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Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:40 am
by T-Fox*
((Chadd Crossen continued from A Wonderful Time.))

The starch white limo rolled up infront of the dance hall. The ride itself had been smooth, the pair of lovebirds playing around with the sunroof. It may not have been Vegas's main drag, but they were doing 50 down Route 61, so it still felt amazing. The two were on top of the world when they finally got out of the car. Chadd pushed himself out, reaching a hand back in to help Miss Claymont. "I do beleive there's a dance floor with our name on it."

Chadd wasn't actually so sure about that last comment. He knew he'd missed voting for Prom King and Queen this year... Stupid classes. He'd never had the best memory either. He did hope that they were at least in the running somewhere though. After all, it was their last year as high school students... And he had never seen a couple more in love than they were.

Upon approaching the door, the duo were greeted with the first few notes of "Never Gonna Give You Up", by Rick Astly.

"...Did we really just get Rick Rolled at our own senior prom hon?" He chuckled, turning to Janet. "This really IS going to be a night to remember."

The pair headed over to the door, Chadd presenting his own ticket, before leading Janet in. He glanced around, looking for a pair of seats the two could claim. There were quite a few kids out on the dance floor already, which really didn't surprise him much. The atmosphere was lively, and he was happy that he got to share this with her.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:40 am
by Slam
((Janet Claymont continued from A Wonderful Time))

Janet's head was still spinning from their ride in the limo; now she could see why dogs always stuck their heads out the side! The wind in her face; the lights rushing by her, it all made for a fantastic journey! It had been so much fun; she had almost missed seeing what it had done to her hair! Fortunately, their driver (who she had affectionately nicknamed Ernie) was kind enough to have pointed out the wispy strands all about behind her and thankfully the damage wasn't too much for her hands to resolve within the limousine.

Holding her corsage before her, Janet smiled at Chadd as she walked by him towards the Prom door and as she got near she heard a definitely recognisable tune coming from within the doors:
'Great, it's that stupid song.' she thought; she never could see what the big deal was. Rolling her eyes with embarrassment as Chadd chuckled, she moved forwards alongside him to hand in her ticket, giving him a light flick on the arm for added fun.

Entering the building, Janet found herself impressed with the decorations, and nodded in approval in thought of whoever was responsible. Whilst she had intended to volunteer her own services with the Prom, she had never managed to find the time to get up and do something about it. Well, no skin off her bones since it was all set up without a hitch anyway.

Looking at the dance floor, Janet smiled at the amount of people already getting down to the music, or at least as much as one could to some internet phenomenon. She grinned as she turned to her boyfriend, expecting him to share her intentions, but instead found herself shocked to see him looking in the direction of the chairs! Lazy jerk! The Prom had only just started!

"What're you doing Chadd? Not tired on your feet already are you?" She playfully teased, even going so far as to thwack him lightly on the chest with her corsage. Prom was not the time for sitting down and looking miserable! Prom was the time for dancing and laughing and having the time of your life!

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:40 am
by Solomir*
Andrew acted like the perfect gentleman, helping her out of the car and holding her hand as they walked up to the door. He seemed to be a bit tense as they walked, so Tiffany squeezed his hand reassuringly. After all, nothing bad was going to happen tonight. It was prom: a night for everyone to have fun and enjoy the most important event in their senior year. When they got to the door, most of his nervousness had left and he seemed excited to head into the hall.

It wasn't as glamorous as those seen in movies and TV series, but it the hall still looked fantastic. The prom committee had really outdone themselves with the decorations. Curtains gave the walls a rich and colorful accent, and an assortment of lights glided around the dance floor. There were quite a few tables laid out with refreshments; most of the students were there too, simply socializing. A few people were on the dance floor, enjoying the music. Tiffany herself didn't recognize the song, but it had a nice retro sound with a beat that was easy to dance to.

She turned to Andrew. The smile had never left her face. "Shall we go dance?" she asked, while lightly tugging at his hand toward the dance floor. Prom only came once in a lifetime, and it was a time to make memories.

