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Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:29 am
by Chib*
(Probably going to be kinda sucky, but I've not got long, and it's been way too long since I last posted with Logan. I'll probably embellish it when I get back.)

Apparently they weren't so interested in Logan. Understandable, really. Although it had been him that had approached first, and actually made their presence known, it was Daisuke that was partially hidden behind him, and it was Daisuke that had a handgun. If he wanted to, Logan could probably be just as lethal with his unusual assigned weapon, but to a paranoid mind, a gun is eminently more fearsome, and to a straight-thinking one, considerably harder to dodge than an awkward spike-on-a-stick.

So it was understandable that they'd want to talk to Daisuke instead. He didn't mind, either, he'd probably end up letting some inconvenient truth slip out and scare the lot of them if he spoke. To be polite, Logan took a step back, beckoning his companion up so he could talk to Harun. "Looks like you're fielding this one."

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:29 am
by Lawther*
The boy with the sword at the door turned to whisper something to the people behind him. Whatever it was, it probably wasn't anything good for Daisuke and Logan. They were planning something. What that something was could be anyone's guess. People were paranoid. If they were planning to attack, Daisuke would be ready. He hoped Logan was ready as well.

After consulting with the people inside, the boy with the sword positioned himself in such a way as to clearly mark the mansion as his territory. Daisuke was cautious of the standoff; scenario after scenario ran within his mind as he looked for possible ways out if things went bad.

"So, erm, sorry I forgot your name, but....uh, what are you up to on this island? Like, anyone you looking for, any plans you've got?" he said, addressing them in a way that Dai read as distrusting of the two intruders and that he wanted them gone. However, it seemed that he was at least trying to be civil about the situation. They didn't seem to be out for blood either. Daisuke could respect that.

Daisuke had come to accept that pretty much everyone would be paranoid in this game, especially when it came to trusting him. After all, nobody knew who he was. He was a wild card in this game to most people, which logically meant that most people probably wouldn't trust him unless he gave them reason to. He looked at Logan in front of him, anxious to see what he would say. Hopefully he wouldn't say too much about their real agenda.

Instead, Logan took a step back, putting Daisuke on the frontlines. "Looks like you're fielding this one."

If looks could kill, the glare Daisuke sent towards Logan for making him the negotiator of the group would have pierced his skin like a dagger. "Yeah, thanks alot..." He grumbled under his breath as he stepped forward to address the boy in the door with the odd looking sword.

"It's Daisuke. My name is Daisuke Nagazawa, and the plan is to survive, nothing more. I'm sure it's the same for you guys as well...." He eased up on the gun in his right hand, taking his trigger finger off the trigger and clicking the safety of the pistol into place.

"But we're not here to look for a fight. We don't want to play this game, and we think anyone willing to kill our fellow students is a worthless pieces of fucking garbage, so we're not out for blood." As a token of his sincerity, Daisuke holstered his weapon in his inner coat pocket before continuing. He was willing to take a chance with these people and abide by their wishes. They didn't seem like they were out to play; it looked like they just wanted to be left alone. He hoped that his assessment of the situation was correct.

"We just wanted to find a place to hole up for a while, but clearly this mansion is taken already. So we'll leave you alone and find somewhere else to hang out." He said as he began to calmly back off from the doorway. The mansion was too hot to warrant trying to stay there for much longer, anyway. Logan and him had barely been there for a few minutes, and the place was already crawling with people. Definitely not the safest place to be right now.

"Let's cut our losses and find somewhere else to hang before it gets too dark." Daisuke said to Logan as he stood beside him. "This place isn't worth the trouble." With that said, Daisuke grabbed his bag and heaved it over his shoulder, motioning for Logan to follow him before heading back into the brush that surrounded the mansion.

[Daisuke Nagazawa continued in Clap For The Killers]

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:29 am
by laZardo*
"We keep an eye on the gun kid. Ask him what's he doing, what his plans are, wait a bit, and then we grab our bags and get the hell out of here. I don't like this mansion, seems to be attracting attention."

Rashid nodded in return. From the look on Harun's face, it seemed the one thing Rashid could be sure about was that his classmate didn't share the same confidence in that gun-knife hybrid's ability to defend the group against something that was not very likely to be a realistically-colored water pistol. He only barely noticed the guy trying to hide behind Daisuke, and that made things worse because he vaguely remembered that was the guy wielding the pickaxe he noticed earlier.

At least the thought of being able to escape, however slim the chances were with THAT GUY HOLDING THE GUN looking calm enough to catch them as soon as they slipped into his field of vision.

