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Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:06 pm
by Kuze*
Heather motioned her left hand which had the GPS scanner.

"This havnt a clue but I assume that its a hand held tracker for these collars"

Heather walked over to the table and pulled out the gun the Pipe wrench and 5 flashbangs and placed them on the table.

"Well take anythng but the gun, The gun's still mine"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:07 pm
by brokenCODA*
Fred continued to watch her as she made her way over to the table, pulling out a number of different weapons placing each on the table. Explaining that they could take anything... and he couldn't help but smirk.

Reaching over from his spot, and grabbed at one of the flashbangs. Tossing it up into the air somewhat, "I'll take these if you don't mind." He mused, catching it as it fell back down toward the earth. "Also. My name is Fred, and you are?"

Though going over what she just said, Fred glanced back to her. And the device in her hand. "Un, you don't mind if I take a look at that do you?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:07 pm
by Kuze*
Heather smiled at Fred's comment and placed the GPS scanner on the table.

"Yeah you can have those Fred, My name is Heather"

Heather picked up the Glock 17 and held it to her side.

"Oh and with those flashbangs when you throw em turn away and plug your ears"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:07 pm
by brokenCODA*
"I'll remember that."He muttered, grabbing the other four flashbangs and pushing them into his daypack, returning his nunchakues to the pack as well.

Standing upright, he reached out across the scanner into his hand bringing it toward him overlooking the view of the island it gave. And all the dots flashing about, some where in groups, some groups bigger than others and then there where some that where alone. "This'll come in handy in dodging people, or looking for people."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:07 pm
by Kuze*
Heather nodded and slid the Pipe wrench towards the other boy.

"Oh by the way what's Silent bob's name"

Heather said as she motoned towards the boy who stopped talking all of a sudden.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:07 pm
by brokenCODA*
Fred glanced off toward Jeremy, having forgot about the other boy in the past few minutes as he hadn't said a single word since Heather had came in. "Ah, this is Jeremy. I didn't meet him too long ago either, so... I never saw you around Barry Coleson, where are you from Heather?"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:07 pm
by Kuze*
"Me, I'm From Leafmore. Damn why didnt I transfer to Racoon sooner"

Heather lightly tapped her fist agaisnt the table after saying that, Leafmore was where the worst year of her life happened.

"So I can assume that your from Barry Coleson, Fred"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:07 pm
by OnceForgotten*
((Continued from: Breakdown))

ooc(Hey Torrez

"Oh, shipwreck, a castaway..."
A boy slowly shuffled out of the rain through the large garage door on the end of the warehouse. He clutched his crossbow over his bloody, bandaged chest. He slowly shuffled towards the conversing trio, his long silver hair held out of his face by a bandana. He wore a large German Aviator jacket over his shoulders and carried two packs, slung over each arm. As he got near he smiled, and continued singing in his melodic voice.

"One day men will all become monsters..."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:07 pm
by Kuze*

Heather mumbled as she turned towards Fred and looked onto the GPS scanner's screen.... there was a 4th dot nearby.

"Oh..shit, Fred get the Pipe wrench, Jeremy get whatever weapon you had. We have a Visitor"

Heather zinzipped one of her Vest pockets and pulled out a special drop-free clip for the Glock, Loaded with 15 9mm bullets, and held it in her left hand while the Glock 17 was in her right.

"Shit not this again"

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:07 pm
by brokenCODA*
Fred nodded, reaching over and taking ahold of the pipe and moving back over toward one of the windows, and looking out trying to spot where the singing was coming from.

Catching sight of a figure limping in the rain, bandages covering his form it wasn't him that really caught his attention but what was thrown over his shoulder. That jacket... oddly enough it got his mind running at how familiar it seemed.

Taking note of the crossbow he glanced back to Heather, "Only weapon I see is a crossbow... he seems kinda hurt as well."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:07 pm
by OnceForgotten*
Garrett continued his haunting song...
"Take these misunderstandings, and send them back where they came frome, Take these, misunderstandings, its hard enough to live life..."
He then dropped to his knees, letting his packs slide off his arms and drop on the hard concrete floor of the warehouse. He reached up with his right hand and removed his bandana, letting his hair fall into his eyes.
"I don't plan on hurting any of you...unless you plan on trying to hurt me."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:07 pm
by Kuze*
"Put down the weapon, just put it down"

Heather pointed the Glock 17 at the boy as she said those words. Motioning for Fred to get ready to pick up the weapon if he drops it

"Well he does look fucked up, Worse than me and I've survived 3 attacks"

Heather said mentioning the bandages on the boy.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:08 pm
by OnceForgotten*
"I'm sorry, but I have decided that I will not drop my weapon any more. If we cannot have a peacible conversation at gunpoint, then I guess we cannot have a conversation."

Garrett looked up at the girl, staring at her with unblinking icy blue eyes, waiting for either a submission, or a gunshot.

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:08 pm
by Kuze*
"Drop the fucking crossbow and I will lower my gun, If not... well you know what'll happen"

Heather lightly bit her lip as her finger wrapped around the trigger.

"Fred, get ready...just in case."

Re: Starting place for B#54

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:08 pm
by brokenCODA*
"Woah, woah hold the bloody 'ell on both of you." Fred muttered, walking between the two. Glancing toward Heather, before turning to face the new arrival fully.

"That jacket - where'd you get it?" Fred asked lightly, only lightly holding onto the pipe.