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Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:28 am
by Kaishi*
((OOC: Coming from Sweet Dreams at the Ravine.))

Elijah had been a kid once, messy hair, dorky glasses and all. Not one of the smartest students out there, but he had the look of it whenever he was carrying a textbook. Specifically, the books on the human anatomy. It was one of his obsessions since as long as he could remember. He would study what was most fragile, most useless, strongest, and critical areas. The studies would be mainly on the limbs, done trying to find a way to cure his father's paralysis. It was a child's dream that manifested with the years he grew up in. The military training was a minor thing in his life, for while he was trained, he learned far more than he ever could without the training. Pressure points, weak spots, etcetera. Elijah even got the chance to use the new techniques on enemy soldiers.

Now, monster man Elijah Rice was killing off kids whom, like him, had dreams. Had lives. Had families. And, above all else, had reasons to go home that far surpassed his. Elijah was in his twenties. His highschool days were over, while theirs were just getting ready to end shortly after the start. It wasn't right, but, still, the scare tactic had worked on the American Empire (AKA the USA). All the parents and relatives were crying their eyes out right now, most likely, praying to religious figures to get their sons and daughters out of their new found Hell.

If he was younger, his mother and father would be doing the same. The thought of that didn't sit well with him.

He and the French girl, Clemence, walked on in silence, arriving at the destination safe so far. The hospital was a place of resting that a few believed to be a safe haven. It wasn't much of one, Elijah noted, when he entered the light building. Blood, guts, and other nasty parts smeared the floor and walls. A fresh body was on the floor, stinking up the place worse than it already was. It was a hard feat that deserved some sort of congratulation.

Most deserving of an M-16 salute. TGREEN raised his rifle, aiming to make his mark on a boy crouched over on the floor. There was a girl there, too, but she wasn't of any matter to him. Clemence could dispose of her easily. Well, actually, the boy could be killed easily aswell, by anyone. That was the best thing about Survival of the Fittest. Everyone was a weakling that could be killed off by the others under the impression that they were the strongest.

Nothing matters now. Not who you are, or what you've been through. You're all predator prey when it comes down to it, sad enough.

((OOC: Whee~! 666th post. Doesn't this thread feel honored? ;)))

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:28 am
by MooCow*
Clemence hissed quickly to the monster, "how do you suggest we go about eliminating them... if it's all the same to you I'd like to take one out myself, it's been a while and I feel I've been getting a little rusty perhaps... I need more practice. I can take the girl easily... perhaps both of them. Maybe then I'll have some sort of gun."

She felt awkward, oddly enough being the only source of noise other than the occasional grunt or whatever feral noise came out of Elijah... she had learned his name, but that was the only thing they had communicated since they had left the ravine.

"Nod if you agree," she whispered.

Clemence suddenly felt excited. It was really getting down to the wire. Most of the students were dead and those that were left she and Rice could make quick work of especially if they came across some more artillery. It would just be the simple task of getting the infatuated terrorist to trust her enough by the end of the game. Clemence wasn't stupid enough to stab such a valuable asset in the back... yet.

Clemence gave her accomplice a fallen angel's smile enough to rival that of one of the Japanese programs most famous past contenders.

Your as cold as ice...

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:29 am
by Kaishi*
He held out a hand, fingers outstretched. Wait. Elijah pointed to Clemence, to himself, then to his eyes. You and me. See. He shrugged. If/maybe. He glanced in Takara and Toby's directions. They. He patted his gun and held up a finger. Have a gun. First. Elijah let go of his weapon, letting it bounce against his torso. The strap was strong. Not really caring about how goofy he looked, he made fists and began to roll the right one around the left one, like a boogey dance. Second. We move/roll on. He made two fingers walk in the air, with imaginary flooring. And. Walk over. TGREEN made a motion like he was scouting for something. Searching. Four fingers. For. Holding of the gun. Guns/other weapons. Three fingers. Three. Finger sliding over throat. Death.

So, to translate the charades, the plan was to see if the children had any weapons on them. Then, they'd search the place up and down, looking for other weapons that could be there. One of them would have to hold Takara and Toby at gun point, a detail that Elijah hadn't bothered to show. It was a given to do so. Otherwise, they might run away like pansies, dribbling fear made piss all over the place. Nasty, but it was probably an inevitable for the two. What else would kids like them do?

