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Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:40 pm
by Slayer*
When he heard Adam's question, David made a visible effort to calm down, rubbing at his eyes for a second and taking a few dep breaths. Finally, he picked up his gun and stood up, turning to face Adam.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little su-" he was cut off as an audible snap was heard. Quickly turning, David raised his gun to where he heard the snap, his blank face back to the usual glare that showed he was once again all business.
"Who's there?!"
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:40 pm
by riserugu
‘Maybe if you just keep quiet… they’ll figure you for an animal or something… yeah that could work.’ He told himself quickly in thought, as he heard a voice speak up from where he had seen the two males, questioning as to whom was there.
Lowering his quickened breaths, he brushed his hands across the weapon that rested there, before dropping them once more. The best chance he had in making it through this encounter was running… but run to where. The warehouse was the best chance he had of possibly getting his computer working.
There was a 50/50 chance that the people there where killers, or not… a 50/50 chance he was taking with his life. Breathing in deeply, he decided it could be best to take his chances. If he could get inside the building he could find probably find something to use… if these where not the killers of the game.
Because if they where… his fate would look quite similar to the dead boy’s that rested at there feet. Breathing in again, he stepped forward raising his hands in attempt to show he would be of no threat to the two that lingered near the corpse which he only eyed lightly as he moved back into view.
“Oh… Bloody ‘ell in a handbasket.” Martyn muttered glancing over the one that had a gun pointed to him, “M – My name is Martyn… Martyn Ferdinand. I – I… I’m from Belenus Academy in Scotland… please don’t shoot, I’m not here as a threat I’m here in hopes of finding something.”
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:40 pm
by Slayer*
David lowered the gun as Martyn steped forward, nodding at his introduction.
"Hello, Martyn, I'm David Jackson, and the guy behind me's Adam Dodd. We're both from Barry Coleson High school. And in case you're wondering, no, we're not playing. What exactly are you looking for?"
He seems trustworthy enough, but then again a lot of the players seemed "trustworthy enough" back at school. I can't take chances...
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:40 pm
by riserugu
A visible sigh of relief escaped the boy when David spoke, a hand moving to rest against his chest in hopes of calming down his pacing heart. He giving a nod too both boys before eyeing David once again when he was question too what he was looking for.
‘Should I tell them… ‘Ell I don’t even know them, but he says there not playing. And I couldn’t possible pull this off on my own…’ Martyn thought, as he twisted his bag around to the front and undoing the zipper, hands digging about for a minute before he gripped the laptop and brought it out into the light. The shiny black and orange cover reflecting what little light remained in the sky, Martyn allowing himself a small grin.
“I was looking for a way to power this…,” He said, tilting the object a little for the other two too see. “I figure if I could get this working, I might have a chance of finding some way off this god-forsaken island.”
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:40 pm
by Slayer*
David gave Martyn a confused look as he saw the laptop, remembering that one of his teammates had also had a laptop with them. Nodding quickly, he spoke again.
"Well, I don't know where you can find power for it, but the warehouse should have something, if you can prove that laptop's yours."
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:40 pm
by riserugu
“Prove that… it’s mine?” He repeated back carefully, giving off a rather confused look as he blinked at David. The laptop itself wouldn’t power on… so that was out of the question. But standing there, a light bulb came on as he nodded.
Moving to hold the object in one hand, pressing in firmly against his chest Martyn moved his free hand into the back pocket of the pants he currently wore. Removing a somewhat small billfold, and letting it fall open. It only contained a few pictures… all of his school friends, and him goofing off and messing around.
Finding the needed picture he held the billfold itself out toward David, the picture he had been searching for being shown at the moment. The picture itself was close to a year old, back in the dorms at Belenus. It showed his two roommates, Geoff and Alix grinning and flashing the camera peace signs from their spots on his bed. He himself sitting between the two, his glasses donning his face and the laptop, the one he still currently owned, and held resting in his lap as he seemed more interested in what was happening on screen than the picture.
“That’s why I came here… to the warehouse… I figured it would be the best place to look for a power source of sorts.”
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:40 pm
by Slayer*
David looked at the picture and nodded.
"Alright. That's good. Sorry about that, one of my classmates also had a laptop with them so I had to make sure you didn't kill him and take it." he said, putting his gun away.
"Go on ahead, the warehouse isn't much further, I think."
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:40 pm
by Cactus
Martyn Ferdinand, from Scotland...fuck, man...did they hold some international convention and just kidnap a whole whack of kids? My god...
Adam Dodd couldn't believe that for the unpteenth time in this game, he had been surprised. In the past few days, he'd been shot at, had molotov cocktails thrown at him, attacked, shot at people, killed a couple people, and found more bodies than he knew what to do with, but still...he found a look of surprise on his face. Scotland...who knew?
Danya wasn't just a menace to North America, but to Europe too.
Well fuck me, at least he doesn't discriminate. He just hates everyone equally. Bet he got bullied as a kid.
Glancing at the new arrival, Adam extended his hand, knowing full well that if this kid was dangerous, he may well be fucking himself over.
"Hey...I'm Adam Dodd, like Dave said...good to meet you, Martyn was it?"
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:41 pm
by riserugu
Martyn lightly watched the two, nodding at David’s words as he went about replacing his laptop in his bag. Zipping it back up and swinging it back over his shoulder, and as he went to move he found himself stopping when the other… Adam, was it? Stepped forward and introduced himself extended his hand.
