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Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:44 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Stevans hands were ran over his head, slicking his long black hair back. he took another long drag from the famous cigarette, The cherry flared up as smoke was inhaled into his blackened young lungs. A a long slow stream of toxic smoke was realised from his lips.

He turned his attions to the other long haired boy. He held out a cigarette towards the boy. "Im stevan or freak if it makes you feel better, are you going to tell me your name now?" the zippo lighter would be tossed into the chest of the boy.

He watched him with anticipation "are you going to keep aiming that thing at me after i offer you a cigarette? its not to friendly is it!"
facing the boy another drag would be taken, again the cherry flared, the cigarette taken out of his mouth between two fingers he would flick the ash on the floor between him and the boy and blow the grey cloud from his lips.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:44 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"Well Im not a very friendly guy" he said as the magnum would be placed down by the shotgun on the side furthest away from the new boy,freak..steven..whatever he wanted to call himself.Some memories began sturring in his brain because of that name,he could just about remember some kid named steven but it was surely straining his memory to go that far back and the chances of it being the same kid were a hundred to one.

His cigarette would be slid between his lips and lit,the cherry flaring as he would inhale two lungfuls of the toxic nicotine filled gas yet again.Eyes closing as he would let words slip from his lips "He moves you shoot him,He breaths wrong you shoot him.Aim for between the shoulder blades.

"Peri..Names Peri,That would be Elise there.Kind of odd how were all british...Wonder if everyone here is british? Or just a shit piece of luck...Give me one good reason why I shouldnt shoot you now and then we can go back to playing nice and because thats not nice is not a reason.Give me my reason?" he said as he would release it slowely.He was contemplating killing another human being but he looked calm enough with his cigarette and the sound of the rain pitter pattering at the above roof.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:44 pm
by Swoosh*
Ignoring Stevan's introduction, Elise once again reached for her rucksack to examine the contents. She was freezing and soaking wet from the rain, and a little heat would do her nicely as well.

Trying to ignore the abundance of smoke that was blowing around her- usually, she would have said or done, usually the latter, something to the smoker, but had decided now was not the time- she rooted through her bag.

"I haven't got anything, apart from this," she held out the handbook that each student got in their bags. She flicked through the pages, catching a few words here and there. In digust, she tossed it over to Peri.

"This is going to be no good to me, burn it if you want. I guess you guys have got one too?" She rubbed her arms to try and warm them up.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:45 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
He would shake nodd lightly as he began to search in his own pack,the booklet found he would toss to it Steven."Start ripping pages out,Ball them up then put them in the middle..Same with you Elise..We burn them and hopfully for a little while we can get some warmth.Ill join just as soon as *freak* gives us some reason to trust him..I Dont intend to let him leave gunpoint until we have something to trust him with..Strangers with firearms dont seem to come bearing gifts" He would have to give the boy some trust soon or put a bullet in him,it was a waste of time aiming at him.He would need to pick soon enough.

Outside of the lookout point everything was soaked so no hope in going for kindling,the hill would be a true bitch to get down from they would most likely end up sliding down on their ass.Nice,were the bags flammable? "Any ideas where were heading after this? And any thoughts on *Freak*?" he said motioning over to him with the barrel of his gun.They needed this sorted,They needed heat and they most of all they needed to get out of here.

He was the only dry one it seemed,his clothes were dry as was his hair.His tongue slid over his teeth yet again that silent habit of his,they could be snuck up on from the front only once but nobody was keeping watch..but for him to keep watch that would involve him turning his back on Steven and that could be his undoing.Cigarette dangling from his lips he clutched his weapon,each word he spoke caused it to point up before dropping back down.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:45 pm
by Chase*
((Continued from: The Home Away from Home))

In the brush on the lookout point was where Cillian ended up from the small house. And people were here too! So many little friends. All here at his party!

He tilted his head to get a better look at the group. Two boys and one girl. Three! Haddy wanted out again, his prescence pushing on the core of Cillian's psyche.

They want to see the present, take it out and show them. The blood, it's inside all of them. Don't make me put you into the dark again!

Cillian's whimper sounded out through the point, and for a moment he was clearly visible before he sprinted off away from the kids.

His appearance changed considerably since his time on the island. His military fashioned clothes had a new bright red color added to them, almost like a tie-dye fashion. Dry blood was crusting on his face, looking like sores growing upon his young unshaven chin. His hair, apart from the patch that was now missing, was tangled and mixed with leaves. The only thing that remained the same throughout this game were his eyes; the ice blue orbs that pierced into anyone's nerves, and his maniacal smile.

