; you'd have to ask Cicada.