Girl *70 START

~Nev's Awakening~

An old and tiny house. If not for the many cobwebs, and the slightly bloodstained floor, the house would look rather out of place. This is the perfect place for the folk that would much rather hide under a table than partake in such a terrible game.
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Post by Theseus* »

Jeremy knew the feeling that girl was speaking of. Jeremy then said, "Don't talk like that. We'll make it out of here ok? I'll help you, I know people on this island. We can meet up with them, everything will be ok in the end ok?" Jeremy felt bad thats all he had to say to comfor the girl.
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She looked over at him. "You really aren't playing are you? I am so glad to have met you."

Even behind the tears a smile appeared.

"Thanks, so much... I appreciate your help."

She couldn't help but to hug him, it's the least she could do, I mean, that girl is hard to cheer up when it comes to her uncle's illness and diabilities
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Jeremy smiled when the girl hugged him and said, "Of course I'm not playing the game. No problem...I didn't really help you helped me."
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She looked up at him and wiped her tears away. "Right!" She winked and gave him a thumbs up.

"But still, my emotions are all bad and stuff, so it's hard to calm them sometimes."
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Jeremy nodded and said, "It's ok, everyone has emotions. Wouldnt be human if we didn't have them." Jeremy then looked around the room then said, "So your new on the island right? how long have you been here?"
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She cocked an eyebrow.

"I am not so sure, maybe a few hours.. i have been in here for about 6 hours at the most." She nodded and looked at some of the overturned furniture. "I had to flip the bed right side up..... haha, so I could sleep. There aren't too many things to lay down on here.... not even a couch.. just a bed and a small chair."
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OOC: oh Im not 100% sure on this one but I dont think Nev could have been here for a couple of days, I only think that game has been giong on for 5 days and Jeremy has only been here since dawn....or when it was raining check on that though im not so sure on that time aspect of the game

Jeremy nodded and said, "So you've taken care of yourself this long? That's cool, I'll be honest with you, I don't know how long I could stay in this house. It seems like it could attract a lot of unwanted attention. I don't know, I've seen to much on this island so I guess I'm begining to get paranoid." Jeremy shrugged then smiled at Nev.
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((OOC: I fixed it to hours and stuffness now! thanks for letting me know!))
She nodded, "Yeah. I just can't stacd it here, but I don't know where else to go."

She looked at the floor and back at Jeremy with a smile.
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Jeremy nodded, "Well, thinking about it this would be a safe place to defend. Sorry to think so cynically have to think like that. I know of two people who are heading to the lookout point, I don't know if they made it though to be honest and I don't think it would be smart to head there, not after what I just went through, there are players willing to ambush you on this island." Jeremy then said, "I guess we could just stay here for a while, I don't know, I've been on the move non stop for the past couple hours."
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She nodded.

"Sounds like a nice start for now. Umm. I wonder if there is any food edible here..... I mean I could make toast we have bread..... or at least, I do. But I mean, like in the fridge or maybe some animal out there, not too far?"

She lookled puzzled. "We need to make a plan of action soon, besides we don;t need any 'unwanted guests' here now do we."
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Jeremy shook his head, "Yeah sorry this sickle is all I have wtih me, I lost my pack a while ago, I couldn't really keep taking it with me." The though of an animal made Jeremy wonder....but Jeremy said, "There probably are animals here...but we would have to clean them and stuff wouldn't we? I'm sure there is food somewhere in this house."

Jeremy said, "Yeah a plan of action would be nice, sooner or later unwelcomed guests will come and we'll have to make an escape, and that probably won't end up, I've seen how ruthless they can be."
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"Well, lets look in the kitchen. i think I saw a few cans in the cabinets... maybe some non perishible food!" She jumped up and tugged at his not hurt arm. "If they come we will be ready!" Her stomach growled and she bluched. "Aheh.. maybe after I get something to eat, haven't had a thing all day!"
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Jeremy nodded getting up as Nev tugged at his arm. Following her to the kitchen he said, "Yeah don't worry nobody is going to hurt us!" Jeremy walked into the kitchen and started to looked around.
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She looked around in the fridge. "Well, it works, but I wonder if there is anything in here. She opened it up and found a few containers. She opened them and almost puked. "Awww sick! It's rotteed and moldy!" She looked inside a drawer and screamed falling backwards into the counter.
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Jeremy heard her remark about the food being rotten then watched as Nev screamed and fell backwards into the counter. Jeremy ran to Nev and said, "are you ok?"
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