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Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 am
by NyteDarkness*
River was a little shocked at the incoming boy as well, though if he had to knock down the door himself he probably didn't have the most threatening weapon out there. He raised an eyebrow as this other boy held up a sign for them to read, what reason would there be for not being able to understand him? Nom atter, he seemed to pose little threat at the moment. He looked rather dangerous but...something about him didn't seem dangerous, and Adam and Hawley seemed to be handling things.

It wasn't like River to be so quiet, but he'd never been in this type of situation before.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 am
by OnceForgotten*
Marcus winced as he felt his wrist again, sure that swelling was imminent. He flexed it a little, trying to work some of the pain out, only to find that it hurt even more when he did that. He curled back his lips in what looked like a malicious grin, but was actually a grimace of pain as he placed the pen on paper and began writing again

It would be great if you knew how do do that. I am glad I found you guys, and not someone who would attack me on sight, because that would probobly have been quite unpleasant for them.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 am
by Cactus
Adam took a glance at the paper and let out a chuckle. "Hell, man. You can, write that again."

Adam took a look at the big youth, and motioned for him to come in. He would rather have a good view of the ...well, doorway, in case someone decided to come and stop in on them. A door probably would have helped in that case, but hopefully at this point, a guy with a shotgun might do the same thing that a door would.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 am
by riserugu*
Placing the gun back into the pocket of his pants Hawley turned away from the other two moving back to his daypack and moving things about before recovering one of the first-aid kits in there. Looking through it trying to look for anything that could help the wrist - be it broken or not, though prehaps he should get a better look at it before getting needed suppiles.

Sighing he fell back against the ground pulling his legs out before him letting his attention drift to the bigger male, still wondering in the back of his mind if he was trustworthy.

He seemed it... but there was still something about him that stuck the redhead odd.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 am
by Cactus
Adam couldn't help it, his mind was running away on him. It was like that old joke, where you called someone up and asked if their refridgerator was running. And then when they said 'yeah, it is', you went 'well, you'd better go catch it!' and cackled like an idiot. A classic April Fools joke, that one. Although nothing beats saran wrap on the toilet.

He rubbed his forehead. After being shot at many times throughout the past day, he was finding it very hard to concentrate. His head wasn't aching in the typical sense but whenever he moved quickly he could feel the bump on the back of his head. Probably a concussion of sorts, but there's really no time to worry about that now.

If I stay alive long enough, it'll go away. I'll take a headache over death anyday, though.

Regardless though, his mind was wandering. He found himself overanalyzing the slightest nuances about the situation that they were in. Combing over every single detail of the situation, from the first time they had seen Mr. Danya, to his recollection of waking up on the cliff. He was trying to figure out some way, some form of way to get out, to communicate with the outside world, something. Nothing seemed to be helping him out, though. He still had his cell phone with him, and he had been constantly looking at it. As soon as they had left the light-house, it seemed that the service had been incredibly better there. However, as Alan had pointed out shortly before he was killed, if Adam dialed a number and got through, it was likely he'd be out one neck very soon therafter.

Then, of course, there was the new arrival, Marcus. The big bear of a boy who, with his dark skin and silent demeanour, was frightening, if anything else. Yet he seemed to be friendly, and realized his own strength. Adam hadn't yet made up his mind on Marcus, and he hoped that Marcus wouldn't make it up for him, doing anything stupid, or, scratch that, violent.

All the thoughts in his head, and Adam finally noticed that outside was quiet. Almost abnormally quiet. He turned to Hawley, who was fumbling around inside of the medical kit he had.

"Hey Hawley, I'm going to go take a little look around the area. Something's off...really off. If you need a hand fixing up Marcus, just get River to help you, eh?"

Adam didn't wait for Hawley's reply, but he walked out the remains of the house door. It wasn't that Adam was trying to be rude, but rather he was concerned. If he walked around the back of the house and into people planning an ambush, it was very likely that he would be able to at least make sure that the others had some form of warning. Be it the thud of his body collapsing on the doorstep, or the discharge of a shotgun, he was certain that inside, they would hear if anything were amiss.

