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Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:05 pm
by blastinus
Okay, so it looks like there's a difference of opinion between whether to vote Emprexx Plush, Polybius, and Primrosette.

For Emprexx Plush, I don't think their approach is an indication of scumminess so much as an attitude towards how to play Mafia in general. They've gone into detail on why they're advocating for my lynch and it all follows from a logical perspective. You can argue about whether it's a good reason for a lynch, but they've been internally consistent about it and they've been out in the open with it, supporting their position with subsequent posts, so I don't see any reason to be suspicious about it.

Bit of side-eye to MethodicalSlacker for using previous games to justify a vote though. EP would have been carrying different roles in those games, so acting like prior game behavior is an indicator of anything doesn't make sense to me.

Over to Polybius, I'm not sure where the suspicion is coming from here. I'm going back through their posts and as far as I can tell, their game has mostly been information gathering or trying to figure out whether it's justified to hop on a train. They've been approaching the game cautiously so far, except for a joke Grim Wolf vote on Day 1. You can possibly say that they're scum trying to fly under the radar, but that's probably the only read I could get on them.

I think Primrosette's gameplay has been a little bit more waffle-y, honestly. Like, this post in particular strikes me as odd:
Primrosette Post 384 wrote:I guess my vote is putting me in trouble, huh? I guess my reason for why I voted wasn't enough. Soooo....


I'm not exactly sure about the vote on EP, but I guess that's how Blizzard feels. If I get lynched, then it is what it is.
It's the same reason why people were getting suspicious about me. You only had one or two votes at the time, so it seems weird to fold this quickly, when there still was a strong reason to think that I was scum. It reads more like trying to get a target off your back than actually believing that I was innocent.


I think it would have been better for you if you'd stuck to your guns and continued to argue for voting me out.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 1:11 pm
by General Goose
I am liking Zetsu's analysis of the info vote train on MeS (post 323). Good, levelheaded, comprehensible analysis.

I dislike the Blast train,m so side-eyeing everyone rushing on that. Blast's role is easily verifiable and with that the info that comes from it.

Agreed that Poly is looking rather suspicious (Toben's post at 377 sorta sums up what I think is a good argument here).

Not into the policy lynch Paige argument, find that rather iffy.

All in all:


Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 3:07 pm
by MethodicalSlacker
If the policy Plush vote isn't gaining steam then I'm happy to abandon it. However MW chiming in and coming to their defense is weird to me. Plush hasn't really contributed this round in a way that I would call "dialing in." The Blizz read is unique but I don't see anyone else picking up on it as legitimate or worth following so if there's no train there then it was grasping at straws.

I wasn't seeing the Poly or Prim stuff at the time but the last couple pages have summarized it in a way that makes sense to me. The waffling of Poly as pointed out earlier by MW in both 377 and 394 is pretty sus to me and MW's argument for why it is such feels strong. Prim's defensiveness and waffleyness doesn't read excessively scum to me so much as Poly's deflections and info-lynch philosophy espousing does. I feel better about the Poly train than the Prim one. I think we should be cautious of attempts to split the vote though, by maf, if that's a thing they do? Prim and Poly were both forwarded at the same time roughly and are getting roughly equal support as trains, which as a general thing is sus to me because we obviously can't pick both.

But putting that aside I personally think Poly is more deserving of my vote and that's where it goes.



Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 4:26 pm
by Polybius
So it seems like overnight it's come between me and Prim with- six hours to go? Any wafflyness from me comes from my trouble to find solid reads from any of these posts and my unwillingness to come forward and talk about my half-formed ideas out of fear that they'll come off as stupid.

So since we're down the the wire I'm claiming. I'm Kazumi Subaru, the vanilla cop, basically that means I can investigate someone and if they're a vanilla townie, mafia goon, or serial killer with no extra powers I get a "vanilla" result. If they're anything else, I get "not vanilla". Last night I investigated MS to confirm if he was doing some 4D chess nonsense and I got a vanilla result. So he was most likely telling the truth about being a vt.

She was already one of the people I was suspicious of so I'm not too upset about the decision being made for me here.
Vote: Primrosette

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 4:46 pm
by Primrosette
Another claim huh? I'm sorry if I don't believe Poly's claim at all (because I don't know who this character is) and I think it's too easy to claim that you investigated MeS and got a VT. This just don't seem right to me and I like that you decided to vote for me as we both possible targets for people.

Yeah, I'm not going to claim even if it gets me in more trouble for scum or for the lynch.


Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:11 pm
by Latin For Dragula

Vote: Polybius

I'd love a lynch this day and I don't feel great about Poly's claim, much like Jailer it's exactly the sort of role that just as easily swings scum as town. Carefully read that whole claim btw because at first I thought Poly was claiming vanilla cop as in he's a cop with no extra flavor but it's a cop who hunts power roles, which would be v v useful on a scum team

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:14 pm
by Cactus
Vote: Polybius

Funny, these are the two I said looked suspicious way back when.

I kinda don't get how y'all got here, but... yeah, I'd say Poly's making me go :\ moreso than Prim. At least if Poly flips town, we know he was telling the truth and that should theoretically exonerate MS too, no?