"So, erm, sorry I forgot your name, but....uh, what are you up to on this island? Like, anyone you looking for, any plans you've got?" Harun began. Better him to break the ice, or try to.

"It's Daisuke. My name is Daisuke Nagazawa, and the plan is to survive, nothing more. I'm sure it's the same for you guys as well....but we're not here to look for a fight. We don't want to play this game, and we think anyone willing to kill our fellow students is a worthless piece of fucking garbage, so we're not out for blood."

Daisuke then proceeded to switch the safety and holster his pistol. This was probably the first sign that even resembled positive since they laid eyes on him a few minutes ago. If anything, he had been given that time period it would take to draw that pistol out, cock and fire it to live. That would have been enough time to disappear down a hallway.

"We just wanted to find a place to hole up for a while, but clearly this mansion is taken already. So we'll leave you alone and find somewhere else to hang out." He and the boy behind him - whom Rashid now definitely recognized as Logan, started to back away. He continued to watch, sweat beading down his forehead from the stress AND the heat that washed into the mansion proper from outside.

"You're really not out to kill anybody, are you?" Rashid shouted, instantly regretting it. That was the most obvious question to ask and the most obvious question for anybody, playing or not, to deny. In any event, it didn't seem that Daisuke had paid attention.

"Let's cut our losses and find somewhere else to hang before it gets too dark. This place isn't worth the trouble."

Unlike other statements made within border range of earshot, it seemed that Rashid read this one almost as if Daisuke had used a megaphone. He took the time from watching the two other students disappear into the bush to let that statement sink in. From the way Daisuke sounded along with the way it got mentally processed, it seemed that Rashid, Harun and Mia weren't even worth killing. And by that logic, they weren't even worth fighting for, not even amidst each other.

Barely a minute had passed after they disappeared and already Rashid had been left sniveling, slumped against the doorway by this now-reinforced revelation. He had gotten a useless 'designated weapon'. Fate had paired him up with seemingly useless 'teammates' whom he would eventually have to kill in order to stand any chance of survival at all.

He looked at Harun, trying hard - but in vain - not to show any anger in his eyes. " don't think we're 'not worth the trouble', do you?"

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:29 am
by Gwbiii*
((Jegus people with the posting.))

As Harun declared his intention to open the door Mia rose from her seat, carefully, making sure not to spook anyone and to maintain her general aura of poise and grace. She rested her fingertips on the table, dragging up miniscule piles of dust as she did so. That, and the trouble the boy was having opening the door made the mansion feel so ancient.

The thought drifted away from her with Harun's shouting, and his swearing.

"Es gibt keine Gründe zu fluchen, Harun."

And the way the door suddenly gave way. Thankfully the conversation outside seemed to remain civil.

From where she was at the back of the room she could hear creaking noises, as if someone was making their way up the staircase that wound it's way up just behind the wall. If there was one thing Mia had to her advantage it was very sharp hearing, honed by years of annoyance at the slightest sound whenever she was reading. There was definitely somebody sneaking around upstairs, and she was under the impression Hermione had left...

"Uhm, I think there might be others here. I'll be back in a moment." She looked at the two boys, neither of whom seemed to take any notice of her comments. With a sigh she leant against the doorframe, peering down the hallway. The footsteps' source nowhere to be seen, as she'd expected.

If they were sneaking around rather than holding them up it was probably safe to assume they weren't dangerous. Then again, they could just be particularly adept at self preservation. She wasn't the bravest person, but Mia had to admit she was more than a little curious despite, or maybe because of, the danger.

She took another look over her shoulder at the two boys, still distracted by those outside, before stepping swiftly and quietly into one of the mansion's many hallways. She took great care stepping around the area where she'd left her hole earlier, made it to where her hallway intersected another as a T, took to the step on her left, and began her ascent.

The once rich linen covering each step was now tattered and moth-bitten, the balustrade felt wobbly under her hand, and though she rose relatively quickly the general ricketiness ensured she stepped lightly.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:29 am
by Chib*
(Breaking post order to leave, hopefully nobody will mind. Heck, gets another person out of the absurdly long chain.)

"Yeah, thanks alot..."

Apparently Daisuke wasn't too happy about it, and the withering glare he shot at Logan was all the confirmation anyone could need. The lanky one couldn't blame him really, but in all fairness, Harun had clearly been addressing Daisuke, not Logan. Or at least, that's how Logan had read it, and it didn't exactly seem unreasonable for a scared witless teenager to focus a little more on the one with a handgun.

