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Re: Going Balls Deep

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:41 am
by laZardo*
"Glad you could join us, green hair!" the appropriately-labeled teen heard his team captain say as he climbed back onto the bench. "What's your name anyway? Green hair is a silly nickname."

"I get named a lot of things..." Cisco replied, seemingly bored having exhausted his inner 'fun meter' for the time being, "But I like Cisco a lot." Cisco was actually short for Francisco, but apart from new teachers who referred to him by that name as part of introducing themselves, he couldn't really remember the last time he'd been referred to by his full first name. "Sorry I failed you, captain..." he said, like a very discouraged right-hand man would.

He then turned his attention back to the field just in time to see Meredith pull an even bigger failed acrobatic stunt than he did. And, in his typical fashion, he put his hand to his mouth and looked despairingly afraid like he was a wife who'd just seen her husband someone run over by a truck. Indeed, the obvious sexual implications were not lost on him at that moment as he ran out onto the field (and into the inevitably forming student circle) to check on her.

"Meredith? OH GOD MEREDITH!"

Re: Going Balls Deep

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:41 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Perhaps Craig would have had a better handle on things if he currently had the capacity to take in the situation, but for several reasons, that was completely out of the question. First, yet not foremost, was the offset of his balance that Jason was currently doing his damndest to rectify. Just as the giant was regaining his footing and shifting all of his weight to center, though, something smacked him in the face. Hard. Okay, maybe it wasn't extremely hard, but it was sudden enough as to be highly unsettling. He didn't even have enough time to thank Jason for helping him out before Craig was sent reeling back again, sending the large 'clop clop clop' pounding of his shoes hitting the gym floor through everybody's ears.

Once the 'funny fat man' routine seemed to play out without Craig slamming into the floor, he shook his head. His nose was tingling in a tell-tale way, which meant that it may or may not be about to bleed. "Coach... coach, am I out?" Craig called, heading towards the center line. The uncertainty stemmed from the fact that, during some games, headshots where the player didn't duck into the ball didn't count as outs, but maybe this one was different... hadn't some students been hit in the head? Craig had no way of knowing that the offending ball was actually thrown by his own team, and ricocheted off a ball thrown by Meredith.

Speaking of Meredith, why was she on the ground? And why were people running her way? Craig continued his plodding steps towards the center. Was she hurt, and how did THAT happen? He heard the coach say that he wasn't out even he headed to check out Meredith, but Craig only paid partial attention to this. For the most part, he was still fixated on the fact that the girl on the other team had managed to faceplant. Immediately, practically sub-counciously, he told himself that this was a good thing; Meredith was a dangerous player, probably even a bit psycho in some ways, and now she was probably out of the game for sure. This was immediately rebuked by a strong wave of guilt.

Come on, man! That isn't a nice way to think, Captain America would have your head on a shield if he heard you talking like that! ... Wait, no, I think Captain America had that same train of thought a few times. ... Man, Captain America's a bad role model. Craig's mouth slanted into an 'oh well' frown as he contemplated the whole situation. Wait... why the hell was she wearing high heel shoes during a game of dodgeball, anyway?

Re: Going Balls Deep

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:41 am
by blastinus
Cisco, eh? A name as weird as the man himself.

In response to the green-haired athlete's apology, Harold leaned back and folded together his hands behind his head. "Nothing to be sorry for," he admitted. "I was planning for you to lo-" The pudgy genius's words caught in his throat though when Meredith slipped on her high heels and tumbled to the ground. That looked painful, and Harold didn't know whether to be concerned or to laugh his head off.

Fortunately, Cisco solved that moral quandary for him by running over to check on the girl, giving the most melodramatic exclamation ever in the process. Had he done that while seated on the bench, the pudgy man might have slapped him across the back of his head, but as it was, Harold winced in pretend pain. Seeing as Meredith was in such capable hands, he chose to stay on the bench, but leaned over to get a better glimpse of what was going on. Fortunately, she didn't look like she was hurt too badly, having just landed on her stomach. Nothing to be worried about, therefore. Harold wondered whether the coach would allow her to play further, as she was pretty much the only person on his end who had an inch of competence.

A pity that it would end this way. She had such a promising dodgeball career ahead of her. We might have even gone to the professional leagues.

Re: Going Balls Deep

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:41 am
by Fullcircle*
Fully absorbed in his mental struggles with the evils of Pre-Calculus, David failed to even register the injury on the court. Instead his mind was fully focused upon the scratches of his pencil on the paper, trying to finish the assignment before the bell rang.

He got to #15 out of 30 when the bell rang, a shrill beeping that sounded a little bit more like a death knell than was usual. Shitfuck. I'm screwed now. He though to himself as he gathered his things. At least I didn't have to play dodgeball.