((Continued in: Starting Point for G#18))

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:45 pm
by Swoosh*
Elise knelt down on the floor and began to tear up the pieces of paper, absent mindedly reading them as she did. It was like reading a really good horror novel, and it was a while before Elise realised that the text was not a work of prose, but in fact instructions to keep her alive. She blinked, and shook her head.

Out of the corner of her eye, she thought she saw something, someone? She quickly turned her head, but the something was gone. Although not entirely satisfied, she continued to tear up pieces of paper.

So what would happen now? They'd build a fire, then what? They'd stay there and wait for someone else to find them and kill them? Maybe Stevan wouldn't let it get that far and just kill them both now, or maybe Peri would choose Stevan over her and the pair would kill them. She was still paranoid about the choices she had made. She began to rip the pages more violently.

"I think once we're all dried off, we should move. It's really not safe to stay here," Elise said, answering Peri's question, but her eyes were on the paper she was tearing. She chose to ignore the last question he asked, her weapon was next to her feet where she knelt, but she still didn't trust this new kid at all. There was something about him, like he had something that could change her whole game around.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:45 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
That whimper seemed to somehow navigate its way through the wind and indeed all through the point."Keep an Eye on him" he said as he would slowely rise to his feet,that magnum oncemore in his grasp as he would look down towards the brush.The only place that it could have come from, a fair slope on the otherside of the point and with this weather it would have been very hard to climb with the mud and so on.Fingers would readjust their grip on the weapon as he glanced over the brush,something..someone was out could have just been the wind that made that bush move or it could have been someone pushing by it? Who was sure..It was good enough for him to add a layer or two of paranioa ontop.

His tongue would move over those surprisingly sharp canines loitering upon them instead of any of his teeth,it could have been a dogs whimper..? a girls faint whimper? it just sounded..It didnt sound quite right but maybe trying to keep him Elise and now steven alive was taking its toll? No,Not this early in the game at least.

"There is someone out there...and yes youre right about moving,I think we have enough people in our group without acting friendly to anyone else..Shoot on sight.Innocent or not they drop and we dont...Where do you think we should go?..Freak deal is youre with us or youre against us..No Shame in biting the bullet at all.Get out of this fucked up game early.." eyes would be constantly running over the Brush,that sound had to come from somewhere."If we hurry we might make it to somewhere sheltered..Fuck the fire,the smoke will attract people.Pick a location and lets Move.." he said as his tongue slid from his mouth run over surprisingly dry lips.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:45 pm
by Swoosh*
So it wasn't just her who thought there was something out there. Great, she wasn't going crazy then... but she was possibly in danger. She watched Peri go and and look outside, and reached for her own gun. Better to be safe than sorry, although she felt a little bad about the way they were treating Stevan.

"Don't do anything to make me use this," she said in what she tried to make as friendly as possible, as if she said that kind of thing everyday. "Try and find somewhere for us to go, ok? You should have a map in your bag..."

So this was it, they were going to work as a three, killing anything that was unfortunate enough to stray in their path. Elise wasn't entirely comfortable with that idea, and hoped nothing would. She didn't like the idea of mindless killing.

"See anyone?" she called back to Peri.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:45 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"No..Not at all its hard to see if there is anyone out there since the wind is making everything sway around.Couldnt get a clear shot at anyone if I wanted to" he said the cigarette still bobbing up and down as he would speak.A Drag was stolen from his cancer stick as eyes narrowed,that whimper hung in his head.It was just so..diffrent? that was the best word for it.

"Give steven his shotgun,Give me youre gun..You take the six shot.Unless youd prefer to be responsible for shooting first of all? youd like to be the one who fires the first defining shots? You miss and whoever it is will be up here trying to get in..What do you say? Stevan dont fire till they are close.." they...was there more than one? Who knew? They werent even sure there was that one at the moment.

"Find somewhere near to go..We want to be making the first move,fight on our terms.Load the shotgun,Freak..You turn it on us and you will be in even more danger than we are now.Three heads are better than one,load the shotgun and get ready for it..."Yes he was assuming whoever had whimpered was still out there, maybe the whimper was just to lure them out to see who was it? Yes they were going to kill anyone who bumped into the three of them for now at least and he knew said she needed to kill,She needed to keep them alive he said he would kill.She could wander away from this game breathing but without any guilt and him..he would add to his personal demons and then if it came to the end of the game empty the contents of his cranium with the aid of his weapon.His gaze turned to Elise as he would hold out his weapon and his hand in the other."Yours has more rounds..and check for a spare magazine.Better to be safe than sorry"

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:46 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Stevan looked at peri with a flare of anger in his eyes, why the suddan threatening? why did he have to give a reason not to die?
"I have no reason, you could shoot me in the back or i could shoot you its the rules of the game theres no getting around them" he said with a serious and defiant tone.