So "What? He was asking you." was all Logan had to say in reply to the irritated remark, before shutting up to listen to what the two boys would have to say to each other. As it turned out, not much that wasn't completely obvious. Whether it were true or not, just about anybody would've claimed they weren't trying to kill anyone, and that they'd only come to the mansion for a place to hole up. Rashid felt the need to question it anyway, but understandably that one went completely ignored. The only useful piece of information that was given was Daisuke giving them his name, as the boy was something of an unknown, whereas it probably wouldn't take people that long to recognise Logan as "that guy from the basketball team".

"Let's cut our losses and find somewhere else to hang before it gets too dark. This place isn't worth the trouble."

And just like that the conversation was over. Daisuke had holstered his gun in an inside pocket to placate the frantic residents, and then simply decided it was time to leave. Given the situation, Logan didn't feel like arguing, that house could only bring them trouble and hassle. So with an awkward sort of look around, he muttered "Guess this is goodbye then, guys. Good luck." to the people at the door, and fell into step behind Daisuke, to where ever it was he was leading them.

[Logan --> Clap For The Killers]

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:29 am
by Solomir*
If Hermione's behaviour earlier had unnerved Peter, what she was doing now was putting him right on the edge of paranoia. Nobody should be this cheerful in light of their circumstances. He watched her get up and walk off toward the door, the smile still plastered on her face. It felt wrong.
Then let's make it right again. Wipe that smile off her face.
Right before she opened the front door, Hermione stopped to ask Peter a question. A question that made absolutely no sense. What campsite? They weren't camping anymore. They were in a fight for their lives. Did she not remember the so called "introduction" from Danya, or that all their teachers had been gunned down right in front of their eyes? There was no way that she didn't understand the situation they were in.

But what if she really didn't?
Easy pickings. She's worthless besides being eye candy anyway.
"Hermione," Peter said, trying to keep any fear or uncertainty from his voice, "there's no campsite. We're not on a trip anymore." He lowered his sword, laying the tip of the blade lightly against the brittle wooden floor. If Hermione really didn't know what was going on, he couldn't let her just go out there alone. Maybe nobody here was going to hurt her, but he couldn't speak for everybody else that was on the island. "We're all in Survival of the Fittest. You remember that show? You remember what Danya told us? It'll be danger-"

They say that peripheral vision is best used for detecting motion. Peter sure wasn't going to dispute that now. He had been focusing on Hermione, trying to get her attention and her trust. Focusing on her meant that he had missed someone sneaking around where he wasn't looking and headed up the stairs. Where Eiko had gone. Peter had barely caught a pair of feet disappearing up the stairs from his vantage point as he took a habitual scan while he talked.
See what happens when I try the knight in shining armor thing? Why bother?
"Fuck." Peter couldn't do two things at once. He couldn't convince Hermione that she'd be safer with him and protect Eiko at the same time. He threw a glance at Hermione. There wasn't a way to be certain she'd stay, at least not now. If she was lucky, he would find her after he dealt with whoever had gone up the stairs. Peter didn't want to consider a scenario where she wasn't lucky. He'd find a way to help Hermione too. But Eiko was top priority.

He had given Eiko his word.
Ever the honorably knight. It'll get somebody killed for sure.
Peter spun and dashed up the stairs. The wooden floor groaned under each thundering step, the impact amplified by the heavy backpack that still sat on his shoulders. Each leaping bound on the floorboards propelled him up two steps, three steps at a time. There was no time for subtlety, no time for stealth. Those few steps seemed to take an eternity to cover. Please don't let me be too late.

He got to the second floor and saw the perpetrator. At least, the back of the perpetrator. Peter couldn't recognize her without seeing her face. All he saw was a head of long brown hair, which was not the most effective of identifying traits. But there was no time for talking it slow and playing nice. Peter raised his left hand, which was still holding his sword's sheath, and pressed it against the girl's back. He had no intention of hurting her, just make her back off and leave, but if she tried anything funny, she wouldn't be able to disarm him right off the bat.
Why not just put the sword into her? Save the girl AND kill somebody. Everyone wins!
"Stop right there." For all the silliness those words might have had when read off a page or spoken on film, it still carried some power when one put some authority in their voice and had an adequately threatening position. "Turn around and get out of this building. Now." He prodded the hard leather sheath against the small of the girl's back. "If you don't... well, you don't want to try that."

In many ways, it scared Peter how easy these words came to him.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:29 am
by General Goose
Harun's expression or stance didn't change much as Daisuke talked, but he was incredibly relieved that Daisuke was assuring them that he and his friend (who Harun hadn't been paying much attention to, seeing as having a gun makes one significantly more eyecatching compared to those who don't, for obvious reasons) didn't have any hostile intentions towards Harun or Rashid. As paranoid as Harun was at that time, he couldn't think of any logical reason to doubt them, especially after he saw Daisuke flick the infamous gun's safety on and deposit it in his pocket, out of harm's way. As a subconscious token of gratitude, Harun lowered his sword-gun-thingy slightly, listening intently and biting his lip out of habit.