With that not-at-all heartening thought in his mind, he trudged out the door to face the music (and a failing grade).

((David Matson: Continued Elsewhere))

Re: Going Balls Deep

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:41 am
by Little Boy*
"Shit." Roland cursed as the bell went. His former teammates eagerly scampered off the bench towards the lockers, eager to get a shower before they headed off to next period. Meredith was still down by the looks of things. It was starting to make him feel rather edgy.

It's probably nothing. Maybe she's just overreacting.

He jammed his hands in his pockets and walked onto the court, towards Craig and Jason. He gave them a polite smile.

"Damn, how much you wanna bet she'll still be there tomorrow?" He said, pointing back towards Meredith.

"Looks like the fights over, but not the war. Or, something like that heh heh. Thanks for serving with me boys. Or well, whatever." He casually smacked Jason on the shoulder and smiled at the boy. As he turned he glanced over at Craig.

Wow, I guess this means he made it 'till the end? And he was pretty much meant to be a shield... Interesting. Pretty lucky, and pretty interesting.

Roland smiled and ran his hand through his black hair.

"I'll see ya' around buddy." He said before walking off towards the locker room.

((Roland Harte continued in Mirror Mirror))

Re: Going Balls Deep

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:41 am
by Fanatic*
It looked like the match was called on account of Meredith's fall and the class had started to disperse. Jason was a little disappointed in the game not finishing but was content in knowing he had been one of the remaining few.

"Nice work Craig, I think we won this one."

As people trickled out Jason ran to get his bag yelling out to Cisco as he shouldered it and exited. "Yo man, we got training in half an hour, I'll see you there!"

((Jason Harris continued in Flowerhead on the ISLAND))

Re: Going Balls Deep

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:41 am
by MK Kilmarnock
Craig rubbed the back of his head, taking in the whole situation. He really had considered beaning Meredith with the ball, just for the hell of things, but now it seemed like she was really hurt, so... not exactly appropriate, was it? As Craig wandered towards the exit like a young sheep following the rest of the herd (that roll being fulfilled by, of course, the rest of the class), he noticed that Jason and Roland had both talked to him.

"Oh... u-uh, yeah! I think we came out on top! Nice... nice game!" Craig uttered. Maybe it was mostly smalltalk, but it still all had some meaning to it. All in all, he felt pretty good about what had just happened. Things really were looking up, he was useful now.

Life was good.

((Craig Hoyle continued on the island. Listen for loud footsteps and vomit))

Re: Going Balls Deep

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:41 am
by selphie_trabia*
((Sorry, I didn't notice this was still ongoing! Sorry!))

Meredith groaned, rolled over onto her back. She was somewhat aware of the crowd around her. She was also painfully aware of Cisco's yelling something dramatic. The whiny over-dramatic manner that Cisco had and her embarrassment over such a fall was far more painful than any injuries she might have sustained.

She sat up and shook herself out. Meredith then stood up and attempted to backhand Cisco on the back of the head, not hard, but hard enough so that he'd get the point.

"Don't be so pathetic." she sneered, "A small fall like that is nothing. The world is not your opera and you're not its prima donna. Did your yelling serve to help me any? Or was it just to stroke your own thirst for drama?"

Without waiting for a reply, Meredith turned and strode out of the gym, her bruised ego following behind her.

((Meredith continued in People Watching))

Re: Going Balls Deep

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:42 am
by laZardo*
The sound of the bell ring snapped the green-haired goalie out of his drama moment. Just as well, it looked like there wasn't much of a moment to make drama about after all, as Meredith turned out to have apparently lived through her spectacular somersault. His need to find some place to direct his attention was fulfilled by what sounded like Jason Harris calling out to him.

"Yo man, we got training in half an hour, I'll see you there!"

"Yeah...I'll see you-" Cisco's enthusiastic mood change and attempted wave was then dissipated by what felt like a slap to the back of the head. He turned around to find Meredith was actually quite pissed at him.

"Don't be so pathetic. A small fall like that is nothing. The world is not your opera and you're not its prima donna. Did your yelling serve to help me any? Or was it just to stroke your own thirst for drama?"

For once in what seemed like months, Cisco actually looked stumped. He actually didn't know why he'd had his outburst, let alone whether it was really out of concern for her or for his own entertainment. Which then led to the question, why did he even do these things in the first place? A cacophony of mental voices seemed to drown out whatever din the leaving students had caused, leaving him almost entranced as he tried to figure things out.

As he stood alone in the gym, staring up at the dimming lights, the only thing he could figure out was that ascribing it to what 'came naturally' was no longer an excuse.

((Cisco continued in All That I've Ever Known))