Finally, once the place had been looted and, maybe the young'ns had haggled for their life by giving out information about where other friends were, they'd be executed. Cold blooded; it was the only way things got done. Once they knew where everyone was, the game was over.

Rice leaned down, jabbing the rifle into Toby's back.

Weapons now, boy. Beg for life.

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:29 am
by kuroraishu*
[Okay... um, seeing as I wasn't in the mood for reading all that happened after my last post, I'm just gonna wing it from what Asano told me. >.>]
Takara stood practically frozen as everything around her seemed as if to intensify. Her eyes were void of emotion, she was trembling slightly, and she had withdrawn into herself.

Even as Sidney shot Chance, she was not aware of it. It was as if she watched, yet did not see; listened, but did not hear. For all she knew, Sidney could have ran right past her on his way out of the area, and yet she would not have truly seen it. Did she snap? Not quite...

It wasn't until the other people came, Clemence and Elijah, that she seemed as if to come out of her trance. The cause? Elijah putting his gun to Toby's back. Her eyes narrowed as her fingers wrapped around the hilt of her knife. Who was that bastard to put a gun to Toby's back!? Did she know Elijah was a Terrorist? No. Was she aware of the fact that he could turn the gun on her and kill her just like that? Hell yes. >.>

No more standing around like I'm some poor defenseless girl. I'm not going to let the others fight while I just stand here frozen like an idiot!

With that set in mind, Takara ran at Elijah, knife drawn. Cold rage burned within her eyes, the red color from her contacts only making it look more menacing. Without a second thought, or concern for her own safety, she went to tackle Elijah. All that mattered was getting him away from Tobs. Nothing else. Not even her life. She'd die trying to kill him first. Now had she snapped? Fuck. Yeah.

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:30 am
by asano*
[I apologize for A) not posting in a long time. Huge apology on that, guys. And B) for this post. I have a feeling it won't be the best. I'm tired, but I feel an obligation to post, so nyeh.]

Too bad for Elijah that Toby was in shock. Hell, too bad for Toby that he was such. I believe it would classify as being almost catatonic. He didn't move, didn't do anything; he was barely breathing, and this was noticable. Especially in this situation, his body should slowly be rocking. ...well, in this situation, actually, it should be heaving. From breathing, I mean. At the moment, it barely twitched.

That was the first clue to the man that the boy would take quite a lot to wake up from his trance.

((Coming from: Clockworks))

Drew was on the other end of the spectrum from Toby. While Toby had shut down, frozen, Drew had done the opposite. He was in overdrive. Proof of this came in the fact that he was running farther than he'd ever done in his life. He'd come all the way from that crash site. That damned crash site. It was unbe-fucking-lievable how much he'd changed right there, and what was worse was the fact that he didn't even know it.

His mind had taken over, his brain overriding his conscious thought; he reacted to the cruelty of the situation he was placed in with his own cruelty. He'd pumped an entire clip (or close to an entire one) into Cassie, the person he'd decided to protect for however long he stayed here. He'd killed the person he wanted to try to protect, and it hadn't just been murder. It'd been a slaughter. A merciless, cold-blooded killing. Like what men did to cattle, and it'd been entirely purposeful.

Had he stepped back and analyzed this, he would have been unsure as to whether he'd done this before or after his brain had taken over and decided that the only one worth expending bullets to defend was himself, and the people worth using bullets on to kill was anyone and everyone.

But at the moment, the boy, breathing heavily, crashed through the trees. He spilled out into a clearing, almost stepping on the body at his feet. He immediately saw the woman charging at a boy who had a gun in another boy's back. Not seeing any faces whatsoever, the surprise of this forced his hand to tighten around his pistol, being carried out and aimed in front of him. Just in case, y'know.

The annoyingly treble-y crack of the pistol rang out. Why couldn't guns have more bass, like the movies? Anyway. The report of the pistol lashed out, leaving a surprised Drew behind the smoke. Then, he realized what'd just happened, lunging for the treeline he'd just left and securely planting himself behind a thick tree.

I suppose it's rather important to mention that, because the pistol was aimed straight ahead, it'd also been aimed (accidentally) at Takara as she ran. It was a badly aimed shot, but the bullet had still gone for her.