Harun didn't mean to appear rude, but he let out a loud sigh of relief when Daisuke stated his intention to leave, and take his friend with him. Scratching a rather sweaty spot on his forehead, Harun brought his weapon to his side, and quickly shouted an obligatory "Good luck, see ya around" to the two as they disappeared into the forest without incident. Harun then turned away from the ajar door, laying his weapon against a table-leg, and borrowing his head in his hand. He had a headache, and this situation was not making it any better. Harun had managed to remain fairly calm, but he knew it was only a matter of time before he let out all his bottled-up emotions and became a potentially dangerous wreck.

And while Harun had also clearly heard Daisuke's comments to his companion as they departed, he hadn't paid them much attention. He had bigger things to worry about. However, judging by Rashid's question, that wasn't the case with Rashid.

Turning to face Rashid, Harun stood still, breathing heavily, trying to come up with an appropriate response. It took him a few seconds to even work out where Rashid's question came from, and after running his hand through his hair, he answered. "Just....don't worry about it. We'll be alright, we'll meet up with our friends, and get off this island. Just, don't worry about what he thinks." Harun didn't want to say they were worth their trouble, he was quite pleased Daisuke had decided they weren't, but Harun didn't want to say aloud that they weren't worth the trouble, because Rashid didn't seem happy with that viewpoint.

At that moment, Harun noticed Mia was missing. He wasn't the biggest fan of her personality, but she was still (probably) a non-player, and she spoke German as well (judging by her scolding of him, anyway. Harun noted to only swear in Turkish when around her), so they had something in common. "Where the fuck did Mia go...?" he muttered under his breath.

Before he could investigate further, he heard the distinctive sound of someone storming up a rickety staircase. Once again, Harun sighed. Another fucking drama was the last thing he wanted. All he wanted was to wind down and let his bottled-up emotions simmer down and evaporate, then try and find a good place to sleep and stuff, meet up with his remaining friends and then just escape. But no, here he was, the only semi-decent weapon in the entire building, and he was about to once again uncharacteristically rush boldly and heroically into an unknown situation, only this time the gun-waving maniac that appeared to be mandatory in all dramatic SOTF scenes would probably just shoot him.

Running into the hallway, Harun put his left foot on the first step before hearing a male voice, nearby but just outside of his direct line-of-sight. "Stop right there. Turn around and get out of this building. Now."

Oh, bloody hell.

Once again trying (and failing) to summon his best "firm but fair" voice, he shouted out "Whoever's there, I've got a gun! I don't want no trouble, so....just, just...cooperate, okay?" What he just shouted sounded less like the calm and confident police negotiator voice he was aiming for, and more like a scared American teenager on the verge of a mental breakdown, stuck in a horrifying, unimaginable situation with a weapon he neither trusted nor admired.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:29 am
by selphie_trabia*
Deep down inside, Hermione already knew what was going on, but she wanted to ignore it. She glanced quickly at Peter's sword, then back at Peter.

"Haha. That's a funny joke, Peter." She said with a slight giggle.

It was as if she had completely forgotten her statements about the happenings in the house earlier. She forced all those memories to disappear.

"Everyone knows that Sur...Survival of the Fittest is completely st...staged drama television for per...pervs." She said.

This time, there was a slight crack in her voice when she talked, as if she were begging Peter to play along with her. She doubted the other boy heard her. He had suddenly taken off after Mia as she zipped past them.

Hermione blinked, restoring her status quo and putting the Stepford smile back on her face. She didn't want to wait for Peter to return. Peter might break her little illusory world and she didn't want that. She wanted... no needed... everything to be normal again because normal was all she had.

"Have fun playing chase with Mia!" Hermione called out, "I'll see you at the campsite! Bye!"

With that, she opened the front door of the Mansion and strode out towards the forest.

((Hermione continued on in My Kingdom for a Plan))

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:30 am
by Solitair*
Eiko was about to discover the interior of a bedroom when she heard the rapid footsteps indicating a quick ascent up the stairs. She blinked. Either Peter changed his mind and decided to join her upstairs, due to being chased, perhaps, or someone had heard her sneaking around and decided to check her out.

She was in the middle of trying to determine whether the footsteps matched Peters' when she the footsteps stopped, and she heard Peter's voice bark out an order with a steeliness she was quite unaccustomed to hearing from him. What did Peter have again? What could he threaten this person with? Should she go back and check, risking attack from the unknown student?