The surrounding area was surprisingly lush, and it looked like the house itself was almost intended to be a log cabin. However, it was apparent that no one had lived here for some time, as the overgrowth had done exactly that: grown over much of the house and the bush was thick here. He couldn't see anyone, but he DID suddenly realize why it was so quiet.

There aren't any animals here. No birds, no rabbits, beavers, moose...nothing. It's completely quiet. That's fucked. He then knew his situation had just gotten worse. They had to be somewhere that was far enough outside of United States or Canadian borders that nobody would protest the killing of animals.

Or kids.

He fumbled around with the cell phone in his pocket a bit before putting his hands back on his shotgun. Nobody seemed to be around at the time, which was a welcome relief. There was also a nice breeze going on. Adam shut his eyes for a second, and then opened them, in order to keep watch from outside.

Some fucking trip this was. I didn't even get to get drunk.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 am
by OnceForgotten*
Marcus watched silently as the boy exited the small shack they were currently residing in. He decided to spend some time ABSORBING. It was his favorite pastime. He would try to just blend in and soak up everything going on around him. It had a calming effect, much like a smokers first cigarrette after work. He sat down in a dark corner of the room and closed his eyes, listening for anything. Silence...loud wind...Farther off, water...

Marcus was in class. It was 7th grade, and Danny Henson was picking on him again. The retard cant even say please right...Hey, Chocolate, if you ever want to see your Barry Sanders football again, you better say it right.
Marcus felt the anger and frustration well up inside of him as he tried with all his might to just articulate. It wasn't fair, he could already write better than any one of them.
Danny and his buddies were doubled over with laughter at this attempt. "Fucking...Cant even say...Please" This brought on a new fit of laughter.
Marcus stood by himself, silent tears streaming down his face. He was already much bigger than any of his tormenters, but the faculty made it clear that he was only at a private school such as Dalimbert Academy because he could run with a football.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 am
by riserugu*
Hawley didn’t bother even trying to get a reply in as Adam was out the doorway before he had even a chance to think of something to say, lifting a hand he slowly ran it through his hair noting how dirty and matted it had become in the past day. Though he supposed it to expected, having spent a majority of his time so far rolling about on the ground to avoid being hit by bullets, or those damn molotovs.

Propping his elbow on one thigh he rested his chin on his open palm, thoughts drifting once again. Adam was right… for a game of life and death there hadn’t been much show of others since they had left the school, well besides River, and now Marcus.

This could be both a good thing, and a horrid thing, as he was happy to finally be able to sit down and rest which hadn’t been grated since before the lighthouse had become a danger zone. But then again, the odd fact that there hadn’t been anyone about for awhile as they didn’t know who could be hiding in the brush waiting for the prefect moment to attack them.

Sighing lightly… he couldn’t help but think about what would have happened if he hadn’t came on the trip. Coming back to school to discover that the ninth grade, and tenth grade classes had been kidnapped while still in flight to there vacation spot. And that in truth they had been forced to play a game where in the end only one could come back home, and that person might not even be from that school.

If… Well more like, when he got off this hellhole he was going to make sure he went home. Go back and beat his brothers within an inch of their lives, though how interesting the thought was he knew his brothers didn’t have anything to do with any of this and they couldn’t have known.

Glancing off to his side lightly, he watched as Marcus moved from the doorway to a place in the house. Hawley watching his actions lightly before glancing off at the first-aid kit, “Oi, Marcus. You still want me to look at that wrist of yours?” He questioned, giving the bigger male a light lazy look.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 am
by OnceForgotten*
Marcus was drawn back from his daydream at the sound of Hawley's voice. He gave Hawley a silent nod and got up from his spot in the corner. He approached and sat down in front of the smaller boy and held out his hand expectantly.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:49 am
by LadyMakaze*
((Continued from: Start for Girl #5))

Looking back to make sure Amanda was catching up, Madelaine slowed her pace as she approached the house. It seemed a quaint, old-fashioned little thing, but to Madelaine it seemed like the perfect refuge compared to the vast, empty field they had just traversed through.