Peter wanted to swear as he walked into the prom hall. It was already bad enough he had spent over an hour fiddling with his hair without even managing to make it look good, or that he had to wear a freaking bow tie and these uncomfortable shoes, but they were playing Rick Astley right when he walked in. Whichever idiot requested it could've at least waited until later in the night when he'd snuck a few drinks and didn't care nearly as much. Rickrolling was such a child's prank.
Don't lie. You still think it's funny .
Hidden in one of the tuxedo's inner pockets was a small hip flask filled with vodka. He wasn't exactly planning on drinking all of it, but the liquor did a great job of getting him to relax. And he'd definitely need to relax here. There would be lots of dancing and mindless socializing and all sorts of crazy fun, and Peter wasn't going to enjoy it if he stayed his usual stiff and boring self. Sometimes, he wished he didn't need a social crutch like liquid courage.
It can be done without a crutch. You're just too afraid.
He looked over to the lady on his arm, his date for the night. Miss Madison Stone had done her best to look beautiful for the night, and her success looked nothing short of a miracle. Peter had almost felt bad picking Maddy up in his old plain sedan. "Let's go over and get a snack," he said, motioning toward the refreshment tables, "I don't think I can dance to this music anyway."

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:40 am
by KamiKaze
Aileen removed her hand from her face, and she was... well, she was taken back at this guy's expression of guilt. Did... did she make him feel bad? Damn it! She was expecting him to be all "Well, sucks to be you", or "Why are you shouting at me?", or even "Oh, ooookay", not that little expression of guilt. It seemed as if she had just told him it was his fault people were starving on the street or something.

However, before she could really say anything, reason #21091 why Aileen Borden hated her name started. As the violin melody started, she saw that he had this... strange looking expression on his face. What was that, a smile? Probably, though it looked like the awkward kind people make when they are embarrassed and trying not to look like it. Sadly, he was doing a horrible job of it. In fact, it looked like he was in pain, not trying to make things better.

So, his name was Daniel. Ah, so at least she knew his name, right?

But... she still felt kind of bad. Why did she have to go embarrass him like that? It was a really stupid move. She really should have just shut her mouth and listen to the thing, not... do whatever she's doing.

Wait, outside? Honestly, Aileen did not want to embarrass him any further. So, it was probably best to just... leave him alone for a bit. Probably. Aileen did not know much about how to deal with her peers, but it seemed the best thing to do.

Staring down at the floor, she said "No. It's alright. Just... be careful in the future."

Suddenly looking up, she gave him one last look, and quickly turned around, stomping away as best as she could in heels (she borrowed them from her mother). Dang it, she could not have an interaction with her classmates that did not end in awkwardness, could she?

As she placed herself back in her previous seat, Aileen unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and tried her best to listen to the song she hated so much. Oh well. Might as well try her best to listen to the damn thing.

((Aileen Borden's prom continued here))

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:40 am
by Hiro*
Stepping into the prom hall, Bishop immediately recognized the song blasting out of the speakers. Oh man, he thought, laughing to himself as he rolled his eyes. Even at the prom I'm not safe from that song. Letting his eyes wander around the room, he surveyed the interior of the hall. He had to admit, for a bunch of bureaucrats, the prom committee sure knew how to throw a party. Granted, it was no royal ball, but then again, this wasn't Victorian England. From the looks of things the party was still gathering its momentum. Most of the kids were sitting at the tables chatting it up.

Glancing over at Tiffany, Bishop saw her eyes turn to him. "Shall we go dance?" she asked, making his heart race as he beheld her million-dollar smile. How could you say no to something so beautiful?

"Let's," Bishop answered with a nod, following her to the dance floor. Alright, Rick Astley. Simple rhythm, pop song, can be danced to without dry-humping being involved. Bishop took a long breath. Perfect. Counting off the beat of the song in his head, he turned to face her and rested his hand on her side. "Try to keep up," he teased, giving Tiffany a small wink. One two three four, five six seven AND!

And then the dance began.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:40 am
by gambit508*
Daniel nodded as the song kept playng as Aileen walked off. He frowned as she walked off. "Dang, I should of thought that through guys." he said as he looked up. Marty and Josh seemed to have left as Daniel's shoulders slumped and he took a seat on the bench., sighing slightly as he looked at the crowd. "Oh well"

(Daniel's prom continued elsewhere)


Chris nodded as Rizzo left and he sighed, going to the snack bar. "Hopefully they have something good to eat"

(Chris' prom continued later)

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:40 am
by Pigeon Army*
"I'd love to."