And then someone else jumped. Someone else who had a gun. It was one of the Muslim boys; she couldn't tell which it was at the time. Now Peter was being threatened, and that worried her. Peter was her meal ticket protector and she didn't know what she would do without him.

Now would be a good time to check her weapon. But before she could, the most worrying voice of all identified the figure on the stairs as Kuiper. The identification of the student Eiko regarded as the most dangerous around was bad enough, but the worst part was how Miller sounded. She had gone over the top, to coin a term that stuck in her head from a cursory glance a long time ago.

Perhaps her earlier assessment placing Kuiper at the top of the threat list was premature. Then again, it was hard for her to tell without knowing both of their weapons. There was so much of the same unknown that it was enough to drive a girl mad.

She realized that it wouldn't matter what her weapon was right now. Nothing she could get would solve this in a satisfactory manner. This needed a diplomatic touch.

She walked back to the top of the stairs, looking Kuiper in the face. "Please, let's all calm down," she said. "Siu-san and I don't mean any harm, and I don't think either of you mean any harm, either. Let's just settle down and perhaps we can talk. Do you think we can do that?"

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:30 am
by laZardo*
"Just....don't worry about it. We'll be alright, we'll meet up with our friends, and get off this island. Just, don't worry about what he thinks."

That wasn't exactly an easy thing to do, given that Rashid continued to worry about what Daisuke thought even after he'd left, rendering him in his pathetic sniveling state. Neither of them were going to be alright. They weren't going to meet up with their friends, at least not in the conditions they knew them before they ended up here. And only one person had made it off these islands (to the best of his knowledge) the last three times they'd had this game, and if it somehow against all odds came right down to it, it'd be either him or Harun.

As the two of them suddenly turned to notice that Mia Kuiper had vanished while they had faced down the two outside, Rashid started to reassure himself that it wouldn't be Harun if it had come right down to it. And that would only happen if he had somehow managed to get past Mia and whatever alliances and plans she may have mustered at this very moment, which may or may not have included whatever ruckus was going on in the other room.

And THAT would only happen if he actually had a fighting chance, seeing as how he was about the only person in the mansion that didn't even technically have a "weapon."

Rashid slowly got to his feet using the doorway as support before following Harun. He seemed to take his sweet time, lacking the same urgency his comrade did in responding to a potential threat, even bypassing his supply bag. Perhaps it was because the first thing he'd accepted was that at this very moment, he really wasn't 'worth it' and that any struggle he'd undertaken in his state would end up futile. There would be no consequences - at least of any benefit to him directly - for it.

And in that, his demeanor almost grew...confident.

"Whoever's there, I've got a gun! I don't want no trouble, so....just, just...cooperate, okay?"

He ended up right behind Harun as he called out to whoever that was that found Mia Kuiper. By this point he already noticed he'd left his supplies back in the dining room, a revelation that only caused him to clench his fist.

"We've got you surrounded. She's with us," Rashid added in the confident tone that Harun clearly lacked, save for the sniffle that punctuated the gap between his sentences.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:30 am
by Solomir*
((Skipping because I want to get this thread moving so we can all move out and on to day 2))

In hindsight, running up the stairs and making a big racket was probably not the best course of action. What might have been an easily and peacefully resolvable situation just got a whole lot more complicated. There were two people, voices he didn't recognize, that were coming up the stairs behind him. They'd heard him come up the stairs, and they'd probably heard what he'd said to the dark-haired girl in front of him too.

And one of the two boys had a gun.
The key to winning against a gun is to move erratically and not give an easy shot. Ambush or flanking is preferred.
Fucking dead-end scenario. Peter hated them. He couldn't beat a gun with a sword, at least not in a head on fight. He couldn't just walk away from this either. He needed to make sure Eiko was safe. There was no fucking way he was going to put his sword away and hope things would go well for them. He was not going to look weak and incapable; he was going to stand his ground. Surrender was not an option.
That's the spirit. Gotta win standing on my own two feet.
Peter's hand tightened around the sword's grip. His steadily increasing heartbeat thumped in his head, with each pulse carrying more adrenaline to all his faculties. He focused his senses on everything around him: motion from the girl in front of him, the diction and inflection of the voices behind him, the rhythm and volume of approaching footsteps, and even the creaking of floorboards beneath everyone's feet. If there was any disturbance or threat, then Peter needed to be ready for it when it came.

