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Re: Everlasting

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 11:16 am
by Primrosette
Drew heard the voice calling out to him and he felt himself recognizing the voice of his best friend who he had been aching to see for the last few days. He saw Declyn running towards him and he felt Declyn's arms around him, making him want to cry harder in the rain. He was not really starting to see things, was he? Declyn was really here with him?

Drew felt himself sniffling slightly and he felt a sad laugh bubble up in his throat. He forced the laughter back down and he glanced at Declyn's face, feeling himself starting to smile because of how relieved he was to see him alive and well. He then moved his good arm with the bottle in his hand and he wrapped it around Declyn's waist, trying to hug the other boy with as much affection and comfort as he could in his condition.

Gervais really was the worst...!

"D-Declyn...? Declyn, it's-it's really you...!" Drew said happily with a burst of energy and he rested his head against Declyn's shoulder, feeling too tired to move away from the tree he was leaning against. "I....I thought that I would n-never see you again! I was so, so scared...!"

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 5:40 pm
by Kotorikun
Declyn was holding Drew with caution, making sure he wasn't squeezing him too tightly. His fingers were twitching and shaking slightly when he touched Drew's hair, grabbing a fistful of it without pulling on it. Sweet autumn clematis, warm spring nights, and green tomatoes — that's how he'd describe his scent.

Right now he'd use the term wet dog.

"Yes, it's really me. I think." He couldn't help but chuckle with Drew, feeling his own breath falter every now and then. "Me too.... Ugh... Dreww..." He pulled back just enough to look at his face. "What's with the blanket? Where's your stuff...?"

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 8:29 pm
by Primrosette
Declyn was asking about the blanket and his other bag that he was missing, making Drew want to block out how serious everything was around them. Drew was still trying to keep his arm shielded from the rain and his mind was trying to remember the last few days, his head was throbbing with how he was trying to make an effort about it. He just wanted to hold Declyn closer with his arm forever. He must have looked like a complete mess to Declyn and he hoped to not have Declyn worry about him too much. But he needed to be truthful with him and now it was his chance to do so.

"I got shot by Gervais...."

My fault for being so trusting....

"M-My arm's not doing so great, but I don't want you to worry too much about me, okay...?" He said quietly and his eyes were trying hard to not look away from Declyn's own beautiful eyes. "I... I need to keep it out of the rain, I-I used the blanket. I lost my duffel bag as I-I run away from Gervais..."

And Cecil.... And the boy who saved me... And Bill.... I'm such an idiot...!

"I-I don't have any spare clothes..."

Drew wondered if he should tell Declyn the truth about his feelings for Cecil. Now would be the right time as they were alone.

"Declyn.... There's something I want to t-tell you... A-A-About Cecil."

His arm was still holding Declyn against him and his own breathing was getting a bit heavier.

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2019 9:30 pm
by Jan de Witt
(Theophilus "Theo" Walterson continued from Know Your Enemy)

Somewhat surprisingly, the tension and fear Theo had been feeling over the past few days began to dissipate as the days passed by. If he tried hard enough, he found that he could pretend that everything was completely normal. But as hard as he tried to keep it up, the illusion of normality could only be kept up for so long. When he woke up, both Jonathan and Declyn had taken the opportunity to disappear, and he was left alone with Amelia, and although he didn't actively dislike her, he had yet to reach the same rapport with her as he did with the others. Still, he made no comment on their sudden abandonment, and he contented himself with watching the rain slowly dissipate.

The announcements, however, shattered the tense but calm equilibrium that they had managed to create amongst themselves. Although he himself felt only an irritated interest, Amelia reacted much more poorly, abruptly getting up and simply leaving without a word. Surprised, Theo called out after Amelia. "Wait! Come back!" But she did not respond, and Theo, unwilling to risk getting lost, was left guarding the now almost-wholly abandoned campsite.

Theo walked listlessly towards the edge of the hill, where he was surprised to see a mud-splattered Declyn and another somewhat bedraggled, but still familiar-feeling locked in a solid embrace. Cursing himself for not thinking to check the surrounding area earlier, he raced around the hill to reach them. When he finally reached the bottom, he coughed loudly, unwilling to interrupt the indistinct conversation they were having but still needing to get their attention. He felt a sudden sense of trepidation. How would he explain Amelia's disappearance?

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2019 6:10 pm
by Kotorikun
“I can pretend not to be worried but you know I am.”