The crowd in Maf's head went wild.

The shifty boy moved away, seemingly dejected, but Maf wasn't worrying about having just cockblocked the young man. Tonight, prom was his, and the shifty boy's shifty wants were not his concern. Maf backed up slowly, keeping his eyes on Jennifer as he thudded slightly gracelessly towards the dancefloor. He gave a little grin, and held out his hand. An offering for a night.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:40 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Maf backed up, towards the dance floor, looking at Jennifer, and she felt herself blushing. He actually wanted to dance with her. It was hard to believe. He grinned, and held out his hand, and she took it, smiling in return.

It didn't matter that she didn't really know how to dance. It didn't matter that the music wouldn't be the easiest thing to dance to anyways. All that mattered right now was that she was here, at Prom, holding hands with a guy who'd actually been nice to her, with no strings attached, nothing to worry about, just an evening and a chance for magic and fun.

This was the Prom she'd always heard about, always dreamed about.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:41 am
by Pigeon Army*
Jennifer took his hand, her thin fingers seemingly out-of-place on top of his rather large paw, and Maf's heart did the smallest of backflips in response. He lead her into the thin crowd on the dancefloor, the people parting as the large Fijian cut through the room. Finding a small opening off to one side, he turned around to face the young woman he would be dancing with. She was attractive, but the light and the dress made her look spectacular, and Maf momentarily felt himself choke on the words he wanted to say before they managed to erupt out of his mouth in a slight but genuine mumble.

"You look great."

Moving towards her, he gently placed his free hand just above her waist and moved his other hand so that the dancing wouldn't be uncomfortable on his wrist. With that, he nodded to her, and began to lead to the dulcet voice of Rick Astley.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:41 am
by Moth*
[[OOC: Argh, sorry about that. College ate me for a sec.]]

"I've been thinking a lot about you."

Celeste smiled a catlike smile, slowly turning her head to look up at him. "Have you now?" she chuckled, taking another bite of cookie. A few crumbs stuck to her made-up lips, so she licked them off with her tongue, moving it slowly. Give him a little something to get antsy about. Chuckling again and turning away, like it was no big deal, she helped herself to another cup of punch. "That's good...I've been thinking a lot about you, too."

Been thinking you'd be a good boyfriend, maybe, she thought. Well, he had been one of the few who actually paid attention to her and noticed her in a sexual way...and they did sleep together. Beggars couldn't be choosers after all, and besides...they'd slept together. Celeste knew that she was a bit flirty, but she wasn't the kind of girl who's randomly sleep around. If the two of them had sex...well, that was that, wasn't it? Besides, that sex had been pretty damn good.

"I've been thinking...We should keep going out...a lot more often," she started, tilting her head and looking at John from the corner of her eye, one hand going up to toy with a strand of her hair. "You're such an awesome guy..."

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:41 am
by Solitair*
Lily was experiencing a lot of different feelings at the time. For starters, she was a little bit apprehensive, as most people are in these sorts of situations. Her mind would occasionally focus on a possible incident that would result in embarrassment. First, she saw herself spilling punch over her dress; it was a simple red number, so stains wouldn't be too visible, she hoped, but the dress itself was too expensive for her to ruin it like that. Then she saw herself stepping on her dance partner's foot. This wasn't a very likely scenario, though, given that she was a gymnast! No, more likely it would be the other way around; she didn't know how graceful her date was.

These and other scenarios weren't really that much of a concern for her, though. She was mostly just curious about prom and excited to be there. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to dance and feel special, to have a good time and mark the passage into adulthood. That said, she'd never been to a real prom before. What would it be like, exactly? Oh, she knew that it would probably be between the two extremes that she'd seen watching her brother watch TV and play video games and generally doing the nerdy things he liked doing. It wasn't going to be the magical evening they saw at the beginning of Final Fantasy 8, nor would it be the peer-pressure hell of Carrie (and that was discounting the psychic powers). It would probably just be a social gathering with some dancing, some socializing, some standing around. Fine with her.

