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Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:22 am
by riserugu*
Hawley found himself stopping in place at the sound of the voice, a soft grin finding his lips as his finger moved off the trigger and pressing against the safety button. "I'm out of bullets..." He lied, flipping the gun onto it's side and pushing the muzzle into the ground and letting it fall out of his hand. Before pushing it some distance with his foot... though he didn't turn to face the source of the voice either.

"I staying at the clinic... I got chased earilar. And I got lost, I happened to trip and fall down a small hill. I wounded my knee, and lost my glasses. I'm simply looking for a place to stay for the night, before whoever was chasing finds me, and so I can clean my wound."

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:22 am
by orangeflamingo*
August listened lightly from where she was hiding under the window, she gave a light look toward Terry when she heard something metal hit the ground, and his explation to why he was here. "Do you think we should believe him?" She questioned lightly, hazel eyes still wide in thought over this.

ll Ooc: Riserugu and I are leaving soon, so if either of us doesn't reply we will when we get back Sunday. ll

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:22 am
by batspleenfriend*
Terry narrowed his eyes at the back of the boy's head hoping he was telling the truth otherwise his next move might prove to be a deadly one. He turned to August and shrugged before addressing Hawley again, "All right. Leave your weapon where it is. If you go to pick it up I'll shoot."

Terry then said very loudly in August's direction, "Here hold the gun while I open the door. If he tries anything funny pull the trigger!" And winked at her before going to move the table away from the door.

((ooc: Oh all right. :( lol. Have a nice trip.)

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:22 am
by riserugu*
(( ooc: Haha! We're back, though I'm burned. *whine* ))

“All right.” Hawley mumbled plainly keeping his hands along his side, listening to the other boy tell another to hold onto the gun and shoot if he tried anything, like go for his weapon which was lying a stone’s throw away from his form. But on a different note now he knew there was more than one person in there. Terry he couldn’t picture his face in his mind, but the name did ring a few bells. And it seemed they had shared Mrs. O’Dea’s literature class together.

Still, none the less he had nothing against this classmate. Terry’s name wasn’t on Hawley’s list, but what about the other. Both seemed a bit… simple, neither also had seemed to have noticed the hacksaw on his belt, well hidden enough by the folds of his shirts as they seemed to be moving whatever they had pushed against the door for safety, which meant they must have some trust in him.

If not, and the worse came where they would try to use his own weapon against him, maybe the fact he had placed the safety on the gun would give him time to react with the hacksaw if need be. But what about there weapons? The way Terry had been talking made it quite hard for him to believe that they had a gun, and if they didn’t have one they must have something rather sad then.

Hawley turned his head lightly as the sounds at the door continued, he glancing over the place. Grinning softly… but his mind continued to race with thoughts. He couldn't stay he, he had to get back to the clinic before someone else decided to move in. Or these fools decided to kill him...

Growling to loudly, he dove forward and grabbed the gun again, clicking the trigger off, and aiming at the window. Not to kill, but to give something that would get there attention.

Taking aim, he fired before pulling himself back onto his feet before taking off toward the forest he'd left from.

( ooc: Sorry for the sudden leave, Hawley's got something to attend to. x3 You'll probably see him again.)

((Continued in: Lasting))

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:22 am
by orangeflamingo*
ll ooc: Haha. Yeah, gotta keep those people outta your clinic-home. Come back sometime... And personally riser I feel more sorry for Caden, his poor skin was fried. ll

August blinked once again, though nodded quickly and smirked. "Right, of course!" She mused loudly, watching him walk away as she took her seat in the chair again. Though this time sitting upon her knees so she could get a look out the window.

Though as she went to lift her head, a blast sent her falling back down against the ground covering her head as the bullet came in contact with the window, sending glass flying everywhere and down onto her.

After a moment, the gun's blast still ringing in her ears though everything seemed clam she slowly lowered her hands looking around meekly, tears lightly forming in her eyes.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:23 am
by batspleenfriend*
"Fuck," screamed Terry loudly as the boy shot at them and scrambled off. "August! August are you all right?" he asked his breath catching in his chest as he ran towards his friend. He checked her over quickly, pushing back her hair and checking her face. She seemed fine if not a little shaken. Terry kicked the door post with his foot and carefully stared out the window. The boy was gone but he could easily have killed them and it would have been all Terry's fault. "Shit!" he repeated loudly sitting down in front of the door.

Great, just great. Now that Hawley kid knew where they were. And judging by the fact that he had shot at them it seemed obvious that he realized neither of them had a gun. It also was quite clear that the boy was playing (but was a very bad shot).

