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Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 5:54 pm
by dmboogie
im also occupied atm I’ll get posts in where I can but nothing terribly meaty

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 5:59 pm
by Fenris
tbh the thing about rounds this short is theres always a decently high likelihood of people being busy/sick/etc for the entire round so thats just a thing we're gonna have to work a... round...

yesterday i was sick -> working -> posting -> tired, today im not sick but i am working and posting and tired but ill find time to post when i have work breaks this time lmao

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 6:19 pm
by Jace
Hey guys, I'm finally off work for the next two days so I'll be in a better position to keep up with the conversation. All my posts in the past have been hangovers from reading 4-12 pages of posts then making a response I'm not entirely confident in, but now that I'm gonna be home and able to keep up, I'll be contributing more from here on. I'll be posting some actual thoughts once I reread all this stuff until I fully get it (remember, I've never played before so I'm still just trying to nail it down), but for the moment I am inclined to ride Slam's thoughts from that analytical post that I (mostly) agree with, but I'll revisit that once I've done some rereads.

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 6:21 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
MW wrote:Mentioned it at the start of the phase, but tragically I missed the deadline getting announced and was busy IRL and went "Oh yeah, phases are always 5-7 days, what could possibly go wrong if I take 36 hours off?" Came back to night phase. ><
Given the circumstances and what I know about MW's internet access OOC, I can sort of accept this explanation. It doesn't really excuse the faultiness and lackluster status of the following analysis though, given that he's had time to read the thread.
MW wrote:Deamon's, like, always in the back-and-forth but generally when scum it's from a spot of sitting quietly back and then having a go at whoever defends him,
This feels like exactly what's going on right now.
Dea wrote:you and ms seem pretty pally though, reading each other as town and you jumping in to defend him here, so that’s interesting
Slam's pretty earnestly earned my favor with his analysis of the previous day's events and how willing he is to stick to that timeline. It coresponds well to how I remember things going, and it isn't afraid to cast doubt on various people's actions at various times regardless of future outcomes of those decisions. You haven't put forth your own timeline of events, and your attempts to discredit this one have been scattershot and somewhat deliberately obfuscating through means of snide omission and snippyness. I've said it once and I'll say it again; the name of the game is communication. If you don't clarify your comments and explain your words, then what you communicate is that you would prefer things to be confused and chaotic. And confusion and chaos benefit scum.

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 7:09 pm
by Slam
In the interest of pressure:


Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 10:50 pm
by Kermit
yo nerd ricky can we get a votecount up in this hizzle

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:25 pm
by MK Kilmarnock
Yo illiterate Kermit you wanna put that in bold and yellow next time?

Vote count:

Deamon: 2 (Slam, MS)

Day 2 ends at 9:30 PST March 15th, which gives us 29 hours five minutes from now.

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:33 pm
by Zetsu
If deamon town, consider lynching slam. I’m not feeling as strong on a MS lynch, though that might also make sense.

Vote: Deamon

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:36 pm
by Fenris
god i still have to go back thru all the discourse forgive me

ill comment now that i have a hard time reading deamon generally because he has a kinda anti-town attitude even when hes town and thats not him being bad at mafia its just like for funsies but its hard to read!!

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2020 11:57 pm
by Zetsu
Also gonna go ahead and say that as a policy I heavily heavily dislike accusations that people are lying about irl stuff, as well as, well, people actually lying about irl stuff, so let’s try to nip that in the bud. Discussions of that sort can turn the game toxic, fast.

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 2:08 am
by Polybius
So the pace of this game is definitely going to effect gameplay a lot. Even now, we don't have much time left. That's part of why Yugi's objections to the Decoy lynch are off to me. In a usual mafia game the day 1 lynch is some BS random bandwagon- in a game like this, you figure it's even more likely to end up that way, since we have to decide on a name pretty quickly if we want the vote to go through. Even with that, though, I thought the Decoy vote had some pretty good logic by day 1 standards. So yeah, the objections remain suspicious to me.

Vote: Yugikun

I'm less sure about Deamon or the bandwagon against him. If he's who we end up on, I don't have many qualms about switching my vote to him, might provide good info if nothing else... but still, I don't really follow the case against him.

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 3:32 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
I'm willing to take a Deamon lynch if it's the only game in town as I have a semi-difficult time reading him historically, but... I still think this fits his town game more than his scum game.

I am side-eyeing Zetsu's last post a little because it's priming town for a Deamon town flip without really giving much thought to what it means if he's scum. It's very one-sided analysis, and of the sort that dictates the next phase... pointing it at someone else who's not really setting my scum radar off.

Further thoughts, and a vote on someone to come in a few.