Declyn sucked his cheek in when he carefully put his hand over the improvised sling. Yes, it was tough, it was tough, that went without saying. It began as disbelief and ended in sorrow, but in between those two phases his body shook with anger. The only thing he knew about Gervais was that he was very athletic, therefore stronger. Declyn wasn’t. Drew wasn’t. But there was also nothing much you could do about a bullet flying towards you.

He moved his hand back and forth like that would magically heal Drew’s arm and sighed. “I was with Jonathan last night.... And left my bag close by, with Theo and Amelia. They’re both fine,” he said reassuringly, but his mind was hung on Amelia and her possibly bad reaction to the announcement. He really wanted to get back quickly.

Then, his ears perked up at the mention of his boyfriend’s name.

“Cecil??" He put his other arm over Drew’s on his waist, thinking about the little dispute they had had during the trip regarding his relationship with Cecil. "What about him? Did you see him?” Whatever irritation or bad feeling it had left him with, it could be put aside.

Before they could continue their conversation though, a cough made Declyn snap his head back towards it. His body immediately relaxed, leaning against Drew when he saw it was Theo. ".... Okay, I'm glad I wasn't too far off."

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:09 pm
by Primrosette
Drew had been relieved to hear that Declyn had been with Theo and Amelia and he wondered if they would be able to see Diego and Cam at some point. Drew felt a wave of worry sinking in as he thought about two of his closest friends out there and he hoped that they were with people that would keep them safe. Drew knew that it was a cheesy thing but he always felt safer with Declyn and he hoped that he wasn't going to be a burden to him or the others. He felt like he was going to cry and he forced himself to stop. He couldn't be a crybaby forever.

Drew felt his face heat up a little as Declyn had reacted as Drew thought he would over hearing Cecil's name and Drew knew that he shouldn't have left Cecil behind like that. But he had been scared and bleeding and he thought that Gervais would come after him again. Those excuses were pretty bad and it just made Drew feel like he was a terrible person. And now Declyn was-

Drew felt his heart beating faster as Declyn was basically leaning on him and his mind was screaming in giddy. Then he remembered that he was a fool and that there was no time for him to be a dorky high school gay boy being in love with- Shut up, Drew...!

"T-Theo!!" He said with a cheerful smile and he laughed heartily, feeling himself starting to cry. "I-It's great to see that you're okay! Y-You're okay, you're okay...!"

Where was Amelia...?

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2019 11:41 pm
by Tonyksin
[Amelia Fischer Continued From Eclipse]

The sun rose, and she hadn’t slept at all. It made her body feel awful and sluggish and heavy. Her throat and mouth were dry and tasted awful. It had been days since she could brush her teeth or rinse her mouth. Her eyes were bloodshot and it took all her willpower to keep them open. Sleep didn’t feel safe. Last time… No, she didn’t want to wake up like that again. And sleeping outside was uncomfortable and the ground hurt her back. Besides, she was alone with Theo here. One of them had to stay awake to keep watch, right? Declyn and Jonathan had yet to return. It had been hours. Hours and still no sign of the person who was supposed to stay by her side and not leave her behind.

Amelia wondered for a moment if maybe he’d decided she was dead weight.

No… that wasn’t like him at all.

Worse still, what if something had happened to him? What if Jonathan had hurt him, and he couldn’t make it back? What if someone had found them when they left the camp and chased them away, or worse, killed them? There were thousands of possible reasons why Declyn had yet to return to her even though his bag was still here. Thousands, but apparently the only ones that would come to Amelia’s mind were horrible ones. She sat against a tree , her knees pulled to her chest and her arms tucked under her calves, hugging herself as she desperately watched the treeline Declyn had disappeared beyond for any sign of his return.

She didn’t want to be alone.

Not that she was, realistically, but she didn’t know Theo. It was the same as if she was sitting there all alone. No words passed between them as the rainfall started to slow and the sun brightened the woods. It was awkward. Amelia was used to that though. Most people were like this around her. She didn’t mind, usually. Usually she’d just go on with her day, because she enjoyed herself more that they found her unenjoyable. She liked her own company. But that was at home. Where everything was familiar and felt safe and happy.

Here nothing felt safe.

Nothing felt happy.

Everything was dull and miserable and made her sad.

But at least she had Declyn. He was her friend. She cared about him and he did the same for her. When she felt sad she could turn to him. When she was lost he would help her find her way. And Dolly was out there, somewhere. She could feel safe if she found her. And Violet. And Marcy. And Yuka, and Roxie, and all her friends who could be in the middle of fighting for their lives right now and she would have no idea and no way to help them. She just felt so weak. Even with her gun, she couldn’t help protect anyone she cared about. Because she was here, hiding in the woods, waiting for someone to come save her.

