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Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:30 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
The cute couple had started heading out,aww no more conversation however would he survive now.Seems like this game was a never ending rollercoaster when he heard the rustle of bushes as a figure approached.Like any rollercoast they were fun to ride but after a while you want to get off and go to sleep.How long had it been since he slept on the bus? Thee four days? A Week maybe? He couldnt remember.

Between the branches of the trees the longhaird girl..or boy? It was hard to tell which gender it was but a bullet would tear the face off either gender and his stolen Ingram would be levelled towards the torso of the boy.The light caught the metal of the handgun and the finger on the trigger would release its grip a little."Drop the gun or get shredded..Eitherway me and my friends are adding that weapon to our aresenal" He said with violent menace lurking in his voice.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:31 pm
by Kuze*
Shinya stopped at a male voice ordering him to drop his gun (the P250 not the M1911), he chuckled at the threat, being that the boy is hidden while hes out in the open.

"you treaten me when your hidden somewhere, Ha you must lack the balls to threaten me face to face. I'll put my weapon away and you show me who you are and along with anyone is with you."

Shinya said with his thick accent as he slid his P250 into his bag keeping his flashlight in his other hand.

"Alright its away!"

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:31 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
His eyes would roll as he watched the weapon being put away.Everyone wanted to be a player,Everyone wanted to be a Hero,Everyone wanted to be a smartass.

"Balls? I have those but you dont need anything to get those except for a dick..Ive got the dick and the balls but I also have the mind to back it up.You should watch youre mouth" he said before he squeezed the trigger of the uzi the weapon tilted towards the left insantly.He didnt intend to kill the boy just a couple warning shots that showed him that the Ingram owner was not playing and also held a submachinegun.

"I Never said put the gun away i said throw it.The next burst makes youre intestines visible,Samara"

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:31 pm
by JayneBrown*
A drumming of gunshote. Jayne let out a slight whimper as she heard one boy shoot a spray of bullets at Bad Hair Day Kid. Obviously she herself was totally unharmed, but still, she didn't like how close those gunshote were to her current location. Refusing to look around, she edged forward even more, so she was closer to Jason. So what if these people called them a couple? They were, albeit not romantically. God no, not romantically, how could anyone think that? It didn't matter. Let them think what they want.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:31 pm
by Kuze*
Shinya fall back onto his ass at the bullets hitting the dirt in front of him, this fucker ment buisness.

"I'll hand the gun to you IF you show yourself to m face, and my name isnt Samara!"

Shinya yelled out as he turned where the voice was coming from, and pointed his flashlight at it, neglecting to switch it on even though it was in the day.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:31 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Stevan watched as everything was unraveled. First the couple walking by, He hadnt been seen then but with the new guy approaching us stevan had to do something. Peri had already fired at the boy? So much for stealth, The sound is bound to attract a couple fuck ups.

Stevan strapped the gun round his shoulder and lowered himself out the tree's, Hanging from one of the branches before falling a couple of foot to the floor. Luckily he wasnt hurt, the most damage he would of got was a chipped nail?

He looked over to peri then over at the boy "So...Sadako is it? You gonna be a good girl and give me the weapon" His eyes never flickered, His hands never flinched as he held that weapon of his pointing at 'sadako'

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:31 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
The shot was neccessary or so he thought and with Stevan out of the tree if the boy had friends his fellow freak could take a round from behind and a heavy sigh would be given. "Stay in the Trees,Dont come down till I say..See anyone who isnt us give them a lead salad" he said before he would jump down to ground level.

His body clanking with the multiple firearms he was carrying he would look to the boy well look as much as possible thanks to the Boys long hair."Look Shithead,We dont have time to play with you so toss the gun or my friend will make his boomstick go boom into youre head.Drop the gun" he said with gritted teeth.The Uzi kid was pissed off from earlier and he was surely still lurking as was his girlfriend and who knows else? This was not the time to try and act smart well not if you had at least one functioning braincell.

His own hair was long but next to this kid he maywell have had a buzzcut.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:32 pm
by Kuze*
Shinya Stood up as the two boys dropped down from the tree that he was looking at. Walking towards the two boys, he looked dead in the eyes of the kid holding the Ingram and brushed his own hair away showing his left eye.

"Lets get this sreight My name is Motomura, not Samara or Sadako, and If you want my Sig-Sauer P250 you'll have to add a third member to your group, me"

Shinya said as he reached into his bag and gripped his P250 as he wrapped his fingers around the grip of the gun.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:32 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Stevan watched as Motomura reached and grabbed his gun. His own spas 12 would be raised a little into the chest of moto. Trust was not a great help in this game. It had fucked him over a couple times so why should he trust this new cockey bastard?

"If you wanna join the crew you gotta laydown the weapon" Stevan said sarcasticly

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:32 pm
by Kuze*
Shinya smirked at the shotgunner's command knowing full well that he has more than one weapon.

"whitch one because i have three"

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:32 pm
by Bloody_Fists*
Stevan smiled as if he had just heard a joke that was going around school. What a stupid thing to say in a sticky situation like this one. Stevans idea's usually used the knock 'em out ask questions later method but he had some smarts. If shinya wanted to live then he was going about it the wrong way.

"Heres a tip for the future! If someone is threatening you with a shotgun and thnks you have one gun its best not to tell them you have three. It usually makes them fuck you up even more. Now drop all the guns. If you want this to work then your going to have to comply. If your lucky you may get one back"

Stevan waited for shinya to act upon stevans words. If the act was bad then stevan would have to personally fuck him up. Hopefully he wouldnt give stevan and peri anymore shit than they've had already.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:32 pm
by Kuze*
"Hmph alright if your going to bitch about it"

Shinya muttered to himself as he slid the bag strap off of his arm and let it fall to the ground.

"Fucking happy now?"

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:32 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
Why was this guy being so annoying? Arrogance was a bitch but this wasnt..This was just plain annoying."Mhm..Fuck it,My Vote goes to Shooting.Place youre vote,Freak..Oh and Samara? Youre vote is on wether or not you try and run.Think of all the war films youve seen..They always try to run but have you ever see one of the evil doers get away? Im the good guy for once" he said as he raised his weapon to the centre of the Boys Neck.Jus one graze from a bullet would be enough to end this boy in a rather bloody way.He was playing to win and that submachinegun in his hand proved it.

They were spending to much time on one very talkative kid in the middle of a place that was any snipers dream especially at the white washed lookout point.

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:32 pm
by Kuze*
Shinya felt the cold steel of the Ingram press up against his neck. reaching down with his right hand to where his bag was, he leaned to the side to bring his other hand down in the bag gripping his P250 and with his right hand he grabbed the M1911.

Slowly standing up to where the boy's ingram pressed up against his neck, and offered the guns to the boys.

"here you dont shoot me i give you my two guns, my 3rd is a length of rope, but I wont run away from you."

Re: Dude! FORTIFIED!!! Pt. 2

Posted: Wed Aug 22, 2018 4:33 pm
by MismatchedEyes*
One hand would be removed from the Ingram,the hand holding up the muzzle of the weapon.The free hand would reach over to take hold one of the handguns,the M1911.His gaze lowered to the weapon as he turned it over while grasping the black stock.It looked..odd in his hand.Teeth would gritt and his lips pressed together before he tossed the weapon back.

"Get youre shit together.Youre with us" he would say as the Ingram would be lowered as he turned his back on the Boy and began walking away in the opposite direction.His hand raised to give a wave for Stevan to follow.