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:01 am
by Yugikun
MurderWeasel wrote: Sat Mar 14, 2020 3:17 am
Yugikun wrote: Fri Mar 13, 2020 6:44 am Meanwhile, I'm going to have to deal with the fact that I was wildly off base day one and also still alive. If anyone is willing to ask me questions (other than "provide a readlist on THE ENTIRE GAME" because i'm not really a player who does readlists) I will do my best to answer them and provide my thoughts on things.
Who on the Decoy lynch feels most scummy to you? Who feels least scummy? Like, let's say top two of each, and a quick reason why--feels more honed than a grand all-encompassing readlist.
the NOT GOOD pile
- I still get my hackles firing up whenever I see Meth walking around the streets. A lot of his content seems like he changes his viewset and thoughts based on what the current popular discussion is at the time and it's kinda weird. Kinda got really :/ during that discussion we had yesterday because it felt like he was trying to change the facts of what happened with the decoy lynch in order to make my case look way more weird/suspect.
- Deamon is weird because according to some people this is in line with his town game but in isolation his play is... weird. He was one of the day one people who seemed unwilling to properly exit the joke phase and he just kinda keeps emerging from the surface to throw shade/suspicion at people before jumping back into the water again. Doesn't really fit with the image I had of Town!Deamon before now.

the OK I GUESS pile
- im willing to put Fenris in the town pile because lynching decoy day one when they could've drawn any other name out of a hat would be way too much of a galaxy brain move for scum to reasonably take (without being able to consult the rest of the team). If it actually was a galaxy brain move I shrug and go in the post game thread "yeah I should've expected that" but I'm willing to believe that scum wouldn't do something blatantly suicidal just for town cred.
- Now that we are properly out of the joke phase I'm pretty okay with Zetsu. Admittedly I have a little less here than with my other reads but now that we have more to go off I've been getting a vibe that says I can trust her.

I might go back and check Battle Royale mafia again at some point. I know that that was 2-3 years ago but I do wanna check Gianni's game there and compare it to GIanni's game so far here because Gianni's been pretty UTR here and I remember him being UTR in Battle Royale mafia but I do wanna double check.

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:47 am
by Fenris
okay yall im free of Work Obligations finally so i guess im doing this. got a lot to catch up on so im probably gonna do my best toben impression and do it shotgun style instead of doing a wall of text again

first off going all the way back to uh two irl days ago: sorry for being kinda salty i was tired and in a mood. my serious, non-flippant response to kermit's remarks on my wording is... not super dissimilar to the flippant answer, which is: i dont have a response because i didnt put any particular thought behind the statement when i made it. my point was that losing a townie wasn't a big deal really especially when we'd already hit mafia day one. see i said we again??? its just the natural way to like. construct that sentence??? like i understand as a pattern it might be suspect but i feel like it was a bit of a stretch to call me out for having said it One Time lmao

also this is fast-forwarding a lot but i wanna agree with zetsu that accusations based on irl stuff are ugly and i have no reason to doubt what toben said anyways especially because this is in fact an unusually short day phase and i never would have expected it to have only lasted three days if i wasnt paying attention when ricky said so

Re: SotF Board Mafia Game Thread!

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2020 5:03 am
by Grand Moff Hissa


Basically, Poly hits a sweet spot on a few marks that have my eyebrow raised. As far as the push goes, he landed on the Decoy train rrriiiigggghhhhttttt when it really got inevitably rolling. That's not horrible in its own right, but it feels like he's accepting the inevitable.

What I'm looking at more, though, is this post, because despite offering vague support for the plan, he doesn't pile on in that moment. It lands right as the wind shifts back to decoy, leaving a decent way to move, but the vote is withheld at that stage and fingers are emphatically not pointed. We've got someone onboard with the plan but not doing anything to further it until such time as it's inevitably gonna bag scum anyways, at which point it gets a kind of vague +1.

This is followed by a hypothetical defense based on other actions... but like, the game's moved quickly and Poly didn't really say anything during the Jace wagon. This means either: a. he missed it and is using that for credit now or b. he was dialed in but wasn't interested in pushing one way or the other until a decoy elimination was all-but-certain.

Which brings us to now. Because, with some Deamon momentum going, we see a drive at Yugi, but with a "Yeah sure Deamon too" caveat. Kicking up a whole big multi-faceted debate can be good, but in this case it feels like it's liable to smokescreen hard and sow confusion, which makes a hurried, ill-considered choive way way more likely. Does this make Deamon a bit more suspicious too? Sure, a hair, but also what scum really love is getting town to take out someone other than its favored target so they can return to the golden goose next phase and get a twofer.

Basically, I'm seeing efforts to be seen as not just following the trend, but the specific lineup of action/inaction gets my hackles up and also from a few steps back the fallout always seems to have notable potential to be detrimental to town regardless of the exact results.

And yes, I know I'm doing the same--taking a side thrust from the main course. The difference is, I believe my case is a good bit more substantial.