The speakers scattered throughout the island sparked to life, and the man who had trapped them here once again began to list off the names of the students who had lost their lives the day before. A few names and killers went by, but Amelia didn’t know any of them. Not by name at least. Maybe if there was a picture to go along, like in a news story where they had a picture of what they were talking about up in the corner while they talked. Not like that was possible here, but it would help her. But then, he said a name, and it made Amelia immediately feel dizzy and want to vomit.

‘This was followed by Dolores Upton getting her skull shot open by Blaise d'Aramitz’

What? What did he say? She felt like her world was spinning out of control, she struggled to stand, but found her body wouldn’t listen to her commands. Dolly was… No. Impossible. It couldn’t be. The world wasn’t so cruel. She felt her heart beating a mile a minute. If she felt tired before, now she was wide awake. Somehow she made it to her feet, but her legs felt like jelly. She scooped up her bag and threw it over her shoulder.

No. Not Dolly. Why? Why would someone…

Tears began to stream down her face, but even though she wanted to scream no sound came from her lips. The shock of what he’d said made her feel numb. Like when the dentist made her face numb with the needle, but all over her body. What should she do? She needed Declyn. Dolly was… she was… She couldn’t even say it, it felt so wrong. So alien. So absolutely impossible.


Amelia felt for the first time in her young life a burning rage build up inside her chest. Blaise. BLAISE, BLAISE, BLAISE, BLAISE! Who are they?! Did she know them?! She wanted them to hurt like she was. She wanted that person to understand the agony her body was going through hearing that the person she loved so much was gone forever. She didn’t even get to say goodbye. Hate. Hate Blaise. Hate them more than anyone ever!

She had to find them. Find Blaise.

Make them hurt just as much.

She started to walk. Just picked a direction and went. Her blood was pumping in her ears. A muffled call from behind her, but she barely registered anyone was there. Find Blaise. Find them and hurt them. Amelia had never felt this need to hurt another person before.

But now that it was here, she almost liked it.

[Amelia Fischer Continued In The Tower]

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:45 pm
by Jan de Witt
Theo beamed as he saw Drew, but his expression darkened as he saw the full extent of his injuries. Turning away on impulse, he looked back cautiously to assess them: Declyn covered in mud and dirt but otherwise unharmed, and Drew, whose injuries cast a dark shadow over the general elation of their unexpected reunion. Trying somewhat unsuccessfully to sound sympathetic rather than horrified, he tried to keep his eyes on Drew. "Are you alright? Was this an accident, or ..." He hesitated at the thought of actually discussing the violence that had presumably occurred. "Did someone do this to you?"

He inhaled uncertainly. "Also, Amelia's gone now. It happened I tried..." He paused. Had he really tried to stop her from leaving? Could he really describe his weak efforts to call her back as a real attempt to stop her?

He started again. "I asked her no to go, but she didn't say anything. She looked so angry, so I didn't want to get in her way. It was after the announcements, so maybe she's looking for someone?"

He sighed regretfully. "I don't think she's coming back, so what should we do now?" As much as he felt sorry for her, he felt that chasing after someone so clearly enraged would be very unwise indeed.

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 9:13 pm
by Kotorikun
"She prooobably wants to find Blaise," Declyn said through teeth almost gritted with a sound that could be described as a groan and painful sigh while he pushed his hair back with both of his hands, staring off into the distance. He let the strands slip through his fingers slowly before he sunk his arms that then dropped down like dead weight.

“She and Dolly were close,” he added.

Why did she think it was a good idea to go off on her own? Didn't they promise to stay together? To protect and take care of each other? Maybe he shouldn't have followed Jon last night. Maybe.

Declyn grabbed Drew's healthy hand quickly.

"Stay close." He lowered his voice as he shot a serious but calm look at Drew. "Please."

He was moving closer to Theo, dragging Drew behind him.

“Okay, first, where’s my bag?”

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:51 pm
by Primrosette
Drew felt scared for Amelia being out there alone and he wished that he had gotten there sooner to stop her from going after somebody like Blaise. They were really bad news and Drew was hoping to never run into them on the island. But knowing him and guns being attracted to him; it was more likely to happen at some point. He was still hoping that he wouldn't see Gervais again and the thought of him hurting Drew again.... It was scaring Drew shitless. He wasn't the type to fight back, he was terrified of conflicts and fights with people and he was a complete weakling.

