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Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:09 am
by Fenris
aw man now we have to wait until morning :(

im fine w/ that plan @ toben

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 5:46 am
by randomness
Toben's plan sounds good.

Also, Vote: Zetsu. Doing this on the off chance Ricky is town leaving me unable to respond, just so we don't have a harder time doing this. Did a count, and I should be the only vote on Zetsu right now, so it feels reasonably safe doing this.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:10 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
I mean I'd assume not @people who've died votes counting

Also action received.

The DM is checking the magic item table. Please be patient. The day phase will resume after this.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:25 pm
by BlizzardeyeWonder
Part of the investigation had moved to the outskirts of town, this time on the borders of the forest. A group of the adventurers headed towards a glade tainted by the Shadowfell. Among them was the Warlock - none knew who their patron was, exactly. They couldn't be sure of his allegiance, but there was no evidence to implicate him. The death of an innocent over a mistake still weighed on the investigators.

But clearly, it didn't sit well with someone.

As the adventurers backed away to the edges of the tainted glade to discuss what they'd found, an arrow flew from somewhere in the trees, and shot the Warlock through the heart.

Later, investigations revealed the arrow to be an Arrow of Truth, an enchanted arrow that would only harm the wicked, and had dire consequences for trying to use it to harm an innocent.

And even more investigation revealed more and more of the Warlock's ties to the cults' activities.


MK Kilmarnock - Warlock, Shadow Cult Ninja

The day phase will now resume.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:34 pm
by Zetsu
Suggestion @paige: You can do the coinflip thing too, actually! This makes it even harder for fen to get lucky if they're scum--50% to 25%. Flavor cop doesn't feel particularly useful as a role, as there's little reason for anyone to lie about role anyways.

Assuming two scum left after Ricky dies, and assuming scum kill every night, we'd have 3 lynches left. If there's one scum left after Ricky dies, we get four lynches.


Living Players:


I'm town, Murder and boogie are about as close to confirmed town as you can get from my perspective, Paige is almost there, and random isn't far behind them (if random's scum and scum has a one-shot daykill (which, given how stacked town are, doesn't seem that far off the charts), shooting their scumbuddy to become confirmed town *could* theoretically be a thing that they do, but I'm gonna ignore that possibility for being kinda ridiculous. I reserve the rights to be like 'i totally called it' if they're doing that, though). That leaves Dea, Jace, Fen, Decoy. We can't *quite* afford to lynch at random from that pool.


A - Fen does not correctly identify that you visited/didn't visit me.

Possible scenarios: Fen is scum.

B - Fen correctly identifies things.

B1 - I die, fen identifies the killer.

Possible Scenarios: Fen's either town, scum watcher, or some other scum role that got pretty damn lucky. If the last result, using Toben's checking strat should catch them out eventually. The former two, unfortunately, can't really be differentiated from each other by power roles. At least we lock up their action in something that's of no utility to scum, though. Also, if Fen's scum and rats out my killer, they still won't be able to work through our townblock.

B2 - I die, Fen doesn't identify the killer.

Possible Scenarios: Fen's scum, or scum has a ninja role--OH NEVERMIND LOL. Okay, Fen would have zero excuse if I died and they couldn't identify the killer. Good.

B3 - I don't die. Yippee.

Possible scenarios: Same as B1.

This was all written before the Ninja flip. Barring someone coming forth and claiming tracker or counterclaiming watcher, I'd say fen looks soft-confirmed as town now.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:41 pm
by Zetsu
More thoughts: I'm still inclined to say that Toben should still use his checking strategy to verify fen, since I can't think of anything else to use his role for. Ditto Paige, unless you have an alternative use for your power that you want to do--don't tell me or anyone if that's what you're doing. Doing something else and not stating so until tomorrow means that you can also fulfill your watcher-verifying role simultaneously.

If scum don't kill fenris and then kill me, they probably have a gunless (shadow-magic-less) member. That or they think I'm not gonna investigate them.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 12:48 pm
by Deamon
it's likely decoy and jace

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 1:00 pm
by Zetsu
I mean, probably. Ricky claimed paladin and he’s a warlock, so.

Would the real paladin please stand up please

We have two days left, I’d like us at l-1 by tomorrow morning. Say your pieces and vote, yall.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:18 pm
by randomness
First up, Unvote.

My previous reads still hold right now I think. People in order of suspiciousness:
The rest are basically town-confirmed for me.

I definitely, definitely want claims from Decoy and Jace.

Verifying Fen is a good idea, but I do have a quibble with your outlines Zetsu, because I think they break down a little if scum has redirection abilities or a roleblock, but given how much information town has, as well as the ninja flip, I wouldn't be surprised if they did have something up their sleeve.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 2:19 pm
by Latin For Dragula

Vote: Decoy

Ricky coming up Ninja makes me very inclined to trust Fen's claim for now. That makes Decoy or Jace left as the only ones left without plausible alibis, and while I don't think we'll get much out of pressure due to RL circumstances we don't have other good directions to turn so on short notice this is our lunch imo

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:01 pm
by dmboogie
what can i say except lmao hell yeah

vote: decoy

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:04 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
Never play mafia with a migraine. It makes you lose all sorts of focus.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:17 pm
by dmboogie
MK Kilmarnock wrote: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:04 pm Never play mafia with a migraine. It makes you lose all sorts of focus.

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:11 pm
by Zetsu
@random good point, completely forgot to factor that in. Dunno if it changes my thoughts on what we should do this night phase, let me think on that.

also @mod can we get a votecount, pwease?

Re: D&D Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 7:57 pm
by Fenris
hello im mod. not really but yknow

unofficial vote count:

decoy: 3 (Zetsu, Paige, boogie)

and thats it since toben's vote is still on ricky i think but he dead


VOTE: decoy

that puts us at L-2