In the space of a breath, though it felt longer to Peter, Eiko had stepped out into view from one of the rooms. Even more reason for him to be assertive. A dozen things to say came to mind at the same time, but before he could filter out which one to say, Eiko had already already thrown in her bid for a peaceful solution. Her words, curt and proper as usual, planted itself in his mind's eye. None of what she said was negative about him or threatening to anyone or condescending in general. Evidently, Eiko was far better at handling these kind of situations.
Just got shown up. By a girl. That bites.
Peter's grip did not loosen from either implement in his hands, but he took a small step away from the girl. In a few steps, he circled around to the other side, interposing himself between the girl, now recognizable as Mia Kuiper, and Eiko. It might've been silly to think that Mia could have possibly been a threat; the reminder that they were in Survival of the Fittest was enough to quash the thought. Anybody could be a threat, if they wanted to. If Eiko was right, Mia didn't want to, and neither did the boys with the gun.
They aren't threats, but they are obstacles to winning.
The spacing needed to be just right: too close would just make Mia feel threatened, while too far would mean he would not be able to react in time to anything drastic. Peter was pretty sure he didn't have it perfect, but it was worth trying. With about one and a half sword lengths distance between them, he should at least be able to act with minimal problems. "I'm not looking to hurt anyone," Peter called out, mostly toward the two unseen boys, "just want some alone time up here." He threw a look around and behind him; there was a door just a bit off to the left and back that opened into what probably was a small guest room. Any of them would be fine for storing his stuff. "So, we're just gonna be up here, and you can go back downstairs and we won't bother each other. That sound okay?"

Haphazardly, Peter lobbed the sword's sheath through the doorway. His aim wasn't particularly well calculated though, and it instead hit the frame with a dull thud before spinning at a strange angle into the room. With his now free hand, he gestured Eiko toward the room, and then slowly backed himself through the doorway. His eyes met with Mia's briefly, before he moved into the cover provided by the wall. She probably wasn't dangerous, nor was she completely helpless. She had people looking out for her, just like he was protecting Eiko. Peter didn't need to worry about Mia. She would be okay.
One less damsel to protect. At least it won't be so bad later when she dies.
Peter shut the door behind him and dropped his backpack to the floor. Taking such a heavy weight off his shoulders almost made him feel as if he had wings and were floating. Still, it was not the time and place to do what he had come here to do. "Watch the door," he told Eiko, "I'll just be a few minutes. Then we can get out of here. I don't think we're welcome here." Peter unbuckled the straps on his backpack and started pulling out the things he wouldn't need to carry around. His ears were still listening for any sounds of an approaching threat. The sword lay next to him, still unsheathed. If anything came, he'd be ready.
Ready to fight? Ready to kill? Or is it being ready to run?

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:30 am
by General Goose
((Almost inactive, oh damn.))

As Harun waited at the bottom of the stairs, he was relieved to notice Rashid come up behind him, calling out to the intruders in a tone that was considerably more confident than his own. "We've got you surrounded." At least from this side. "She's with us."

A brief pause followed, the only sounds being heavy, unsteady breathing, the occasional creaking floorboard and the distant ambient sounds from the island outside. While the pause was very short, it seemed to last forever to the agitated, anxious Harun, who was waiting somewhat impatiently for the next development, not wanting to take the step of being the one to start conversation up again. Thankfully however, one of the intruders (a girl, judging by the sound of her voice, or some poor sod who got cursed with a pretty feminine voice), appeared to be taking a more diplomatic, peaceful approach to the tense situation they were all in.

"Please, let's all calm down, Siu-san and I don't mean any harm, and I don't think either of you mean any harm, either. Let's just settle down and perhaps we can talk. Do you think we can do that?"

That seemed perfectly reasonable at first glance, but for all Harun knew this could be some kind of sneaky ambush, luring Rashid and Harun into a false sense of security so they'd go up their stairs like some open-mouthed gullible idiots only to be shot to pieces by a gun-wielding psychopath or turned into shish kebab by some devious little punk who got given a sword. Hell, she made it sound like there was only one other person with her (aside from Mia Kuiper, who Harun presumed to be their "hostage"), but for all Harun knew, a whole group of students who wanted nothing more than to get revenge on him for some forgotten slight, or simply wanted to get off this island by picking off their classmates one by one could be waiting at the top of the staircase, hidden out of sight. Unlike with Daisuke and whoever his friend was, Harun had seen no signals that they really had come in peace aside from just a few reassuring words and a sincere voice (or a passable impression of one.) Hell, they'd barged into this mansion and started acting like they owned the bloody place and could boss everyone around. Harun knew better than to instantly trust people like that, and he knew all too well from personal experience that a sincere voice and kind words could easily be faked.