Exhausted from walking and from the strain of previous encounters, she breathed quietly but heavily as she strode towards the house. Already, she felt relieved. Soon she would be inside, and the group would be able to hide and discuss their next move. Hopefully there would be no more close least for a while. She would be given a moment of peace, a bit of breathing time, and she was grateful for the prospect.

She strode on-the house was only a few steps away. Her feet ached horribly, and the moccasins she donned were in the worst of conditions. But all she could think of now was her gladness at being able to finally rest-

She abruptly froze in place. She was only a few metres from the open doorway now, and just beyond it, she could see the distinct outlines of figures moving within the building. She tensed, the feeling of relief dissolving into fear and uncertainty of what to do next.

Swallowing hard, she turned back to look at Amanda, staring silently, wide-eyed. There was no need for words, for once Amanda caught up, it would be apparent what had made Madelaine stop in front of the house in a frozen state.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 am
by Cactus
((Amanda continued from Start for Girl #5))

Hacking through the path with her machete was proving to be quite an excellent source of amusement for Amanda, as at the present, she was quite lacking in the 'fun' department. Being put in some sick game where you have to kill people does that to you. Regardless, she was glad that the house was beginning to get closer and closer. Her feet hurt, and though it was likely the gas that had sapped her strength, she would feel a hell of a lot better once she sat down. Madelaine seemed almost more excited to get some rest than she did, and so it seemed that both girls would finally get their-

Amanda ran into Madelaine, who had stopped suddenly on the path in front of the house. Amanda toppled over, landing on the grass beside the path.

Ouch, what the hell?

Pulling herself up, Amanda followed Madelaine's gaze towards the house, which was now in relatively full view. Her eyes widened quite a bit at the image of the broken door, the shards of which lay all over the outside, and from what she could see, the inside of the house. This, however, wasn't what Madelaine's gaze was staring at. In fact, it was the massive black man that stood inside of the cabin. Shirtless, he looked like he had to be over six feet tall, probably taller than Amanda herself, and looked to be built like a bear. Amanda gulped. It were times like this that she wished she had a gun with her. Amanda took a few steps back and leaned against a tree near to the path.


Elsewhere around the house, Adam Dodd awoke with a start. Blinking his eyes a few times, he silently cursed himself. It had seemed that Adam had dozed off leaning against the side of the house. Picking up the shotgun that lay at his side, he shook his head and then cracked his neck, trying to get the joints working.

Damn, won't that look good if I walk inside and everyone's, fuck...

Suddenly, he stopped cold. There were people here, and something told Adam that they weren't inside of the house. That something was the obstructed view he had from the side of the house at the path leading to the front of it. He saw a girl standing there, a noticable bulge in her pocket.

Man, is that a gun, or are you just happy to see me? he thought crudely. Nah, that looks like a girl, it's probably a gun. SHIT!

Adam couldn't help but wonder if they were playing or not. Of course, he couldn't take any chances. Letting his guard down at all could result in ending his game, permanently. Creeping around as silently as he could, he near-crept through the bush at the side of the house. Adam was lucky that the bush itself was rather thick and heavy with growth, and anyone who wasn't looking at the side of the house wouldn't see him.

Wow, I can't believe I'm doing this. A real shotgun, real people, one pull of the trigger and BAM, there's another commandment I've trashed to shit. Thank god I'm not religious.

As he got closer to the path, he could see that the gaze of the girl was fixed completely on the inside of the house. Probably looking at Marcus, although not that I can blame 'em...

Creeping up to the side of the path, he stuck his body out from behind one of the trees a little behind the path, and aimed his shotgun at the girl. It was exposure, sure, but the shotgun was a devastating weapon, one that he hoped he wouldn't have to use.