He looked over the other’s hand lightly, before smiling and taking it, shaking his hand briefly before dropping it back to his side. “Yeah, Martyn’s right. So um, where are you lot from?”
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:41 pm
by Slayer*
Noticing Dorian hadn't followed him, Jacob grunted and muttered something under his breath as he turned around and headed back towards the warehouse. While he walked, he had realized that, thanks to Danya's announcements, he basically had no choice but to play the game. Everyone who had heard the announcements knew he was a killer, and nobody would trust him. It seemed his only way off would be to kill everyone. As he cleared the trees, he maneuvered himself so he was directly behind the warehouse door and kicked it shut. Then, acting quickly, he went around and bolted the locks, finally shooting the lock for good measure. Now that he had locked the three others in, he could get on with his plan.
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:41 pm
by LadyMakaze*
"...What the-"
Madelaine was caught by surprised by the sound of the door to the warehouse slamming shut. Blinking in surprised, she wondered what sort of wind had the strength to swing the door against its frame to forcefully. It then occurred to her that it might be someone, no wind, but a person, who had slammed the door shut.
The clicking sound of the door being bolted shut seemed to confirm this much.
Who the hell...? She thought, approaching the door. Madelaine was stopped short when she suddenly heard the sound of a gunshot, followed almost simultaneously by the sound of metal striking the side of the warehouse. Bewildered, feeling her panic rise yet again, she approached the door cautiously.
A thought crossed her mind, which left a cold feeling of dread inside of her.
She grasped the handle of the door tightly and struggled to open it. It remained firmly shut. On the verge of panicking again, she began to shake it in an attempt to open it. Perhaps it had just been her imagination, perhaps the door was just jammed accidentally...
But when the door refused to open, Madelaine knew for sure that someone had locked it.
She looked towards Amanda, fear in her eyes.
"We're trapped...someone's out there."
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:41 pm
by Cactus
Adam smiled at Martyn. Thanks to his love of Guy Ritchie's various films and productions, and some of his favourite movies being European films, he didn't have as hard a time deciphering Martyn's accent as he figured David probably did. Nonetheless, he continued on and answered the question.
"Well, David and I are from a school in New York, in the United States, called Barry Coleson High School. Personally though, I was born in Canada, and lived there for my entire life up until last year. I'm guessing that you're from Sco-"
Adam's voice was cut off by the loud slamming of the warehouse door, followed by a gunshot that widened Adam's eyes as he realized what those two sounds in conjunction with one another meant.
Fuck! Somebody's here, and this time I don't fucking think they're very friendly....
Hissing 'get down!' at Martyn, who appeared to be fairly unarmed, Adam shot a glance back at David as he pulled out the pistol from his lower pocket and his right pocket, the pistols that had once been Nanami's and his original.
"Dave...some fucker's here, and I think he just shot the door closed to the about you circle around right, I'll take the left. Martyn...see that ladder on the edge of the building there? How fast you think that you can climb that? If you get to the roof you should be safe there. You have a weapon? You may need it."
In the back of his mind, he couldn't help but wonder where the rest of his group had gone off to. Likely, they were inside of the warehouse, but...he couldn't be too sure.
"Hey, Dave...the girls; they're inside the warehouse, right?"
As the loud noises signified the closing and forced locking of the warehouse door, the blood rushed from Amanda's face as she looked back at Madelaine. Keeping the shotgun raised, she looked to Cody and to Dorian, knowing that while both of the boys didn't know her, she hoped that for now, they wouldn't become freaked and attack her, or whatever.
That's the last thing we need...especially if someone else is out god, where are Adam and David...?
Looking at Madelaine, she urgently stepped over to her side.
"Madelaine, what's going on? Did someone just lock us in?"
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:41 pm
by riserugu
Martyn returned the smile lightly, though it faded into an expression of shock when a loud slamming echoed through out the area close to where they currently stood followed by the loud cracks of gunfire. Gulping a little, he quickly crouched toward the ground as he was toward glancing off at the two boys.
He blinked in a surprise at how fast this Adam person had taken charge of the situation, quickly forming a plan with David and even giving him something to do at this time. Glancing over to the ladder in question, he found himself grinning; “Oh, give over. I’m sure I can take up a ladder no problem mate, quite bad our new bondship had to start out like this, aye? All grins and giggles one minute, and then to this ‘ell.”
Pushing himself up onto his feet, he reached into the blazer of his uniform removing the pistol he had been so afraid to before when he thought he might have to shoot them to defend him. “And don’t worry about me in the weapon’s department mate,” He mused winking, “My never shot one of these for, but like bloody ‘ell I’m going out in this place.”
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:41 pm
by OnceForgotten*
OOC(ok i read all the posts about 10 times, and I have no idea what is going on. Did Jacob lock himself in the warehouse as well? Where are adam and Martyn and David? Where is Mismatched Eyes' character? And cody is still standing right at the door btw.)
Re: Starting place for B#54
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:41 pm
by Slayer*
OOC: Jacob locked the warehouse doors when nobody was looking, locking Amanda, Madelaine, Cody, and Dorian all in the warehouse. Martyn, Adam, and David are all outside, as well as Jacob. Martyn is heading to the roof, and Adam and David are circling the warehouse to try and get to whoever is attacking them (Jacob).