[I apologize for the end of this post. I hate it but I couldn't figure out how to do it differently and, er, better-ly. x.x;]

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:30 am
by kuroraishu*
The loud crack of a gun. The ringing in her ears. It took but a second to realize what had happened, and what was going to happen.

Takara halted, looking to where Drew had stood. She had caught a glimpse of him, a fleeting glimpse. Then there was the bullet. Everything seemed as if to slow down for her.

Images and memories flashed through her mind, ideas and ways of getting out of the way came too. She stood where she stopped, staring straight ahead. Expectantly, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

A scream of agonizing pain tore forth from her vocal chords. Her entire body staggered backwards from the force of the bullet. She stumbled and fell. Her left shoulder had been shattered, and blood now covered both her arm, neck, chest, and jacket. Tears ran down her cheeks from the pain, but she didn't care.

Painfully removing the jacket, Takara forced herself to her feet. She wasn't going to let her shoulder keep her from doing what she knew she had to do. Even if she didn't know what it was that she had to do.

"Tobs..." Slowly she turned her head toward the boy, she needed to get him to snap out of it. "Tobs... please!"

It would so suck for her to get attacked now. ;-;

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:30 am
by Kaishi*
The first thing he saw of Takara, beyond the knife, was her eyes. It caught him off guard, making him lose his cool and stumble to get out of her charging path. Then, the demon eyed girl fell, a nice red painting color all over her body. Elijah followed behind her with his eyes, tracing the bullet's trajectory. Ah... It was from another kid, invisible now with his whereabouts unknown. He was equally as oblivious to the fact that Elijah was a terrorist, it appeared. Strange... The firepower and bulky camo outfit was supposed to be a dead giveaway that this was the guy you were supposed to be taking down.

Can't blame them, though. They're all messed up, levels varying. He glanced over to the French girl. Even you. She had proven that herself, with her choice to partner up with Rice. Only the mad considered the idea, rather than killing Elijah off like they had been instructed to.

Rice put his trust in that the other three children wouldn't come to their senses and team up against the terrorist. It was still Survival of the Fittest. Three powerful targets—or, make that two; McLocke was dead now—representing home tickets didn't change that. Bringing himself back to the annoyance at hand, he swung himself away from the pair, focusing instead on the world outside the hospital building. It went without saying that Clemence was expected to deal with them while Rice went out to play cat and mouse.

The M-16 let out a spray stretching across the field. The surprise attacker couldn't've gotten very far. Elijah stomped his feet and clapped his hands, trying to entice Drew out of hiding. The quicker he was dead, the quicker the game would come to an end.

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:30 am
by MooCow*
Long ago and oh so far away..

I fell in love with you before the second show...

Your guitar, it sounds so sweet and clear...

But you're not really here...

It's just the radio...

Don't you remember you told me you loved me baby?

You said you'd be coming back this way again baby?

Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, I love you I really do...

Loneliness is a such a sad affair...

And I can hardly wait to be with you again...

What to say to make you come again...

Come back to me again...

And play your sad guitar...

Don't you remember you told me you loved me baby?

You said you'd be coming back this way again baby?

Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, I love you I really do...

Don't you remember you told me you loved me baby?

You said you'd be coming back this way again baby?

Baby, baby, baby, baby, oh, baby, I love you I really do...

Clem couldn't believe how foolish Rice had been to not give her a suitable weapon. Here they were in the middle of a hectic exchange and all she had to defend herself with were a couple of throwing daggers. She would have to bide her time until Rice shot them down. Then she could do a coup de grace and finish them off.

For once Clemence thought of her victims as them. As people rather than cattle for the slaughter. She couldn't explain it... the feeling was surreal. Perhaps it was part of the smothered child long thought dead deep inside her psyche or more likely it was the fact that she was for the first time in her long stay on the island in serious danger. This made sense. The available prey was dwindling and those left would be the best of the best. Not quite equals to herself... if levels of prestige even mattered anymore... regardless those left would be damn good fighters and killing them would be both more of a challenge and more personal.

Darting out of the line of fire Clemence watchd the fire fight and waiting for the right time to finish students off.