However, no harm in trying to be peaceful and friendly, after all no-one could blame him for being a bit wary and confrontational. To call Survival of the Fittest a stressful situation would be an understatement. So, just as he was about to shout out an affirmative reply to the girl's suggestion, he was cut off, by a male this time. "I'm not looking to hurt anyone, just want some alone time up here." Even when not in a situation like this, Harun could understand that desire perfectly well. It was just the way the boy seemed to go about it that bothered Harun, barging into occupied abandoned mansions (as contradictory a term that was) and acting like he was in charge of it. The boy (probably this Siu-san guy the girl mentioned. Peter Siu, was that his full name? He knew that guy. Well, not very well. It was more like Harun knew of him then actually knew him, but it was slightly helpful to put a name to the voice) continued, "So, we're just gonna be up here, and you can go back downstairs and we won't bother each other. That sound okay?"

So he was basically offering to stay away from them? Seemed perfectly reasonable, that was all Harun wanted after all. "Fine," he replied, the fear in his voice replaced with exasperation and annoyance. "Mia, come back down." Turning away from the staircases, not bothering to check if Mia came back down or not, Harun returned to the dining room. It was becoming increasingly apparent to the boy that this mansion was attracting his classmates, whether they were intentionally heading towards it (probably thinking it was empty, or if not a good place to find students to kill) or just stumbling upon it by mistake. Harun wasn't exactly the most social student at his school in normal circumstances, and the fact that any one of his classmates may just decide to kill him on the spot meant that he had even less intention of mingling with his classmates than normal.

Talking to Rashid (loud enough that he could hear but quiet enough that Peter and whoever his friend was couldn't), Harun said "I think we should leave. This place is turning out to be more trouble than its worth. What do you think?"

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:30 am
by laZardo*
Deep inside, Rashid prayed that a gunfight wouldn't break out. At this point the paranoia was a given, and if this was just the first day then the risk was probably minimal unless one of the people on the staircase had seriously decided to play. But 'minimal' was not the same as 'nonexistent,' and encountering a player or at the very least someone that wanted to kill him was an inevitability he'd pretty much accepted at this point. Perhaps it was appropriate that the one thing he'd already accepted was that anyone without a history of violence could want to kill someone.

That did absolutely nothing for the fear that he'd been trying to suppress in the middle of this standoff. Rashid had arrived after someone had offered to make peace, so he didn't hear it. In fact, moving around Harun to notice the two people with Mia were an armed Peter and Eiko didn't make the situation any less tense for him.

At least until Peter moved behind Mia, so she had a clear path down to the two.

"I'm not looking to hurt anyone, just want some alone time up here," Peter then said as Rashid returned behind his gun-sword-wielding compatriot.

You're not having it with Mia, you bastard. he thought and silently mouthed. For all he knew, Peter had positioned Mia like that just so he could do the Shakespearean backstabbing. And just to add extra irony, Rashid actually didn't want that to happen. Of course, he was too busy watching the situation to wonder if it was because he wanted to do it himself, or because Peter probably wouldn't come up with some dreary monologue to match. That and he didn't want to actually say what he'd just thought out loud lest he end up the recipient of the MacBeth treatment.

"So, we're just gonna be up here, and you can go back downstairs and we won't bother each other. That sound okay?"
"Fine...Mia, come back down."

That, apparently, was it. The situation had fizzled out before anyone died gruesomely. Rashid stayed behind long enough to see Peter withdraw back into another room, though he waited until the door was closed to follow Harun back to the dining room. The obviously required sigh of relief had apparently slipped his mind.

Sunlight poured into the room as the afternoon began. Rashid's eyes had long since adjusted to the light, taking away any sort of mystical, emotional effect and leaving only a deceptive calm. The standoff he'd just been in was only a sampler of what was to come. If it was only by luck that he'd over come his nervous breakdown to hold his wits together during that time, then who knew how badly he would lose it the next time actual guns came into play and he still only had his bottle of pills.

The same bottle of pills that lay in his supply bag, undisturbed since he got distracted toward the staircase. It was almost (re-?)depressing that nobody had looted his bag while the hall was empty, but at least the food was there.

"I think we should leave," Harun whispered to him, "This place is turning out to be more trouble than its worth. What do you think?"
"You know're right," Rashid murmured back, his confidence and depression finally reconcilng into a strangely relaxing mix of both, "Let's get the fuck out of here."

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:30 am
by Solitair*
The tension passed. Peter stood down and expressed a willingness to let Kuiper go. Kuiper herself hadn't said anything or made a move since Peter made his ultimatum towards her.