His cigarette which was held between his thin boney fingers was brought to his lips once more and another cluster of toxins was inhaled. The drag was savoured and enjoyed, the tickle it gave stevans lungs calmed everything, He closed his eyes while he savoured the sweet cancer.
A couple rings of heavanly smoke was blown towards peri before he would talk again.
"We just need a little hope in each others intentions to survive for at least a couple days out here and if not i'll be on my way?"

suggest we light a fire up here, im guessin there's a lot of cold trigger happy kids out there looAsh was flicked from his half a cigarette and another drag was taken before stevan reached into the side pocket of his bag.
"i have a couple of these if you want to use them i dont need them" stevan dropped on the floor four disposable lighters of different colours, they lay on the floor between him and peri. "But i dont think it would be a good idea to light a fire up here, im guessin theres alot of colg trigger happy kids out there looking for death and warmth"

Stevan took his boomstick back, it was already cocked and loaded.
He held it upwards hugging it to him self like it was a comfort blanket.
"Why after all this bitching at me would i try to turn against who seem to be my only allies.....Im ready for some fun out here but not at the expense of you peri"

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:48 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"Because three guns are better than one only problem is all the spare ammo it would weigh you down..You sure that fully loaded? Ready to go...We need to find somewhere to go.Start a fire inside would be better..more warmth to be kept in and more things to burn instead of giving off smoke signals.." he said concluding his little speech they needed somewhere to go,the roof was giving in a little a few raindrops falling through now and then making silent exsplosions as it hit the concrete beneath their feet.

"Lots of reasons to kill and dont be a smartass.." he said as he would turn to the face the two of them scooping the lighters up and throwing them in his bag."We can use them to start a fire the fuel should do it but we need somewhere safe,something small..Fireplace would be ideal but nothing about this situation is ideal" One hand withdrew his cigarette from his lips and stamped it out of exsistence before moving to the metal collar around his necks and trailing fingertips over the sleek metal of the collar while the other hand held his weapon.

"We need to go,One of you get a map out and find somewhere that isnt a danger zone and that is nearby if possible..I just hope we dont bump into the Whimperer" he said before releasing a sigh and emptying the last of the smoke from his lungs as he turned to face back out of the lookoutpoint and into the murky surroundings.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:48 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Stevan took a drag from his cigarette and blew the grey fog from the side of his mouth. his mouthed open wide as a loud angry yawn was released. "Fuck sake, i hate fast moving" Stevan took out his map from his bag and carefully checked it "Well the best place thats not a danger zone would be the school? Its in the center of the island so we'll be sitting ducks but i still think thats our best bet"

Stevans death stick was caught between his fingers and harshly flicked over the side of the lookout.

((Continued in: Travelling Circus))

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:48 pm
by Swoosh*
She swapped her gun for Peri's without even questioning him, and gave Stevan back his gun. She wasn't entirely sure she was comfortable going out to hunt for the 'whimperer', after all, he could be anywhere, aiming at them right now. The very thought alone made a tingle go down Elise's back. This could be the last sight she ever saw, two boys walking outside, guns in their hands, and a gun in her own hand... She looked around, as if expecting to see someone with a gun pointing at her head behind her...

She had to stop thinking like that. For what seemed like the millionth time, she got out her map and scanned it for a safe area nearby.

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:48 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
"School...Sounds kinda shitty its too big and it would attract people theres a small house not far from here its enough for now we need to move.We can lock some doors or something,board up some windows.Maybe some real supply as the bread isnt upto ration standard and that is saying something.Ready everyone?.." he said as he would withdraw his map and find out where they were heading before he would slide his pack around one arm and over his shoulder,the green material hanging on his shoulder.They werent going hunting for the whimprer they were moving to somewhere more comfortable,more well protected.If the person had a gun they would soon find out.

Eyes closed a little as he stepped out of the gazebo cold raindrops hitting his pale face causing his hair to insantly cling to his features.A Few unsteady steps were taken on the muddy side of the hill.He would raise one hand for them to follow him.Colt raised infront of him he would slide a little down the hill before getting to the treeline and starting off into the brush.Scouting? Or maybe he didnt really want them to catch up with him? Eitherway he would be gone.

((Continued in: Travelling Circus))

Re: The Arrival

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 3:49 pm
by Swoosh*
Watching Peri go, Elise shrugged and followed. The hill was muddy and walking down it was a challenge in itself; she kept slipping about, her arms waving wildly, her gun in her right hand.

She didn't know how safe the new location would be, but it had to be safer than here. Anywhere would be safer than here. She followed Peri, looking behind her only once to see if Stevan was doing the same.

Continued in Small House ^_^