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:33 am
by Mitsuko2*
Takara clutched her shoulder, tears streaming down her face. She looked over at the man she attacked, he seemed to be leaving. She once again looked at Toby; he was still out of it, she could tell. She heard some footsteps behind her and immediately, despite the pain in her arm, turned around.

Takara looked to the source of the footsteps and saw a girl with a knife in her hand. She had already decided to protect Toby, and that is what she was going to do. Even if it was the last thing she'd ever do.

"Leave us alone! Just go away! Go!" She screamed at the girl while pulling out her own knife and charging at her.

No fear was shown in her eyes. She would protect him. She had to!

She slashed at the girl, aiming for her neck. She had lost all sense of control. The only thing that mattered to her was Toby now.

No more fear...

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:34 am
by MooCow*
Clemence's eyes widened. Was this girl serious? Clemence had been clightly taken aback. Desperately she tried to gain her composure but the blade the girl held in her hand managed to slash Clemence just deeply enough to draw a trickle of blood.


Clemence quickly gained her composure and looked at the girl with an icy glare. Using her ballerina's precision she moved fast.

That could have left a scar damnit.

Clemence quickly jumped and attempted to kick the girl.

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:34 am
by Mitsuko2*
Takara grunted as the girl kiked her in the chest. She wouldn't go down that easily though. She grabbed the girls leg before she could pull it away.

Takara raised her knife into the air and brought it down twoards the girl's leg.

She couldn't lose... Tobs... he needed her...

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:34 am
by MooCow*
Surprised by the girl's agility Clemence was thrown off balance as the girl latched onto her leg, but this time she was ready for a knife attack and she managed to dodge the second attack. The blade did however managed to slice into the bottom of her ballerina's slipper just near her achilles' heal. Clemence landed face first on the ground and quickly rolled to the side.

"TERRORIST," she screamed, "AID ME!"

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:34 am
by Kaishi*
Although he hated to be called by such an informal name, Elijah Rice retreated back inside, leaving Drew alone. Later, he'd come back to hunt the boy down himself, but, for now, he was inside again to save Clemence. To sum it up, it was a very disappointing scene. She was on the floor, having screamed for help. Pathetic. At the very least he expected Takara to be in the same state, writhing on the ground in pain. No deal. Almost listlessly, like he'd rather be some place else with his time, he raised the gun to the blade girl's level. Elijah gurgled for attention, then, not caring whether he got it or not, he pulled the trigger hard. The gun kicked to life in his hands, shooting out all over the bloody walls. One of the streams came dangerously close to Toby, T-GREEN noted with slight satisfaction.

It was, hopefully, enough of a warning to silence Takara into stillness.

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:34 am
by Mitsuko2*
The girl fell to the ground... hard. Takara was pleased. She might be able to protect toby afterall.

"TERRORIST, AID ME!" the girl screamed.

Takara froze as the man returned. 'Terrorist... that man was a terrorist... oh god' takara screeched as he shot round the room. but was pulled ot of fear when a shot came near Toby. She had to protect him.

somehow she picked toby up and dragged him to the window, and threw him out of it. Her shoulder was in so much pain it was numb. He would be safer out there. She turned to the two and raised her knife, she would hve to kill them here and now.

"Please... please go away..." she said in a broken voice.

Re: In Sight of a Sanctuary.

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:35 am
by Kaishi*
This made up for everything. Now, she was begging. Begging for her life and the boy's. Funny how she failed to realize that some wanna-be was out there waiting for an easy kill. Toby Valerik fit the definition perfectly. Hurt, scared into complete shock; it was only a matter of time before Elijah or "predator" kid swooped out of hiding and fire Toby a new one. The terrorist's laugh sounded off hollow, lacking the voice to fill up the room. It was the closest thing to talking he had. Wheezing gasps, awkward coughs, and choking gags. Instead of telling the girl to give up her weapons like he meant to, he hacked as if he were clearing out his throat. A foreign clicking noise followed soon after. Sadly, the space that his missing vocal chords left behind had nothing to give him in replacement. It was the one thing that these kids had a one up on him on.

No matter. Elijah Rice would have to work with what he had. He pointed to the knife in Takara's hands, illustrating it mid-air then dropped his imaginary floor, whistling downwards as it made its descent. Let go of your weapon. Any sudden movements and, He made a slicing motion across his neck, copying what he did last time. You're dead.