While Eiko was relieved that nobody came out of this with any damage, Peter's words after, that the two of them would be leaving, made her frown. She didn't like finding out that she'd wasted effort, and now he implied that she'd snuck upstairs for nothing. The mansion was a fortifiable position with an abundance of hiding spots and yet Peter decided to leave because they weren't there first. It was the polite thing to do, but Eiko assumed that politeness was a low priority in this place.

She started to sidle down the stairs, squeezing against the banister, when the other group of people began to discuss leaving the mansion as well. What was everyone doing? Did the standoff make them so uncomfortable that it gave them the urge to go far, far away?

"So, we're leaving, Siu-san?" she asked Peter, standing next to him on the stairs. "I believe these two are willing to let us have the mansion, but I guess I'll have to defer to you." She couldn't decide whether or not to try and coerce him into agreeing with her, so she decided to simply go along with him and leave the suggestion open. It was a shame, tough; she didn't get a good look inside the bedrooms, but they were almost certainly better to sleep on than the ground outside, even if the sheets weren't freshly laundered.

And Eiko needed sleep. Her vision hovered on the edge of focus and her eyelids twitched, while the inside of her head felt gauzy. If it weren't for fear of murder, she would have fallen asleep already. She needed somewhere to rest, and soon.

Re: Don't go breaking my heart...

Posted: Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:30 am
by Gwbiii*
The thundering of the stairs behind her didn't disturb, but rather reassured Mia. It was nice of the boys to finally come up and have her back, to move. Having them around to keep their eyes out for an ambush would be ever so useful.

Before she had time to wonder why there was only one set of footsteps, and why they were quite so vigorous, she heard the commanding growl of someone she didn't recognise; felt the pressure of some kind of weapon in the small of her back; and had the feeling that for the first time in a very, very long time, she had been caught completely off-guard.

Her eyes widened and her whole body froze still, her heart beating a tremendous tempo. She was practically defenceless, and for once in her life at a total loss for words. The Shakespearean quote she'd been saving for just such an arresting occasion had completely slipped her mind. Even worse, for once it wasn't even the first concern on her mind, quipping coming at least fourth behind "Who the hell is this?", "What do I do?" and a recurring "What the fuck?"

Her head turned cautiously, just far enough that she could glimpse over her shoulder if she strained her eyes in their sockets. She was too scared to move any more of her body in case her assailant took it as justification to strike. And though she didn't realise it, her fear was clearly written in her eyes.

Peter Siu.

A beat, and before she knew it her valiant squires were shouting their own warnings. Her head whipped back to straight ahead at the sound, like the hurried withdrawal of a hand from some forbidden object whose owner had suddenly returned. The air felt that much tenser. She closed, gulped, and reopened her eyelids, almost jumping at the appearance of someone right in front of her. Being threatened at sword-point had made her forget she'd been following someone in the first place. Recovering, she realised it was Eiko, Bayview's favourite businesswoman. Though she was looking... rather less businesslike than usual.

Not that Mia particularly cared how she particularly looked in that particular moment. She was far more interested in the girl's words, and their effects on the boy holding her hostage. She was telling her to be calm. She was calm! She was the very epitome of not losing one's wits! She wasn't the one holding the sword at someone's back!

If she'd been less terrified she would have given her a snarky stück of her incredibly calm, collected and altogether peaceful mind.

She seized up a little as Peter started moving again, seeing the sword being tightly grasped by Peter's hand didn't do much for her composure. The insignificant space between them did nothing to help either. All it would take was a step and a thrust and her life would be over. Though apparently that meant little to Peter, who proceeded to shout to her compatriots rather than talk to her. No word of apology, no "Sorry for threatening to kill you madame". She was just some object to be held, commanded, negotiated around and bartered for.

'Siu-san' had said (again, not to her) that he needed some "alone time". Clearly the two wanted some time to themselves so they could get on with the important business of fucking. But that didn't mean they couldn't at least be polite. Just a 'please' and a 'sorry' would have sufficed. She tried her best to glare at the two as they ducked into a room, catching Peter's eyes for a moment, but in reality she still looked rattled and a little bit frightened.

Finally Harun, also impolitely, beckoned her to descend again. And though she was in half a mind not to follow just to spite him, and though her feet were still firmly planted on the ground from the adrenal remnants of that small ordeal, she followed.

Reaching the dining room again she began to check her bags in silence, not taking part in the conversation just yet. It seemed she might end up with only two options to settle between. To stay, explore and enjoy the mansion, or go with her 'protectors'. The third possibility was that they'd all stay there, but she had the feeling that was unlikely. That was going to require some thought.

Or else warrant her speaking immediately as Rashid seemed to force the decision. (Again not bothering to ask her opinion)

"I... I would prefer we remained here."