"Hey there...look, I don't mean to be antisocial or anything, but if that's a gun in your pocket, I wouldn't go for me, I don't want to pull this trigger, I've had bad experiences as far as shotguns going off are concerned. But you go for the gun, and I'm not gonna have a choice."

Adam silently cursed himself. Man, I'm trying to sound menacing, but I sound like a tool!

He didn't notice Amanda, standing behind a tree a little further back. Amanda, who didn't immediately recognize the voice, due to the scratchiness of Adam's throat, froze and did not make a single move at all.

"Fact is, the best thing for you to do, if you're playing, anyways, is to just turn around and walk the other way. I've been shot at WAY too many fucking times today, and I've had enough. You getting me here?"

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 am
by riserugu*
Hawley frowned looking over the boy’s wrist in from of him, moving his arms out he gripped lightly at it. Turning it to each side a little, “Some of this might hurt…” He muttered, looking over again and pushing down on the swollen skin. It didn’t seem broken… nor did it feel as if any of his bone where out of place. Sighing he grabbed at the roll of bandages, and begun wrapping. “Personally, I don’t think it’s broken. I think you might have a strain. Which can feel as though you have a broken bone, but really all it is that you probably torn a muscle or stretched some of the tendons from overexertion.”

Finishing it off, he overlooked his work lightly. “That should help, but you can’t move it or it’ll just make it worse. That includes turning a door into a couple hundred toothpicks… so let’s not try that anymore shall we?” Giving a brief smile, he went about returning everything into the kit though hands paused during his work when something caught his attention.

Though he knew it wasn’t the best thing to worry… Adam hadn’t returned from his little trek about the area yet. And at this point in the game, that could either mean a couple of things. One, he just decided to explore a little further than Hawley expected. Two, he was lost… or three, he had come across one of those people like Jacob who would kill on sight

Pushing himself up onto his feet, he glanced at both Marcus and River. “I’m going to step outside… I need air.” Now it wasn’t a complete lie, the stuffiness of that house with the smell of dust and dry blood just wasn’t the most tempting thing to hang around in.

Stepping out into the sunlit area surrounding the house, he glanced about from the doorway. The odd silence of this area would get to him sooner or later, though seeing no sight of Adam in the general area he simply pushed himself against a wall in the front side of the house, sitting there lightly before closing his eyes.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 am
by LadyMakaze*
Startled at the sound of the unfamiliar, masculine voice suddenly speaking out, Madelaine turned...and let out a gasp of alarm. She nearly stumbled as she reflexively took a step back away from the shotgun that was pointed directly at her. if once wasn't enough in one day alone.

She glanced back with a terrifed look towards Amanda, who had stepped towards the tree. Madelaine turned back to stare at the newcomer. Partially hidden behind the tree, it was a struggle to make out his features. That aside, there was no way Madelaine could turn her attention away from the huge, deadly weapon that he was using to warn her.

She remembered the iron rod that was to be her designated weapon, and thought witheringly with grim humour, Guess they were serious about the randomness afterall.

Her head spun for a moment, the strain threatening to make her faint, but Madelaine struggled to push her fear aside.

She took in several deep, tremorous breaths before clearing her voice and responding.

"We..." She deliberately cut herself off, deciding that mentioning Amanda and David's presence would likely endanger them both. "I...I didn't realize that anyone would be here..." It was a challenge to keep her voice even while someone was aiming a shotgun at her. A shotgun! Of all things!

"Just to let you know, I have no intention of playing this game, so unless you are playing, there is no reason to shoot me. However if taking my leave would make you feel better..." She carefully, deliberately raised her empty palms, and stepped back. Something suddenly nudged her memory. "Also, I am looking for someone. If you could please tell me if you know or have seen someone named Adam Dodd...."