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:23 am
by orangeflamingo*
August sat in her spot still, arms slowly wrapped about her waist. As she just kept her attention forward, biting down on her lips lightly. After a moment she glanced off to where Terry was blinking some as she reached up and lightly touched a small cut along her left cheek, lightly looking at the blood there.

"Are... are you alright?" She questioned lightly removing her glasses from her face, the lenses had been messed up by the falling glass. Placing them against the ground, she slowly pushed herself onto her feet. Taking shaky steps toward him...

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:23 am
by batspleenfriend*
Terry noticed the cut on her face as she walked towards him. "Yep peachy," he said flashing a smile. He ran his fingers through is hair and pushed it back out of his face. "Hold on a second love I'll get the first aid kit," he said leading her over to the chair before he moved towards his bag and pulled out the first aid kit they had all been given. He grabbed one of the disposable antiseptic wipes and a handful of bandages and made his way back over to her.

"I-I'm," he said clearing his throat and said stiffly, "sorry about that. He could have killed you. Listen we're not letting anyone in here unless we know them very well, okay?" He handed her the wipe and the bandages and walked back over to the table in front of the door, shoving it back into place.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:25 am
by orangeflamingo*
She nodded softly, allowing him to lead her back to a chair. Carefully sitting down as he walked away again, taking what was handed to her. Allowing the stuff to rest in her lap as she watched him lightly, listening to his words.

"You're right. We... we can't do that again. But it isn't your fault... I, I never did know Hawley well. Helena, and some of the other people I knew enjoyed picking on him... for any little thing. But I never could see him doing this, him actually taking part in this game and wanting to kill people, his classmates."

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:25 am
by batspleenfriend*
"Well, I did say there would be a lot of people playing. I should have listened to my own advice," he said, walking back over to August and sitting backwards on his chair again. "It's not poisoned you know," he said pointing to the wipe in her lap. "You better clean that up before it gets infected," he said resting his elbows on the back of the chair and putting his head in his hands staring at the floor.

"Well, at least we've met our first opponent and lived to tell the tale," he said laughing but it was slightly muffled as he still had his head in his hands.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:25 am
by orangeflamingo*
"I wonder how many he's already killed... Were we just going to be another two tallies on his list." She said lightly, making a soft sound when he reminded her of the wipe in her lap. August bringing it up to her cheek, slowly pressing it to where it felt the cut was, she really couldn't see.

"Does it look like I have any more cuts on my face?" She questioned, using her other hand to push back her short hair somewhat. Just in case he had missed some in thier panic...

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:26 am
by batspleenfriend*
Terry pulled himself up from his hands wondering why they couldn't be arsed to include aspirin in the first aid kit as his head was throbbing. He looked at her and shook his head, "No nothing major. Just a few nicks." He tutted a bit before moving her hand from the spot where she was holding the wipe onto the spot where her cut really was.

"Let me help you with the bandages missus or you're likely to end up looking like a mummy," he said smiling trying to make light of the situation.

"Who knows if Hawley's actually been able to get anyone yet. The boy's definitely playing although he seems like a horrible shot," he said. "And thank God for that."

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:26 am
by orangeflamingo*
"Let's not talk about him anymore." She offered lightly, glancing toward him once again with a soft smile. "We know he's one of people we can't trust, it's either he's a killer... or he's scared. Thought I doubt the second one, and we should count our luck... I – He could have killed me, he could have killed us.”

She mused another grin, a soft laugh escaping her lips at the mummy comment. Allowing him to move her hand to where she guessed the cut was, “Thank you, I don’t need to look anymore like a mummy than I already do.”

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:26 am
by batspleenfriend*
"Yes, I agree. And hopefully this won't be announced as a danger zone," he said checking his watch as he ripped off the wrapping around the bandage, "the announcements can't be too far off. We'll soon find out for sure if people are playing or not."

"Here," he said sticking the Band-Aid over her cut. "Beige isn't very in this season but I think you can make it work gorgeous," he said leaning back admiring his handiwork and smiling.

Re: Starting Place for Boy 09

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:26 am
by orangeflamingo*
"See how many of our classmates have already fallen to out other classmates... and those other people that man said would be on, and coming onto the island as time went on." She muttered, running a finger over the bandaid lightly, smiling at his comment.

"You're too nice..." August mused, closing her eyes lightly as she went to push her glasses up but remembering she had taken them off, simply smiled instead.