Amelia is mourning over Dolly in her own way and Drew was not going to chase after her. He knew that it was a selfish thing to do but he wasn't in a good condition and his body was starting to feel worse as time went on. He felt the warmth of Declyn's hand holding his cold, clammy hand and he felt himself lifted up a little in a terrible situation. He was not going to leave Declyn's side and he was not going to try to run away again.

He decided to tell Theo what happened to him in short ways. "Gervais shot me.... On f-first day.... Avoid him if you see him at all.... o....over the next few d-days, Theo." He said in exhaustion and he blinked a few times, trying to get the bits of blurriness out of his eyes. "I-I will stay with.... with you, Declyn..."

He stared at Declyn's back as he was asking Theo about his bag and Drew felt himself weakly squeezing his best friend's hand.

"S-Should we look for shelter elsewhere...?"

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2019 2:57 pm
by Jan de Witt
Drew was clearly far more affected by his experiences than Theo had thought. The little explanation Drew offered was informative less in its content than its delivery. Regardless of what had actually happened, it was clear that Drew had be traumatized by his experience, and he patted Drew's good shoulder sympathetically. "Well, at least you're with us now. Safety in numbers?".

Theo sighed as Declyn confirmed his suspicions; Amelia left because one of her friends was killed and was now engaging in a most likely pointless attempt to hunt someone who had already clearly proved their willingness to kill. Hopefully, Declyn's request would ensure that neither of the others would consider following her example anytime soon.

He quickly told them where on the hill he had left their bags and nodded agreeably at Drew's suggestion. "There's a few buildings we can take shelter in if we go for a few hours that way.", he said, pointing in the general direction of the residential areas. He thought about the suggestion more closely. "If we go that way, wouldn't lots of people have tried to take shelter in some of the buildings? It could be dangerous if most of the houses are already taken." He frowned slightly. "Maybe we should go around the waterfall instead: if it's less built up then fewer other people are likely to be there."

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Sat Oct 12, 2019 3:27 pm
by Kotorikun
Declyn recalled his mental image of the map. He’d rather go where there were likely more people, danger or not. You couldn’t judge anything from this far away. Now was truly the time of always expect the unexpected. If you are not absolutely sure of a thing, it is difficult to commit yourself to a definite course of action. And when the flow of emotions had burst its bars and expectations had gone over the limits of certainty, people had become inadequate.

When Theo was done pointing around, he took his hand, still holding Drew’s in his other.

“What I just said to Drew. Same goes for you.” He lifted their hands to eye level, staring at them before he connected his shoulder with Theo’s with a tired smile. “Let’s stay close. There’s supposed to be a cave by the waterfall,” he said, his eyes searching Drew’s gaze. They have had their share of a.... cave-venture before. Quite a while ago. Cam, wherever you are right now.... “I wouldn’t mind checking it out.”

Maybe the rain would stop by the time they arrived. If not, it wouldn’t matter.

[Declyn Grayson-Anthis continued in Evolving]

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2019 11:50 am
by Primrosette
Drew didn't want to admit that he was getting more and more afraid of wanting to see other people as he knew that this island and the collars around their necks were forcing people to react in scary ways. He knew that the terrorists had to just like press a button or something to blow up their collars and all. But he wondered why people were being so selfish to want to live so badly and he wondered if he would have to do the unforgivable one day. He knew that there was no way that he could do something like that and he was possibly slowly dying from his arm wound. He didn't want to worry Declyn and Theo; so he didn't say anything and he was going to pretend that everything was going to be okay.

Drew's eyes widened in surprise as Declyn mentioned a cave being by the waterfall and he let out a airy, light-hearted laugh, feeling a bubbly, warmth inside his heart for his best friend. "Y-Yeah, yeah. Let's hope that we don't get lost this time, huh?" He responded in a jokey manner and his hand squeezed Declyn's cool hand that was gripping his. "I want to see if we can find a dragon or something...!"


He was such a freaking dork!

((Drew Woods continued in Evolving))

Re: Everlasting

Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2019 11:30 pm
by Jan de Witt
Theo quickly retrieved his bag and hurried to follow Drew and Declyn. Racing to catch up with the others, he left the hill where he'd spent so much time without a second glance: it might have been a place of calm for a while, but Amelia's flight had highlighted the danger of being so alone, and he was glad to leave.

(Theophilus "Theo" Walterson continued in Evolving)