Her voice trailed off, probably due to the tension forming in her throat. But despite being intimidated by the sight of the shotgun, she spoke both clearly and firmly with an undaunted expression, standing tall in spite of the dire position she was in.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 am
by Cactus
Adam listened to the girl with interest. She seemed to be genuinely scared out of her mind, and he regretted that. Ordinarily, Adam would much rather go up to someone and have a conversation with them, instead of point a shotgun at them and cause them to lose control of their bodily functions. He had to give her, though, that she was trying to put on a confident face, which was probably more than he'd be able to do with a shotgun pointed at him. Strangely enough, he was the pointer. However, when she mentioned him by name, he blinked in surprise, and relaxed his grip on the shotgun a little. He peered at her through his eyes, which had narrowed, and then raised an eyebrow.

"Well, as luck would have it...I do know a guy named Adam Dodd! As for whether or not I've seen him...I suppose that would depend...why exactly are you looking for him? He didn' anything to you, did he?"

Adam felt that not revealing the fact that he was in fact Adam might be to his advantage. If she were looking to kill him, then pretending to be someone else might be a good thing. He glanced down and brushed some dirt off of his dark green Audioslave t-shirt. God, how he wished he still had his hockey jersey.


Behind the tree, Amanda listened carefully to the exchange that was going on in front of her. She was hidden from view, luckily, and she could only hope that whoever this was would just let them leave in peace. That voice, though...while distorted heavily from what sounded like a lack of water, it sounded awfully familiar, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Staying completely still, she waited to see what would happen.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 am
by LadyMakaze*
"Well, as luck would have it...I do know a guy named Adam Dodd! As for whether or not I've seen him...I suppose that would depend...why exactly are you looking for him? He didn' anything to you, did he?"

Madelaine swallowed hard, relaxing only slightly. Although the stranger didn't avert his aim from her, at least now they were getting somewhat closer to finding Adam. was hard to think clearly without falling into a state of panic, having a shotgun pointed at her and all that. If she didn't tread carefully now, she would be the next one taking in lead through the gut, She could hear the announcement in her head already. "G21, Madelaine Shirohara, meeting an unfortunate end to her short life while making an attempt to call for peace. Nice idea, despite it resulting in taking a bunch of slugs to the gut and all that. Say, wasn't she the transfer that popped in all the way from Japan? Imagine that, after outliving the possibility of entering the BR program, this is where she ends up. A shame really..." It was sickening.

She shook her head briskly, pushing away the thought, carefully choosing her words before replying to the hidden stranger.

"While I, myself, being a recent transfer have never met him..." she paused to clear her throat again. "As fate would have it, I happened to bump into Amanda Jones while making my way here. She mentioned that she was looking for him and had something to tell I took it to mind to keep an eye out for him to let him know this. That is all."

She dared not look back towards Amanda, for fear of revealing her position to the stranger. It seemed clear that Amanda had no intention of stepping into the clearing, and Madelaine could not think to blame her.

Re: Hiding

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:50 am
by Cactus
At the mention of his friend, Adam's eyes lit up, but then he put on his stoic expression again, and sized the girl up and down. Amanda was here, he had completely forgotten that many of his friends were likely here on the island, as some of them had been on the trip. Amanda had been one of them, he remembered that right away. If this girl knew Amanda, perhaps she could give her a message to come to the house, so that she could aid in their plan. Amanda was resourceful, and having her dad as the VP of the country helped matters a little too. He looked at the girl.

"So you saw Amanda Jones, huh? Well, before I can take you to Adam - if I decide to, that is, I'd like to know...what happened to her? You mentioned you saw her; but if that's true, where is she now? And who is she with? Honestly, I'm sorry for the rapid-fire questions and all, but really, I've just got to be certain before I can just let anyone through, and since I don't know you..." He trailed off, the self-explanation was evident.

Although the apology in her eyes is probably unnecessary, I'm the one with the damned shotgun!

He coughed.

Damn, I need some water...too bad I left it in the cabin...


Amanda remained behind the tree, looking at Madelaine. She pitied the poor girl immensely, as she could see the end of the shotgun that was being pointed at her. At this point, she really didn't know what to do. Attacking whoever it was with her machete was pointless, all they had to do was point and shoot, and she was a goner. As such, she decided to stay put - however, that voice was getting to her, she could have sworn she knew who it was...