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the beginning and end for B892

A breathtaking view of a waterfall. Your breath might be taken away - literally - if someone catches you off guard and decides to drown you in the waterfall's sparkling waters.
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Post by Slayer* »

"It's better than nothing I guess..." Jack muttered as he picked up his bag and started to follow his two comrades. The thoughts going through his head were similar to Martyn's, full of doubt and wonderment. The announcement coming on didn't help matters much.

So now David and Ian are dead too... how many does that leave the team with? Four? Maybe less? For all I know me and Michael are the only ones from the baseball team left on the island. Damn Brian and Mark, those lucky bastards... How could he possibly expect to successfully hack into Danya's system? He was a good hacker, but he doubted Danya's security was light. He'd be lucky to slip in a weak virus before being caught. It was definitely a near suicide mission, but he felt he had to try. Of course, Danya's update came on while he was walking, saying that killing a terrorist would be equivalent to winning the game and they'd be allowed to go home (technically meaning that if three people killed terrorists and then there was a winner, at most four people would be allowed to go home.).

Should we try it? But then only the killer themself would be allowed to leave. So many difficult choices...

((Continued in: Onslaught Redux))
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Post by MismatchedEyes* »

( Sorry ladies and gents been away! )

He just followed on like a puppy a now silent puppy.

((Continued in: To Sleep, Perchance to Dream))
I am an archival account used by staff to port old posts from handlers no longer active. If you are this handler, get in touch with staff and we can get your posts back for you! Peri avatar by Kermit.

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