The main sticking point about prom had already been taken care of, although at an uncomfortably late date. The prom slipped her mind at first, so she was too late to ask out her first choice, Robert Barron. She looked around until she found someone that she recalled seeing at GodSPEED on a couple of occasions, Ignatian Teller. He didn't have a date either, and was perfectly happy to accept Lily's offer to go with him. From there it was standard prom procedure, shopping for a dress and getting a corsage from Iggy. Oddly enough, Iggy didn't ride with Lily to the prom, instead insisting on meeting her there. It was odd, but at least he'd be there on the ride back. After much anticipation, Lily took a deep breath and opened the door.

It was pretty much as she expected. A bunch of students were already there, standing around the refreshment table and talking, with a few dancing as well as they could, which in most cases was not very. But they were trying their best, and that's what was important. She looked around for any familiar faces that she could talk to, perhaps hoping to show off her dress or her date a bit. Hey, it was Prom. She could afford to toot her own horn just this once!

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:41 am
by Acelister*
[[OOC: I actually haven't been on in a couple of days, so it's no problem.]]

"Have you now?" Celeste asked, licking her lips - and act John noticed indeed. "That's good...I've been thinking a lot about you, too."

That was a good sign. As if there had been any bad signs so far tonight. Or since the morning, in fact. Everything had gone right. Surely that was due to change... That thought worried him.

"I've been thinking...We should keep going out...a lot more often, You're such an awesome guy..."

"Thanks." John chuckled, grinning. "You're a pretty awesome girl. We should totally go out more often."

He got himself another cup of punch and sipped it. He wasn't looking forward to this next bit - but it could be fun. Maybe...

"You wanna dance?" he asked. He doubted he was any good, but who knew? Maybe he'd be great at it, with another person.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:41 am
by MK Kilmarnock
((Brook's prom night))

He wouldn't have been here if his mom didn't force him to go. It was embarassing to attend at all without having gotten a date, which was exactly the position that Brook was now stuck with. Running stag to the prom couldn't be the worst thing to ever happen to a guy, but he was supposed to be with somebody rightnow. He tried and tried to sum up the courage in himself and ask her out, to finally solidify his advances, but he couldn't do it.

Tiffany Baker probably had no idea how he felt.

Brook was at a small table with a group of friends, but while most of them ended up dancing elsewhere and having a good time, he couldn't bring himself to dance. He'd grab a can of soda every so often, then return to his seat and sip it as he watched the festivities. At least he got to hang out with his friends, right? At least when they were at the table.

When they weren't at the table, Brook was there, watching the dance floor with more than just a hint of jealousy. Every so often, he caught a glimpse of Tiffany. She looked good... if he was her date, he'd even say beautiful, but saying that now aloud would probably just get him hit by whoever she happened to go w-....


Brook's mind shot to that day at the flower shop in the promenade when he had suggested the right bouquet to Tiffany. Andrew was there... 'Bishop' as he probably asked people to call him. Heh. He was probably trying to undercut him all this time... Brook found himself glaring off into nowhere, though it was in the general direction of the dance floor. "Gah... let it go, let it go..." He muttered, taking another sip of soda.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:41 am
by chitoryu12*
Edit: Post here removed due to miscommunication.

Re: Let the Dance Begin!

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 6:41 am
by Grand Moff Hissa
Jennifer followed Maf onto the dance floor, her pulse increasing. They found a spot where they had some room, and he turned to look at her, and he told her she looked great. He told her she looked great. He actually said it to her, directly. It was the best compliment she could imagine. Jennifer couldn't even think for a second. She felt her cheeks heating up, and hoped the lighting kept her blush from being too evident.

"Thanks. You look great too."

She didn't even mess up her statement with an "um".

Maf put his hand on her waist, and she couldn't believe it, couldn't believe how nice it was. She had never been this close to a guy before, at least, not someone who wasn't just a friend. She wasn't quite sure where her free hand was supposed to go, so she took a quick look around and then put it on his shoulder, which seemed to be the proper way to do things. He adjusted their entwined hands, and they started to move, and then she was dancing, actually dancing, she didn't know how well, but they were dancing together at Prom, and that was enough.