Either way, thar she blarrrrs.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:28 pm
by dmboogie
it all comes down to blast’s role being easily verifiable. poly’s isn’t, and has very questionable town utility even if he’s telling the truth imo

something about prim is still rubbing me the wrong way, but

unvote: prim

vote: Polybius

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:45 pm
by KamiKaze
You know, I was planning a thesis about Paige, but you know what?

VOTE: Polybius

That timing of that claim is very... I guess convenient? Like, almost at the last minute he goes "oh, btw, I'm cop lol." And just after a different claim as well. Blastoise's role is, as noted, somewhat easy to verify. Cop kinda reads to me as a very easy safe-claim, kinda? Like, something that's easy to take someone's word on without thinking.

Also, he claims he investigated MS to verify his claims, BUT:
I'm Kazumi Subaru, the vanilla cop, basically that means I can investigate someone and if they're a vanilla townie, mafia goon, or serial killer with no extra powers I get a "vanilla" result. If they're anything else, I get "not vanilla". Last night I investigated MS to confirm if he was doing some 4D chess nonsense and I got a vanilla result. So he was most likely telling the truth about being a vt.
So, he knows for a fact that that he's either a vanilla townie, mafia good, or SK. It... narrows it down, definitely but he seems so certain MS is a townie based off his claimed result and MS's claims? Like, he could still be a goon or SK. It just seems so assured in a way that kinda weird, if that makes sense? I dunno, help a woman out. Am I right for kinda going "O_o"?

I dunno. I'll have to read through things again to verify stuff a bit more. But there's where I'm standing right now.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:49 pm
by blastinus
Y’know, counting Zetsu and the folks on this page, I might be wrong, but I think that’s nine.

I still think that Prim is more suspect, but I guess we’ll see in a second.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 7:54 pm
by Fenris
I believe that makes a lynch.

Please cease posting while the votes are tabulated.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Sun Sep 01, 2019 8:19 pm
by Fenris
The final vote is as follows.

Polybius - 9 (Zetsu, MurderWeasel, General Goose, MethodicalSlacker, Primrosette, Emprexx Plush, Cactus, dmboogie, KamiKaze)
Primrosette - 2 (blastinus, Polybius)
blastinus- 1 (Riki)
Emprexx Plush - 1 (BlizzardeyeWonder)

"Huh? Huh?"

The crowd had turned on a young girl, a bundle of nervous energy in an unusual costume. She had introduced herself as
KAZUMI, recalling no other name, claiming amnesia. And that in itself was quite suspicious, wasn't it? She could hardly be considered innocent, when the chance existed, however small, that she had committed horrible acts she had no memory of committing. Would it be justice to allow her to go free, if that was the case? Was she cleared of suspicion because the current version of "her" did not remember what she had done?

Or perhaps it was a lie. Perhaps she knew exactly what she was doing.

Or perhaps it
wasn't a lie, and she was being manipulated. Was she innocent then? Did she not deserve death for her complicity, even if she had no malice in herself?

"Wait, please, I can help! I can—"

Perhaps she could have, if she hadn't chosen the wrong side.

The crowd descended on her.



The day has ended. This thread is now closed.

Night phase will last for three days, ending on Wednesday, September 4th at 6 PM EST. If you have a night action, please report your target during that time, or report no target if you do not wish to use your action. If you have a night action and do not report during the night, you will receive one strike for inactivity.

The following people officially have one inactivity strike:
  • Jilly
  • Mimi
See you on the other side.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 1:54 am
by Fenris
Precisely 20 hours and 6 minutes remain in the night. Several people have not yet returned their night actions; please ensure you return them promptly.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 10:00 pm
by Fenris
The night was a painful time for those that would defend the weak.

The first to fall was
MAMI TOMOE, among the most experienced of the city's magical girls. Protective to the last, she had taken it upon herself to keep the more aggressive and headstrong girls away from danger, going to extreme lengths at times to lock them in their homes with her signature hair ribbons. For their own good, she always told herself, and perhaps she was not wrong to think so. After all, the girls she tried to save survived the night. She herself, unfortunately, was not so lucky. She worked alone to keep any would-be partners safe; all this accomplished for her was that her body was cold by the time it was found.

The second, a less-known but no less valuable member of the town, was
TART, a girl misplaced from space and time. She looked often uncomfortable and out of place among the modern residents of Kamihama, but her kind heart and sense of chivalry were untarnished, and despite her disadvantages she fought onward, always ready to unsheath her sword to protect the innocent. She sought justice relentlessly, and to that end sought the end of the murderer who would destroy others for such cowardly ends. Unfortunately, on this night, her watch came to an end. A powerful foe indeed it must have been, to have slain the erstwhile Jeanne d'Arc so easily.

The magical girls of the city grow ever more fearful. The strongest and most caring among them are exempt from nothing. If the perpetrator is not stopped, the only possible outcome is total destruction.

Perhaps total destruction would be best, in a city grown so corrupt.

Who am I to say?

Humans are so strange.



Day 3 begins now and will run until Tuesday, September 10th at 6 PM EST or until a vote to lynch is reached.

14 alive means 8 to lynch. You must become your own savior.

Re: Puella Magi Mafia Game Thread

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 10:03 pm
by Fenris
A quick mod note as confirmation was asked for during the night: Polybius's role was not meant to be ambiguous, and for clarity's sake, Kazumi was a MAFIA VANILLA COP. Hopefully that clears things up.